ARMY MIL-I-60166-1964 INVERTER POWER STATIC 10516412《10516412静态电源逆变器》.pdf

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1、MIL-1-601 66(MU) 14-May1964 . MILITARY SPECIFICATION INVERTER, POWER, STATIC: 10516412 1. SCOPE 1.1 This specification covers one type of static power inverter, that is com- pletely transistorized. The inverter is capable of inverting an 18 to 30 volt direct current potential to a 115 volt, 400 cycl

2、es per second, alternating current potential, delivering at full load 150 volt amperes. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 The following documents, of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal, form a part of this specincation to the extent specified herein. S PE CZFICATION

3、S Military MIL-F-13926 MIL-P-14232 MIL -I -266 O O MIL-1-45607 Fire Control Materiel: General Specification Parts, Equipment and Tools for Ordnance Interference Control Requirements, Aeronautical inspection Equipment, Supply and Maintenance Governing the Manufacture and inspection of Materiel, Packa

4、ging of Equipment for Ordnance STANDARDS Federal FED-STD-595 Colors FSC 1220 d Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ML-I- 60166(NU) Military MIL-STD-105 MIL-STD -1 O9 MIL-STD-171 MIL-STD-202 Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection Qu

5、ality Assurance Terms and Definitions Finishing of Metal and Wood Surfaces Test Methods for Electronic and Electrical by Attributes Component Parts DRAWINGS U. S, Army Munitions Command D10516412 Inverter, Power, Static: 1051 6412 PACKAGING DATA SHEET MIL-P-l4232/P10516412 Packaging of inverter, Pow

6、er, Statgc: 10516412 (Copies of specifications, standards, and drawings required by suppliers in connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer, ) 3, REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Qualification. - The inverter, Power, Static

7、: 10516412 furnished under this specification shall be a product which has been tested and passed the qualification tests specified herein, and has been liated on or approved for listing on the applicable qualified products list (see 6.3). tured in accordance with Drawing DIO51 6412 and drawings per

8、taining thereto. withstandinganFquirernents of this specification. The inclosure shall be finished in accordance with Standard MIL-STD-171, System 20.8. The color shall be lusterless black, No. 37038 as specified in Standard Fed-STD-595. The dried finish shall show no running or color separation and

9、 shall present a smooth lusterless finish with no evidence of bare spots, available components wherever practical. Special components, if used, shall be cspable of fabrication by mass production methods , 3.2 Fabrication. - The inverter shall be completely transistorized-apd manufac- 3.2.1 Inclosure

10、. - The inclosure shall be made of metal capable of 3.2.2 Circuit components. - The circuitry shall employ standard commercially 2. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-1-60166 12 7477906 0336144 T = 3.2.3 Gircuitrv. - An electrical sc

11、hematic diagram shall be provided with each. inverter. This schematic shallprovide all the information required to trouble shoot ad repair the inverter,. if modules are used the circuitry ahall be shown. 3.3 General specification. - The inverter shall meet the requirements of Specification MXL-F-139

12、26, as specified below. the generalspecification and this specification, this specification shall take precedencei Should any conflict exist betwees (a) Order of precedence (b) Dimensions and tolerances (c) .hrganic protective surface finishes (d) Part identification and marking (e) Workmanship 3.4

13、Reiabilit - The inverter shall be operated continuously for 600 hours ia a horizonta + position and 400 hours in a position at 180. from the horizontal $th a direct current (dc) input of 30 volts (v) and at an ambient temperature of 150 *4.F. The rated full load output shall be maintained at 150 vol

14、t-ampere8 (VA)-with the least efficient power factor between O. 8 leading and O. 6 lagging. Subsequent to this operation, the inverter shall meet the requirements of 3.7 at room amhient tempera- ture (75 f 15.F). 3.5 .E-II-. t e requirements of 3.7 after exposure to the salt spray conditions below:

15、3.5.4 Salt s ra - The inverter shall show no evidence of finish deterioration a. The salt-solution concentration shall be 5% with a specific gravity between 1.0268 and 1.0413 Solution shall have a pH value between 6.5-and 7.2 at 95 * 3,6F. Nozzle pressure of 15 A 3 lb per square inch with an orifice

16、 of from O. 02 to O, 03 inch diameter. b. C. 3.5.5 Humid1 The inverter shall meet the requirements of 3.7 after being subjected to -7-P the o lowing relative humidity (RH) conditions: a. b. Water shall have a pH value between 6.5 and 7.5 at 77OF. Six hours exposure at 9570 RH; e hours shall be at an

17、 ambient temperature of 11 5F. c. Temperature variation of f 9*F once each hour during the next: 6 hours at an ambient temperature of 80F. Relative humidity shall be raised to 100% with condensation once each hour during the last 6 hours. (Duration of 100% RH with con- densation optional and need no

18、t coincide with hourly temperature variation. ) d. . 3.5.6 Rain. - The invel?ter shall be capable of withstanding a rainfall of . 4 inches perhour for a period of 2 hours, without visible damage or defect, and shall subsequently meet the requirements of 3.7. 3.6 Electrical. 3.6.1 Protection.

