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1、MIL- P-46067B (MR) 9 February 1977 SUPERSEDING MIL- P-46067A (MR) 1 March 1971 7 MILITARY SPECIFICATION PLASTIC EMBEDDING COMPOUND, EPOXY RESIN SYSTEM This specification is approved for use by the Army Materials and Mechanics Research Center, Department of the Army, and is available for use by. all

2、Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 1. SCOPE 1,l Scope. This specification covers epoxy resins used as embedding compounds. 1.2 Classification. The epoxy resins shall be of ehe following composi- tions, as specified (see 6.2). Cornposition 1 - Unfilled Composition 2 - Silica fille

3、d, white Composition 3 - Silica filled, black 2 APPLICABLE DOCUMeWTS 2.1 Issues of documents. The following documents of the issue in effect of invitation for bids or request for proposal, form a part of th-is specification to the extent specified herein. SPECIFICATIONS FEDERAL PPP-C-96 - Ca

4、n, Metal, 28 Gage and Lighter PPP-D-705 - Drum, Shipping and Storage, Steel, 16 and 30 Gallon Capacity PPP-D-729 - Drum, Shipping and Storage, Steel, 55 Gallon PPP-P-704 - Pail, Shipping, Steel (I Through 12 Gallon) 1 FSC 9330, 5970 I Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-P-46067B (MR) STANDA

5、RDS MILITARY MIL-STD-105 - Sampling Procedures and Tables or Inspection by Attributes MIL-STD-129 - Marking for Shipment and Storage MIL-STD-147 - Palletized and Containerized Unit Loads 40 Inch x 48 Inch Pallets, Skids, Runners or Pallet Type Base (Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and

6、 publications required by contractors in connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer . ) 2.2 Other publications. The following documents form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unles

7、s otherwise indicated, the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal shall apply. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standards: D 257 - D-C Resistance or Conductance of Insulating Materials D 618 - Conditioning Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials

8、D 790 - Flexural Properties of Plastics D 792 D 1652 - Epoxy Content of Epoxy Resins D 2393 - Viscosity of Epoxy Compounds and Related Components D 2471 - Gel Time and Peak Exothermic Temperature of Reacting Thermosetti D 2583 - indentation Hardness of Plastics by Means of a Barco1 Impressor D 2584

9、- Ignition bss of Cured Reinforced Resins for Testing - Specific Gravity and Density of Plastics by Displacement Plastic Compositions (Application for copies should be addressed to the American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103.). Licensed by Information Han

10、dling Services- . MIL-P-Yb067B 93 77777Ob 0117917 b = MIL-P-46067B (MR) Department of Transportation 49 CFR 171-189 - Department of Transportation Rules and Regulations for the Transportation of Explosives and Other Dangerous Art ic 1 es (The Department of Transportation Regulations are now a part o

11、f the Code of Federal Regulations (latest cumulative packet supplement) available from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Orders for the above publication should cite “Code of Federal Regu- lations, 49 CFR 171-189“.) American National Standards Institu

12、te, Inc. ANSI K 68.1 - Guide for Classifying and Labeling Epoxy Products According to their Hazardous Potentialities. (Application for copies should be addressed to the American National Standards Instituze, Inc., 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018.) National Motor Freight Traffic As-sociation, Inc.,

13、 Agent: National Hotor Freight Classification (Application for copies should be addressed to the American Trucking Associations Inc., Traffic Department, 1616 P Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20036.) Uniform Classification Committee, Agent: Uniform Freight Classification (Application for copies should

14、 be addressed to the Uniform Classification Committee, Room 1106, 222 South Riverside Plaza, Chicago, IL 60606.) 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Material. The material shall consist of epoxy resin with the neces- sary diluents and fillers (as applicable), required to conform to this speci- f ication. 3.2 Proper

15、ty values. The material shall conform to the property values specified in table I, when tested as specified in the applicable procedure of 4.5. 3 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-P-4b067B 73 9777706 OlL77lB B MIL-P-46067B (MR) Table I. Property values Property Liquid without hardener : V

16、iscosity at 25“ f 0.5“C. (77“ f O, 9“F.), centipoises Min. Max Weight per epoxy equivalent After: Specific gravity Min. Max. Min. Max. Hardness, Barco1 units Ignition loss, percent Min. Max. Insulation resistance, Megohms, min. MPa (psi) min. Tangent modulus of elasticity ,U ma (psi) min. Flexural s

