1、-1 :.Y.: . . ., . . I . ._e, MIL-P-12072A 35 Ml 9799906 0244297 2 -:+- i i -. . . :. . . . ! . . r: . :.I i:. . . . . _I . I . -. -. . - . . . L . . F .-. i .-. F. . . - . .-. . . 1. SCOPE. . :. . 5.1 Thle apccificotioa covaro tho rcqulromnta for a c-111, hand-opcratcd, hydraulic jcck typo,lc,irztlr
2、i prc3n tr31rq up to poi ;r prlntcb itair0 iudlvldua11y betvcon tu4 ohaots of trano- Pmnt ,plutic ahcoto, up to 5 tr.chze by 6 lncbeo in slzc, through cdjustsba heat inputs -arrd appropriate wltat$oao la y:. . . . . I-. -. . . . -._. . . . . . . . . . . . _. . . . . . , . u-P-lo8 c Pcrckqlng and Pac
3、kZn Wotarvaporproof, Flexible (tfotorproofcd) .- ti: . . Licensed by Information Handling Services-. . . . . . -. . . flaL-P-Jd072A 35 - .- 9779906 0244298 4 m X=-P-IX)92A( Si;i Unlese otherwise inlcat-ed, the issue in eifect on date of invitation for bidr ahall apply. . MRICAIP TRUCKIrCO ACSOCIATIO
4、X letional Motor Freight Classlfication (Application for copies should be addreseed te the +riean Trucking Aesociation, 1,424 16th Street, ti. U., Washington, D. C.) ASSWIATIOR aP ATSRICM RAIMOADS Uniform Freight Clastrf ication -. -. c (Application for copice should be addressed to tbe Aasqcirtion
5、of Amaricaa Rcrilroads, . -. . e-. I -_ . -_ . 202 Chicago non station, Chicago 6, 111.) . 3s REQU=*ZKTS . 3.1 Li I. . . Construction.- The cquipnt shall be constructed in accordrrico vith.Signa1 Corn6 Drawing and Data List SC-DL-136748. ,. c - 3.2 Prcprouctfon saieplcs. -_._ C.- c - . . -_- -Y . .
6、. . _. . . .*.* . 2 : _ : : e% LJ Licensed by Information Handling Services. . -.-_ .-_ HIL-P-12072A 35 0 ab 02q42qY b m*.-. . -.-I _ .y*:, 1: . r: . . - f . -I_ , . rnL-P-l2092A(Sl) E: . . .-. 3.2.4 Reference stnnhr0o.- After preproduction oqlcs have fcen approvd they intorprtatiou of rcquircmnta.
7、- . ab11 bo kcpt intact ln cun-icy of tho Covcmumnt faagcctor untll rclcaocd by hm. They - . uhnllbo uocd ao roZcrcnco tnndcrde to rooolvc say dlffercncco of oplnioo regarding . . ,. . . . _- I. ,. -I . 3.3 1ntcrchm:;cabllitv. - Corraeyonlng conponanta, rcplaccablo subatmcrpblico *._ and rcplacczbla
8、 partb 00 contract ohull bs phyecally and funct1oFGlly Interchangeable , I. . p . aa unlto without-mdiflcatloa thcruiof or of tho: deoign liruitsohcsll bo usad to botomina coqlfonce with tho forcgoirig. itam with which the ualto are urrc. F.;: Whom dimcnoiono, ratings nrrd otbr chzractcratlco aro no
9、t opclfiad, tho mnufacturols tractor is ia doubt m to nhatbcr a particular anocnbly or part Is to be conedarod roplkcable, the contracting offlcor ohould be coaeultod. :.-: I . “ If tho coa- . . :. - *. . .- . p.:.: . :. .3.4. Parer oupp1y.- fho cquipunt ehall be operable irm-8 aomlnail5 volt, . . !
