ARMY MIL-M-55071-1959 MOTOR-GENERATOR 8603214 PACKAGING OF《8603214电动发电机的包装》.pdf

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ARMY MIL-M-55071-1959 MOTOR-GENERATOR 8603214 PACKAGING OF《8603214电动发电机的包装》.pdf_第1页
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1、4- 19 59 SUPERSEDING FA( FC )- Ph208 8 August 1957 MILITARY SPFIFICA!t!LON M?JTOR=GENERATR, 86032l4; PACKAGING OF 1. SCOPE 1.1 This specification covers the packaging and packing of Motor- Generator, 8603214 for each level of protection. 2. APPIJCABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 The following documents, of the is

2、sue in effect on date of in- vitation for bids, forq a ,part of this specification. SPECIFICATIONS Federal .- uu-i 06 PPP-P-291 PPP-E35 PPP-E601 PPP-E621 PPP-13-636 PPP-T=60 PPP-T- 76 lELB.1 1 7 MILB- 1 30 MIEIL3464 MILC-7769 .- Tape, Masking; Paper (Pressure Sensitive) Paperboard Wrapping, Cushioni

3、ng Boxes; Wood, Wirebound Boxes; Wood, Cleated Plywood Boxes; Wood, Nailed and Lock-Corner Boxes, Fber Tape; Pressure Sensitive Adhesive, Waterproof- For Packaging and Sealing Tape; Pressura-Sensitive Adhesive, Paper, Water-Resistant Preservation, Methods of Bags, Interior Packaging Barrier Materia,

4、 Paper, Iloncorrosive Desiccants, Activated, Bagged, Packaging Use and Static Dehumidification Cushioning Material, Bound Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-il-55071 b1 m 3797706 0073658 A STANDARDG Military MIGSTD.IO5 Samping Proced

5、ures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes MIL-STD- 1 29 Marking for Shipment and Storage (Copies of specifications, standards and publications required by contractors in connection with procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer.

6、) 3. REcrY-JIREMENTS 3.1 Materials and methods.- The materiais, methods and procedures used in the packa,oring of items shaU be in accordance with this specifi- cation. suited to the intended use and subject to the approval of the contracting officer. Materials and methods not covered by a specifica

7、tion shall be 3.1.1 Materiais.- The following shall apply wherever packaging materials are referred to in this specification by name only: REFERENCE FULL IDENTIITCATION Noncorrosive barrier material Pressure=Sensitive tape Waterproof pressure-sensitive tape Type I or II of Specification MEB=l3O me i

8、 of Specification UV-T-io6 me 3, class 2 or 3 of Specification PPP=T-60 3.2 Size of containers.- Bags, interior containers and exterior con- tainers shall be of a minimm size that will adequately contain the items, 3.3 Packaging. 3.3.1 Level A. Disassemb1inq.- If the motor-generator is shock

9、 mounted, After the the shock mounts shall be removed from the motor-generator. shock mounts have been removed, the bolts, which are used to secure the shock mounts to the motor-generatorsha. not be removed from the shock mounts. The lock washers and nuts shall be replaced on the bolts. Clea

10、ning.- Cleaning Process C-1 of Specification KEP-116 shall be followed to clean the surfaces of the motor-generator, the mounting hardware and shock mounts. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-j MIL-U-55072 62 9999906 0093657 T Dr

11、ying.- Immediately after cleaning, the surfaces shall be dried thoroughly in accordance with any applicable procedure specified in Specification MILP-116 that will not damage the items. described herein, which conforms to Hethod IIb of Specification CEP-1 16. Unit wckaginq.- The motor-genera

12、tor shall be packaged as Shock mounts and mountiw hardware.- The shock mounts and The wrap shall mounting hardware shall be placed together and wrapped with cushioning material conforming to type I of Specification PPP-P-291. be secured in place with pressure-sensitive tape. The wrapped it

13、ems shall be secured to the motor-generator with waterproof pressure-sensitive tape. WrappinP the motor-generator.- The motor-generator shal be wrapped with non-corrosive barrier material cured in place with pressure-sensitive tape. The wrap shall be se- Desiccant.- The required

