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1、I - * MIL-F-q3787A 4 9999906 04b3353 7 fissing, incomplete, incorrect, not legible, not in proper location, or not accomplished in the specified manner X X X X X X X X X X * Testing of the end item. Each lot shall be tested for the character- istics shown in table II. Lot sizes shall be expr

2、essed in units of one footwear cover. All requirements shall be applicable to the sample unit. When the data in the “Number of determinations per sample unit“ and “Results reported as“ columns are not specified in table 11, they shall be as required by the referenced test method. All test reports sh

3、all contain tlie individual values used in expressing the final result. a* Government acceptance tests (see 6.6). The Government shall perform acceptance tests for mustard and GB resistance. footwear covers, and the inspection level shall be S-2. These tests are considered critical and any failure s

4、hall be cause for rejection of the lot represented by the sample . The sample unit shall be two b. Porosity test. The maximum lot size for the porosity test shall be 20,000 pair of footwear covers. the sample size shall be 800 individual footwear covers. to leak will be cause for rejection of the lo

5、t represented by the sample. The sample unit shall be one footwear cover, and Any footwear cover found 9 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-_- MIL-F-43787A 84 797440b 04633b2 W i r MIL-I?-43987A C. All tests other than Government accepta

6、nce and porosity tests. For all remaining tests, the sample unit shall be twelve footwear covers. The sample size shall be as specified below. The lot shall be unacceptable if one or more sample units fail to meet: any of the requirements specified. Lot size Sample size 800 or less 801 to 22,000 inc

7、lusive 22,001 and over 2 3 5 d. Government verification tests. The Government reserves the right to draw test samples from each lot to verify the contractors test results, and to defer acceptance pending completion of Government verification testing. 10 I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction

8、 or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-F-43987A 9 W 7777906 0463363 T W I. MIL-F-43987A Li al “ei U e a, U n_, rl O c 5 3 5 O !L u aJ c u c a, U LI al u .FI 2 E! al LI 2 4 E U U Li (d al C! : al a O 4 d d x lm Nul N c.1 m mm H H W w 8 Ad . -1 N mm . . d O G O 4 u c, .rl u id c U a

9、 II fi P, M do .rl rn rn al rn al Fi VI CD (d Fi al u 2 VI a a Fi d alU ual (dk drn u4 d 3 e s4 LI rn s4 Fi (d al E-i a FI O u U rn B 11 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-W 0b 0463364 L MIL-F-4397A 4 MIS-P-4 3987A 03 a o 1 O e U 1 al k

10、d 5 e al k a al U cd u v) al u k O W P) FI P (d U a al c) U (d al P 4 I4 d 5 a F! (d a al u U d P 1 v) al P FI FI a : al U d rl O U u-l O al U 4 w d u k al U $ 2 3 4 dl a Id o . XII 3Gw n .d U o O U U rn U rn al U L 8 U ?-I a d w U I4 mm mm d 1 I dd ? ?“1 4.4 “! VI 4 o d N m . I . V) VI 4 4 4 o . e

11、VI 4 4 e N m m m 0 . ?“! b. ? mm o d k O W W g 4 U (d k al (d e a u (d a U cn s F: 2 k d O U al cci NI d O d . a al v1 1 lu P d rl (d 5 U al d Fi dl a o (d o 12 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-F-LI3987A q m 9999906 04b33bS 3 i. MI

12、L-F-43987A - 6/ When testing the soles, the specimen shall be taken in the smooth area of the sole that is free of the tread design. If necessary the tread protrusion shall be buffed off the sole in order to provide an area of uniform thickness for obtaining the specimen. - 7/ All thickness measurem

13、ents for testing and calculation purposes shall be deter- mined on the test specimen without buffing or abrading tlie surEace fabric impression. Specimens shall he taken so that the lengthwise dimension is in the vertical (leg) direction of the footwear cover. - - 8/ 4.4.4 Packaging inspection. An e

14、xamination shall be made to determine that the Defects preservation, packing and marking comply with the section 5 requirements. shall be scored in accordance with the list below. The sample unit shall be one shipping container fully packaged with tlie exception that it need not be closed. Examinati

15、on for the closure defects listed below shall be made on shipping containers fully packaged. The lot size shall be the number of shipping containers in the end item inspection lot. be 2.5 defects per hundred units. The inspection level shall be S-2 and the AQL shall. Examine Defect Ma-rking (exterio

