ARMY MIL-P-11807 C-1957 PROJECTILE 155-MM GUN AND HOWITZER M104 AND M110 WP FS HD AND H FILLING ASSEMBLY《M104式和M110式155 mm口径加农榴弹炮 白磷烟幕弹(WP) M60烟幕弹(FS) HD和M60生化弹(H)用填装组件》.pdf

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ARMY MIL-P-11807 C-1957 PROJECTILE 155-MM GUN AND HOWITZER M104 AND M110 WP FS HD AND H FILLING ASSEMBLY《M104式和M110式155 mm口径加农榴弹炮 白磷烟幕弹(WP) M60烟幕弹(FS) HD和M60生化弹(H)用填装组件》.pdf_第1页
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ARMY MIL-P-11807 C-1957 PROJECTILE 155-MM GUN AND HOWITZER M104 AND M110 WP FS HD AND H FILLING ASSEMBLY《M104式和M110式155 mm口径加农榴弹炮 白磷烟幕弹(WP) M60烟幕弹(FS) HD和M60生化弹(H)用填装组件》.pdf_第2页
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ARMY MIL-P-11807 C-1957 PROJECTILE 155-MM GUN AND HOWITZER M104 AND M110 WP FS HD AND H FILLING ASSEMBLY《M104式和M110式155 mm口径加农榴弹炮 白磷烟幕弹(WP) M60烟幕弹(FS) HD和M60生化弹(H)用填装组件》.pdf_第3页
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ARMY MIL-P-11807 C-1957 PROJECTILE 155-MM GUN AND HOWITZER M104 AND M110 WP FS HD AND H FILLING ASSEMBLY《M104式和M110式155 mm口径加农榴弹炮 白磷烟幕弹(WP) M60烟幕弹(FS) HD和M60生化弹(H)用填装组件》.pdf_第4页
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ARMY MIL-P-11807 C-1957 PROJECTILE 155-MM GUN AND HOWITZER M104 AND M110 WP FS HD AND H FILLING ASSEMBLY《M104式和M110式155 mm口径加农榴弹炮 白磷烟幕弹(WP) M60烟幕弹(FS) HD和M60生化弹(H)用填装组件》.pdf_第5页
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1、lkUL“P-SP807C 6 JUNE 1957 c 1. SCOPE SUPERSEDING MTGS-0011807B (CmlC) 23 DECEMBER 1954 19 JUNE 1953 “S-11807A MILITARY SPECIFICATION PROJECTILES, 155-MM. GUN AND HOWITZER, M104 AND M110; WP, FS, HD, AND H FILLING ASSEMBLIES . . This specification has been approved by the Department of Defense und is

2、 maw . datory for me b-zr the Department3 of the Army, the Navv, the Air Forci. : . . . . . - . . _.“ . ._ . r_ JAN-P-253 - Paper, Liquid-Vesi- . cant-Detector, M6. . -1.1 This specification covers the white phosphorus (WP) , chlorosulfonic acid-sul- fnr trioxide solution (FS) , vacuum distilla- JAN

3、-C-314 - Crayon, Vesicant (H or L) Detector, (314. tion process mnstard (HD), and Levinstein JAN-G349 - Chlorosulfonic Acid- process mustard (H) filling and assembly of Sulfur Trioxide the M104 and Ml10 155-millimeter projectiles Solution (FS) . without explosive components. JAN-H-502 - Hexamine (Fo

4、r Use 2. APPLICABLE DOCURlENTS MIL“-12051 - Mustard (HD) Vcu- 2.1 The following specifications, standards, um Distillation? in Ammunition). and drawings of the issue in effect on dzte of . Process. invitation for bids, form a pa.rt of this speci- fication: MI.L-M-1254 - Musiard, . H (Levins stein Pr

5、ocess). . . . SFECIFICATICINS . STANDARDS FEDERAC MILITARY UU-P-236 - Paper, Filter, Andy- tical. MGSTD-i05 - Sa.mpling Procedures UU-P488 - Paper, Mimeograph. and Tables for In- spection. by Attri- MILITARY . .- butes. MILSTD-129 - Marking for Ship- ZAN-P-215 - Phosphorus, White. . .- . ment and St