14、units of desiccant shall be se- cured to the wrapped motor-generator with waterproof pressure-sensitive tape. The desiccant shall conform to Specification MIED-3464, and the required units to be used shall be determined by Fontda I of Specifica- tion BEL-Pol 16. Interior fiberboard contain

15、er.- The wrapped motor-gen- erator shall then be immobilized in a fiberboard box conforming to type I, class 1, style TS of Specification PPP-b636. as specified in the appendix to the box specification. the fiberboard box shall be blunted. The box shall be closed Each corner of Humidity in

16、dicator.- A humidity indicator, conforming to the military standard indicator specified in Specification MILP-116, shall be secured to the fiberboard box with pressure-sensitive tape. The indicator shall be located as specified in Specification MIL-P-I. Water-vaporproof bac;.- The fiberboa

17、rd box shall be placed in a bag conforming to type I, class e of Specification MGB-ll7. size of the bag shall be such that sufficient water-vaporproof barrier material is provided where the final seal is to be made to make two addi- tional seals as required in Specification MILP-116. The bag shall b

18、e heat sealed in such a fashion that the bag can be opened and resealed at least twice and pass the heat seal and quick leak tests of Specification MILP-116. The Ehtrapped air shall be exhausted prior to final closure. Cushioning and immobilizing in exterior fiberboard box. 3.3.1 .bo 7.1 T

19、he exterior fiberboard box, in which the bagged box containing the motor-generator is to be placed and cushioned as specified in, shall conform to class 2 or 3, any compliance symbol and any style, except FTC, TS, OPF and FPF of Specification PPP-B-636. 3. - Provided by IHSNot for Resale

20、No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-U-55071 bL W 9999906 0093660 b MIGM-55071 (OM) The interior surfaces of the exterior fiberboard box shall be lined with bound cushioning material at least one and one-half inches thick and conforming to type III or

21、IV of Specification MIL-C-7769. taining the motor-generator shall be immobilized in the bound oushioning material. The bagged box con= The exterior box shall be closed with pressure-sensitive tape conforming to Specification PPP-T-76 in accordance with the appendix to the box specificati

22、on. 3.3.2 Leml C. DisassemblinR. cleaning and drying Disassembling, cleaning and drying shal be as specified in, and Unit packavinq.- The motor-generator shall be packaged as speci- fied in to inclusive, except as follows, which is in co

23、n- formance with Method III of Specification MILP-116; , a. At least two thiclknesses of barrier material, specified in, shall be used to wrap the motor-generator. b. The desiccant, specified in shall be omitted. C. The fiberboard box specified in shall be omitted. d. e

24、. The humidity indicator, specified in, shall be omitted. The water-vaporproof bag, specified in, shall be omitted. f. A fiberboard box, conforming to type I or II, class 1, any style, except FTC, TS, OPF of Specification PPP-13-636, shall be used in lieu of the fiberboard box sp

25、ecified in material as specified in and closed as specified in the appendix to the box specification. The box shall be lined dth cushioning 3.4 Packing. 3.4.1 Level A.- Four unit packaged motor-generators shall be immobilized PPP-B-601 - Style A or B (overseas type) - type I

26、I or III, class 2 plywood PPP-B-621 - Class 2 (overseas), style 2 or 4 in a shipping container conforming to one of the following specifications: 4. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-M-55071 61 7777906 0093663 B 3.4.2 Level B.- Four

27、 unit packaged motofigenerators shall be immob- iliced in a shipping container conforming to one of the following speci- flcations t PPP-B.95 - Any style, except style 1, class 1, construct for type 3 load PPP-B-601 - Any style, under domestic type PPP-E621 - Class 1 (Domestic), style 2 or 4 3.4.3 L

28、evel C.- A number of unit packaged motor-generators shall be iinmobilised in a shipping container confoiaiing to one of the following specifications: PPP-bJ85 - PPP-B-601 - Any style under domestic type PPP-E621 - Class 1 (Domestic), any style PPP-B-636 - !i!ype I or II, class i, any style except FT

29、C, TS, OPF and FPF style, exmpt style 1, class 1, construct for type 3 load The grass weight for a Level C wood shipping container shall not exceed 200 pounds. tainer shall not exceed the weight limits specified in Specification PPP-B=63t The gross might for the fiberboard shipping con- 3.4.

