ARMY MIL-I-46390-1963 INTERCONNECTING BOX 8932942《8932942互联框》.pdf

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1、Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I I. RiIILrI-46390 (RIU) (Copies of spccificutioiis, st:intl;ii.d.;, di.nwingrc; cojiiiectiiig l)()x sh;il mrtct tlie rqiiircnipiit p uiid pibliditii.s qiiiiI 1) xiipplici.s in comw hi with wpccitc proc

2、uroiiiriit function8 should be cibt:iinctl fi-oin th0 iwocuring activity or as tlii.ectc$ iiy tlic coii;i.rrctirig oflicer.) 3.5.2 Sliocl, The iiitcrconiiectiiig lios . 3.6, shall withstml 3 shock impulses in ciici 3. , Iti%)ITIREMENTS , of the thrcc 1niitu;illy perpeiitlicu1;ir tlircc- tions. The a

3、cce1L:atioii of the shock im- 3.1 Fabrication. T h e ilitercoiiiiectiiig pulses shall be 20 pravity units (Gs) . hlse box shall be manufacturecl in acicolyi:ince duration of each shock inipulsc shall be 11 vit11 Drnjjlig F$932942 ancl iJriiiyil1gs pel*. SthctlitcIt to shock tlic tniniiig thereto. ,

4、I?: 1 niillisecoiids. in tercoiincc t i iig box shall meet the requ i re- , ments of 3.6. 3.2 General specification. The intercon- Specificaticin SIXL-F-13926, as specified be- low. Should any conflict exist betweeii the 3.n.3.1 Opc)*cl i?/. The intercoiincctiiig general specification and this speci

5、fication, OX shall meet the requirements of 3.6 when this specification shall take precedence, thermally stnbilizctl :it anibieiit tempera- ,icc:ting box shall meet the requirements of 3.5.3 It*tll. . tiires of -30F niid -i- 1ily stl)iizc(I ishes. ; at ambient teniperatures of -GB“F aiid . . fiG5OF.

6、 (d) Part identification aiid marking, (e) I Workmanship. 3.5.4 Hicw;diy. The interconnecting box shall meet the rcquircnienta of 3.6, after being suhjectcd to five 12-hour relcitivc humidit,- (RH) cycles; e:ich cycle coilsist- ing of tho following conditions : , 3.3 Wires. . Wires shall be free of

7、nicks. 3.4 Dressing. Wire shall not be dressed YO that it touches resistors of two watts or over. betwecii 6.5 and 7.5 :it 77P. . . . (a) Vater shall have ;i pi1 -factor of . 3.5 Environniental service conditions. (b) Exposiire of 6 hotira ;it 955 RI-I ; 412 hours of which shall bo nt 3.5.1 ViB )-ti

8、 ftoi. The iji terconiiecting an aniliiit tcmpcrnturc of box shall withstand ;i vibratioii of i1 aiiiplc 116F. harmonic motion having :II amplitude of 0.015 iirch (0.03 inch lotd excursion), ilw frcqiiciicy shall be varid unif0rinly be- twecn tlic liniits of 10 to 65cyclcs 1)er sccoiici (cps) aiid r

9、eturn to 10 cycles. Thin cycle shall be traversed .in 3 minutes rc: 15 (I) A vcii*iatioiioncc cacli hour tliiriiig seconds. The motion shall be applied for a last 6 hours fi*om 95% RH to period of 20 minutes in each of, the three i O0 5. 1: I4 wit 11 coiitl en st t ion. mutually perpendicular direct

10、ions (to,tal of (Darntion at lOO$ RM opdonal BO minutes). During vibration the inter- and need iibt coincicfc with 2. (cb) A v;ii*iritioii oiiw ciiclh lioiii+ diiiiiig Inst G hoiiis of 49F ;it ttii tim- bien t tcmpci-; t lire of 80“ t, i rl - - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or network

11、ing permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking pe

12、rmitted without license from IHS-,-,-. . . - . - ,. . I I. I : - llIIG-I46390 (MU.) ,. , TAME I .-CoiitiiiiiCrl, . Regitireittent Trrt proccdttre t Jfrisiw; AQl. Defective. Il(), f:xplosivo bolt operation . . . 111, Time :delay action !. . .i. . 3.6.G.1 *. 112. i, ; ., . 8.0.8 4.5.

13、2.8 : . . 114. Conti1iuit-y L. . 3.63 115. i;ecification MIL-T-52 (Type II) to (ietcr;he complinnce with 3.5.5. Hudd;t, This test shrill be per- formed as outlined in Procedure I of Speci- fication MIL-F-13926, however, the time limits pecied in 3.5.4 shall apply. 8 7-a Provided by I

14、HSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-jumper is in addition to the jumpet- out- lined in With all jumpers in place, apply the voltage to the pins outlined in 3.6. A vciltage reading (using item 2 of shall be taken between pins It and T

15、.of JI. This voltage reading shall be within the limits specified in 3,6,4 (II). A voltage reading shall be taken between pins L or K and pin J, This voltage reading shall be within tho limits of 3.6.4 (c) Repent pro-. cedure above using alternate pins specified herein. When the stepping s

