ARMY MIL-F-63230-1979 FUZE PIBD XM740 (M740) SECOND ENVIRONMENT SENSOR FOR《XM740PIBD引信(M740)第二环境传感器》.pdf

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ARMY MIL-F-63230-1979 FUZE PIBD XM740 (M740) SECOND ENVIRONMENT SENSOR FOR《XM740PIBD引信(M740)第二环境传感器》.pdf_第1页
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ARMY MIL-F-63230-1979 FUZE PIBD XM740 (M740) SECOND ENVIRONMENT SENSOR FOR《XM740PIBD引信(M740)第二环境传感器》.pdf_第2页
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ARMY MIL-F-63230-1979 FUZE PIBD XM740 (M740) SECOND ENVIRONMENT SENSOR FOR《XM740PIBD引信(M740)第二环境传感器》.pdf_第3页
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ARMY MIL-F-63230-1979 FUZE PIBD XM740 (M740) SECOND ENVIRONMENT SENSOR FOR《XM740PIBD引信(M740)第二环境传感器》.pdf_第4页
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ARMY MIL-F-63230-1979 FUZE PIBD XM740 (M740) SECOND ENVIRONMENT SENSOR FOR《XM740PIBD引信(M740)第二环境传感器》.pdf_第5页
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1、MIL-F-63230( AR) 17 AUGUST 1979 MILITARY SPECIFICATION FUZE, PIBD, XM740, SECOND ENVIRONMENT SENSOR FOR This specification is approved for use by US Army Armament Research and Develop- ment Command and is available for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 1.0 SCOPE 1.1 2

2、. O APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 This specification establishes the requirements for the manufacture and acceptance of the Second Environment Sensor (SES) critical i tem. Government documents - Except as noted, the following documents of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for

3、proposal forni a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. SPEC IF ICATIONS Feder al QQ-S-634 PPP -T-97 Steel Bar, Carbon, Cold Finished, (Standard Qual i ty) Tape, Pressure Sensi tive, Adhesive, Fi 1 ament Reinforced M Bag, Sleeve and Tubing - Lnterior Packaging 1 i tary MIL-B-117

4、STANDARDS Mi 1 i tary MI L-STD-105 Sampl i ng Procedures and by Attributes ibles for Inspection FSC: 1390 Beneficial comments (roccmmendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of use in improving this docment snould be addressed to: Cormander, US Army drmament Research and

5、2eveIo;ment Comana, Aitn: DRCk:-3A, Dover, New Jers2y 07801 by using the self-addrssszi Stancardizztion Scrzent Improvenent ?roposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the 2nd of this t;ccz:rr,enr cr 1 . - by letter. 1 r -. bjlS DOCUMENT CONTAINS PAGES / Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or netw

6、orking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-, MIL-F-63230( AR ) MIL-STD-109 MIL-STD-129 Quality Assurance Terms and Definitions Marking for Shipment and Storage MIL- STD-331 Fuze and Fuze Components, Environmental and Perf ormance Tests For MIL-STD-810 Environmental Test Methods DRAWINGS Army 9302

7、283 Housing, Sensor, Second Environment 9307250 Sensor Assembly, Second Environment Other Pub1 ications AR700-15 Packaging of Material (Copies of specifications, standards, drawings and pub1 ications required by contractors in connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from th

8、e procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer,) 3.0 REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Item definition - The Second Environment Sensor (SES) provides an electrical signal when the magnetic coupling with external magnetic material is broken. The SES is used in pairs mounted on the surface of projectil

9、es to sense pro jecti 1 e muzzle velocity. One SES mounted on the surface of a projectile provides power and start signal to the associated electronic circuit when the magnetic coupling to the gun tube is broken during cannon launch of the projectile. A second sensor, spaced physically some known di

10、stance aft of the first SES, provides a second signal to the electronics. The spacing and the time between signals are used to enable arming of the projectile fuze when launched at a minimum safe velocity. The SES can be used in either location interchangeably. 3.2 Character ist ics 3.2.1 Performanc

11、e Inductance - The inductance of the coi.1 of the SES assembly shal 1.53 2 O. 1 mi 11 i henrys when measured at a frequency of 1000 - + 3% Yz and with factor of 1.23 - + 0.10. Resistance - The resistance of the coil of the SES sha ohms. be 3.3 1 be 7.25 2 1.0 Provided by IHSNot for R

12、esaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-F-63230 13 W 9979706 0345745 I W 3 MIL-F-63230( AR) Insulation resistance - The insulation resistance measured from either the red or white leadwire, to the housing and pole disk shall be 100 megohms minimum. 3.2,1