19、 Low input voltage protection. - The inverter shall not be damaged when subjected to continuous input voltages below 18 vdc with the full load connected to the output. Any output power available below 18 vdc input shall be 11 5 vdc f 10% at 400 CPS f 10%. 4. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduct

20、ion or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MSL-I- 60166(MU) .Reverse polarity protection. - The inverter shall be inherently pro- tected aqainst applied input voltage of reverse polarity. Short circuit and overload protection. - The inverter shall utilize automatic rese

21、t self-protective methods against short circuits and overloads in excess of 15070 of the full load (150VA). Fuses shall not be used. 3.6.2 Isolation. - The invexter housing shall be at ground potential, 3.6.3 Insulation resistance. - Unless otherwise specified on applicable drawings, al$ insulation

22、between electrically isolated circuits shall have a minimum resistance of 100 megohms with 500 vdc applied. 3.6.4 Dielectric strength. - There shall be no puncture of insulation, no sparkover, or decrease in dielectric strength when insulated areas, that are electrically isolated from ground and fro

23、m each other, are subjected to an ac root mean square (rms) potential of 1000 v plus twice the rated voltage at 60 cps for a period of not less than 3 seconds nor more than 5 seconds. 3.7 Performance. - The inverter shall meet the requirements of 3.7.1 thru 3,7,6 without spasmodic or intermittent op

24、eration with an input voltage of 24 i: 6 vdc, The voltage shall be applied to input terminals D and E, which shall be positive with respect to terminal B. All terminal designatins are those shown on Drawing Dl O51 641 2. I 3.7.1 ,Input voltage surge. - The inverter shall show no evidence of phyaical

25、 or electrical.damage and shall exhibit no increase in output voltage after being subjected to five dc voltage spikes of 80 Volts each for 125 * 25 milliseconds at the rate of 5 spikes per. minute. 3.7.2 Output voltage. - The inveiter shall have a regulated nomiiral ac output voltage of il5 v rms. 3

26、.7.3 Output voltage regulation. - The inverter output voltage regulation shall be I 5% or any combination of load variation from no load to full load (150VA). 3.7.4 Output frequency. - The inverter output sinusoidal wave frequency shall be 400 cps f 170, 3.7.5 Harmonic distortion, - The inverter out

27、put shall be free of electrical voltage spikesand shall have a harmonic distortion of less than #O for all loads and all power factor ranges between 0.8 leading and 0.6 lagging. With a constant nominal unity power factor and at a nominal load of 75 VA the maximum variation of harmonic distortion sha

28、ll be 1.5%. 5. ,= 7 7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-I- 601 66(MU) 3.7.6 Power factor range. - The inverter shall be capable of operating with power factor loads ranging fzom O, 8 leading and O. 6 lagging, 3.8 Operability. - The

29、inverter shall be thermally stabilized at an ambient temperature of 150 .+ 4F ax?d operated continously without additional heat sinks for 8 hours with a full load of 150 VA at the least efficient power factor between O. 8 leading and O, 6 lagging. Immediately following the 8 hour operation the inver

30、ter shall meet the requirements of 3. i. Subsequent to meeting the high temperature requirement, the inverter shall be thermally stabilized at -65 f 4F and again operated at aforementioned full load and power factor for 1 hour (minimum). Immediately ollowhg the 1 hour operation, the inverter shall m

31、eet the requirements of 3.7. 3.9 Efficiency, - After operating for a maximum period of 1 O minutes the inverter shali operate continuously with a minimum efficiency of 60% under a full load at 150.F with a dc input of 24v. 3.1 O Radio interference. - The inverter shall meet the requirements of Speci

32、fication ;MIL-1-26600 ( Class rrZr) for radio interference suppression. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Responsibility for inspection. - Unless otherwi8e specified in the contract or purchase order the supplier is responsible for the performance of all inspection requirements as specified herein

33、. Except as otherwise specified, the supplier my utilize his own or any other inspection facilities and services acceptable to the Government, inspection records of the examinations and tests shall be kept com- plete and available to the Gavemment as specified in the contract or order. The Governmen

