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1、Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-1-46283( Ord) PUBLICATIONS OFDIUNCE CORPS 0-6ing the aupgaSes procured uner this specification and shall perform all inepecLfona required by the system. A current written description of the ageten aha11

2、 be submitted totfie contracting officer, and meet his approval, prior to initiation of production. lot formatJon and identification, ;t;nepecton.a to be performed, inepection ate- tfons, aaqp1im.g procdwes, niethOlt8 of iqction (gagea, a#dauring, and ttating equiptent), and provieions for control a

3、ente referenced herein. me contractor ebsll not be reetrictd to the inspection station nor the method of.nwction lietad in th%s specification pravided that an equivalent control is iacl,uded in the approved quality assurance proccduke. in case of diepate a8 to whether certain procsBruiea of the cont

4、rac- tors ayatem provide equal aaaurancc, the caeip.rrrble procedure of this sgecfi- cation shall applg. agproual for, any caage toih written procedure that affepta the degree of aBeuT- encc required by this apecil!icetion or other documnts referenced here*. aiubmttted totbe Weraornt for accqtanceo

5、the contractor shall earpiply the f0llawing infomationaccnied by a certiflcete which atta te lot eoqpliee with all qmlisf asarance prolriaioai of the eppruved current written deocrQtionof the systeln. b. ilmiber of unita of product jxiPpccted. 0. Reeulte obta- for all inupection gerforPaed. d, Dmwng

6、, 8pecflocrtion.nuabr and date, together with an identification ond dato of changea. t. CMificrtea of analyeeta on all wterial procured directly by the con- tractor a Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo r

7、eproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-F-Yb283 13 E 77997Ob 03107bb 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-F-4b283 13 m 999970b 0330767 4 i! MLL-F-46283( Ord ) 4.3.2,l Cep (see dwgo 8831448 covering a det

8、ail of dug. 8845204). Defects Method of inspection Major: AQL 0.65 percent 101. Location of cotter pin hole 0010. Gage 102, Diameter of cotter pin hole, maximum (max,) o. Gage 103. Larger inside diameter, meix oOOOoOOe.O. Gage 104. outside diameter o y e o o o o o 6 o ., . .o o o o o o e o

9、. e. Gage Distance between ehoulder and top face e.D.OOO.O. Gage 1.06. Concentricity of inside diameters e o e o a o o e o e o Gage IO(. Molding defects (see 3.7.1) . o o o o o. o o *. , 201. Total length OCCOOOOODOOUe0010.eoe.4 Gage 202. Foreign matter (see 3.7.2) o e o e o o o o o o e o o o o e o

10、o o. Visual Categories Defects Method of inspection Pin, pull (see dwg, 8831449 covering e detail of dug. 8845204). Critical: None defined Major: 101 0 102 4 i03 4 io4 o 105 o 106. io7 a 108 e 109 o 110 o Minor: 201 0 202 u 203 a 204 6 - 1 i l I AQL loo percent Major diameter of thread, min

11、OO1OOOoOOeOo.O. Gage Pitch diameter of thread, min OOOo.eoOO.OOO Gage Location of cotter pin hole eOeooo O.OoOb.O. Gage Diameter of cotter pin hole, max OoOOO.OOoOO.OO Gage Diatance between crown seat and firing pin eeat Gage Distance between groowe below cotter pin hole and crown seat .000600000000

12、00000. Gage Diameter above firing pin cam o o o o o o o o o e o o e o. o o Gage Width of firing pin cam O1OOeOOOOOO.O.oOOo Gage Molding defects (see 34701) 000000040000000.0 Visual Flash in seal groove .OOOoOOODOOOOOOoOOO.O. Visual AQL 1.5 percent Diameter both eidee of seal groove 090.000000 Gage T

13、otal length 090000000 .0.000000060000.0.0.0 Gage Distance between crown seat and angle in firing gin e. Gage Foreign mstter (SI*.? 3.7.2) o u o o o o o o o o .,. o o. o o o. e Visual Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-1-F-46283( Ord ) 4.

14、302.3 CrQwn,pull pin (see dwg, 88314p coveringa deteil of dwg. 8845204). Categories Defects - Method of inspection Critical : Major: Minor : 201 so2s 203. 204, 205 None defined None defined M$nor diameter of thread, nlx. Gage mtch diameter of thread, ma. Gage Depth to bottom of thread cavity Gage Mo

15、lding defects (see 3#,1) . Visuel Foreign matter (see 3.7.2) Visual A 2.5( percent 4.3.2+4 Spring (see dwg. 883145J. covering a detai of dwg. 8845204). Categories Critical: None deffned Def ecta - Method of inapection Major: AQL 0.40 percent XOL Load test . Gage- 102. Total length Gage l.04. Layere

16、separating . Visual 103e Width . fhge Minor: A thread damaged, etc .) . Visual 103. Gaeket miesing from coupling baee . Visual 104. Crown not completely seated . Visua 10 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-F-46283 13 W 7777706 03L077