16、r Omitted; incorrect; illegible; of improper size, and interior) location, sequence, or method of application. Mat e rials Any component missing, damaged, or not as specified. Workmanship Content Inadequate application of components, such as: incomplete closure of container flap, loose strapping, in

17、adequate stapling, or improper taping. Open and non-continuous heat sealed seams and closure of polyethylene bag. Incorrectly fabricated bag. Bulged or distorted container. Number of footwear covers per container is more or less than required. * 4.4.5 Examination for palletization. that the palletiz

18、ation complies with the section 5 requirements. scored in accordance with the list below. unit load fully packaged. The lot size shall be the number of palletized unit loads in the end item inspection lot. The inspection level shall be S-1 and the AQL shall be 6.5 defects per hundred units. An exami

19、nation shall be made to deterinine Defects shall be The sample unit shall be one palletized 13 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Examine Defect F i ni shed dime ris i on Length, width, or height exceeds specified maxi mum requirement Pa

20、lletization Pallet pattern not as specified Interlocking of loads not as specified Load not bonded with required straps as specified Weight Exceeds maximum load limits Ma rlc i n g Omitted; incorrect; illegible; of improper size, location, sequence, or method of application 4.5 MeLhod of inspection.

21、 4.5.1 Tensile strength and ultimate elongation after decontamination. The tensile strength and ultimate elongation shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D 412 (method A). be calculated using the thickness determined in 4.5.3.a and 4.5.3.b. The specimens shall be obtained as indicated

22、 in and The cross sectional area of the specimen used for tensile strength shall Uppers. Three specimens shall be cut from each upper that was tested for The Specimens shall he cut from the 3 by 6 inch area marked on the The long dimension of the specimens shall be parallel to the lo

23、ng dimension decontamination. uppers. of the 3 by 6 inch area. The specimens shall be cut in such a manner that the ends of the specimens are the same distance from the edges of the marked area. Coles. One specimen shall be cut from the sole of each footwear cover that was tested for deconta

24、mination. 4-1/2 inch area marked on the sole. dimension parallel to the long dimension of the marked area. The specimen shall be taken from the 1 by The specimen shall be cut with its long 4,5.2 Cold resistance. The soles of three footwear covers from each sample unit The coolant shall be dry ice co

25、oled methenol shall be tested as minus 20 + 2F in accordance.with the Routine Inspection and Acceptance paragraphs of ACI%-D 1053. and exposure time shall be 10 minutes. 4.5.3 Resistance to decontamination solution. Three footwear covers from each sample unit shall be tested. The resistance to decon

26、taimination solution shall be determined as follows: a. Accurately mark a 3 by 6 inch area on the upper of each cover. Draw three straight Lines along the entire length of the area as follows: The first line shall be 1/2 inch in from one edge of the marked area, the second line 112 inch in from the

27、opposite edge. The third line shall be 1-1/2 inches from both edges. 14 1 f O -. -,- . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MfL-F-43787A Lf H 777770b 04633b7 7 H L. MIL-F-439878 Then draw three straight lines across the entire width of the

28、 area as follows: The first line shall be 2 inches in from one edge of the marked area, the second line 2 inches in from the opposite side. The third line shall be 3 inches from both edges. Using a micrometer as described in Method 2011 of FED-STD-601, determine the thickness of the area at the nine

29、 points where the three length lines cross the three width lines. The thickness of the specimen shall be the average of the nine values . c b. On a smooth surface of each sole, mark an area 1 inch in width by 4-1/2 inches in length. Using the micrometer described in Method 2011 of FED-STD-601, deter

30、mine the thickness of the sole in three places spaced equidistant along the longitudinal center line of the marked area. The thickness shall be recorded as the average of the three values. If necessary, the tread protrusion shall be buffed of the sole in order to provide an area of uniform thickness

31、. v C. Mount the footwear cover on a suitable form and immerse in test solution to within 1 inch of the top edge, taking care not to wet the interior. The test solution shall be Super-tropical bleach slurry. The slurry shall be nade up (by weight) of 1 part Super-tropical bleach conforming to MIL-D-

32、12468 and 2 parts water. (Note: to most fabrics. material.) The time of immersion shall be 5 minutes. Super-tropical bleach is corrosive to most metals and is injurious A protective mask and gloves should be worn when handling this The temperature of the slurry during the test shall be 80F to 90F. d

33、. After the 5 minute immersion in STB solution, withdraw the footwear cover, wash off the slurry with water, and rinse in 95 percent ethyl alcohol. While the footwear cover is still wet, measure the marked areas immediately for thickness and length. Thickness shall be determined as described in “a“