34、t reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements. 4.1.1 General provisions, - The quality assurance provigions of this specifi- cation and of other docu

35、ments referenced herein form the basis for inspection to be performed by the supplier. covered by Specifications or Supplementary Quality As surance Provisions (SQAP) shall be in accordance with 4.3.2. Definitions of inspection terms not otherwise defined herein shall be as listed in Standard MILwST

36、D-109. Inspection of components and subassemblies not 6. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL -I- 6 O 1 66 (MU 1 4,2 Classification of tests. - hspectin and testing shall be classified aB follows: 1 - Qualification tests 2 - Quality co

37、nformance tests 4. %i Qualification tests. - Qualification inspection shall consist of the examina- tions and testa specified for all the requimxnents sf this specification to determine compliance with 3.1. These tests shall be pezforrned in a Government approved laboratory, or by a Government Pepre

38、seatative .at the manufacturer s facility. 4.2,l e 1 S_pecirnens for test, - Three specimens shall be submitted for qualifi- cation approvale- The-meaig shall Be finished products representative of the mterials and woskmanship to be applied ia nomal production by the manufacturer, - Facilities submi

39、tting specimens for Qualified cm the QPL $3 ehe specimens submitted meet all of the conditions of Table 1 sf this specification. Failure to meet all requise - IIISRS shall be cause for sefueel to gmat qualification approval. TABLE 1 - - QUALWICATBON TESTS CHARACTERISTIC REQT PAR, TEST PAR. Fabricati

40、on inclosure Circuit components Circuitry General specifications Reliability Temperature shock Vibration Shock (mechanical) Salt spray Humidity Rain Low input voltage protection Reverse polarity protection Short circuit and overload protection Is o lat io n Insulat ion re sistance Dielectric strengt

41、h Performance input voltage surge 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.3 3.4 3.5.1 3.5.2 3.5.3 3.5.4 3.5.5 3.5.6 3.6.2 3.6.3 3.6.4 3.7 3.7.1 4.6.1 4.6.2 4.6.3 4.6.4 . 4.6.5 MIL-F-13926 - Visual 4.6 6.5

42、 4i6.8 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ML-L 60166(W) TABLE 1 - QUALIFICATION TEmS (CatPo) CHARACTERISTIC Output voltage Output voltage regulation Output frequency Harmonic distortion Power factor Operability Efficiency Radio i

43、nterference REQT PAR. 3.7.2 3.7.3 3.7.4 3.7t5 3.7.6 3.8 3.9 3.10 TEST PAR. 4.6.9 4.6.10 4.6.11 4.2.2 Quality conformance tests, - Quality conformaace tests shall consist of an inspection for those characteristics listed in Table fI and control tests under 4.4.

44、 Unless otherwise specified, the finished produat shall be tested to determine com- pliance with the applicable requirements. 4,2.2, 1 Final acceptance. - Final acceptance of a lot of finished inverters shall be withheld by the government inspector until the sample products, representative of that l

45、ot, have satisfactorily met the applicable requirements of this specification. 4.3 Inspection provisions. 4.3,l Inspection lot. - Unless otherwise specified by the contraating officer, inspection lot size, formation, and presentation of lots shall be in accordance with “Submission of Product“ as spe

46、cified in Standard MXL-STD-105. in accordance with the inspection provisions contained in Specffication MIL-F -1 3926, Examinations and tests related to Section 3 herein shall be perforwed on a defect (individual characteristic) basis in accordance with Standard MIL-STD-105, and the inspection level

47、 and sampling plans specified in Table If titled ftClaseifieation of Defects“. Examinations and tests for Packaging, Packing and Marking shall be in accordance with Specification MIL-P-14232 and Section 5 herein. The tabulated classification of defects shall constitute the minimum inspection to be p

48、erformed by the supplier prior to Government acceptance of rejection by lot. The Govern- nient reserves the right to inspect or any applicable requirement, ana to reject individual non-conforming items, 4.3.2 Examination and tests. - Components and subassemblies shall be inspected 8. Provided by IHS

49、Not for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-I-bOLhb 22 9799706 0336350 5 UL-I- 60166(MU) TABLE II - GLASSSGATSON OF DEFECTS Use Inspection Level 6p of Table I with Sampling Plan Table II-A f Standard MIL-STD-105 REQUIREMENT TEST PROCEDURE GRITICAL: NONE +$KOR:. AQL O. 65% Defective 101. 102. 103. 104. 105, 106, 107. 108. 109, 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. Vibration Low inpu


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