16、witch is hi the zero position, no voltage shall be present (using item 2 of between pin i and any other pins of 52 and J3, in -order to . nwiirc conformnnce with S,(l,r (c) . Con- tinuity (itom 3 of 4.4.1,2) shall be present between pin j and nny other pin on 52 nn? 53, and no continuity sh

17、all exist botwcen lllIIrI-r16390 (lu) taincd bctwecii the commoi ground ,i and B of 52 and E of 53 as specified in 3.6.6 (a). Obtaining (t voltage reading at the second position indicates a defective K1 system. Failure to obtain a voltage reading in fir- ing position #2, will require opening aiid re

18、closing the switch in the jumper between pins L .and J of J1. A voltage reading shal be taken betwen the common ground J and pin C of 52 atid pin D of 53. Failure to obtain a voltage at firing position #3 indicates defective K27 Relay operation. Operatioit of steppiiig switch coil, infc?r.ic

19、pter fMng seqitence and reset, With- out disturbing the electrical connections out+ lined in, coiitiiiue opening and reclos- . iiig tho swilch in tho jiinipor locatad be twoeii piiis L ancl J of 51,. When the volt- age is trrinsfcrrcd from one pin of 52 aiid 53 to the next pin of 52 and 53,

20、after . the pins of 52 and 53 with rcspcct to pin J ench reclosing of the switch, the stepping of J8. The indicator light shall be ener- switch coil and interrupter are in accord- gized. ance with Continue this opening and-reclosing the switch until all 24 firiiig Rcmave ttic vol

21、tage from pins relngs lirtvc hen siisrgi,etl whila simiiltniicm J 1 tiwl coiiiiect :i junilicr between piiis. hl-J . OiilY rccor(li th voltage reading, using and L of J1. This must contain a item 2 of 4,4.1.2 and noting their sequence. push button switch i bctwocli pins L Both shall conform to the r

22、equirement out- and J; this jumper is in and the normally open contacts to performing any test, determine that con- of Kl are closed and the normally closed tinuity exists (using item 3 of bec contcts of. K1 are open as outlined in tween. the common ground f and tlie re- 3.6.5 (c). maining

23、pins of JS. There shall be no con- - tinuity between either pin A or B of J4, and a11 pins of JS. , - . . Failwe to obtain a voltage recul- kg between pins j and A of J2, and i and F of 38. Failure to obtain a voltage read- Voltage atid time check. Con- specified. pins will requir

24、e open- . ncct a jumper with w push button switch . ing aiidreclosing the switch between pins between pin C and B of 57. This jumper L and J of Ji to move the wiper arm to is in addition tg the previously specified ng position X2. With the wiper arm in jumpers. The actual test is performed by this p

25、ositiofi, a voltage reading shall be ob- connecting one channel of an oscilloscope . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-RIIbX-46390 (MU) (item 4 of to pins F and common ground f of JS. Connect pin XI and com- mon ground f of 55

26、to the scopes second h:iinsl, Vr1i(m tho piidtl hiitton Hivitch is cloucc u volttige from pin H shall appear on tho scope, and n second voltage from pin F shall appear on the scope. The voltages 5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY and timo lng bctwcen voItt1geR rrcordctl on Continuity, Remove ali po

27、wer and jumpers and by meana of 8 continuity checker (item 3 of 4.4,1.2), dotcrminc thnt contiriulty exists betwccii the phis outlfncd in 3.6.9 within the limits specified. iht! HCO1)L Shdl Cl1fl.m to the *cqUirCmCnt 5.1 Packaging, and marking, . Of 3.6.6 and Repeat this proce- dure substit

28、uting. pin S for H and phi M for Pabging, packing and marking shall be in accordance iyith Spmificatjoli 311- F on JEi. 14232 and Packaging Data Shcct MIL-P- 14232/P8932942, The level of protection document, 4,5.2.7 RCkUrll Ka8 OpertltiOn. Prior to shall be as specified in the prmuretnent of 57 and

29、V of J1 as specified in 3.6.7(b), Remove jumper from pin E of Jl and connect it to pin C of J1. 3lcnsui.c the voltnge bctwccti pins E o JG titid C of 57 tint1 between G of 57 and V of J1. This voltage reading must be within the limits outlined in, stepping switch is in the zero position. ,I

30、6.2 Ordering data, Procurement docu- merits. should specify the following: (?)Title, number and date of this spcc- Diorlc CI? 30. Remove all previ- ously mc?ritioned jumpers tirid coiiiiect II juniper between pin I3 of 57 and. G of JG. Apply the voltage by using item 1 of (b) Selecti

31、on of applicable Ievels of to the pins of 54 us specified in 3.6, Meas- preservation, packaging and ure the voltage (using item 2 of be- tween pins C and E of 57. This voltage must conf(-.:m to the limits outlined in 3.6.8. Cuutodian: Preparing activity: Army-MU Army41 U ilicntion, . packing. (c) Applicable stock number. Project NO. 1270-AO02Y : 701046-1965-(960) * RNMLN *- lo * $- -_ - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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