30、4 StraDping.- Strapping shall be applied on shipping containers. The type of strapping and the method of applying it shall be as specified in the applicable container specification. 3.5 Markinq. 3.5.1 Interior packaqes Marking of interior packages shall be in accordance with Standard KL-STD-129 and

31、Specification i Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Tm I - CWSSIFXCATION OF DEFECTS (Contdr Major AQ 2.5 3.4.2 visual - 3.4.3 Manual . 4. Insufficient desiccant (Level A) 3-3.1 .4. 3 Visual 5. Impmper cleaning (Lewos U) visual 6.

32、Improper drying (Levels U) ylapal Minor AQL 4.0 41 . 42. 43. 44. 45. 4.6. 47. 48. 49. 50 51 Shock mounts not removed (Luve18 A,B 3.3.1.C.3 3.3.202 3.4.3 : 3.4.4 3.7; nsual visual visual visual visua visual visual

33、Standard meas. equipment (SME) visual Visual visual TABLE II - CLASSIFICATION OF DEFECTS (Use Inspection Level L7, and Sampling Plan Table IV4 - of Standard MIGSTD-105) - Q.A. Par. Test Method 4.3.2 vimal Quick leak (Level A) 3.3.1 . 4.6 4.3.2 Visual m Major AQL 2. Heat seal (Leve? A) 4.3 Test metho

34、ds and procedures. 4.3.1 Rouph handling test.- The pilot pack ony ahal be subjected to the rough handling test in accordance with the requirements of Spec- ification MIEP-116. Applicable only to Level A. - -e- 1 -= -. PROBLEM HARD COPY Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permi

35、tted without license from IHS-,-,-NIL-M-55072 61 W 7997706 0073665 5 MGH-55071 (Ord) 4.3.2 PackafinP tests Fach package in the applicable sample shall be subjected to the pertinent packaging tests of Specification KILP-116. 4.3.3 Determination of. cleanliness test.- Periodically, the appli- cable su

36、rfaces of one or more units shal be subjected to the “Deterini- nation of Cleanliness“ test in accordance with Specification MLP-I 16. There are no applicable requirements. 60 NOTES 6.1 Ordering data.- Procurement documents should specify the following: a. Title, number and dte of specification. b.

37、Selection of applicable levels of packaging and pacning. 6.2 Sise and weight of packed shipping container.- The following inside dimensions, cubage and gross weight are approximate for four unit packaged motor-generators packed in a nailed wood box for Level A: Inside dimensions-22. inches long by 1

38、8. inches wide by 20 inches deep Cubage - 6.1 cubic feet Gross weight - 175. pounds 6.3 Definitions. 6.3.1 Standard measuring em ment (SHE).- Standard measuring equip- ment (SME) includes the common hand type measuring devices which are usually stocked by commercial supply houses for ready supply (s

39、helf items), and which are normally used by an inspector to perr“orm dimensional inspection of items under procurement. equipment . This category also includes commercial testing NOTICE: for any purpose otlner tian in connection with a definitely related Govern- ment procurement operation, the Unite

40、d States Government thereby incurs no responsibility nor any obligation whatsoever; and the fact that tlne Government may have formulated, furnished, or in any way supplied the said drawings, specifications or other data is not to be regarded by im- plication or otherwise as in any mer licensing the

41、 holder or any other person or corporation, or conveying any rights or permission to manufac- ture, use, or sell any invention that may in any way be related thereto. When Government drawings, specifications, or other data are used Custodiari: Preparing Activity: Arqr - Ordnance Corps driqy - Ordnan

42、ce Corps Other interest: _SigC ;cr -. i? - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-H R Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-M-55071 61 7979706 O093667 7 a - MIGM-5507l (OM ) a 11. JCI GPO 9592 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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