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1、Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-(Copies of epecif%eatioas, standarda, drawings aad publieations required _. by - eon- - tractors fn connection Kptia specific procuremant functioni from the poeung activity or as directed by the contrac

2、ting officer.) mer at the loadfng station, at the time of loading, shaa no% exceed 0.7 percent when detePrnineil SB specified %II k.k.l. 3.4 Seneit$vity. 3.4 o 1 Nan -funet ionii 3,4,2 Fpictfonfng.-The pr-r shall function dr an apgdied energy velue Of 29-40 noh 1 3.5 Waterpoofneee and security of ga

3、Pte.-The ppiarera shaU funetion d being Wereed in water tc of hangfire, blowback, or separation of parte when tested at3 epeeffffed in 4.4,3. 3.6 Workmsllship. TAU parte ahal% be free from other foreign matter. !l!he cleaning method wed ehaU not be injulous to any ar the parte nor ehall the parta be

4、 contaminated by the cleaning agente. I I - I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-46499- (ord) bol General quality asaurance provieicme.-Ths supplier ie rssponeible for the perfomnce of all inspection requireaient6 specified herain.

5、 Except 86 otherwise specified, the supplier may utiizs his own or any other inspection %W reaerveB the right to perfopm any of the inepections set forth in the epecification where auch inspections are or quality assurance system.-Tht contractor shall provi* and maintain ern effective quality assura

6、nce system acceptable to the Oovermment coveping the supplies procured under this specification clad ahall parform all inspections required by the system. A current written eeeription of the system sbaU be submitted to the contracting officer, and met hie approval, prior to initiation of proauction.

7、 lot formation and identification, inspectime to bepCrfortPed, inspection stations, sampli testing equipmen3 and proviafone for the control and disposition of non- conformfig material. when, as a minimuni, it provies the quality assurance required by the provisions of 4,3 and 4.4 and the other docum

8、ents reference8 herein. Except in the cases of 4,4.2.1 and, the contractor shall not be restricted to the inspection station nor the method of 6pection listed in thie specffication provided that an equivalent control is included in the approved quality assurance procedure. in cases of disput

9、e as to whether certain procedures of the contractors system provide eq=% assurance, the comparable procedure of this specification shall apply. !%e contractor shall notify te Goversment of, and obtain approval for, any change to the written proceure that affecte the degree of assurance required by

10、this spoification or other documents referenced herein. In te case of the non-fwnctioning and functioning tests of the primer, the weight of the ball and height of bop shall not differ from the values specified in and 4,4.2.2 and on the applicable test equipment drawing. submitted to the Gov

11、ernment for acceptance the contractor shall supply th follow- ing information accompanied by a certificate which attetm that the information provided ie correct an applicable to the pkoduct being submitted: a. A statement that the lot complies wit 8. quality assurance provisions of the approved curr

12、ent written description of the Bystem. b. NU. equipment specified in 4.3.5. The test shall be perfoniled as specified in, using test Code letter L, and an AU of 1.00 percent. 4.4.3 using equipment in accordence with 4.3.5. The test shalll be as specified in one manufacturer in one unchanged

13、process, in accordance wi%h the -me drawing,; same CiraKing reviion, 8ame specification, and aaw specification revision. Drawing, epecification and proeeas changeis no% Csffecidng safety, perfoPmarilee, OP fit, at9 determined by the Government, shall sst neeeaei.tate changing the lot nunher. Each lo

14、t shall conkin: a. Metal parts of one interfix lot rimer from one manufacturer. b. Black pou de of one interfix lot number from one manufacturer. c. Rimer ia.i;lh 41 Prlmr, prior to assenBlin3.3.2 Sensitivity. 4, Non-functioning ( see 3.4.1) Critica wect.-The sampiing plan for this test shall

15、 be in accordance with Standard MIL-STD-105, %able IVA, Code letter I, and A2 -?&ctionina see 3,4,2) BWor defect.-A sample of 325 assemblies shall be selected fpom each lot for this test. If two or more sssembliee fail to cornpli with the requirement, the lot shall be rejected, found, a second sampi

16、e of 250 aesenibXies shall be tested, of efectives in both the first and second samples is two or mm the lot shall be rejected, specified in 4.3.5. eiampling plan for this test shall be in accordence with Standard MIL-STD-lW, Code letter I, and AQL of 1.00 percent. The test shall be perforpped a6 sp

17、ecfba in 4.403 using equipment in accorance with 4.3.5. 4.3.4 Check test for deterioration of the Wipper element.-= the total time between the manirfacture of any priiper element lot and the assembly ob that lot into M primere exceeds 2 yeam or if the prlmer elements heive been subgected to adverse