13、.4 Maqneti,c strength - The magnetic strength shall be 3.2 pounds minimum when tested in accordance with Si na1 olarit - The polarity of the signal generated at separation in s-adwire positive and white leadwire negative. Leadwire integritx - Each leadwire shall supp

14、ort a static load of not less than five (5) pounds for a period of not less than thirty (30) seconds and meet the requirements of paragraph thereafter. 3.2.2 Environmental conditions High temperature - The SES shall meet the performance requiremeits specified in through 3.2.1

15、.5 when stabilized at temperatures up to 145 F. Low temperature - The SES shall meet the performance requirements spegified in through when stabilized at temperatures down to -25 F. Acceleration hi h - The SES shall meet the performance requirements specified in4 o ow

16、ing expasure to acceleration of 9000 +1500, -300 gs at temperatures from -25 F to 145 F. The direction of acceleration is shown in Figure 1. The acceleration/time curve shall have no sharp discontinuities and shall remain above 8000 GIs for at least 1.5 milliseconds. Transportation vibrati.o

17、n - The SES shall withstand and meet the performance requirements specified in through 3.2.1d5 followJng exposure to the following vibration levels at temperatures from -50 F to 160 F. Frequency (Hz) Level + 10% - 5-11 0.4 inch displacement, peak to peak 12-37 2.5 g acceleration, peak 38-52

18、0.036 inch displacement, peak to peak 53-500 5.0 g acceleration, peak Humidit - The SES shall meet the performance requirements specified in following exposure to atmoshere with a relative humidity of 94 2 4 percent over a temperature range of 68 F to 149OF. - The SES shall

19、meet the performance requirements specified in-gh following a drop of 5 feet onto a steel plate solidly supported by concrete. Five foot dro 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-F-63230( AR) 4 c d w d a a U L O d W U

20、U U s x c w CI: 3 CI LL Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-F-b3230 13 7777706 03L157L17 5 MIL -F -63 2 30 (AR ) Thermal shock - The SES shall meet the performance requirtments spegified in through following th

21、ermal shock between -50 F and 160 F in a one minute period. Axial acceleration - The SES shall meet the performance requirements specified in through following exposure to an axial shock load of 750 + 50 gs for a period of less than one millisecond along the longitudinal axis

22、 of tTe SES. The direction of the acceleration force shall be as shown in Figure 1. 3.3 Desiqn and construction 3.3.1 Production drawings - The SES shall be fabricated and assembled in accordance with the requirements specified on Drawing 9307250 and the applicable specifications referenced thereon.

23、 3.3.2 Workmanship - All parts shall be fabricated and finished in a thorough workmanlike manner. Except as otherwise specified, the parts shall be free of cracks, scratches, burrs, dents, gouges, surface defects or any surface discon- tinuities. The items shall be free from dirt, chips, grease, cor

24、rosion, and other foreign material. The cleaning method used shall not be injurious to any part nor shall the parts be contaminated by the cleaning agent. All required markings shall be neat and sharply defined. Exterior surface coatings shall be continuous except for a few scratches not exposing ba

25、se metal and voids in potting material not exceeding 0.1 inch width, 0.1 inch length and 0.05 inch depth which do not expose the coil, edge of the magnet pole disk or inside surface of the housing. 3.4 First article inspection - This specification makes provisions for first article insDection. birst

26、 article samDles shall meet all the reauirements of this specification. Requirements for submission of the first article samples by the contractor shall be as specified in the contract. 4.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Responsibility for inspection - Unless otherwise specified in the contract or

27、 DurChase order. the supplier is responsible for the performance of all inspection requirements as specified hrein. Except as otherwise specified, the supplier may utilize his own facilities or any commercial laboratory accept- able to the procuring activity. The procuring activity reserves the righ

28、t to perform any of the inspections set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services conform to prescribed requi rements . be conducted in this item: 4.2 Classification of inspection - The following types of inspections sha (a) First article

29、inspection (4.3) (b) Quality conforniance inspection (4.4) 1 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL -F-63 2 30 (AR ) , 4.3 First article inspection 4.3.1 Submission - The contractor, when required by contract, shall submit a first arti

30、cle sample of 20 assemblies, for examination and test by the procuring activity in accordance with Table I. The first article sample shall have been inspected in accordance with Table II. The contractor shall additionally submit 5 complete sets of parts and subassemblies as listed in “Classification

31、 of Defects and Tests,“ Table II. Environmental tests shall be conducted in the sequence indicated. Performance of each assembly shall be as indicated in each environmental test method. The testing shall be considered destructive and the tested assemblies shall not be returned to a lot for delivery.

