1、e- - s -37-/? MIL-P-4b432C (1) 23 7777906 0311978 Mn-P-46431C (AR) AMENDMENT 1 16 March 1981 MILITARY SPECIFICATION PRIMER, ELECTRIC, M86, PARTS FOR This amendment forms a part of Military Specification MIL-P- 46431C (PA) dated 20 August 1976. PAGE 5 Paragraph Minor Defect 203: Delete the wo
2、rd ttconcentrlcill rnd rubstitute the words “true positiontt, PAGE 6 Paragrnph, Major Defects 107 rnd 110: and substitute the worde “true positiont1. Delete the word ttcbncentricitytl PAGE 7 Paragraph 44.2.3, Minor Defects 215 and 216: and substitute the words “true positiontt. Delete the wo
3、rd tlconcentricitylt PAGE 10 Paragraph, Major Defect 108: substitute the worde “true positiontt. Delete the word %oncrntricitytt and In the drdng block add tt/75483161t. PAGE 11 Paragraph, Minor Defects 215 rad 216 : Drlrtr the word %oncentricitytt and crubstitute the words “true poiitiontt, Cue todian : Prrprrng activity: (Prjrc t 1315-A315) ARMY-AR ARMY-AR *U.#. BOVCRNMINT MiNTIM OCFICL: ln1 - /l T; THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS PAGES. - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-