ARMY MIL-P-60090 B-1980 PROJECTILE 105MM WP-T M416 FILLING ASSEMBLY《M416式105 mm白磷曳光弹(WP-T)用装填组件》.pdf

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ARMY MIL-P-60090 B-1980 PROJECTILE 105MM WP-T M416 FILLING ASSEMBLY《M416式105 mm白磷曳光弹(WP-T)用装填组件》.pdf_第1页
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ARMY MIL-P-60090 B-1980 PROJECTILE 105MM WP-T M416 FILLING ASSEMBLY《M416式105 mm白磷曳光弹(WP-T)用装填组件》.pdf_第2页
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ARMY MIL-P-60090 B-1980 PROJECTILE 105MM WP-T M416 FILLING ASSEMBLY《M416式105 mm白磷曳光弹(WP-T)用装填组件》.pdf_第3页
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ARMY MIL-P-60090 B-1980 PROJECTILE 105MM WP-T M416 FILLING ASSEMBLY《M416式105 mm白磷曳光弹(WP-T)用装填组件》.pdf_第4页
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ARMY MIL-P-60090 B-1980 PROJECTILE 105MM WP-T M416 FILLING ASSEMBLY《M416式105 mm白磷曳光弹(WP-T)用装填组件》.pdf_第5页
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1、MIL-P-60090B(EA) 3 December 1980 SUPERSEDING MIL-P-60090A(MU) 5 July 1968 MILITARY SPECIFICATION PROJECTILE, 10 5MM , WP-T , M416 ; FILLING ASSP1BLY This specification is,approved for use by US Army Armament Research and Development Command , Department of the Army and is available for use by all De

2、part- ments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 1. SCOPE 1.1 This specification covers the white phosphorus (HP) filling as- sembly of the M416 projectile, without fuzing components. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ( 2.1 Issues of documents. The follawing docwients of the issue in ef- fect on date of

3、 invitation for bids or request for proposal, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. SPECIFICATIONS MILITARY MIL-C-215 - Chemical Agent, White Phosphorus (WP). MIL-A-48078 - Ammunition, Standard Quality Assurance Provisions, General Specifications For, - I FSC 1315 : Benef

4、icial comments (recommendat ions, addit ions, delet ions 1 and any . : pertinent data which may be of use in improving-this document should be : : addressed to: : Command, ATTN: DRDAR-TSC-S, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010 by us- : : ing the self -addressed Standardization Document Improvement Pro

5、posal : : (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document OP by letter. Commander, US Army Armament Research and Development */ . r / THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS 13 PAGES. 6 - c Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-bO070B I3 7799906

6、0335445 B MIL-P-60090B( EA) STANDARDS MILITARY MIL-STD-105 - Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by MIL-STD-129 - Marking for Shipment and Storage. MIL-STD-453 - Radiographic Inspect ion. Attributes. DRAWINGS US ARMY ARMAMENT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT COMMAND CHEMICAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY 888

7、6485 - hjectile, 105MM, WP-T, M416; Filling Assembly. (Copies of specifications, st.andards, drawings, and publications re- quired by contractors in connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer.) 3. REQUIREMEN

8、TS 3.1 Materials. Materials shall be in accordance with the applicable 3.2 Components and assemblies. The components and assemblies shall comply with all requirements specified on Dwg 8886485 and associated drawings, and with all requirements specified in the applicable.speci- fications and standard

9、s. drawings and specifications, 3.3 Radiographic quality Radiographs for determination of the fill- ing height shall be taken in accordance with MIL-STD-453 and shall be of a quality which will permitproper evaluation of the filling assembly. The minimum optical density of each radiograph in the are

10、a being inspec- ted shall not be less than 1.25 and shall be within a density range that will permit proper identification of filling height rejects. 3.4 Filling of projectile. 3.4.1 Projectile and case impeller. The projectile cavity and case impeller shall be clean and free of volatile corrosion i

11、nhibitor paper, dirt, burs, rough edges, and foreign matter. I 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-60090B(EA) . 3.4.2 Filling. The projectile shall be filled with molten WP con- forming to MIL-C-215 at a temDerature cr 140 t lCF (

12、60 t 5.5OC). When water is in contact with the WP during th: filling operation, the water shall be buffered by a suitable alkaline salt to maintain a PH value between 6.5 and 8,0, After the test for leakage, the WP shall be solidified while maintaining the projectile in a vertical nose-up posi- tion