17、2 = _ _ - - ?-46283( rd ) Minor: Aclr; 2.5C percent 201. Cotter pin cord or crown cord miseing or 202. Foreign matter (Bee 3.7.2) Vieuel incorrectly tied Visual 203. Marking misleading or unidentifiable Visual 204. Mounting hole missing . Vieual 205. Any part cracked or with deep cut . Vieuel 206. M

18、olding defects (see 3.7.1) . Viaml 4.3-2.14 Carton, packing, eealed (eee dug. 8825197) Categories Defect0 Method of Inspection Critical: None defined Major: i%Twelve (12) firing devices, les8 coup- lina base assemblies, shall be selected from each lot fori these tests. If one or nore aeaembliee fail

19、- to comply with the apecified requirements, the lot shall be rejected, accordance with 4.3.4 b Functioning load (see 3.6) - Major defect.-rlhe sampling plan for this test Ehe11 be in accordance with Standard.MIL-S!l!JI-105 uaing code letter I and an AQL of lb0O percent. Any aesembly which fails to

20、comply with the rpecified requirements shall be classed defeative. a8 specified in 4.4.4 uaing equipment in accordance with 4.3.4. teeta apecifiea in 4.3.2 and 4.3.3, the contractor shall have available, and utilize correctly, ail neceeaary gages, meaeuring, end teating equipment. 6.2) When inepecti

21、ng the contractors iartpection equipment, the Government inspector will determine that the contractor has available, and utilizea cor- rectly, gagee, measuring, and teating equipment Mi= the required accuracy and precieion and that the inetruments are of the proper tye and range to make measurements

22、 of the required accuracy. The contractor shall have available 8 set of master gagea, standards, and appropriate instrumenta for regularly sched- uled calibration of his inspection equtpment, Ued calibration shall be meintained by the contractor and made available for review by the .Government. will

23、 be periodically checked by authorized Government personnel. The teats shall be performed as epecified in 4.4.3 ueing equipment in The test ehall be performed 4.3.4 Inepection equipment .-For the performance of the examinations and (nee Recorda of euch regularly eched- The calibration of gag

24、es, standards, and inetruments 4.4 Teat methode and proceduree. 4.4.1 Internal air preaaure.-The firing devices, lesa coupling base assem- blies. shall be aesembled to a epecified fixture and subjected to an internal air pieasure of 2 p,e.i.g. for not eea than 10 seconde to determine compliance with

25、 3.3. 12 _/- .- Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-F-46283 (Old) 4.4.2 External air pressure .-The firing devicee, leas coupling base assemblies, ehall be aeeembied to a specified fixture and subjected to an external air preeeure of

26、2 p.8.i.g. for not less than 10 seconde to determine compliance with 3.4. ehallbe aaeembled to a epecified adapter and eubjected to the jolt teet in accordance with Standard Mu-STD-350. The Rame firing devicee, without inspection, ehall then be eubjected ta the jumble test in accordance with Standar

27、d MIL-STD-351. The firing devicee ehall then be examined internally and externally to determine compliance with 3.5. 4.4.3 Jolt and Jumble.-The firing devices, leee coupling base assembly, 4.4.4 Functioning load -The loaded firing device aesemblies ehall be assembled to a epecified test fixture and

28、eubjected to this test to determine compliance with 3.6. protect peraonnel during functioning of the primer in the coupling baee assembly. The test shall be performed behind a suitable barricade to 5. ZEEPARAIPION FOR DELIVERY 5.1 Preeervation and packaging. 5.1.1 Level A.-Firing Device, T35El, shal

29、l be packaged in accordance with dwg. 8825197, sieete 1 and 2. 5.1.2 Level C-.-See 5.1.1 for requiremente. 5.2 Packina Y 5.2.1 Level A,-Firing Device, T35E1 shall be packed in accordance with dwg. 88251%- - 5.2.2 Level c .-See 5.2.1 for requirements. 5.3 Marking, -Marking ehali be in accordance with

30、 dwga. 88251.96 and 8825197, sheet 1. 5.4 Data carda.-Data card information ehall be as epecified in Specification MTL-G-2550 6.1 Ordering data. -Procuremeat documents ehould specify the title, number, 6.2 Inspection equipment. -1nepection equipment deeigne were not available and da te -of thie spec

31、ification. at the time this epecification was prepared. agency ehould contact Picatinny Areenal, Dover, New Jersey, AT“: determine availability of inepection equipment designe. Prior to procurement, the procuring ORDBB-nD4, t.0 . . .= Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permit

32、ted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-F-46283 13 977770b 0330775 3 3- MIL-F-46283 (Ord ) Notice.-When Government drawinge, epecificatione, or other data are ueed for any purpoee other than in connection with a definitely related Government pro- curement operation, the United States Government thereb

33、y incure no reeponai- bility nor any obligation whateoever; and the fact that the Government mag have formulated, furniehed, or in any way supplied the said drawinge, epecificatione, or other data i8 not to be regarded by implication or otherwise e8 in any manner licenaing the holder or any other pe

34、raon or corporation, or conveying any righte or permieeion to manufacture, we, or Bell any patented invention that may in any way be related thereto. C u8 toil ia n : Preparing activity: Army-Ordnance Corps A rmg -Or na n ce C orp e 14 GPO 001711 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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