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1、MI L-G-46858A 22 November 1972 SUPERSEDING 24 May 1968 MI L -G -46 858 MILITARY SPECIFICATTON GUIDANCE AND CONTROL SYSTEMS, MISSILEBORNE., REMOTE CONTROL COMMAND) GUIDED MISSILES, GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR This specification is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of De

2、fense. 1. SCOPE. 1.1 Scope. - This Specification covers the general require ments for the design, construction, and testing of missile- borne guidance and control systems (GCS) of remote control (command) guided missiles. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS. * 2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect

3、on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. SPECIFICATIONS Mi 1 i tary MIL-P-116 * Preservati on, Methods of MIL-E-1 9600 Electronic Modules, Aircraft, General Requirements for * MIL-M-3851 O Mi croci rcui ts , General Spe

4、ci f i cati on for MIL-G-46857 Gyroscopes, Remote Control (Command) Gui dance Sys terns , General Specifications for * -/THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS 4 y PAGES. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-G-4b58A 34 W 9997906 0334378 8 MIL-G-46858A

5、 STANDARDS Mi 1 i tary MIL-STD-105 Sampl i ng Procedures and Tab1 es for Inspection by Attributes MIL-STD-108 Definitions of and Basic Re- qui rements for Enclosures for El ectri c and Electronic Equi pment MIL-STD-129 Marking for Shipment and Storage MIL-STD-130 Identification Marking of U. S. Mi 1

6、 i tary property MI L-STD-202 Test Methods for Electronic and El ectri cal Component Parts MIL-STD-210 C1 imati c Extremes for Mi 1 i tary Equi.pment MIL-STD-442 Telemetry Standards for Missile and Aircraft * MIL-STDI446 Environmental Requirements for El ectroni c Parts MIL-STD-454 Standard General

7、Requirements for Electronic Equi pment * MIL-STD-461 Electromagnetic Interference Characteristi cs Requi rements for Equipment * MIL-STD-810 Envi ronmental Test Methods MI L-STD-831 Test Reports, Preparation of (Copi es of cpeci fi cati ons , standards, drawings , and pub1 i cations required by supp

8、liers in connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer). 3. REQUIREMENTS. * 3.1 Pre roduction. - Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), under the terms of the contract or purchase order, shall meet all the requi

9、rements of this specification and shall be delivered to the testing activity designated in the contract or purchase arder for preproduction testing. 2 a prepro - uction sample of the system equipment to be furnished F“ Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without lice

10、nse from IHS-,-,-MIL-G-qb5A 14 E 9999906 0319397 T E MIL-G-46858A * 3.2 Detall specification. - The individual system require- ments shall- be as specified herein and in accordance with the applicable detail specifications. confl i ct between this aeneral specificati on and tfie detai 1 In the event

11、 of spec 3.3 * 3.3. spec fi cati on, the i atier sliai i govern. Slecti on of Parts and maTeria1 s. Standard parts and makYials. Unless otherwise a fied i.n the detail specifiction, selection of standard parts and materi ils shall be -made in accordance vi th the applica6le general equipment specifi

12、cation. Appendix herein. 1 3.3.2 Approval of nonstandard parts. - Approval for use of nonstandard parts and materls shall be as specified in MIL-STD-454, Requirement 22. See 3.3.3 ElastomWic materials. - Elastomeric components shall be fa6ricated from materials havina maximum practi.cable ozone and

13、aging resistance consistent wi launching site, Prior approval shal the procuring activity before accomplish of special test equipment. * S ecial tools. - The design and tools sha Tf-6-T- e in accordance with Requit- be obtained from ng design or construction use of special ment 63 of MIL-STD

14、-454. A part shall 3.4.6 Operating temperature of parts, - not be used in an ambient temperature or at an operating temperature exceeding that for which the part is designed. 3.4.7 Servi ce condi ti ons (el ectri cal ) . - The detai 1 equipment specification shal 1 speci fy the power source( s) to b

15、e used and the maximum permissible power to be drawn from each. 3.4.8 Service conditions (mechanical). - The equipment shall be so constructed that no fixed part shall become loose, no movable part or control be shifted in setting, position, or adjustment, and no degradation be caused in the perform

16、ance below that specified in the individual equipment specification for the parti cul ar equipment after operati on, transportati on, or storage under the speci fi ed envi ronmental condi ti ons. 3.4.9 Modul ari zati on. - To the greatest extent practicable, the equipment desiqn shall incorporate th

