ARMY MIL-M-45976-1977 MOUNT GUN M140 M140A1 M150 AND M150A1《M140 M140A1 M150 M150A1型装配枪》.pdf

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ARMY MIL-M-45976-1977 MOUNT GUN M140 M140A1 M150 AND M150A1《M140 M140A1 M150 M150A1型装配枪》.pdf_第1页
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ARMY MIL-M-45976-1977 MOUNT GUN M140 M140A1 M150 AND M150A1《M140 M140A1 M150 M150A1型装配枪》.pdf_第2页
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ARMY MIL-M-45976-1977 MOUNT GUN M140 M140A1 M150 AND M150A1《M140 M140A1 M150 M150A1型装配枪》.pdf_第3页
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ARMY MIL-M-45976-1977 MOUNT GUN M140 M140A1 M150 AND M150A1《M140 M140A1 M150 M150A1型装配枪》.pdf_第4页
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ARMY MIL-M-45976-1977 MOUNT GUN M140 M140A1 M150 AND M150A1《M140 M140A1 M150 M150A1型装配枪》.pdf_第5页
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1、MIL-M-45976 LO W 7999906 0309740 1 W -mxM-45 976( WG )- 1.9 January i977 MILITARY SPECIFICATION MOUNT, GUN : MI 40, M140A1, Ml.50 AND Ml5OAl “his specification is approved for use by the Rock Island Arsenal, Department of the Army and is availab1.e for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Depa

2、rtment of Defense. 1. SCOPE 1.1 SCO e. This specification covers one type hydrospring gun mount M140, -+I M1 OAl, Ml5O and Ml5OAl to be mounted in combat vehicles. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 Issues of documents. The following documents, of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or reque

3、st for proposal, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. SPEC1 FI CATIONS Federal PPP- T-60 Military MIL-P- MIL-C-5501/7 MIL- H-6083 MIL-v- 1.3811 MIL-P-14232 - Tape, Packaging, Waterproof - Preservation-Packaging, Methods of - Cap and. Plug, Protective, Dust ar;d Moisture

4、Seal (Cap, Plug, General Purpose - Hydraulic Fluid, Petroleum Base, for Preservation and. Testing - Varnish, Waterproofing, Electrical-, Ignitioh - Parts, Equipment and Tools for Army Materiel, Packaging and Packing of Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions ) and any pertinent da

5、ta which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to: Commander, Rock Island Arsenal, ATTN: SARRI-RLE-S, Rock Island, Illinois zation Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by letter. 61201 by using the self-adressed Standardi- 1. FS

6、C i015 THIS DOCGMENT CONTAINS JA. PAG. t Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-M-45976 LO W 7799906 0303743 3 MIL-B-26195 - Box, Wood - Cleated, Skidded, Load- baring Base MIL-1-45607 - Inspection Eiquipnent, Acquisition, Maintenance an

7、d Disposition of MIL-(2-45662 - Calibration System Requirements MIL-Q-45970 - Quality Assurance for Weapons and Support Materiel MIL-H-46170 - Hydraulic Fluid, Rust Inhibited, Fire-Resistant, Synthetic Hydro- carbon Base MIL-G-81322 - Grease, Aircraft, General Purpose Wide Temperature Range Mi li ta

8、q MIL- STD- 105 - Sampling h-ocedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes MIL-STD-109 - Quality Assurance Terms and Definitions MIL- STD-129 - Marking for Shipnent and Storage MIL-STD-130 - Identification Markirig of U.S. MIL-STD- - Cushioning, Anchoring, Bracing, Mi-litary Property Blocking and

9、 Waterproofing, vith Appropriate Test Methods DRAWINGS , Rock Island Arsenal KlOgW448 - Mount Assembly, Canbination Gun : Klo940274 - bunt Assembly, Combination Gun: 12000890 - Mount Assembly, Cambination Gun : KFL 000892 - Mount Assembly, Canbination Gun : 66F417 - Machine, Test, Powder Type, Recoi

10、l M140 M15 O M140A1 . 1501 174, 12000830 or R12000892, as applicable, for not less than five minutes. Xo drops of oil shall appear in the five minute pressure test. Caution: Extreme care shall be exercised during pressurization of the mount. Testing shall be as specified in 4.4 and 3.3.2 Co

11、llar tor ue. Prior to mechanical gymnastication and proof firing, the collar 1 cable. on 4.3 Classification of inspection. The inspection requirements specified herein are as fo.lows: .a. b. First article inspection (see 4.4). Quality conformance inspection (see 4.5). , Provided by IHSNot for Resale

12、No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-M-Ll597b LO M 7799906 0309748 b 4.4 First article inspection. Three first article (initial pro- duction units) shall be submitted for inspection in accordance with the contract (see 6.2). The first article units shall be repres

