ARMY MIL-P-14057-1955 PUBLIC ADDRESS SET AN TIP-2( ) (COMPONENTS OF)《扩音装置(部件) AN TIP-2()》.pdf

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ARMY MIL-P-14057-1955 PUBLIC ADDRESS SET AN TIP-2( ) (COMPONENTS OF)《扩音装置(部件) AN TIP-2()》.pdf_第1页
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ARMY MIL-P-14057-1955 PUBLIC ADDRESS SET AN TIP-2( ) (COMPONENTS OF)《扩音装置(部件) AN TIP-2()》.pdf_第2页
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ARMY MIL-P-14057-1955 PUBLIC ADDRESS SET AN TIP-2( ) (COMPONENTS OF)《扩音装置(部件) AN TIP-2()》.pdf_第3页
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ARMY MIL-P-14057-1955 PUBLIC ADDRESS SET AN TIP-2( ) (COMPONENTS OF)《扩音装置(部件) AN TIP-2()》.pdf_第4页
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ARMY MIL-P-14057-1955 PUBLIC ADDRESS SET AN TIP-2( ) (COMPONENTS OF)《扩音装置(部件) AN TIP-2()》.pdf_第5页
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1、1. SCOPE 1.1 This specification cover8 the folloving componente of Public Arce6 Sat AH/TIP-2( )I 60 cycle, ringle phaire a.c. par some; has 500 wntta output; has input iaalitiea for a 150 ob dynamic nicrophone, a 100 o$ and is contained in a watertQht matal case. ./TIP 2.- Cur loudapesker comrtr of

2、a cluetu of e idy%ani sixteen driver unite. The driver units we acoustically connected lntpairs, each pair feedlag one of the eight horns. 1.1.1 AF Amplifier AM-302( )/TIP-2. This amplifier operater from a U5 volt, L1.2 Loudaptaker Assezbly E!-153 A tripod is Included for mounting the aeucmbly. 1.1.

3、3 ;ylurfai c ndCrOphOAe. - Thir microphone is the Chft-Uted, clore-talking type InteaCed for U8 under high amlitnt noise conditions. The miwphone shall operate into crcults of 150 ohms iprpadaoce. loudspeaker aseernbly, lee6 tripd. loudspeaker tripdi, microphone, teating equipment, and intercomactin

4、g cable8 and run- ning swes. 1.1.4 Case CY-760( )/TIP-2.- TU6 is a metal, watsrtig Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-JAlf-P-lOB ML-W -3432 HZL-C-3883 m+w5 ML-8 -rir4

5、9 KtL-8-13231 Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL- P-lTs 3.1 Parta, materials, and proccsws; g,in.:ral.- In addition to any rr?quircrni nts of this apccification,

6、covering parts, materials, and ;)rociic, such items shtill . conform to Specification u-P-11269 including the si:l.?ction requirements therein. . 3.2 Procurement model.- The procurrmcrit nodel shall be understood as the one which, in accordance with the invitation for bide, will b: avsilabl*! for in

7、spcction by prospective bidders and will be lent to the contractor. herein, the equipment shall conform to the following: Unless oth:rnisc 8gecifiad 3.2.1 Construction.- Construction of the equipment shall conform to the procurement model. 3.2.2 Functions.- T!?e equipment shall incorporate all funct

8、ions provided by the proc urmcnt model. 3.3 Ficien, protective.- The equipmint shall be givcn protoctiva finish in accorclancc. with Spxification MIGF-14072 rnd the fol.Jawng requircbiawints; ahall be silver or silvcr-alloy except where special contact metale arc used. 3.3.1 Srufaccs uses, catches,

9、scr+3tsI nilts, aiid the like been mounted, crny break in the film of paint-eithcr on the harmre or the mouting surface-ahall be t0uchl.d up to provide a continuous protzctivc coating. cxact color mtch betwek the painted surface6 and the touch-up coating ohall .be providod. A rceeonably 3.3.3 Paint

10、finish.- Paint finish on exterior surfacas; and on any inter.ior surfaces that are Vi8lble when $he equipment le in use, shall be ecmlghiose emel confornine to . lo. 2430 of 8pcclfication nie-595 (green color, equivalent to olive-drab). 3.4 mrking.- 3.k.l General.- Marking shall conform to specifica