18、conditions, however brief, at any time ence previous tests, the prfmsr element lot shall be subjected t and must aatiefactorily ccmply with the check test specified in 4.4.4 immediately before the primer elements are assembled into the Bi78 primers. selected by the Government mpector at the facility

19、 aseeniblng the primere element into the pr(8 primre. Twenty-five primer elements shall be tested at each height. if the sum of the mean critical height (see 6,5) plu8 (1) 5 standard deviati4 (8) excesas the upper limit (15 inches), or B -2s is leas than the lower limit (3 inches) the lot shall be r

20、ejected. The test shall be performed aa specified in 4.4.4 wing equipment specified in 4,3.5. 6.3.5 Inspection equinmnt.-For the performsnce of the examlaations and tests specified in 4,3 and 4.4, the contractor shall have available, and utilize correctly, all necessary gagea, measuring and test- eq

21、uipanent (see 6.2). When inspectfig the contractor9s inspection equpnt, the Goverament Inspector Xiai determine that the contractor has available, andutilfzee correctly, gages, maeuring and testing equipaenti of the required accuracy and precision and that the instrwnts are of the proper type and ra

22、nge to make measurements of the If only une defective le If the eoinbined nuniber The test shaU. be performed as specified in 4,4.2,2 ue5ng equipimsnt Waterproofness and secmity of! parts (see 3*5) Wador defect.-T&e The test shall be perfoniied on a sample of 325 primer elenaente 8 Q Provide

23、d by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MSL-P-Wgg (ora) regutred accuracy, The eontraetw KPU have available a set of master gages, standarde and approprate fnstptairents for regularly achedulea calibrstion uf his inspection equipmento be maintained

24、by the eontractor and mde avafhble for review by the Government. The calibration of gagea, stcsndarude and inetPiaments will be periodically checked by authorized GovepnilKnt pesonnel. poder shall. be detePmfned %g accordance wfth the procedure specWied in Specifi- cation JAN-P-223 o 4.4.2 Sensitivi

25、ty. 4.4.2,l rJon-functlonint+-The prfmer, Xees the black powder charge, shall be assenibled ln the test fixture specified in 4,3.5 so that the ball will strike the center o the plug, A steel ball weighing lo* e .O2 ouces shall be dPopped on the plug fom e height of three (3) inches mfn. amine height

26、 of &op shall be measured as the dietanae between khe bottom of the ball and the top rrP the plug. Functoninq,-l%e teat shall be prfoPmed as specified in 4.4,2,1 using the same weight ball except that the &op heirsat stall be fifksen (15) fiches mex. 4.4,3 Waterproofness and eeeurfty of pept

27、e.-W siam assenbliee shan be immersed to the required depth fn water at a teqemture of 70 5 degpeee Fahrenheit (%.) for the 48 hour period. !Che primer aesemblles eall be removed from the water, wipd dry, assenibled in a fixture smlhp to the one used in 4.4.2,1, and fired by the same pethod specifie

28、d In Any primer aaeelies that fail to fire shall be dlsaseenibled and examined for evidence of leakage. 0beel.vation shall be uads for evidence of hangfire, blcnrback and separation of perte. Recar& of su& regularly scheduled calibration Wiu. 4-4 Test methods an prosedmes. 4.4,l Moisture co

29、ntent af black powd e.p.-The moisture content of the blsck 4,4.4 Cheek test for deterioration of pfmer ebmento-The primer elements shall be stored at a temperature of 15 k 5“F. fo 8 min, of 24 hours and tested immediately thereafter, -!Che sensitlvit? testing fixture shall be aet at a drop height th

30、at is midway between the specified upper and lower limits and 25 pfme elements shall be fired, fire, fail to Fire, blowback, OP hangfire, and this data recorded. Tfs entire procedure shall be repeated at eucessive,y Increasing one nc heights, testing 25 sample pime elements at each height, until a h

31、eight is reached at tJhfch all. 25 primer elements fire, Kfth a drop heist one inch below the mfdway startfng hei% and continuing at successively decpeae%ng one fieh heights until a height is reached at which all 25 primer elements fail to fbe, Prinie elements which fafp to function at any intepmedi

32、ate hefght shall be discarded and shall. not be used fao any of the succeeding heights o beemtion shall be made as to how many prfpyep elements The foregong procedure shall be repeated, startng .- . 9 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-m

33、-P-46499 (opa) 5. EBPARATION FOR DELIVIBY 51 Preservation and packagfnq. 5.l.l Level C. -Packaging sTia3.P be fn accordance with dwge 8850252. 5,2- Pack%. fj32.1 Level C.-Packfng and inarking shall be in accordance Wpth dwg. 8850251. 5.3 Data cards,-Data card information sMi.l be as specified in Spe