17、e modularization concept commensurate with the state-of-the-art. requirements for the design of modules shall be in accordance with MIL-E-19600. The general * 3.4.10 Producibilit . - In the design of equipment, the which lend themselves to mass production in order that a minimum of redesign is neces

18、sary in the transistion from design acceptance to production. The potenti al quantity involved will be specified by the procuring activity. In addition, the design shall be suitable for manufacture by other comparable contractors ni thout comprehensjve production engineering changes. designer d s al

19、 1 choose tolerances and fabri cati on techniques 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-in addition-to the following: a. When radio interference filters are used in the power input, filters shall contai only caDacitors between each side o

20、f the Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-3.4,15 - Life. - Equipment shall be capable of operating reliably for its specified life, without servicing for any combination of environmental conditions set forth herein and in the detail speci

21、fication. The equipment shall also demonstrate specified performance after undergoing a life test as specified by the procuring activity (see 6.2). 3.4.16 Environment. - The equipment shall be capable of wi ths tandi ng the fol 1 owi ng envi ronmental condi ti ons speci - fied for storage, stowage,

22、transit, standby, operational check and flight. Storage and transit, - Unless otherwise speci fied (see 6.2), the equipment shall be capable of safe storage and transportation without impairment of its required capabilities from the effect of the climatic extremes specified for Short-term S

23、torage and Transit in MIL-STD-210. Ground operation. - Unless otherwise specified (see 6.21, the equipment shall be capable of meetinq specified performance requirements during and after exposure io the fol 1 owing cl imati c extremes speci fied for Operati on , Ground, World-wide in MIL-ST

24、D-210: a. Thermal - hot/cold b. Humidity - high/low c. Precipitation - rain d. e. Penetration and abrasion - blowing sand/dust Atmospheric pressure - minimum altitude Airborne operation. - The equipment shall be capable of meeting specified performance requirements during and after exposure

25、 to the envi ronmental extremes encountered while mounted in their respective locations within the missile duri ng operati onal fl i ght. These envi ronmental condi ti ons chal 1 conform to the requirements of the detail specification. Acceleration, shock, noise and vibration. - The equipme

26、nt shall be capable of meeting specified performance requi rements during and after exposure to the acceleration , shock, noise and vibration conditions which occur in normal 7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-G-9bSA 19 W 7777706 0

27、314904 T W MI L-G-46858A handling, transit, launching, operational check, and flight. levels of these conditions shall conform to the requirements of the detai 1 specification. The Fungus, - The equipment shall not be affected by the fungus encountered during standby, normal storage, and tr

28、ansit. Salt spray. - The equi.pment shall be capable of meeting specified performance requirements during and after exposure to salt spray as encountered in standby, normal storage, and transit. Nuclear radiation. - Unless otherwise specified (see 6.21, the equipment shall be capab

29、le of meeting required performance after exposure to nuclear radiation as specified in NIL-STD-446 for group IV equipment. Water-recoverable missi:les,. Immersion. - The equipment for water-recoverable missi.les shall not be affected by immersion in water as encountered durina th

30、e recovery phase. Salt S ray. - The equipment for water-recoverable mi:ssiles the recovery phase, 3.5 Performance requirements. specified by the detail specification when operati:ng in conjunction with the remote control station and support equipment during the prelaunch phase. interface

31、between these equipments via interface control documents, as appropriate. Furthermore, the systems shall be capable of accurately executing the ,flight maneuvers specified by the detai 1 specification when operaing with the remote control station during all flight phases. shall not be + affected y e

32、xposure to salt spray as encountered * 3.5.1 System performance. - The system shall be capable of performance The gui dance and control detai 1 speci fi cati on wi 11 identi fy the 3.5.2 Command guidance subsystems Wrfmance. - The command guidance subsystem shall be capable of the follo shal

33、l have connected to each output an electrical load - #.= all major units of the missileborne guidance The preproduction tests shall - esl-con-sist of one or more units manufactured and assembled using the same methods and procedures proposed for the production. submitted shall be specified in the co

34、ntract or purchase order (see 6.2). by the procuring activity shall be based upon satisfactory completion of all tests. Further production of the equip- ment by the contractor, prior to the approval of the wetwoduction samle. shall be at the risk of the contractor. The number of preproduction test s

