ARMY MIL-M-55058-1959 MAST AB-503( ) U《AB-503() U桅杆》.pdf

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1、JLC,d-?F MILITARY MIL-55058( Si ; c ) 4.4 Procurement Inspection of items before pre,protion for de1iverX.- (Contd) Government will review nd evo luate the contractors inspection procedures and examine the contractorts inspection records. form 011 or any port of the inspection specified in (e), to v

2、erify the cuntractors Com- pllance Kith specified requirements. (The amount of euch verification inspection fl-11 de- pend on the extent to which the contractorte inspection procedures and records insure that thc equipment on contract meets the specified procurement inspection. In sddition the Gover

3、nment-at its diecretion-may per- Ais0 see 6.4.) (a) (b) Procurement inspection she11 consist of group A, group B and group c inspec- tion 88 specified in 4.4.1 through ment my authorize the contractor to perfom any of such actions except that responsibility for acceptence reste with the Gov

4、ernment. Wnen Standard MIL-STD-105 specifies actions by the Covermnent, the Govern-, (c) Group B Inspection 6hll normally be performed on inspection lots that have passed group A inspection end on omples selected from units that have been oubdected to and met the group A inspection. In oddition, gro

5、up C inspection shall normally be per- formed on sample units timt have been subjected to and met group E inspection. However, the order may be varied when it is conaidered more practice1 to select separate sample6 for group B or group C inspection, or both. .- 4.4.1 Croup A inspection.- This inspec

6、tion (including sampling) shall cordorm to table II end Stendard irIt-STD-lO5. used at the start of the contract. which is satisf6ctory to the Government. Unlese othervise specified, normal inepectia she11 be Group A inspection shall be performed in any order Table 11.- Group A inspectian Inspect io

7、n Requir emen t - paragraph . AQL Major Minor Visual end Mechanical Elect Aseembly 3.12 4.7. 1.5$ 6.58 I= 5% Ca oe CY-2507( )/U 3.12 4 97 Cese CY-2508( )/U 3-12 4.7. O5 1.53 6.58 * *Y Air ress su re *# 3.6.2 4.8.3 1.5% Operetion # 3.6.4. 4.8 i.% + ioat inspection. tion . # These tests may be made co

8、acurrently * All operetionel defecto are of mador category. This test shall be conducted thraugh a minimum of 10 cycles of operation for procure- The test all be conducted through 500 cycles of operation in preproduc- Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with

9、CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-U-55058 66 7779706 0343557 2 vL-bf-55058( sigc) . Group B -Inspection.- This inspect!.on (including sempling) she11 COnfO-%I to table III and the Appendix to Stanndord MIL-SD-105. norm1 inoyectioc shall

10、 be used at the stert of the contrsct. cedure shell be R-l. lots) disposition of reJectcd product. Unlese othenrioe specifled herein, Disposibon of mnconforming product (semple units end nopcction sholl be in accordonce bith 4.5 and the requirements of Standard MIL-STP-lO5 for The reduced inapcctlon

11、 pro- Group B Sampling pl8ns.- The group B sampllag plans, for the AQL8 listed in .table III, eholl be 8s follows: Itspection level for nom 1 Inspection level for E?s normal operation position on the table of the Package Tester a6 mndc by the L.A.B. Corporston, Sksiientelea, New York, or equ

12、al. shafts ln phase, stall have a speed euch that it is just possible to insert a 1/32-inch- thick strip of material under one corner or edge of the unit to e distance of 3 Inches 88 the unit bounces. bounce preconditioning, the unit chel1 not be repaired, elined, cleaned, or otherwise changed prior

13、 to subjection to procurement inspection. 4.7 Visurii and mechtinica inspection.- The mat and equipment hpii be examined for The package tester, The unit shall be subjected to this preconditioning for 1 minute. Aftez defects listed in Table V. -7 Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provid

14、ed by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I MIL-M-55058 66 7777706 031.13557 b W Table V.- Classification of visuel and mechanicel defects Cia 6sif icetion Defect * Missing, broken, inoperative or defective parte of pump a68em

15、- Demaged or inaccurate pcepeights, levels or mil scale. Dameged or inoperetlve mast section. Broken or misa ligned fe stcnerd or hinge8 . Carrying handle,Singc or fastener on wrong side of case. Finish peeling or cracking. Poor, inadequate or Improperly applied finish. Loose particle6 of meterial,

16、sherp points or rough swfacee. bly, hose or velve system. Me jor Ineffective mest seals. e Minor 4.8 Most operetion.- The mast shell be operated from fully retrected to fully extond- ed potritions and return for confomnce with 3.6.4. 4.8.1 Torque test.- The mast shell be checked for maximum force re

17、quired to turn (orient) the mast, with the mast fully extended, both sets of guys in place and tensioned, and the mest carrying an equipment load of 12 pounds (real or eimubted). 4.8.2 Mil scale.- The 1011 scale shall be checked for cornplience with 3.6.3. 4.8.3 kir pressure.- Test for complience wi