11、tion Hn-M-13231. 3.4.2 Serial numbers.- The following components aall be aerial numbered: - AF Anplif ler AM-302( #IP-2 Loudspeakor Aesembly L6-153( )/TIP02 3 * m. Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permit

12、ted without license from IHS-,-,-flIL-P-1Ll057 58 a 777790b Ol50035 b L Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by

13、IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I:. I I: .I“ .I I .,I - ,L .u-+- I. .I- ,+ i I II ,a* 1.1: ).i(. .:;:i: *.,-. c ccc . - . .:.,i:;:;:. . I .I. ,.*I .i,. I. I- . I. . . *. .I -I- . ,. . . I . II . ,.* . Y .CII.C- .,.= :. .;.

14、 : :I: . .i 1 . .p+. . i. I:. .I. l. . I-. . I. A:.: UI -I-. .il -. I“ ., .I ;fi;. . 1 *J.-. -.-I. .I t ,. . *. . , I. I I G ,. -; .I. . : -.a. .-. I I - i. I: . ., I i : : .: *+: .i .;.l:-:;: . L. . I. . , . Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot f

15、or ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NIL-P-lM57(SW) 4.8.3, the 1zpicuer output shal biz rc

16、aeonablp free fraa natural rcsonanccs of the dlaphraga aaecmbly, laad-in vires, and other mechanical parte. euch as buzzs, rattles, and other apurioue sounds ehould be low enough in intaneity so a8 not to inpair the articulation of speech and signaltransmie6ion. replaceable readily without neceeaita

17、ting cementing or soldering and ehall be provided, vfth accurate guidce to perfora the following iunctlone: 3.6.5 Loudspeaker noises.- When subjected to the sweep frequency teet or Loubapeakcr noiec.8 3.6,6 8ervIceability.- All voicc coil and diaphragm 8ess.mblice shol be a. Penait accurate aligment

18、 b, Prevent lt?sker aha11 bc capable of meethg the 306.U Water roof.- Afterthe test of 4.8.8, the loudspea!m? shall be capable of 3.7 mamic microp1ione.- The dynsmic microphone shall have an impt.dnrice oi 159 ohroi. 3.7* Perfomce.- The performance of the microphonee ahall be at leut Nual t0 3*8 Dur

19、ruoy 1txuI.- The dw load shall havc a oalue of 16 ohms 2 5 percent and be 3.9 volt-rttmeter.- The volt-wattmeter shall have a raxe o 50425 voltr M: usb 3.10 Caee CY-760( )/TIp-2.- Case CY76( )/TW! 6bal.l bc conotructe in c(?cordaace teat oi 4.a. noraal operation + ter ratura1 drainage wblc held in t

20、he noml mounting position. that of the model. capable of dieaipatng 500 watt8 continuously. 150 to 650 W3tt6, and shall hBvc an accuracy of 5 percent. with the modele Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking per

21、mitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-14057 58 M 7799706 0150040 T W r c . /- 9 -a. ;i Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-1q057 5 977970b 0150041 I 9 3.14.1

22、 Equipacnt aOiiopernting.- (Conta) - . (a) Tcmpereture. Continuou8 ex?osurc? in th-. ran: of + 16f.P to - hOWeVcTr expooure at the hiRh temtwrature cxtrr-m cot to cxcccd 4 houra-end-at the low temp end 3.15 Vibration, bounce and 8hock.- .( = ,l Vibration.- Except for internal rconance or apecificd p

23、arts uib lies, the equipment sheil have no mecbunical reaonance below 55 cycler per second when shock mounts, if any, (LF blocked or removed. no phyeical damage except surfacc abre6lon vhen subjected to the test of 4.14. of 4.15. Hnr mechanical damage is permisablc, 3.15.2 Bounce.- (mie equipment sh

24、all tace+, full rpeciiicetion pcrfonaancc ami lh4y 3.15.3 Shock; I fran the equipment under tcet. Running spare parts 3.19 Radio interference suppresei0n.- The equipment shall conform to the requirements 3.20 nterchan $1 Acceptance mpection 4.2 Preproduction inspection,- Preproduction inapcctlon sha

25、ll: conalst of the group A inspection end nondestructive group 13 and group C inspection specified .in table8 IIX, XV and VX, reapectively, and the preproduction inspection specifled in table II, Other nondestructive Inapection on pyeproduction sam?les my be perfomd to determne caupliance with apoci

