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1、MIL-G-58303 3b W 9777706 0377523 O = MIL-058103 2 July 1979 MILITARY SPECIFICATION GRIP ASSEMBLY, CYCLIC CONTROLLER, HEZtICOPTER This specification is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. This specification covers a cyclic controller grip

2、 assembly for use in helicopters. 1.2 Classification. as specified on the procurement document. The grip assembly shall be of the following styles, Style 1 Grip Assembly, Model 76 Cyclic Controller Drawing 76-7477-1 (Pilot /Co-Pilot) Style 2 Grip Assembly, Model 76 Cyclic Controller Drawing 76-7477-

3、2 (Co-Pilot/Gunner) 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 for bids or request for proposal, except those for which a particular issue is prescribed, form a part of the specification to the extent specified herein: The following documents of the issue in effect on date of invitation . SPECIPLCATIONS FEDERAL PP

4、P-B-601 Boxes, Wood, Cleated-Plywood PPP-B-63 6 Box, Fiberboard Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to: (Cdr, US Army Aviation Research and Development Command, P.O. Box 209, St. Louis,

5、MO 63166) by using the self-addressed Standardization Document Im- provement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by letter. FSC 1680 P Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-(2-58103 MIL-P-116 DOD-D-1000 MIL-

6、13-605 1 MIL-S-7742 MIL-W-16878 MIL-M-18012 MIL-L-46159 MIL-W-81044 STANDARDS MILITARY MIL-STD-100 MIL-STD-1 OSD MIL-STD-129 MIL-STD- 130 MIL-STD-143 MIL-STD-454 ML-STD-46 1A MIL-STD-8 1OC MIL-STD-83 1 MIL-STD-1188 Notice 4 DRAWINGS 76-7477-1, -2 Preservation, Methods of Drawing, Engineerug and Asso

7、ciated List Electromagnetic Compatibility Requirements, Systems Screw Threads, Standard, Optimum Selected Series; General Specification for Wire, Electrical, Insulated, High Temperature Markings for Aircrew Station Displays, Design and Configuration of Lacquer, Acrylic, Low Reflective Wire, Electric

8、, Polyalkene - Insulated Tin - Coated Copper, Normal Weight, 15OoC Engineering Drawing Practices Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes Marking for Shipment and Storage Identification Marking for US Military Property Standards and Specifications, Order of Precedence for the Sele

9、ction of Standard General Requirements for Electronic Equipment Electromagnetic Interference Characteristics Requirements for Equipment, Subsystem and System Environmental Test Methods Test Reports, Preparation of Commercial Packaging of Supplies and Equipment Grip Assembly, Cyclic Controller, Helic

10、opter (Copies of specifications, standards, and drawings required by suppliers in connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the Contracting Of ficer ) 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 First.Article, Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), this s

11、pecifi- cation requires five complete aircraft controller grip assemblies for first article inspection and testing (see 4,4), First articles may be 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or netw

12、orking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-G-58103 a. Communications (intercom and radio) control only by fore- finger trigger switch. (thumb rest position) of grip body. b, Trim and stabilization by push button switches on left side c. Panel lights switching (Between normal and night vision

13、goggle levels) by push button on upper right switch head. d. Critical function, such as weapon firing, by push button under thumb guard in center of switch head. closed (NC), shall be specified for each switch used in the grip. 3.3,3.4 To the maximum extent possible, switches used for the gr

14、ip assemhly shall be designs which have been qualified and listed on pertinent qualified products lists (QPL). Before a switch can be selected for use in the grip assembly, it shall have satisfied all requirements of All switches shall have actuation forces and switch actuation travel withi

15、n the limits speciied in 4.7.4. The configuration of switch contacts, normally open (NO) or normally 3.3.4 Switch Guard the closed position when the guarded switch is not in use. designed to be opened vertically by the pllots thumb when he is wearing an authorized gloves, 90 +IOo -Oo and shall maint

16、ain a spring loading of 2 +1/2 ounces of force throughout its travel. The switch guard shall be spring loaded to remain in It shall be The guard shall be free to rotate through For guard dimensions refer to-drawing 76-7477-1, -2. x 3.3.5 Assembly Configuration. The assembly configuration shall be as

17、 shown on drawing 76-7477-1, -2. 3.3.6 Electromagnetic Interference. The grip assembly shall be designed using MIL-STD-461A (Notice 4) as a guide to achieve system compatibility when integrated into the aircraft. all switches, regardless of prior qualification, shall demonstrate satis- factory peror