6、orage. Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-P-LL807C L3 777770b 0273805 7 9 _- . . MILP-11804C . DRAWINGS ORDNANCE CORPS 75-14-2296. - Shell, Chemical, M104, for 155-mm. Guns- Loading Assembly, Marking Diagram and Details. 75-14-317 - Shell, Chemical, MIIO, for 155-mm. How- itzer, Ml-Loading

7、 Assembly, Marking Diagram and De- tails. (Copies of specifications, standards, and drawings required by contractors in connection with speciflc procurement functions should be obtained from the proouring activity or as directed by the contracting offlcer.) 2.2 Other publications. The following dom-

8、 ment forms a part of this specification. Un- less otherwise indicated, the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids shall apply, INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION 49 CFR 71-78 - Interstate Commerce Commission Rules and Regulations for the Transportation of Explosives and Other Dangerous Articles

9、, (The Interstate Commerce Commission regula- tions are now a part of the Code of Federal Regulations (1949 Edition-Revised 1950) available from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington 26, D, C. Orders for the tibove publication should cite “49 CFR 71-78 (Rev. 1950.”)

10、 3, REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Materials and components. All materials, components and subassemblies used in the filling assemblies shall conform to specifica- tions and drawings forming a part of this specification. 3.2 Filling. 3.2.1 WP. When WP filling is specified (see 6.2), the projectiles, substantially

11、 clean and 2 . ,” - free from foreign matter, shall be filled with molten white phosphorus conforming to Spec- ification JAN-P-215 (see 6.3). Whenever process water is used, the water shall be buffered by a suitable alkaline salt to main- tain a pH value between 6.6 and 8.0 (see 3.3.1). The filling

12、shall be solidified with the projectiles in a nose-up position. 3.2.2 FS. When FS filling is specified (see 6.2), the projectiles, dry and substantially free from foreign matter, shall be filled with chlorosulfonic acid-sulfur trioxide solution conforming to Specification JAN-C-379 (see 6.3 and 3.3.

13、2). 3.2.3 HD. When HD filling is specified (see 6.2), the projectiles, dry and substantially free from foreign matter, shall be filled with distilled mustard conforming to Specification MIL-M-12051 (see 6.3 and 3.3.2). 3.2.4 H. When H filling is specified (see 6.2), the projectile, dry and substanti

14、alIy free from foreign matter, shall be filled with Levinstein mustard conforming to Specifica- tion MIL-M-I2054 (see 6.3 and 3.3.2). Prior to closing the filled projectiles 48.0 -t- 5.0 grams of hexamine conforming to Specifica- tion JAN-H-502 shall be added. No hexamine shall be permitted to remai

15、n on the press-fit surfaces in the nose of the projectiles. 3.3 Filling height. The projectiles shall be tested as specified in 4.4.2. 3.3.1 WP. The surface of the WP in the filled and closed projectile shall be no more. than IV8 inches below the lowest point of the burster well adapter and the wate

16、r above the WP shall be more than 3/8 inch below the lowest point of the burster well adapter when the projectile is inspected in a vertical nose- up position while the temperature of the WP filling is 130 vS 1. Depth to burster casing incorrect 2. Threads damaged or contaminated 3. Bourrelet diamet

17、er (max.) after 4. Filling excessive (agent, WP 5. Marking (identification) incorrect 6. Zone marking incorrect _ coating incorrect _L_ or water) _._ 4.4.2 MtW AQL 8.6 percent defective 51. Rotating band damaged _._ 52. Marking (identification) missing 63, Filling insufficient (WP) _._._ 4.4.2 or il