13、, 3.4.3 Filling height of WP. When radiographed in a vertical, nose-up position, the depth of the water remaining in the filled and closed pro- jectile shall not exceed one-quarter inch (0.250 inch); and, there shall be a 3 to 5 percent void, by total volume, existing above the surface of the water

14、over the WP in the projectile (see 6.3). 3.4.4 Cleaning after projectile closing, The exterior face of the filling assembly and the interior surfacof the case impeller cavity shall be cleaned thoroughly to remove all WP contamination (see 6.4). 3.5 Leakage. When tested as specified in 4.5.2, the fil

15、ling assembly shall not leak when maintained at a temperature of 160 t 5OF (71O t 3.oC) for a period of 8.0 hours, minimum; or, when maintained at a temperature of 207O to 212OF (97OC to iOOC) for a period of 15 minutes, minimum. 3.6 Data requirements. The contractor shall generate data in accord- a

16、nce with the requirements of the data item descriptions cited in 3.7 First article inspection. This specification contains technical provisions for first article inspection. of first article samples by the contractor shall be as specified in the contract. Requirements for the submission 3.8

17、 Workmanship. 3.8.1 Projectile filling assembly. The projectile filling assembly shall be free from internal and external contamination (oil, grease, etc.), chips, dents, burrs, and foreign matter that may impah further assembly and proper functioning. The cleaning method used shall not be injurious

18、 to any of the filling assemblies; nor shall the assemblies be contaminated by the cleaning agent. 3.8.2 Painting and marking. The painting and marking shall be re- stored by the filling-contx-actop on any components furnished to him painted and marked, when such paintings and markings have been mar

19、red OP obliterated, 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-M IL-P-6 O 090B( EA ) 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Responsibility for inspection and standard quality assurance pro- visions. Unless otherwise specified herein or in the con

20、tract, the pro- visions of MIL-A-48078 shall apply and are hereby made a part of this detail specification. I 4.2 Class if icat ion of inspect ions. The following types of inspect ion shall be perfonned on this item: a. First Article Inspection b. Quality Conformance Inspection 4.3 First article ins

21、pection. 4.3.1 Submission. The contractor shall suhit a first article sample The first article sample shall consist of as designated by the Contracting Officer for evaluation in accordance with the provisions of 4.3.2. the following items in sample quantities as indicated. PART DESCRIPTION DRAWING Q

22、UANTITY 25 Projectile Filling Assembly 8 88648 5 4.3.2 Inspections to be performed. See MIL-A-48078 and table I speci- fied herein, see 4 I 0 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-1 MIL-P-bOOOB 13 M 9999906 0335948 3 i? ri (r O ri

23、t LiI I u P 8 O c U 4- NriN eulm eee . . m N4-m mmm . Inmm N“ h rl a c r: Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- Y .* MIL-P-bO090B 13 7777706 03354V9 5 W 4.3.3 Rejection. See MIL-A-48078, 4.4 Quality conformance inspection. 4.4.1 Inspection

24、 lot formation. Inspection lots shall comply with the lot formation provisions of MIL-A-48078. -In addition, inspection lots of projectile filling assemblies shall contain: I a. Projectile metal parts of one lot interfix number from one manufacturer ; b. Case impeller metal parts of one lot interfix

25、 number from WP conforming to. MIL-C-215 of one lot from one manufacturer, one manufacturer; c. 4.4.2 Examination. See MIL-A-48078. -3 - 4 Smpling plans. Unless otherwise specified in the classifi- - - z cation of defects and tests tables, paragra?!:s 4.4,3,2 throuph 4.4,?.5, samplirig plans for ma-

26、jor and minor defects shall be in accordance with WIL-CTD-105, inspection Level II. Defect reporting. A reoort of all critical defects found, in- cluding the number of items inspected and corrective action taken, shall be prepared monthly in accordance with Data Item Description DI-R-1721 an

27、d copies delivered as specified in the contract. 3 I.* 6 5.- -_ L - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-,. P C C C C l-l d t W I m. O U z m ii O d al rl l-l NN N vim O O FI O0 99 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking

28、permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-60090B 33 7979706 0335453 3 m rl 8 t d W I M O U G d al k O rcI a 4 B ooo aa $2 u U al k k al O 10 O O 4 rl o $4 k O O a O rl Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-bO070B 13 W 7777706 03354

29、54 7 m 4.4.3 Testing. Testing is described in the first article and quality conformance inspection tables. 4.4.4 inspection equipment. The inspection equipment required to perform the examinations and tests prescrrbed herein is described in the tlParagraph Ref erence/Inspection Method“ column in the