34、and “b“ above. The length shall be measured along the three length lines of the upper and recorded as the average of the three measurements. The length for the sole shall be measured along the longitudinal center line of the marked area. e. Place the wet footwear covers on heavily talced paper towel

35、s and allow to stand at room temperature for 18 hours. f. After the 18 hours air drying, remeasure the marked areas for thickness Determine thickness in accordance with “a“ and “b“ above. Determine and length. the length in accordance with “d“ above. g. The percent increase in thickness and percent

36、increase in length shill be calculated as follows: - i/ Percent increase in thickness (T, - T) 100 after immersion (wet) Percent increase in thickness (T, - T) 100 L. after immersion and aeration = T 15 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,

37、-I MIL-F-LI3987A L1 W 997770b OLIb33b 7 * MIL-F-43987A15 Percent increase in length (Ll - L) 100 after immersion (wet) - L Percent increase in length (L2 - L) 100 after immersion and aera- = tion L Where: T = TI = Thickness after immersion as determined in “d“ above. T2 L L1 = Length after immersion

38、 as determined in “d“ above. L2 Original thickness as determined in “a“ and “b“ above as applicable. = Thickness after immersion and aeration as determined in “f“ above. - Original length (6 inches or 4-1/2 inches as applicable). Length after immersion and aeration as determined in “f“ above. - l/ S

39、eparate determinations shall be made for the upper and the sole. 4.5.4 Porosity. The porosity test shall be performed as specified in ZZ-G-381 except the test apparatus shall be modified to accommodate the open end of the ootwear cover and the air pressure shall be 0.5 pound per square inch. 4.5.5 T

40、hickness. The thickness of the footwear cover shall be determined in accordance with Method 2011 of FED-STD-601. unit shall be tested. measurements on the sole. The sample unit shall fail if any single measurement is less than the minimum specified. Three footwear covers from each sample I Four meas

41、urements shall be made on the upper and four I 4.5.6 Bond strength. The apparatus described in Method 2031 of FED-STD-311 shall Five footwear covers from each sample unit be used for testing the bond strength of the seams of the uppers and the bond strength between the sole and the upper. shall be t

42、ested as indicated in and Bond strength of upper seams. Two 1 by 4 inch specimens from each cover shall be tested. One specimen shall be cut from the front seam and one specimen shall be cut from the back seam. The specimens shall be cut with their long dimension perpendicul

43、ar to the length of the seam. Each end of the specimen shall be fastened in the grips of the test machine and the machine operated until the seam is completely separated. The maximum value obtained shall be recorded as the bond strength. * Bond strength of sole to upper. each footwear cover

44、with the long dimension of the specimen parallel to the long dimension of the sole. of the adhered upper and sole. in one grip of the machine and the upper portion fastened in the other grip. machine shall be operated until 4 inches of the adhered area of the speciien has been separated. shall be re

45、corded. A 1 by 5 inch specimen shall be cut from Not less than a 4 inch portion of the specimen shall consist The sole portion of the specimen shall be fastened The The maximum and minimum bond strengths obtained during separation 16 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitt

46、ed without license from IHS-,-,-t MIL-F-Y377A 4.m 777770b 04b33b7 O h. MIL-F-43987A * 4.57 Reinforcing ring adhesion test (calendered sole). The rings shall be forcibly removed from the soles by use of pliers or other suitable hand tools. ring which is removed without tearing rubber from the ring or

47、 from the sole shall be considered a test failure. Any 4.5.8 Permanence of marking. The footwear cover shall be tested to determine the durability of the marking as follows: a.- Boil the footwear cover for 2-1/2 to 3 hours in a solution containing 1.25 ounce/gallon of standard calcium hypochlorite b

48、leach powder (70 percent available chlorine). b. Remove the footwear cover from the bleach solution and soak in fresh water at 70F for 15 minutes. times Change water and repeat this step two additional C. Hang the footwear cover and allow to dry at about 11O0F. When the footwear cover is thoroughly

49、dry, examine for legibility of the marking. * 50 PACKAGING * 5.1 Preservation. Preservation shall be level A or Commercial as specified (see 6.2). * 5.1.1 Level A. Each pair of footwear covers, with two pairs of laces, shall be banded together with the sole bottoms facing out. Excess material and laces shall be tucked inside the folds. Three rubber bands shall be used to se

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