ARMY MIL-P-60416 A (2)-1991 PROPELLANT M1 FOR USE IN CHARGE PROPELLING 155MM M3A1《M3A1式155 mm点火管用M1发射火药》.pdf

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ARMY MIL-P-60416 A (2)-1991 PROPELLANT M1 FOR USE IN CHARGE PROPELLING 155MM M3A1《M3A1式155 mm点火管用M1发射火药》.pdf_第1页
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ARMY MIL-P-60416 A (2)-1991 PROPELLANT M1 FOR USE IN CHARGE PROPELLING 155MM M3A1《M3A1式155 mm点火管用M1发射火药》.pdf_第2页
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ARMY MIL-P-60416 A (2)-1991 PROPELLANT M1 FOR USE IN CHARGE PROPELLING 155MM M3A1《M3A1式155 mm点火管用M1发射火药》.pdf_第3页
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ARMY MIL-P-60416 A (2)-1991 PROPELLANT M1 FOR USE IN CHARGE PROPELLING 155MM M3A1《M3A1式155 mm点火管用M1发射火药》.pdf_第4页
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1、UIL-P-604LbA (2) 13 9999906 0486034 7 MIL-P-60416A (AR) AMENDMENT 2 24 June 1991 SUPERSEDING AMENDMENT 1 30 March 1983 MILITARY SPECIFICATION PROPELLANT M1 FOR-USE IN CHARGE, PROPELLING, 155MM, M3A1 This Amendment forms a part of Military Specification MIL-P-60416A (AR) dated 23 March 1982 and is ap

2、proved for use by the US Army Armament, Munitions and Chemical Command and is available for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. PAGE 2 Add the following drawing to para 2.1.2: I 1 2 9 1 4 O 1 9 - Collar and Rail Assembly, Dynagun Beta. 12914000 - Dynagun Charge Weight P

3、rocedure“ PAGE 3 * 3.2 Delete in its entirety and substitute the following new paragraph : l3.2 Ballistic assessment requirements. The propellant, . when fired in the M1 cannon with the M107 projectile or in the Dynagun system, shall be capable of assessment to the velocities and pressures at 70 deg

4、rees F as specified in Table I. Propellant shall be aged for 90 calendar days minimum after packout prior to Dynagun testing. Sample drums designated for assessment tests shall not be unsealed for used in the test until the 90 day time frame is met. In the event of war emergency, this requirement do

5、es not apply.“ AMSC N/A 1 of 4 FSC 1376 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved -for public release; distribution is unlimited. Licensed by Information Handling Servicesc MPL-P-bO41bA (2) 13 W 999990b 114dbI335 9 PPI - -s. IC d MIL-P-60416A (AR) AMENDMENT 2 31 3.3 Delete in its entirety and substitute th

6、e following new paragraph: “3.3 Bal list i c un i form i ty requirements . The pr ope1 lank, when fired in the M1 cannon with the M107 projectile or in the Dynagun system, shall comply with the following requirements when tested as specified in or respectively. All charges shall be m

7、anufactured in accordance with MIL-C-60418 except with the Dynagun firing. All charges fired in the Dynagun system shall be manufactured in accordance with the applicable Unit Operating Procedure.“ PAGE 9 4.5.2 Delete “Method 310.4“. * 4.5.2 its entirety and substitute the following new pa

8、ragraphs: “4.5.2 Dynagun assessments. This alternative test method may be used for substitution of proving ground assessments (see 4.5.1). However, proving ground assessment or the acceptance of the propellant lot shall be used for every fifth lot accepted by the dynagun assessment. The dynagun asse

9、ssment shall be performed at the propellant production facility in accordance with the applicable facility unit operating procedure for the beta dynagun firing system and with Drawing 12914019 and 12914000. All charges shall be conditioned to the required temperature for a minimum of 24 hours and as

10、surance will be made that, when fired, the charges are at a conditioning temperature. The following tolerances shall apply to all temperature conditionings: -50 degrees F, + 5 degrees F; 70 degrees F, - t 2 degrees F, 145 degrees F, - 5 degrees F. The facility unit operation procedures shall be subm