30、 tables start- ing with paragraph The contractor shall submit for appmval inspection equipment designs in accordance with the ternis of the con- tract. See 6.2 herein and Section 6 of MIL-A-48078. 4.5 Methods of inspection. PRECAUTION. This specification coves sampling and testing of chemic

31、al, toxic, or explosive mateials which are potentially hazardous to personnel. that all applicable safety rules, regulations, and procedures must be followed In handling and processhg these materials, Accordingly, it is emphasized 4.5.1 volume. tiles selected for this test shall be tenperature condi

32、tioned at 140 + 10F (60 + 5OC) for 15 minutes while in the vertical, nose up positio (the temperature measurements shall be made using thermocouples placed in the case impellers of at least two pr+ojectiles located near the center of the sample batch when placed in the temperature conditioned chambe

33、r). Determine the height of WP fill corresponding to the required void as follows : Radiographic determination of filling height and percent void Prior to exposure to radiographic examination, the filled projec- (a) Measure total volume of the assembled projectile including case impeller. (b) (c) Ca

34、lculate required void volume. (3 and 5% of (a) above.) Subtract (b) from (a) to determine liquid volume. (d) Using liquid volume minus 1/4 inch water layer develop a standard fill height measurement that will be used to read the WP fill height on the radiographs. NOTE: It will be necessary to perfor

35、m the void/fill height determinations on several projectiles of the same lot to establish a reliable fill height measurement which will not be affected by the tolerances of the metal parts. 4.5.2 Leakage. After final cleaning, the projectiles shall be placed in an oven in a vertical, nose-up orienta

36、tion, and temperature conditioned at 160 t 5OF (71O + 3OC) for 8.0 hours, minimum, after which they shall be examined for evidence of WP leakage, be placed in a vertical, nose-end down position, temperature conditioned Alternately, the projectiles may 11 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction

37、or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Y- - -, MIL-P-bOOSOB 13 H 773470b 0335i.155 O HI to 207OF to 212OF (97OC to 100OC) for 15.0 minutes, minimum, and then examined for WP leakage. shall be placed in the case impeller of at least two projectiles located in the center of the temperatu

38、re conditioned chamber per batch, in order to determine the temperature of the projectile batch. indicate that the required temperature range has been met, the storage time shall be said to have started.) or after temperature conditioning constitutes leakage. (When using the alternate method, themoc

39、ouples When the thennocouples The emission of smoke before, during, 5. PACKAGING 5.1 Packing, levei A. The filled projectiles shall be palletized for shipment in the came manner as they were received, 5,2 Marking, In addition to any special marking required by the con- tract or order, palletized loa

40、ds shall be marked in accordance with the applicable drawing and MIL-STD-129. 6. NOTES 6.1 Ordering data. 6.1.1 Procurement requirements. See MIL-A-48078, 6.1.2 Data requirements. Deliverable data required by this specifi- cation is cited in the following paragraphs: Paragraph Data Requirement Appli

41、cable DID Quality Inspection Defect Report DI-R-1721 (Copies of data item descriptions required by the contractor in connec- tion with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the pro- curing activity or as directed by the contracting officer.) 6,1.2.1 Delivery of data to the t

42、echnical activity. The following addresses are to be added to those listed in the contract (Form DD 1423) for delivery of one copy, each, of the Ammunition Data Cards and Quality Inspection Defect Reports prepared by the contractor for the duration of the contract: ATTN: DRDAR-QAC-D, and DRDAR-CLN-S

43、E, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010. Commander, US Amy Armament Research and Developnent Command, 6.2 Submission of inspection equiprient designs for approval. Submit designs, as required, to: ment Command, ATTN: MD 21010. Commander, US Army Armament Research and Develop- DRDAR-QAC-D and DRDAR-CLN-

44、SE, Aberdeen Proving Ground, 12 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-6.3 Projectile filling (advisory). Projectiles filled with approximately 6.0 pounds of WP have been found to comply with the requirements of 3.4.3. 6.4 Decontamination (a

45、dvisopy). Filled an4 closed projwtiles may 5e decontaminated by passing the projectile through a hot water and detergent spray washer, or by flushing with hot water while scrubbing vigorously with steel wool or a wire brush. be accomplished with a steam-lance and a power driven wire brush. - - Additional cleaning of the case Impeller may Custodian: Preparing activity: Army - EA Army - EA *US. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1981-703-0231755 Frrject No. 1315-A354 13 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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