10、. t:.: . , _- c-_. ,. .- -60 cycle :stq3lo phaao povor oource. I_._. 3.5 Exposure to cxtrcm tcmcraturco.- Tho equipmnt shall not suffer any remnent -. , -_._ lunctoril caF;toa c3 a rcsult of c:.poauro to otor-o tcwperaturoe botwecn -rnt to the bbloture Rcsltanca ,. -. . . L ,. * . . . . -. . and +1r
11、l capwlty or cau?e say dugr8datloa of ts applod ffnl6hea C and othr exposod 8urf1ac08. _ 1:- L:. L . 3.7. Diclcctrlc atrcn?th.- Folloviw expoouro of tS8 equlp!L?nt to tho !; -: vhon tho potentials opcciflcd lu 4.6.4 are appllcd betucon th lasulatloa of any cloctrical E;.%! r;: uctcted lu tho circult
12、 bolw tooted. . L. . -. 3.8 puz.-=tiorn.- rcm, -inat( in nccorance vltb tbe requtrezwta of SpcclIfcation MIL-M-13231. ._ . 3.9 Idcntficatlon ?kiri.- Preaa, bluh3, Photographic FM-3O( ) atual1 bear 3 . 10 Workmno hp . - The equlpmant worknianliko tamor . 4, QUALITY ASSEA“E PI3OVISIOIos . 4.1 Inopccti
13、on, fienoral.- aha11 bo ianufaaturarl aid ablOd ia 6 thoroughbj ti“: . . . . _._ . I . 4.1.1 Dofinitiono.- Shudard MiL-!iilD-109 applls0 for defaltona of lnopectoa 4.1.2 Ciausification of 1nopcction.- Inspection ohall be ciaeafied 88 followe: temu used herein. Prcprobucton Lnugectloa of oqulpn3nt. .
14、I Acceptcrace loopoction of aqulpmnt. 8 i: Accaptenco LoapeatLon of pyoparatloa for dolivery, u - t: . I;.;.-, .-. . p “.“ ,. f: . t=.: I r:. -:. . ,. . ,. . ,. . C. I.“. I . I. I. I.-. I. , 1 ;-EI Licensed by Information Handling ServicesVisual and mechnical Expoourc to oxtrcno tomperatwe Xoioturo
15、rcoetance Diocctrlc strength I_.- ,. -_.- - , . _- ,-. - I._ - -_. - . . . . - - . .- . ,_-_ -. i Visual an niehSt1S.01 ._-. now - -. r.-. . _;_ _- - . _. - ._. Licensed by Information Handling ServicesI .o . .I . . . . . . . _. - _“_ _._ _.- ._ d_ .- .“ _-_._ -“*-._, _ -*,_ . -A . .-“. . prcparntio
16、n for dolivery ohall consist af the Group 0 inspastion pecifod in 4.5.1 . . ,-. - - . through 4.5.2 4.5.1 Group B incpcctlon of prcnaratlon for delivery.- Tnla inspectlon, includi- k? _-._. .I I-. :. . - -_. fJW1iQ3, sl;oll coiform to Tablc 1Ir;nd to tho AppcrdPd to Standard ML-STD-105. fnqcction le
17、vel L-8 oholl bo wcd for nons: inopcctlon ara level L-6 for rcduccd . - . -. nopoction. start of tho contract. Tho roduced lnspoction proccdure shall be R-1. Pacwes of a par%icuar rathod or oinilar conbination of =thode, sub=ittcd at one tina. A lot for visual lrmpoctlon of tho ycck oh11 be all corp
18、lotod packo that arb identical and are eubmittad for nopxtion at one tim. Unleos othcwiuo opccificd hcrala, nornal impaction aha11 be used at the . Inapectlon l.ot.-A lot for inspection of packaging ohall bo all uaLt . : . - . -. Table XII - Group B lnopcctlon of prcmration for dclivcq . - .