32、 All assemblies and components shall have been produced by the contractor or furnished by a supplier using the same production processes, procedures, and equipment which will be used in fulfilling the contract. All parts and material shall be obtained from the same source(s) of supply as will be use

33、d in regular production. Prior to submission, the contractor shall inspect the sample to the degree necessary to ensure that it conforms to the requirements of the contract and submit a record of this inspection with the sample, including statements of . findings for materials, processes, and tests.

34、 A sample containing known defects will not be submitted unless specifically authorized by the procuring activity. A first article sample, or portion thereof, as directed by the procuring activity, shall also be submitted whenever there is a lapse in production for a period in excess of 90 days, or

35、whenever a change occurs in manufacturing process, material used, drarJing or specification, such as to significantly affect the product uniformity as determined by the procuring activity. 4.3.2 Inspections to be performed - First article test specimens may be subjected by the procuring activity to

36、any or all of the examinations and tests specified in this specification and to any or all requirements of the applicable drawings. 4.3.3 First article rejection - If any test specimen fails to comply with any of the applicable requirements, the first article samples shall be rejected. The procuring

37、 activity reserves the right to terminate its inspection upon failure of any test specimen in the sample to comply with any of the stated requirements. 4.4 Quality conformance inspection 4.4.1 Ins ection lot - Unless otherwise specified herein or by the procuring in accordance with the inspection an

38、d sampling procedures herein and the “submis- sion of product“ provisions of MIL-STD-105. Lot site shall be not greater than 1 months production. Parts and subassemblies shall each be of one dash number of the same drawing number. activity, + inspection ot size, lot formation, and presentation of lo

39、ts shall be I 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-? k 4.4.2 Inspections MI L -F -63 2 30 ( AR ) ! Sampling inspection - Each lot of assemblies shall consist of hardware which has been inspected per Table II. Unless otherwise spe

40、cified, sampling shall be to level II of MIL-STD-105. Lots failing to meet the require- ments of Table II shall be rejected. Lot acceptance testing - Each lot of assemblies shall be inspected in accordance with Table III. Sampling shall be to level S-3 of MIL-STD-105. Tests shall be conducte

41、d in the sequence shown except that the High and Low Temperature tests may be interchanged. The sample shall meet the requirements of Table III for acceptance of the lot. If the sample fails to meet these requirements the lot shall be rejected. 4.5 Test methods 4.5.1 Test conditions Environm

42、ental conditions - Unless otherwise specified for the purpose of test, testing shall be conducted at the following conditions: (a) Temperature 72 - + 18OF (22.2 2 10C) (b) Re1 at i ve Humidity 90 percent maximum (c) Barometric Pressure 28 to 32 inches of mercury Test tolerances - All toleran

43、ces specified herein are absolute with no allowance made for measuring equipment inaccuracy. Measurements shall ensure that the values measured are within the tolerances or limits specified. Inspection equipment - The inspection equipments required to perform the examinations and tests presc

44、ribed herein are described in the “Paragraph Reference/Inspection Method“ column in the inspection tables included herein. The contractor shall submit for approval inspection equipment designs in accord- ance with the terms of the contract. See Section 6.4. 4.5.2 Performance - Unless otherwise noted

45、 the test measurements shall be performed with StS f ree of magnetic influence such as steel plates or magnets within a distance of four inches. Inductance - The inductance shall be as specified in when measured between the red and white leads of the SES. Resistance - The coi

46、l resistance shall be as specified in when measured between the red and white leads of the SES. Insulation resistance - The insulation resistance between the housing and pole disk of the StS to either lead shall be as specified in when a voltage of 50 - t 5 vdc is applied. 7

47、7 - - - ci Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-3 MIL-F-63230 13 m 7777706 0345750 5 - MIL-F-62320( AR) Magnetic strenqth - Secure the SES with its pole disc up in a holding fixture (a minimum of two fulf threads or rigidly clamped

48、). Place a type 1010 to 1018 steel disk per QQ-S-634 (2.00 + .O6 inch diameter, .25 + .O2 inch thick with one sideflat and the other end adapted to attach to a force gage) over the SES pole disk. Ensure the steel disk is centered on the SES housing, Slowly apply a vertical force through the force ga

49、ge until separation of the steel disk and the pole disk occurs. The separation force shall be as specified in, Si na1 olarit - The pulse polarity shall be as specified in when tested + as speci ie in Leadwire integrity - Mount the SES such that each lead can be separately tested by attaching a force gage and pulling on the leads. The lead shall withstan


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