26、tcd requlrcmentr. n0maU.y bo performed in this order: (4) blast, and (5) immersion; other preproduction inspection may precede, follw, or be 3nterrpereed between the foregoing;, e Preproduction inspection Preproduction inrpection vill (1) vlbration, (2) bounce, (3) shock, drop, Table II - Preproduct

27、ion Inapection - Inapiec tim ReW Temperature Uoi sture re slstence Vbrat ion Bounce Elhock; drop. Puohover Hoiae pickup Induced vo1bge TC8t Par, - 4.7.7 4,lO LU be13 b.14 be15 4,8.6 4.9.2 4.9.2 k.3 Accopes Inspection.- Acceptance inspection shall consist of group A, group B, and group C inayection a

28、s specified in k.3,l through Group B in8pect;ion shall nornrally bc peromed on lots that hare paesed group A inspcctoa sad on sample8 reiected fran units that have boon suoJectcd to and net the 3( )/Tfp-2 - Vieual and mechanical - 3iaJor Visual and mechanical - minor Viaml and mechanical -

29、control Electrical tests PeriorraBnce Voice coil impedance 8weep frequency Dynamic microphone )blectrlcal tests Sensitivity IWequency reuponfie Dielectric Cone8 CY-760( )/TIP-S, CY-719( )/TXP -2 ahn11 be reJcctcd, bs in accordance with Stmdtird Wa-m-lO5 and 4.3.5. el?ance with 3.7.1. shown on Gtanar

30、d ML-BTD-I.(C). atep 8. 4.10 Tcmperature teat.-The equipment ehall be subjected to the tempcrature cycle The test of 4.6, hrll be made at step 4 end 4.U toisture-resistance test for equipncnt,- 4.11,l Teat conditiona.- a) b) c) Do not move canponent8 from the humidity chamber far measurements, Compl

31、ete ncasurementa as mpiw a8 ponsiblc. The cover of the equipnent nhell remain open duriw tert. 4,ll,2 Test pracedwe.- The components will be tested as follow: El Condition at 77 f 5Tr and 40 to 50 percent relative huraldty J Dr;f at 130 f 5F for 24 hours. for 24 houre. We nesourewente ab specified i

32、n 4.11.3. 8ubJect to continuou cycling for 5 48-hour cyc1-0, ion o! the cycle ahall conform to Standard MILSTD-l7C(Sigc). I)trc ircamrements epecificd In 4,11,3 shall be irrada durirq the perl& ahm on the braving srid rball cmply vith 4.U.3. (e) After cycling has been coinplcted, condition the ccmpo

33、nentr far 24 bOWR at TI* i 5P and 40 to 60 percent rehtlve hunldlty. me cmpoaents shall meet full rpeciicatioa requirements for those IiiewurePientr upecified in 4.ll.3. !. Temperature, relative humidity, and perid of time for each port- 4,X1,3 Perormanco.m Wcbbureaents de during teat and perforeanc

34、c during cycling 4.11.k If the equiptent falb to meet the perf&cc specified In 4.1143, it abail. be a6 opeci-ffed In 4,6, 4.7.1 through lr.7.6, and 4.8.1 thrwgh 4.8.3, ahall be rejected, preaawe cqulyaltmt to a i5 foot head ?or a period of 3C minuter. Tho rpcclfied head can be obtalticd actually er

35、 man8 of a pressura pump or 41r preuure or by uaiiig l+6X? janaerrion teet,- The traaoit case8 shall be auhcrged in water under a +acuum simulating i5 feet, with equipmoat submerged, 4.13 VibratMn teet.- The equipment shall Be tested for reromt frcquencer belav 55 cycle per irccd, to d

36、etermine canplisnce UiWi 3.15.1 (u fOl1oUr: (4) The equipment otLalJ, be fMtnd in +e normal mounting poiition em oibration table that ca de cmtmllcd vithln 10 percent af the rpecfed amplitude. EpuApment ahck mountis, if any, rh11 be flocked, Tbe vbratton table sha provlde approximately rinuauidal vi

37、bmtlm, 20 Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or ne

38、tworking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL- P-l4057(SiLp) ., Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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