34、cificatfon MIL -0-2 5 50 e 6.L &dering data.-&ocurement documents should specify the title, number 6.2 Inspeetion equipopente -*Inspection equipment designs were not available OBB-ND, to and date of this specification. at the time this specification was prepared. agency should contact Picatinny Arse

35、nal, Dover, New Jersey, ATPN: detedne availability of inspeetion equipment desgns o designed to prevent load- armminition itemb !Che tests ahould be perfopmed on each lot of i478 primers which have been stored under normal conditions for more than 2 years, OF under adverse conditione for any length

36、of time. If the specification for the ammunition Item into which the M78 primers are loaded does not require that the check test be performed, the ccmfzacting. officer ehould insert tbe ppovfeiaa for the check test in the contraete 6.3.1 Non-fiinctioning sensf%ivfty (see 3.4).-!l!he samplfng pian fo

37、r this test shall be in accordance with Standard MIL-STD-lO5, Code letter 5, and AQL of .65 percent. The test shall be performed ae speciffed in Prim to procurement, the ppocuring 6.3 Check test fop &terimation of M48 p imer,-The following tests are primps which have deteriorated into a majo

38、r -6.3.2 Functioning sensitivity (see %402j.-me sampUng plan for this test shall be in accordance with Standarrd MIL-STD-105, Code letter E, and AQL of .15 percent. The teat shall be performed as specified in 4040202. 6.4 Primer, aweo B-7645336. -The wods “primer elentent“ win hereafter be used in t

39、his specification to denote “primer, dwg. B-7645336“e 6.5 Mean critical height. -!Che mean critical he%ght is the hefght at which 50 percent of the primers fire and 50 percent of the primem misfire. 6.6 FFo 6.6.1 Fomulae. if = Pi 1 (Hloo$l .50) 8 = JTZ-GEF(Z where1 H = mean critical heigt, or the he

40、ight at which 50 percent of the primers fire and 50 percent of the primers misfire. = sum of the individual values. Pi = deciml fraction of pPiiPiere failing to fire at each fndfvfdualhei&t. so y- Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P

41、-qhq77 33 I 7779706 0332488 T MIL-P-J+6499 (ora) HIM 1 .50 : first hefat at UIifeh all piiners in sample fail to fire, .SO. a = 13tandsPd &viati&, or aepersion oi tha individual primer eensitivtier about the k8n. = etanard deviation feetor. 6.6.2 Methd.-The data should be tabulated as foiaret Divide

42、 a sheet of Title Column I ttEet of &op“ and bet all intemediete height8 paper in 7 ciiE an ntmiber the columna I thpeugh VIL of drop, in consecutive order, eta&ing with the lmat height drop. Do not list the bights at -eh alb the prlmrr tested fmd or aU the prinrerrr teste fallad to fm. fired at nte

43、milbdiate height. that fallad to firs at seeh lntePiPsUiate he&t. for tha prrpose of calculation. to the closest seoon decimal mee, of the gilimsre that failed to fire at each ntermediate het.ght. Tfsis nuniber 18 obtained by aivdfng the rum of Colixnni 1I.X and IV at each intermediate hei&%, by the

44、 number of prinres tested at that heighf. n-rals is equhne, etarttng wlth 1, for a8 meny intemediete heights as are listed in Coluan I. &Pitt enb liat thn produet obtahed for each fntePmediate hefght when CoPuinn V Is multiplied by Coluntu VI. Apply foppnilae end solve for and s. Title Column II “me

45、r Fired“ Md li& ths number crf prlnmri that Tle Column III “Nu&ep MlefiPed“ mi list the nuniber of pimers Title CoBumn IV “iiangfipe cm blowback“ ohall be 96mted ae “Misflrea“ Title Column V “FPcretion Misfired - Pi“ and list the decimerl fractan - Title Column VI “Standard Deviation Factor = Ki“ an

46、d llet odd Title Column VI1 “Standmd Deviatfon Factor Times Fraction MisfiPed - Rotice. -When Qovermnt -vinga, epeeficatlone, or other data are used for any piapose other than in sonneetion wth a definitely relisted Goverment pracupement operaton, the United Stetes Govemnt titaereby beups no eepansf

47、bilfty nor any obligation wateaverg and the faet that the Governent sy have omuleted, furniahsd or in any way suppfed said &avngs, specfications, or *her data is not to be regardeb by implieation or otberwtse as in aqyl mnner licensing l%e holder or any other gereon OP emporatfon, op aonveyng eny rights OP permiseion to manuaoturs, we or eel1 any patented fnventfon that may fn any way be related thereto. Custodlan: Army-Ordnance Copge &eparin$ activity: Army-Ordnance Corps lb GPO eoeqas- f .i Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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