17、trength,- 3/ Composition 1 500 900 i/ 1.13 1.23 20 40 21 N .A .- N .A.- 21 105 103 (15,000) 2760 (0.4 x lo6) Value Composition 2 9,000 22,000 - 11 1.59 1.69 50 60 48 52 lo5 68.9 (10,000) 6210 (O. 9 x lo6) Composition 3 9,000 22,000 - 11 1.59 1.69 50 60 48 52 lo5 68.9 (10,000) 6210 (O. 9 x lo6) diele

18、ctric constant, and- volume resistivity of the bulk material supplied to the Government. 3.3 Suitability of resin. The epoxy embedding compond shall be suitab for application and use on electronic assemblies and individual parts. It shall preserve the electrical properties of the equipment to which

19、it is applied by sealing against such environmental conditions as moisture, dirt fumes, fungus, or other deleterious substances which may be encountered in the military services. It shall be capable of mechanically supporting the part or embedded assembly and shall not require a case or other extern

20、al support after curing has been completed, though a potting container may be used. It shall not cause deterioration of materials used in electronic assemblies and parts. e 3,4 Fot life. The compound shall have a pot life long enough so as to The manufacturer shall furnish instructions on proper mix

21、ing of produce uniform castings, free of bubbles and cracks that may affect service- ability. components. life (see 6.2). When required, the procuring activity shall specify minimum pot 35 Workmanship. The epoxy embedding compound shall be a clean homoge- neous mixture free from lumps and foreign ma

22、terial. fillers shall be thoroughly dispersed in the compound, as determined by visual examination. may be used to return the material ta the homogeneous thoroughly dispersed condition. The diluents and For compositions 2 and 3, if required, slight stirring 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Respon

23、sibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the Except as otherwise specified in contract, the contractor is responsible for the performance of all inspec- tion requirements as specified herein. the contract, the contractor may use his own or any other facilities suitable for the performa

24、nce of the inspection requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the Government. The Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements

25、. 5 Licensed by Information Handling Services4.2 Sampling for inspection and acceptance. Sampling for inspection and acceptance shall be performed in accordance with the provisions set forth in MIL-STD-105, except where otherwise indicated. For purposes of sampling, an inspection lot for examination

26、 and tests shall consist of all material of the same type submitted for delivery at one time. 4.2.1 Inspection of materials and components. In accordance with 4.1 above, the supplier is responsible for insuring that materials and components used were manufactured, examined, and tested in accordance

27、with the requirements of this specification and, to the extent specified, of all referenced sub- sidiary specifications and standards. cation shall govern. shall be furnished, In the event of conflict, this specifi- A suppliers certificate of compliance with 3.1 and 3.3 4.2.2 Inspection of material.

28、 Examination of the material. Examination of the material shall be in accordance with the classification of defects, inspection levels and acceptable quality levels (AQLs) set forth below. The lot size, for purpose of determining the sample size in accordance with MIL-STD-105, shall be expre

29、ssed in units of 22.6 kg (50 pounds) for examination in, and in units of shipping containers for examination in Examination of the material for defects in appearance and work- manship. The sample unit for this examination, specified in table II, shall be approximately

30、 one pound selected just prior to the closure operation, 6 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesNIL-P-LIbOh7B 73 79797Ob OlL772L m Table II. Examination for defects in appearance and workmanship Defect Appearance and workmanship of resin Not clean Not homogeneous Not free from lumps and foreign

31、mat er ia1 Diluents and fillers not thor- oughly dispersed Settling of filler material in compositions 2 and 3 during storage Examination of packaging. An examination shall be made in accordance with table III to determine that preservation, packing and mark- ing comply with specified cont

32、ract requirements. The sample unit for this examination shall be one shipping container fully packed, selected just prior to the closing operation. Shipping containers fully prepared for delivery shall be examined for closure defects, 7 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesEm-P-4 60 6 7 E (MR) T

33、able 311, Examination of packaging Defect Examine Pres erva t ion Not level specified; not in accord- ance with contract requirements Cans, pails, or drums not packed as specified Packing material not as specified; closures not accomplished by specified or required methods or materiais. Packing Not

34、level specified; not in accord- ance with contract requirements hy nonconforming component, component- missing, damaged or otherwise defec- tive affecting serviceability. Inadequate application of components such as: incomplete closures of case liners; container flaps, loose or inadequate strappings

35、, bulged or distorted containers. - Quantity of material Less than specified or indicated quantity Weight Gross weight exceeds specified r equi remen-t; s Markings Interior or exterior markings omitted, illegible, incorrect, of improper size, location, sequence, or method of appli- cation. Not in ac