18、legible 54; Threads not greased _ _ 55. Lifting plug missing, frozen or insecure (not seated) ._._._ SB. Coating missing, inadequate or incorrect -._._ XtWkhtd AQL i0 mesnt defeotive 101. -Contamination (other than filling agent) _._-. 4 CI “ PP “ P -P - P . 4.4 Tests, 4.4.1 Leakage. WP. Fol

19、lowing the final operation and while the filling is still molten, the filled and closed projectile shall be placed in a nose- down position or rolled on its side for a minimum period of 1 minute. The emission of smoke shall constitute leakage. FS. During or following the final cleaning opera

20、tion the filled and closed projectile shall be placed in a nose-down position or rolled on its side for a minimum period of Z minute. The ernissin of smoke shall constitute leakage. HD ar H. After the final cleaning operation, a disk shali -b inserted into the fuze well so that the coated si

21、de of the paper is in -contact with the burster well adapter. The disk shall be cut either from detector paper conforming to Specification JRN-P- 253 or from filter. paper conforming to type I, class.2 of Specification UU-P-236 OF from mime.ograph paper conforming to type 1 of Specification UU-P-388

22、. The filter or mimeo- graph paper shall be coated with crayon con-. forming to Specification JAN-C-314. The projectile shall be main.tained on its side or in a nose-down position at a minimum tem- perature of 70F. for a minimum period o 16 hours and the disk examined for discolora- tion which shall

23、 be considered evidenc.e of leakage. . 4.4.2 Filling height, The projectile shall be radiographed (see 6.2). 4.5 Pilot lot rejection criteria. If any projec- tile fails to meet the applicable drawing; or specification requirements, the pilot lot shall be rejected. The cause of failure shall be ascer

24、tained, corrective action instituted, and another pilot lot produced and subjected to the same examination and testing as for its initial pilot lot. No regular production lot shall be accepted prior to approval of a pilot lot-, Licensed by Information Handling Services5. PREPARATION F-OR DELIYERE- 5

25、.1 Packing, level A. Unless otherwise spec- ified, the -filled and closed projectiles shall be packed for shipment or storage in the same manner as the empty projectiles weke re- ceiGd and the pack shall conform to the Code ,of. .Federal Regulations 49 . CFR 71-78. Projectiles shall be segregated by

26、 zone for shipping purpases. . ._ 5.2 Markng. In addition to any spec-ia1 marking required by the contract or order, shipping containers shall be marked in ac- cordance with Standard MIL-STD-129. . - 6. NWES 6.1 Intenaed use. 6J.l MIO4. The M104 projectile is intended -. for use with 155-mm. guns. 6

27、.1.2 “10. The R1110 projectile is intended for use with 155-mm. howitzers. 6.2 Ordering data. Procurement documents (a) Title, number and date of this specification. (h) Type projectile and filling agent required. (c) The contractor will not be required to furnish radiographic equip- ment. should sp

28、ecify the following : 6.3 Precaut-ions. Because of the hazardous nature of filling munitions with chemical agenk, filling installations are advised to take all necessary precautions to protect personnel from injury while filling projectiles in accordance wfth this specification. 6,4 Filling aid. The

29、 following information is fuenished as an aid to procurement and not as a criterion for filling. Projectiees filled with agent within the limits of the applicable table for the corresponding temperature range have been found to comply with 3.3 provided the projectiles meet- the internal “ MIL-P-lf$O

30、?C dimensional requirements of the applicable drawings. The limits of each table are ex- pressed in inches from the nose of the projectile to the upper surface of the agent before the burstel csing is inserted into the projectile. 6.4.1 TV$“ The WP filling in the project.ile will weigh 14.7 and the

31、fact that the Government may have formulated, furnished, or in any way supplied the said drawings, specifications, or other data is not to be regarded by implication or otherwise as in any manner licensing the holder or any other person or corporation, ur conveying any rights or permission to manufacture, use or sell any patented invention that may in any way be related thereto. Custodians: Army4emical Corps Navy-Bureau of Ordnance Other interest: Army-OM NavyAC Preparing activity: Army“Chemica1 Corps 2 11 11 11 Licensed by Information Handling Services


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