18、th 3.6.2. Pressure in excaes of the 35 psig limit indicates a faulty mast. I 4.8.4 bset alignment.- Erect the met, vlth a 12 pound equipment load (real or simu- lated) end fully guyed, to e -.rerticel position. pinter, and peep sight orientation to assure alignment. (See 3.5.3.) Instrumentation shal

19、l be in accordance Kith agreement between the contractor end the euthoriscd Govern- Check the mil scale index, mil ecale ment technic81 representative. 4.8.5 Torsional rigidity.- The fully erected end guyed mast with a 12 pound equip- The tob1 twist shell not ex- ment loed (either real or simulated)

20、 shall be subjected to a 3 foot-pound, twisting force applied to the top of the top section of the mast. ceed ten mils measured at the top of the mast by Instrumentation agreed upon by the con- tractor and authorized Government technical repreeenbtive. . 4.8.6 Height stabi1itX.- The mest, Loaded wit

21、h a 12 pound equipment load (re81 or simulated) and guyed, shall be tested et positions of one-third, otra-half, two-thirde, and fully extended for complience vlth 3.5.4. 4.8.7 Air yum.- Test pliance with 3.6.5 vith the meet end pump in operating position. The msst i8 to be laded vlth a 12 pound equ

22、ipment loed, real or aimutted, and the guys ia place end properly tensioned. , . z Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-M-55058 66 M 7779906 OL4L.560 2 I. f- 4.9 .T

23、emperoture test for cqupncnt.- Thc equipment shell be Measurement sliell PD rn va ph yerotrc cycle shown ori Stancard MIL-STIS-. tko 6uremer.t cubjectc-d to- the tem- be made 3s follows: 3.8.2 2A Test for cornplionce with 3.6. E-uipment may be removed from test clmmber for test for conpliance with 3

24、.6.4 if size of chnnbcr Ki11 not permit full extension of wst. Such test muot be conducted immediately Upon removal from chamber. not permit full exteneion of rast for coinpliance with 3.6.4, test may be conducted within the limits of the confines of the chamber. 3.8.2 7 Test for couplience with 3.6

25、. If aize of test chamber does Eorizontal testing is permissable. o 4.10 Elevatiori.- Place the e.qquipment in a suitable pressure chamber. Reduce the et- mosphcric presouse to 20.L4 inchss of mercury. tcndcd using the air pump furnished os an item of equipment. ber will not permit full extension of

26、 the most for cornplience with 3.6.4, the test my be conducted within the limits of the coafinca of the test Chamber. Mast sections my be in horizontal. position. Test to determine that the mast can be ex- If the size of the test cham- 4.11 Itounce test; quipinent unc1t:r 100i3 pounds.- Ceces Ci-250

27、/( )/U and CY-SSW( )/U losded normally or with A lonc cinuleting t;e weight and distribution of equipment nor- ra1l.y stored therein or conponentr; there for example AB-503WPJ. should apply for nomenclahre in accordance with the applicable cleuse in the contmct. (See i.1.) %iie contractor 6.4 Verifi

28、cation inspection.= The amount of vcrlficetion hrgectioo i by the Govern- - ruent) will be adjusted to make utilization of the contractors yuae!i%y control system and the qwlity history of the product, and will numlly le lde?tAfltd by th, - categories listed below: . ., (a) Type A-The tctal

29、 of that inspection set fortin in the Quality Assurance Provisions of this specification or the contract. amount of inspection referred to as normel and tightened inspection by Military Stand- ere 105. (b) Type B-That inspection set forth in the y Asouronce Proviaions of this specification or the co

30、ntract reduced in amount under the reduced i*.appection pro- visions of Military Standerd 105. Included in thio cetegory is that , (c) Type C-A reduced inspection procedure resulting in 8 materhl reuction in the amount of inspection set forth in the Quality Assurance Provisions of this specifice- ti

31、on. The amount of inspection is lesa than thot provided for in type B ond is based upon a consistently acceptable product resulting from a planned quality control 8ptem voluntarily employed by the contractor in the production of the product. Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by

32、 IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-6.5 Group C inspection.- Approval to ship may be withheld, et the iscretion of the Goverment, pending the decision from the contracting officer on the adequacy of cor- rective action. (See

33、 NOTICE: pose other tbn in connection with a def lnitely related Goverment procurement operation, the United Stetes Goverment thereby incura no responsibility nor any obligation whatso- ever; and the fact tit the Government may have formubted, furnished, or in any way sup- plied the seid dr

34、awings, specifications, or other dah ir3 not to be regarded by implica- tion or otherwise a8 in any manner licensing the holder or any other person or corporetion, or conveying any rights or permission to manufacture, uoe, or sell eny petenteci invention that may in my MY be related thereto. When Government drawings, specificetions, or other data are used for any pur- -. 11 Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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