36、cordance with con- tract requirements. 8 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-P-LIb067B 73 W 777770b OLL7723 L W MIL-P-46067B (ME) Inspection levels and acceptable quality levels (AQLs) for examinations. The inspection levels for determining the sample size and the acceptable quali

37、ty level (AQL) expressed as defects per 100 units shall be as follows: Examination paragraph Inspection level AQL II s-2 2.5 2.5 4.2.3 Classification of tests. All tests under this specification shall be classified as lot: acceptance tests. They shall be made on each lot of mater

38、ial offered against this specification and, in conjunction with the above examination, shall be the basis of acceptance or rejection of the lot. 4.2.4 Testing, The material shall be tested for the applicable charac- teristics listed in table I in accordance with the test methods specified herein. Th

39、e lot size, for the purpose of determining the sample size for testing (see MIL-STD-105) shall be* expressed in units of 22.6 kg (50 pounds.) The sample unit shall consist of sufficient material to prepare all required specimens. The inspection level shall be S-1, with an acceptance number of O. The

40、 results for each test shall be averaged results of the specimens, except where only one determination is required. 4.3 Test methods. 4.3.1 Viscosity of-iiquid resin. The viscosity of the liquid resin with- out hardener shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D 2393 at a tem- perature of 25“ f 0

41、.5“C (77“ f 0.9F). Conditioning shall be at 25“ 5- 0.5“C (77 5- 0.9F) for a minimum of 16 hours prior to testing. The Brookfield RVF viscometer shall employ spindle 81 at 10 revolutions per minute for composition 1, and spindle #4 at 4 revolutions per minute or spindle #5 at 10 revolutions per minut

42、e for compositions 2 and 3. be made. One determination shall 4.3.2 Weight per epoxy equivalent. The weight per epoxy equivalent shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D 1652. Two determinations shall be made 4.3.3 Specimen curing, conditioning, and tesking. Specimens of epoxy embedding compound

43、 shall be cured at 25“ f 5C (77“fS“F.) for a minimum of 7 days, and conditioned in accordance with procedure A of ASTM D 618. Testing of specimens shall be at 23“ f 2C (73.4“ f 3.6“F.) and 50 f 5 per- cent relative humidity, except for ash content determination (see 4.5.6). Licensed by Information H

44、andling ServicesMIL- P- 46 06 7B (MR) 4.3.4 Specific gravity. Two specimens, of any convenient size, shall be tested in accordance with method A-1, A-2, or A-3 of ASTM D 792. 4.3.5 Hardness. The Barco1 hardness shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D 2583, using a minimum specimen thickness of

45、 1/8 inch. The mini- mum number of readings shall be in accordance with ASTM D 2583, using the Model 934-1 instrument. 4.3.6 Ignition loss, Three specimens shall be tested in accordance with ASTM D 2584. 4.3.7 Xnsulation resistance, Three specimens shall be tested in accord- Prior to testing the spe

46、cimens shall be conditioned ance with ASTM D 257. in accordance with procedure C of ASTM D 618, and tested under the conditions of procedure C of ASTM D 618. 4.3.8 Flexural strength and tangent modulus of elasticity, Three speci- mens shall be tested in accordance with ASTIVI D 790. Specimen dimensi

47、ons shall conform to table I of ASTM D 790, using a nominal thickness of 1/8 inch minimum. 4.3.9 Pot life. One determ ance with ASTM D 2471. Sample and that for composition 1 sha nation for pot life shall be made in accord- size for compositions 2 and 3 shall be 415 ml, 1 be 120 ml. 5. PACKAGING App

48、lication. The requirements of section 5 apply only to purchase by or direct shipment to the Government. 5.1 Preservation. Preservation shall be level A or C as specified (see 6.2). 5.1.1 Level A. The resin shall be packed, as specified (see 6.2), in 1 gallon or smaller cans conforming to type V, cla

49、ss 2, round of PPP-C-96, 5 gallon pails conforming to type II, class 3 of PPP-P-704, 16 gallon drums conforming to type III of PPP-D-705 or 55 gallon drums conforming to type III or IV of PPP-D-729. coated on the exterior in accordance with plan B and the side seam shall be striped with a suitable corrosion resistant coating. Cans conforming to PPP-C-96 shall be rust resistant 5.1.2 Level E Preservation shall be the same as for level A (see 5.1.1). 5.1.3 Level C, The cans, pails or.drums shall be unit packed in accord- ance with commercial practice to provide adequate protection a


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