13、entative of the production processes to be used during quantity production. first article mounts shall be subjected to the quality conformance inspection specified herein (except-for, and 4.5.3;7, which do not apply to first article), the proof firing testing specified in 4.4.1 and s

14、uch other inspections as necessary to determine that all requirements of the contract have been met. The 4.4. M140 and M140A1 mounts. Proof firing testing (first article). Each mount shall be proof fired to determine compliance With 3.3.4, and %able I. firing, each mount shall be tes

15、ted for recoil and counter recoil velocity (see, breech operation (see, recoil travel (see, total cycle time (see and oil leakage (see for oil leakage (see 3.3.4ii.5). in 4.6.4. cause for rejection. During proof Upon completion of proof firing,

16、each mount shall be tested The test method shall be as specified Failure of any mount to meet the requirements shall be 4.4. I .2 Ml 50 and M! 5OA! mounts. Each mount sha? 1 be proof fired to determine compliance with 3.3.4, and Table 1. During proof firing, each mount shall. be tested for r

17、ecoil and counter recoil. velocity (see, recoil travel (see, total cycle time (see and oil leakage (see Upon completion of proof firing , each mount shall be tested for oil leakage (see ) . The test method shall be as specified in 4.6.4. meet th

18、e requirements shal be cause for rejection. Failure of any mount to 4.5 Quality conformance inspection. 4.5.1 Inspection lot. Unless otherwise specified herein, the formation, size and presentation of inspection lots shall be in accor- dance witn MIL-STD-15. that have met all inspection requirements

19、 specified herein. Mounts shall be assembled frm component parts 4.5.2 Examination. Visually and manually examine each mount to determine compliance with the applicable requirements. examination shall include a visual examination for proper cleaning, the presence of the specified protective coating

20、and to determine the general quality, cmpl eteness of manufacture and assembly an3 workmanship (see 3.5). Each step in the 9 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4?5.2.1 Visually examine all markings required by the final assembly drawing

21、to assure that they are clear and legible. examine the identification plate for compliance with the applicable drawing, for secure assembly, serial.ization and to assure that all pertinent data has been applied (see 3.4). Visually -_ -,. . -Y * .r c- - 1 4.5.3 Testing. Faii we data* Un1 ess

22、otherwise specified herein, al 1 If test requirements tests shall be conducted on a canplete mount. cited herein are not met, acceptance of the mount shall be deferred and the contractor shall accompl.ish, as applicable, the follaring actions: a, b. C. d. Conduct a failure analysis study per

23、forming a dimensional, physical and visual examination of the components which- are suspected to be the cause of failure or malfunction. Evaluate and correct the appl-icable production processes and procedures to prevent recurrence of the same defect(s) in future production. 5-: *oaf firing testing;

24、 Ml40 and-Mi40Al moun,s. Eat, mount shall be proof fire! “he proof firing sequence shall be as specified in to determine coanpliancewith 3.3.4 and-, using the test method specified in 4.6.4. %ble III, conducted at prevaillng ambient temperature, without con- ditioning. operation (see

25、, recoil travel (see, total cycle time (see and oil leakage (see Upon completion of proof firing, each mount shall be tested for oil leakage (see,5). Failure of the mount to meet the requirements when proof firing as specified in Table III shall b

26、e cause for rejection. the M140 and Ml40Al mounts may be accomplished by powder gymnastication (see 4,5.3.6). During proof firing, each mount shall be tested for breech Proof firing of Ml50 and M15Al mounts. Each mount shall be proof fired to determine compliance with 3.3.4 and,usi

27、ng the test method sFecified in 4.6.4. Table III, conducted at prevailing ambient temperature, without conditioning. During proof firing, each mount sha3 1 be tested. for recoil travel. (see, total cycle time (see and oil. leakage (see for oil leakage (see

28、). quirements when proof firing as specified iri Table III s3all be cause for re,jection. The proof firing sequence shall be as specified in Upon canpletion of proof firing, each mount shall be tested Failure of the mount to meet the re- TABLE III PROOF FIRING Round No. 1. 2 3 4 5 Percent of Maximum

29、 Firing Elevation Rated Parder Fressure (Degrees ) O O 20 35 O Parder gymastication testing (Ml40 and M140A1 mounts only). Proof firing of the Mi40 and M140A1 mounts may be accowplished by powder &mastication to determine compliance with, using the test method specified in 4.6.5 subj

30、ect to qualification of the contractor and approval by the contracting officer (see 6.2 ). Contractor qualification for use of the powder gymnasticator for proof firing shall consist of subjecting the first 70 mounts produced, to a live five-round proof firing test in accordance with Dura

31、bility testing (see may be substituted for contractor qualification. Failure of any mount to 11 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-M-45476 LO 7777706 0304753 6 W MIL-M-&5976(WC ) attain peak pressure as specifie in Pable II,