11、itted to AMSMC-QAR-R(D) and AMSMC-QAH-T for review and approval. Charge establishment (See Table II). Six charges each loaded with charge weights of propellant for zones 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 5t shall be conditioned and fired at 70 degrees F, with the test charges. From the data, charge weights

12、shall be calculated which will yield the prescribed service velocity (see 3.2). This calculated charge weight shall then be loaded into charges for the uniformity series (see The difference between the corrected velocity obtained during the uniformity series and the service velocity shall

13、be compensated for by a final adjustment in charge weight using the slope of the velocity charge weight curve previously established. The result will be the recommended charge weight. 2 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-P-60416A (AR) AMENDMENT 2 Charge uniformity (see Table II). 4

14、. Initial production. Thirty (30) charges shall be assembled with the calculated charge weight (see of propellant at zone 5. Ten charges each shall be conditioned to -50 degrees F, 70 degrees F and 145 degrees F. Charges fired at 70 degrees F shall be fired alternately with calibrati

15、on charges. Firing results at all temperatures shall be corrected to recommended charge weight conditions (i.e., the difference between calculated (as fired) charge weight and recommended charge weight) . The means and standard deviations of the velocities and pressures at all firing temperatures sh

16、all be calculated using corrected results. The initial production lots represent the first three consecutive lots from each manufactrer which have been produced and met the acceptance criteria of this specification. Subsequent production. Seven (7) charges shall be assembled with the estab

17、lished charge weight (see of propellant. Test charges shall be fired alternately with calibration charges and shall be corrected to firing conditions. Firing results shall be corrected to recommended charge weight conditions (i.e., the difference between as fired charge weight and recommend

18、ed charge weight). The means and standard deviations of the velocities and pressures shall be calculated using cofrected results. Throughout production, if 3 consecutive lots fail on first test, testing shall revert back to the initial production plan (see Each charge shall be conditione

19、d to 70 degrees F. Retest criteria. A lot shall be retested whenever any of the following conditions exist or whenever the facility deems it necessary. a. The final adjustment in charge weight exceeds 2.0. ozs of the charge weight used in uniformity firings, retest for uniformity in accordan

20、ce with b. If for any reason, the facility considers that the test conditions have detrimentally affected the test results, additional charges as required shall be tested. the procuring activity for disposition whenever any of the following conditions exist or whenever the facility deems it

21、 necessary. .Referral criteria. A test lot shall be referred to . O 3 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-P-60416A (AR) AMENDMENT 2 a. Calibration rounds fired in any test phase fail to comply with Section 3 of this specification. b. Calibration correction applied exceeds two percen

22、t c. Number of test or calibration results utilized in of the expected muzzle velocity. calculations is less than specified. d. Any unusual occurrences during testing, such as excessive delays between firings, drift of pressure and velocity sensors, etc. Each such event shall be reported in detail o

23、n the applicable firing record. e. One outlier is permitted for each calibration or test firing set according to the outlier criteria of The critical value (Tc) shall be 0.482 for a sample.size of 6, 0.434 for 7 and 0.409 for 10, at a significance level of 0.1. The test lot shall be refer

24、red if the test lot fails velocity standard deviation or average pressure requirement at 70 degrees F AND any extreme second test value is an outlier.“ * Add the following paragraph: “4.5.3 Potassium sulfate. The potassium sulfate content shall be determined in accordance with MIL-STD-286.“ NOTE: Th

25、e margins of this amendment are marked with an asterisk or vertical lines to indicate where changes (additions, modifica- tions, corrections, deletions) from the previous amendment were made. This was done as a convenience only and the Government as- sumes no liability whatsoever for any inaccuracie

26、s in these notations. Bidders and contractors are cautioned to evaluate the requirements of this document based on the entire content ir- respective of the marginal notations and relationship to the last previous amendment. Custodian: Army-AR 4 Preparing activity: Army-AR (Project No 1376-A407) Licensed by Information Handling Services


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