18、mance in accordance with the requirements of and For incorporation into the grip assembly Electromagnetic Compatibility, Radiated Emission. Measurements shall he made in accordance with MIL-CTn-461A, (Notice 4) method RE 02. following conditions.shal1 apply: The a. Loads swi

19、tched shall be dc resistive at 28 volts and rated current of switch or grip assembly wiring, whichever is less. b. Switch shall be actuated with a nonconductive rod. 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-O58103 C. Switch shall he moun

20、ted in grip assembly; i.e., grip assembly shall be considered part of the switch housing. d. Radiated emissions shall not exceed levels shown in Figures 13 and 18 of MIL-STD-461A (Notice 4). Conducted Emission. Measurements shall be made in accprdance with requirements of MIL-E-6051 (spikes)

21、. The following conditions shall aPP 1Y : a, Loads switched - dc resistive at 28 volts and rated current of switch or grip assembly wiring, whichever is less. b. Switch shall be actuated with a non-conductive rod. C. Switch shall be mounted in grip assembly; i.e., grip assembly shall be considered p

22、art of the switch housing. d. Spikes (transients) shall not exceed +50 percent nor -150 per- cent of the dc line voltage. 3.3.7 Drawings. In addition to 76-7477-1, -2, drawings forming a part of this specification are contractor supplied engineering design drawings as approved by the contracting off

23、icer. paring his own shop drawings as necessary. could cumulatively result in incorrect fits, the supplier shall provide tolerances within those prescribed by contracting officer approved draw- ings to insure correct fit, assembly, and operation of the grip. No devi ation from the prescribed dimensi

24、ons or tolerances is permissible without prior approval of the contracting officer. which are required for submittal to the government shall be in accordance with DOD-D-1000 and shall include linear dimensions and tolerances in both US customary units and metric units. Screw threads shall be specifi

25、ed in US customary units only. 3.3.8 Screw Threads. Unless otherwise specified, screw threads shall con- Each supplier is responsible for pre- Where tolerance prescribed Contractor prepared drawings form with MIL-s-7742. 3.3.9 Electrical Wiring. All hookup, interwiring, or cabling shall use wire con

26、forming with MTL-W-81044 or MIL-W-16878, Type B. 3.3.10 Soldering. Unless otherwise specified, soldering shall conform with MIL-STD-454, Requirement 5. 3.3.11 Labels. function. The labels shall be removable so that legends may be altered in the event that switch function is changed, but shall be emp

27、laced in a manner to insure against inadvertent removal in normal use or in cleaning. Letters and numerals on the labels shall be in accordance with MIL-M-18012. Labels shall be attached at each switch to identify its 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without lic

28、ense from IHS-,-,-MIL-G-58103 3.3.12 Fleight. Weight of the -1 assembly shall not exceed 1.06 pounds exclusive of wiring, pound exclusive of wiring. Weight of the -2 assembly shall not exceed 1.00 3,3.13 Selection of Specifications and Standards. Specifications and Standards for necessary commoditie

29、s and services not specified herein shall be selected in accordance with MIL-STD-143. 3.4 Reliability, 3.4.1 Switches, designed, constructed, and tested in accordance with current military or contractor specif ications/drawings specif ications/drawings and any modifications thereto shall be

30、as approved by the contracting officer. spections and tests prescribed by their respective specifications/drawings. These inspections and tests shall have established/evaluated, as a minimum, the following: All. switches used in the grip assembly specified herein shall be fa either case , th

31、e controlling Switch designs used in the grip assembly shall have passed in- a* Actuation forces and travel (see 4.7.4, 3.6.1), b. Dielectric verification (see 4.7.3). C. cycles electrical), requirements are 150,000 cycles mechanical, 75,000 cycles, electrical, Life cycle verification (50,000 cycles

32、 mechanical, 25,000 For the communication (trigger type) switch life cycle d. Ability to operate within specification limits after exposure to the following environment conditions (MIL-STD-81OC). (1) Humidity, Method 507 (2) Fungus, Method 508 (3) Salt Fog, Method 509 (4) Dust (fine sand), Method 51

33、0 3.4.2 Switch Guard Life. 150,000 operating cycles (see 4.7.5) , The switch guard life shall be a minimum of 3.5 Maintainability. The grip assembly is designed to pennit ease of maintenance at field level, including replacement of switches, wiring, and associated parts without damage and without th