35、amples Approval of the preproduction sample of the procuring activity, the following shall be furnished to that activity upon completion of the tests: a. b. Test report - three copies of a test report prepared in accordance with MEL-STD-831. The samples which were tested c. Two sets of assembly draw

36、ings d. Brief operating instructions * 4.5 Acceptance tests. - All major units of the missile- lance and control system shall be subjected to the followina tests as described in 4.6: D. tlecr;ricai sL,. V.U.LI c. Performance tests . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . , , . (see 4.6.3) Provided by IHSNot

37、for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-, MIL-G-4b5A 14 77777Ob 03L4422 L W MIL -6-46858A 4.5.1 Sampling for acceptance tests. - Lot size, sampling schedules, and rejection limits for acceptance testing shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-105 as specified in th

38、e detail 4.6 Test methods. * 4.6.1 Mechanical inspection tests. - All units of the missileborne guidance and control system shall be given a thorough mechanical and visual inspection and test to determine that the qual i ty of al 1 materi als and workman- ship is in compliance with the requirements

39、of this speci fi cati on. * 4.6.2 Electrical tests, - Units of the missileborne guidance and control system shall be given all electrical tests necessary to confirm that all circuits are inherently sound and in compliance with the requirements of this specification. The electrical tests shall includ

40、e, but not necessarily be limited to those listed in and * Continuity. - Each electrical component and (see Tab1 e I I, ) each wire and cable shall be given a continuity test to ascertain if it is wired and connected correctly and that good electrical contact is obtained. Ope

41、rating voltages. - The operating voltage at all important points shall be checked for conformance to those shown on the circuit label and schematic drawing. This shall be done with all controls set for normal equipment 4.6.3 Performance tests. - The units of the guidance and control system shall be

42、given all performance tests necessary to confirm that the equipment meets the perfomance requirements specified herein and in the applicable detail 4.7 Environmental tests. - Unless otherwise specified by the procuring activity (see 6.2), environmental tests of the system shall be performed in accor

43、dance with the test methods of MIL-STD-810 and other applicable standards listed in fable III. The tests shall be performed with al 1 equipment properly interconnected. The parameters to be checked, the methods of parameter measurement, and the test schedule shall conform to the requirements of the

44、detai 1 speci fi cati on. . speci fi cations. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-* MIL-G-4b5A 19 7777706 0314923 3 W MIL-G-46858A . TABLE II MECHAN I CAL INSPECTION TESTS TEST 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Compl eteness and work

45、mans hi p Nameplates, identification marki ngs , and 1 abel s Safety features and interlocks Ease of operati on of gears adjustable and sliding parts, thumb screws, controls , switches, and other moving parts Structural we1 ds Sol deri ng Corrosion preventi on Fasteners El ectri cal Connectors El ec

46、tri cal overload protect! on Component accessabi 1 i ty Grounding 13. Interchangeabi 1 i ty 14. Dimensi ons 15. Mounting 16. Wei ght REQUI REMENT PARAGRAPHS 3.8 3.7, 3.7.1 3.4.1 3.4.1, 3.4.2 3.4.1 3.4.1, 3.4.1 3.4.1 3.4.1 3.4.1 3.4.12 3.4.14 3.6 27 Provided by IHSNot

47、for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I MIL-G-46858A TABLE III ENVIRONMENTAL TEST METHODS TEST Acceleration Acoustical Noise Fungus High Temperature Humi di ty (Cycl i ng) Immers i on- 11, /4 Al ti tude Low Temperature Nucl ear Radiation- /I, /5 Salt Fog- /I

48、/2 Dust Shock Tempera t Ure Shock- /1 Temperature-Al ti tude (Cycl i ng)- /3 Vi brati on Expl os i ve Atmosphere MIL-STD-81 O TEST METHOD 51 3 51 5 508 501 507 - 500 502 - 509 510 51 6 503 504 514 51 1 PROCEDURE I, II I - II I - I I I, III, VI NOTE : - /l - Where applicabie - /2 - Test not generally

49、 applicable to airborne or ground - /3 - Test not generally applicable to ground launched missiles /4 - Method 104A of MIL-STD-202 shall be used, /5 - The applicable test methods of MIL-STD-446 shall be used. 1 aunched missi 1 es - - -7 _ _. - - - 28 _ _ -1 i Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,


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