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1、. -._ -*-. NIL-P-60034 13 7777706 0335053 2 I MILITARY SPECIFICATION MIL-P-60034 1 APRIL 1964 PRIMING ASSEMBLY DEMOLITION, M15 PARTS, LOADING, ASSEMBLY AND PACKING 1. SCOPE 1.1 This specification contains require- ments not required by the drawings and covers quality assurance requirements for the f

2、abrication, loading, assembling and pack- ing for one type of Priming Assembly, Demo- lition, M15. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2,l The following documents of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or re- quest for proposal, form a part of this speci- fication to the extent specified herein.

3、SPECIFICATIONS . FEDERAL QQ-S-781 -Strapping, Flat ; Steel PPP-B-566 -Boxes, Folding, Paper- PPP-IL601 -Boxes, Wood, Cleated PPP-B-636 -Boxes, Fiber PPP-3476 -Boxes, Set-up, Paper- board Plywood board MILITARY MIGA-2660 -Ammunition and Spe- cial Weapons; Gen- eral Specification for MILI45208 -Inspec

4、t ion Require- ments, General Speci- fication for MILT-46607 -Inspection Equipment, Supply and Mainte- nance of MILC-373 -Clipcord, Detonating, d- M1 STANDARDS MILITARY MIL-STD-105D-Sampiing Procedures and Tables for In- spection by Attri- butes. MIL-STD-109 -Quality Assurance Terms and Defini- tiOn

5、S. MIL-STD-129 -Marking for Ship- ment and Storage MIL-STD-1235 -Single and Multilevel Continuous Sam- pling Procedures and Tables for In- spection by Attri- butes. DRAWINGS ORDNANCE com 8861112-Priming Assembly, Demoli- tion, M15. PUBLICATIONS ORDNANGE CORPS IEGS861112-Index of I n s p e c t i o n

6、Equipment Lists. (Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, publications required by suppliers in connection with specific procurement functions should be ob- tained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer). 2.2 Other publications. The following docu- ments forms a

7、 part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indi- I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-cated, the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal shall apply. CODE OF FEDERAL RECUEA

8、TIONS 49 CFE 71-90Interstate Commerce Commission Rules and Regulations for the Transportation of Ex- plosives and other Dangerous Articles. (The Interstate Commerce Commission Regula- tions are now a part of the Code of -Federal Regula- tions (1949 Edition and revisions) avaiiable from the Superinte

9、ndent of Documents, Government Printing, .Washington 26, D.C.). L -. 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Material. The material and parts shall be m-accordance with the applicable drawings and specifications. 3.2 The booster assembly shall comply with all the .requirements specified on Drawing 8861119 and all drawi

10、ngs referenced thereon, and with all requirements specified in appli- cable specifications. The explosive charge shall have the.minimum weight, when tested as spkifi in 4.3,l. 3.3 Workmanship. All parts and assemblies shall be fabricated and loaded in a thorough, workmanlike manner. They shall be fr

11、ee of burrs, shai-p edges, cracks, dirt, grease, cor- rosion products and other foreign matter. The-Cleaning method used shall not be in- jurious to any pai% nor shall the parts be contaminated by the cleaning agent. Exterior surface coatings shall be continuous except for a few light scratches not

12、exposing base mateeal. All required markings shall be neat and sharply defined. . .- .C .I 4. QUALTY . ASSURANCE PROVISIONS - 4.1 Genera quality assurance provisions. The -supplier is responsible- for the perfoim- ance of all inspection requirements specified herein. Except as otheiwise specified, t

13、he sup- plier may utilize his own or any other in- spection facilities and services acceptable to the Government. Inspection records of the examinations and tests shall be kept complete 2 I and available to the Goveiment as specified in the contract or order. The Government reserves the i-ight to pe

14、rform any of the in- spections set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to as- sure that supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements. Reference shall be made to Standard MIL-STD-109 in order to define terms used herein. The provisions of Specification M

15、ILA-2550 shall apply. 4.1.1 Contractov quality assurance system. The contractor shall provide and maintain an effective quality assurance system in com- pliance with the requirements of Specification MIL-1-45208. 4.1.2 Submission of product. At the time the completed lot of product is submitted to t

16、he Government for acceptance the Contractor shall supply the following infoimation ac- companied by a certificate which attests that the information provided is correct and appli- cable to the product being submitted: (a) A statement that the lot complies with all quality assurance pr Inter- state C

17、ommerce Commission ; Explosive and other Dangerous Articles. 5.1.2 Marking for shipment. Each shipping container shall be marked to insure safe han- dling, as required by the rules and regulations of the Code of Federal Regulations Title 49- Transportation ; Chapter I-Interstate Com- merce Commissio

18、n, Parts ?Il to 78, Explosive and Other Dangerous Articles. In addition, marking shall be as specified in Standard MIL-STD-129, except as may be modified by the contracting officer. 5.2 Data cards. Data card information shall be as specified in Specification MIL-A-2550. 6. NOTES 6.1 Ordering data Pr