34、e use of special tools and techniques. 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-G-58L03 Lb = 9799906 0197529 L M MIL-058103 3.6 Performance. 3.6.1 Switch Operation. All switches shall be operable without undue hand repositioning for norm

35、al operation of switches by the thumb and fore- finger. cility of operation of any switch nor the switch guard. and actuator throw distance for the switches shall be as prescribed in their respective specifications. limitation of travel due to fit of the switches on/in the body of the grip. On-off p

36、ositioning of the switch actuator shall result in positive make- break contact action. The wearing of authorized gloves shall not unduly reduce the fa- Actuating force There shall be no binding of actuation nor 3.6.2 Dielectric Withstanding Voltage. When switches are tested as speci- fied in 4.7.3,

37、they shall withstand the application of the specified voltages without arcing, breakdown of insulation, or visible damage to the switch parts, There shall be no flashover or leakage in excess of 1 milliampere. 3.6.3 Operation at Altitude. When tested as specified in, the switches shall withs

38、tand the application of the specified voltages without arcing, breakdown of insulation) or visible dama article grips failing a performance test shall be disassembled in the presence of a Government representative. Each disassembled part shall be inspected in detail for compliance with this specific

39、ation and the referenced drawings in regard to materials, di- mensions, and tolerances. Parts not complying with such requirements shall be rejected. 4.3 Classification of Inspection. Inspections shall be classified as follows : a. First article b. Quality of conformance C. Inspection of preparation

40、 for delivery 4.4 First Article Inspection. 4.4.1 First Article. The five test articles selected s specified in 3.1 shall be individually inspected as specified in 4.6, and then subjected to the tests as described in 4.7.2 thru in the sequence specified in Table I. 4.4.2 First Article Accept

41、ance. Assembly of hardware produced/procured for the end item under contract, and production/procurement of parts for the assembly shall not proceed, except as authorized by the procuring contracting officer, until first article tests per 4.4.1 have been success- fully completed. 4.4.3 Test Report.

42、report in accordance with MIL-STD-831 (see 6.3). submitted to the procuring activity for approval (see 6,2f), The contractor shall prepare a first article test re- The test report shall be 4.5 Quality Conformance Inspection. Sample grip assemblies from pro- duction lots shall be subjected to quality

43、 conformance inspections as pre- scribed in 4.6.1, 4.7.2 and 4.7.3. 4.5.1 Critical Defects. Defects exposed in 4.6.1, Examinations 1, 2 and 3 and in 4.7.2 and 4.7.3 are established as critical defects. 4.5.2 Major Defects. are established as major defects. Defects exposed in 4.6.1, Examinations 101

44、through 107 9 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MTEG-58 103 4,5.3 Samples and Inspection Criteria. Critica& Defect Inspection. Five percent of each production lot (lot size and sampling procedure to be established by the procuri

45、ng con- tracting officer)- shail-be inspected for critical defects. sample fails to pass one or more of the tests, the lot shall be rejected. 4.5,3.2 Major Defect Inspection. The sampling plan for major defect inspection shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-l05D, Table 1143. Ac- ceptable quality leve

46、l shall be 4.0, If one test 4.5,4 Correction Procedures. 4,5.4,1 When a production lot has been re- jected for failure to Dass the critical defect inspection, no item still Critical Defect Rejections. - 011 hand or later produced shall be accepted until the extent and cause of failure are determined

47、, After corrections have been made to all affected items , testing shall resume, including testlretest of all corrected items. 4.5,4.2 Major Defect Rejections. for failure to pass the major defect inspection, individual tests may be When a production lot has been rejected continued pending the inves

48、tigation of the cause for rejection. However, final acceptance of items on hand or later produced shall not be made until it is determined that reworked items, individually, meet all requirements of this specification and production controls have been adjusted to correct the cause(s) for rejection,

49、4.5.5 Test Data Reporting, Quality conformance inspection and test data 8hall be provided in accordance with instructions in the procurement docu- ment. 4.6 nspection Procedure. 4.6.1 Examination. The grips shall be examined for the following defects: Critical . 1. Holes in castings. 2. ation with the gloved hand. 3. improper functioning of switches (3.6.1), including Oper- Component parts missing or not as specified (3.3.1, 3.3.4, 3.3.7) . M


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