32、 recot1 travel length (see and total cycle time (see on four con- secutive cycles shall be considered a failure and shall be cause for rejection of the mount. requirements specified in shall be cause for rejection, addition, Ml40 and M140A1 mounts acceptance on the po

33、wder gymnasticator shall consist of the following criteria: Failure of any mount to meet the oil leakage In a. Lot sizes of 25 serialized mounts shall be gpnasticated b. in accordance with Table II. One mount from each lot of 25 mounts shall. be randomly selected and subjected t-o a live five round

34、proof firing test in accordance with at a Government proving Upon rejection of the one mount submitted for live proo? firing, five additional mounts shal.1 be randomly selected from the lot of 25 and shall also undergo the i ive five round proof firing test. Rejection of any of the five ad

35、ditional mounts sha!i be cause for rejection of the entire lot. . ground. c. d. Durability testing. To determine canpliance with 3.3.5, the governmentss representative shall randomly select one momt from the first lot of 30 mounts produced. The selected mount shall be sub- jected to a 600 ro

36、und live firing test at a Government proving ground, using the test method specified in 4.6.6. be subjected to a live five round proof firing test in accordance with at a GoverCunent proving ground. Failure of any mount shall be cause for rejection of the lot. substitute for contractor quali

37、fication for use of the powder gymnasti- cator. The remaining 29 mounts shall Durability testing may be used as a 4.5.4 Inspection equipnent. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), responsibility for acquisition, calibration, maintenance and disposition of acceptance inspection and test equipment pre

38、scribed on List of In- spection Equipent Numbers ELiOg05448, EL10940274, EL12000890 or E12000892, as applicable, and for all other inspection equipnent re- quired by applicable specifications, shall be in accordmce with MIL- 4.5.5 Inspection of packaging. Unless otherwise specified (see 1-45607. 6.2

39、), inspection to determine compliance with preservation, packing and marking requirements of the applicable packaging documentation, for the level designated in the contract, shall be as specified in MIL-P-14232. 12 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license

40、 from IHS-,-,-MiL,.45976 ( WC! ) 4.6 %st methods, 4.6.1 Static: pressure tes$, The mount, w!th firi adaper ta hold *he mount in battery, shall be-subjected to the specified static pressure for not less than five minuted: Visually exmine-for 0-1 leakage (see 3.3.1). - 4.6.2 -Collar torque test. The m

41、ount shall be tested for proper 4.6.3 Mechanical gymn astication tes:. The mount and camon assembl-y shall be Kounted on a eymnaticator and the follorcing shall be accomplished (see 3.3.3 ) : collar torque and. locking (see 3.3.2). a. Set the travel limit switch contacts to the maximum recoil travel

42、 limits established for the particular mount being tested. Elevate the mount until the gun is at 35 elevation, gymnasticate 20 times by moving the gun rearward the distance indicated in step ar above and then releasing it tr, return to the in-battery position under power of the recoil. spring. On th

43、e last cycle, the moilnt shall be checked for time required to return to the in-battery position as specified in Depress the mount until the gun is at zero degrees ele- vation, gymnasticate 20 times as in b. above. On the last cycle, the mount shall be checked for the re-ired to return to th

44、e i-battery position as specified in d. During gymnastication the mount shal! be checked for oil leakage ( see ) . the mount shall be checked for contaminated oil (see and oil leakage (see Proof firing of the mount shall be accomplished-by assemb!.ing the mount an

45、d- cannon tube to a vehicle, or a test stand sixulating vehicle app:ication. be performed by the Government. b. c. Upon camp! etion of gymnastication , 4.6.4 Proof firing test. Proof firing shai.1 4.6.5 -Powder gymn astication test. Proof firing of the mount by pmder gymnastication shall be perforne

46、d by the Government. gymnasticator shall be in accordance with Drawing 66F417 or equiva ent system, using porder charges of 9, 10 or 11. ounces. The powder Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-M-45976 10 W 9999906 0309753 T MIL-M-45976

47、 (WC ) 4.6.6 Durability test. The durability test shall. be accomplished with the mount and cannon tube assembled to a vehicle, or a test stand simulated vehicle application. proving ground. examined for structural damage, nemanent deformation or failure. remaining 29 mounts shall. be proof fired as

48、 specified in 4.6.4. Firing shal.1. be conducted at a Government The first mount selected shall be fired 600 rounds and The 5. PACKAGING 5.1 Disassemblx. Disassembly of mounts shall be accomplished only as necessary to safewmd parts fran damage, and provide required reduction in cube. shall be reins

49、talled on one of %he mating parts and secured. Wherever pmctical, bolts, nuiis, pins and washers 5.2 5.2.1 Cleaning and drying. EIounts shall be cleaned and dried ir: Preservation (Level A and B). accordance with the applicable process and procedures of MIL-P-. Hydraulic componer,ts. Hydraulic components shall be cleaned in accordaEce with the applicable raxir,g. 5.2.2 Preservative application. All electrical i


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