19、ocurement documents (a) Title, number and date of this speci- shall specify the following: fication. 6.2 Inspection code numbers. The five digit code numbers assigned to the inspections herein are to facilitate future data collection and analysis by the Government. 6.3 Inspection equipment. The cont

20、ractor shall design inspection equipment as required by the referenced Inspection Equipment Lists (IEL) in accordance with the instructions of 6.3.1 through 6.3.7. 6.3.1 Inspection Equipment Lists. Inspec- tion Equipment Lists indicate the availability of inspection equipment designs by showing in t

21、he ?number? column of the list of inspec- tion equipment (O0 Form 1242-3) the num- bers of drawings of existing equipment designs or codes as indicated in 6.3.2. Design action required of the contractor with respect to the different types of drawings that may be listed is described in 6.3.3 and 6.3.

22、4. Action required by the contractor with respect to commercial inspection equipment is described in 6.3.5. The contractor will be required to prepare detailed drawings in accordance with 6.3.6 for all the equipment coded as ?contrac- tor design? in the number column. These con- tractor designs must

23、 be approved by the Government prior to fabrication or procuring of the equipment. Designs shall be submitted for approval as specified in 6.3.7. 6.3.2 Inspection Equipment List codes. The inspection equipment as defined in 6.3.3, 6.3.4, 6.3.5; and 6.3.6 will be designated in the In- spection Equipm

24、ent List by the following codes : CDOF -Contractor?s design responsi- bility on Ordnance format; ORDM-608-12. CDCF -Contiactor?s design responsi- bility on contractor format. OD -Ordnance design. ODMU -Ordnance design, mandatory for use. CE -Commercial equipment. SCD -Specification Control Drawing.

25、6.3.3 Ordnance designs. Ordnance designs are reflected on detailed drawings which com- pletely depict all the infam-ation necessary for the fabrication of the item of inspection Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- I _r- - flIL-P-6003L1 1

26、3 W b 0335058 I . - I 1ciIGP-60034 equipment. The contractor need provide no design when an Ordnance design is listed for an item of inspection equipment. Ordnance designs fall into two bkic classifications; mandatory and non-mandatory. When an In- spection Equipment List references manda- ory Ordna

27、nce designs, the contractor shall comply with, and use these designs accord- - ingly. The contractor may, however, in con- nection with non-mandatory designs and with the approval of the Government, design alternate inspection equipment or use com- parable commercial equipment to f militate his oper

28、ations. Such contractor prepared de- signs or commercial equipment selections must be approved by the Government prior to fabrication or procuring of the equipment, Designs shall be submitted for approval as specified in 6.3.7. 6.3.4 Specification control dmzungs. Speci- fication control drawings de

29、pict the minimum equipment requirements in outline, descrip- tive, diagrammatic, or pictorial form only and specify the required performance or other characteristics. Contractors must prepare de- tailed drawings (see 6.3.6) of their designs in support of specification control drawings. These contrac

30、tor prepared designs must be approved by the Government prior to the fabrication of procuring of the equipment. Commercial equipment meeting the require- ments of specification control drawings may be approved if described in sufficient detail to permit identification and evaluation by the Governmen

31、t. Designs shall be submitted for approval as specified in 6.3.7. 6.3.5 Commercal equipment. Commercial equipment is inspection equipment that has universal application for a specific function. It is comprised of items commonly used by industry and government. Contractors are not required to furnish

32、 drawings of commercial inspection equipment but a list of such equip- ment must be approved by the Government. Lists shall be submitted for approval to the inspection element of the agency administer- ing the contract. 6.3.6 Contractor clesgns. Contractor de- signs are designs of inspection equipme

33、nt for which the Government has assigned design responsibility to the contractor. Contractor designs shall be supported by detailed draw- ings which depict all information necessary to completely fabricate, calibrate and operate an item of inspection equipment. This re- quires that the necessary vie

34、ws, dimensions, materials, finish, notes, operating and calibra- tion instructions be properly depicted in ac- cordance with approved practices to the extent that further calculation or clarification will not be required. Contractor designs identified as CDCF may be developed on the format the contr

35、actor normally employs in his eqriipment design procedure provided such format reflects the detail and information specified above. Contractor designs identified as CDOF shall comply with the format and requirements of ORDM 608-12, and, in addi- tion, contain the detail and information speci- fied a

36、bove. I 6.3.7 Submission of contractor designs. De- signs shall be submitted for approval to the Commanding Officer, Picatinny Arsenal, ATTN: SMUPA-ND. Design review will nor- mally be accomplished within one month after receipt by Picatinny Arsenal. Partial submis- sion of inspection equipment desi

37、gns is per- missible and encouraged. However, the Arsenal completion date for design review will be based on the date of the final submis- sion of designs. Custodian: Amy-MU Preparing activity: Arm y-MU Project No. 137SA125 . . . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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