19、I-._- - . Inepactioa ackaachnnccil flt, loooo auto and ncreuo and othsr Eochanlcal defecto. Controle, faotoning dovicoo, gagea sed p*o shall bo inspected for mzchonlcol oportr- tion. Wiring, solderc rnd brazed junctioa, velds, fnibthee anil exposed eurfacco shall bo mpectod for thoroughmw of vorbnoh
20、ip. krkiace eholl be inepectcd for uonforpanc to requlrementa and theml adjuetmnt deviceo checkad for aacurate rtN3QOWiO* . . c-. , . -.- . . . r: a. r. (b) A nonnal tim-cycle and a nonnal pressure; F: .- -. . Short time-cyclb.- Set the timer tor 30 acconde and =ka 3 successive If this fog
21、ged arca is (c) A greater than nom time cycle sn B noml pressure. l-irfitions, applyir:C;ed area around the edge of the insert curds so laminated. contiruous arid uniform all aroucd, then the heating and cooling platens ara considered . to tc perfectly aligned. If a fogged arca appoara only on one s
22、ide, either the heating plateno or the cooling platen6 aro not parallel, indicatir,g maladJu8trnent in asoembling or the recult of a prior teet to which the unlt bas been subJected otharwiso. In order to proceed with the other consecutivo tc6t6, repeat thio short tbe-cycle lamination test, -kirt 60
23、oacodo d d 3 QCOOo%W bio nhouX ikcyioe produco an ove;.crll - t:. I porfctc ty ccnlcd I ,clearly tranoparor.t 1r;r;ilnat.lon t?xoout. ,.-.- - 4.6.56-3 pcrsttona toot.- Sotta tit or acy cviccncc of eXCeoiziV0 or.nateria1 dtoqualiflccrtloa fomd thorain, I Allwthe VOCT, bO3Cntq OS PrultS, WZotic bcbvio
24、. of 8riy co,tol Gevtco OZ ZSy other fUnCttOW1 . 4.7 Vlaual iz?cctlon of prcpn?atlon for delivery.- Packqcs srd ShlppIW Con- . . talncrs chal1 bo kasincd for th3 dofcct LiGtCd in Drawing SC-A-bGli06, OD applicable, as preparad fot sbipmnt) ohdl bo oubjoctdl to tho rough handline tcot foliowd by th a
25、fter testlw and tho pnckaeco and the item3 thcrln exazlticd for d-0. obaL1 then be subjucted to tho Lnspectlom speclfied ia Table II. retention, quick leak and watorproonoss teats preecrim a Spaccaton -116. . L: I . - I:.-.:- e.-= snd to datormlae eonfc=zZ2 viththe approved proceso cheat spociad LU
26、5.5. - E:.;. . . 4.0 Rouqh handllnq (allot packa only1.- Each coqlctod .pack (of thC pllot pack, . . water sprny tcot RO prUI3CribCd in Specification 115s-P-116. PCISI bll.bo cpcnd i;*:*xy . . 1;:; I:. 4.9 Pccknqe tcotn.- Paclcn prcBOWatiVa 5. pwmnori FOR DELIY These ._I . ,. ,-.- _.- . ._ - I: 5.1
27、Prcecrvation and pac-3O( ) shall bo prcnervad and packqcd la accordance ulth %he proccdurce opeclfhd for tho designated ncithod8 Q8 preccribd u Spocficaton MU-P-116 an deocrlbed in tho iollovitg paragraphs: Ei, ,._ . ,_- . - Tsnical wzua1.- Each technical meraual 8bll be packW2d IkthOd IC-3
28、a8 fOllOU8S con for il il to Spaclflcatlon ML-B-ll7. -Beat seal Co effect cloaure. quantity of blottore omL1 bo euohioncd by rIornir;y to Spoclfluatlon hzL-3-121. in flcxlble, single-face canugatcd f lberbd. SC-CLZ cuohion?w vtb paper tape 0 Sccuro tho wrap by tvl.oting tba gari cndo. CuohLu cak itc
29、n by mapping Thcmoz2tcr.- Ench themonster hrill be p;rud papar tapo Claoe L. Clase b bag conioml to Spocificatloa MIL-B-117. Socure Place tba cwhioncd tl=r nlthln a Type I, Eeat oeal to afiact clooure. . COn8Ol%dRtOd Qackat?C.- COIU3Olldate the iten pw-Cd a0 spolfld h throwh
30、 togothcr wlthln e clooo-fitting, regular olotted style, I corrugated f LhQrbOZid box conformlng to Spoclf lcation u-B-L. Fill oll volde wlth flcxlble, f31Dgb-f6CCd, cerrugatod fiberbOard, Iyp8 I conforni to Spmlflcatlon Lu-F-291 to provens rnovcnant. confoi=aing to Specification W-T-111. Soa
31、1 entire box closure vlth gusied papar tape, ChSS 2 . r:.: k: t=:2: ,. . , - . , . -. . I. _. L. ,. ” . II . . . I . . r: . . r:.-.X I. . y. .“. . . . . . _._ . -. F! . . - - . . . , T. !- _ . .- Licensed by Information Handling ServicesmL-P-l2092A( SIa;p?b or other prfntcb , -. . :. fication cardo
32、for the purpono of E=.kng fraudulctit sUDrtitutiollU thct;o. I . 6.1 Intended ose.- Preoo, Lnmlnating, Photographic FM-3O( ) 18 inteudcd prlwlly . for uce In the final proceooiw of ldcnlficotlon c L- -. , _- - . I . . ,_ .- , _ . . . . - 4.:- - _ _ . . . -. . I . , , - ci . L: t- I .- Licensed by Information Handling Services