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1、7 - *- MIL-P-b33LL 13 W 779770b O347896 2 c-3744 ;!IL-P-52311 (AR) 29 JUNE 1979 MIL I TAIIY SPEC IF 1 CAT ION PRMER, ELECTRIC, 1%3 (ALTERKATE) LOADI%, ASSEI4BLIlG Al.10 PACKING This specification is approved for usehy the US Army krniament Researc+ and Development Coinmarid, and is available for use

2、 hy all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 1 SCOPE .- 1.1 Tfiis specification contains requiremetits not covered by the drawings and provides qlial i ty assurance provisions for loading, assembling anti packing of Primer, Electric, I183 (Alternzte), 2. APPLICABLE DOCUIIENTS - 2.3

3、 The following documents of the issue in effect on date of invitation for $ids or request for proposals, form a part of this * , specification to the extent specified herein. SPECIFICATIOr4S P? I L 1 TARY E: I L - P- 1 1 5 - Preservation, Kettiods uf b:IL-P-223 - Powder. Black MIL-E-4C215 - Element,

4、 Ignition, Electric ?etal Parts Assembly, For Igniter, Electronic Primer, f63 and Electric Primers, f480A1 and Y33 MIL-A-48078 - AmiiJnition, Standard Quality Assurance Provisions, General Specification For 7 FSC: 1390 Beneficial commenta (mommendationr, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data

5、which may be of um h improving thin document should be iddremd te: Commander, US Amp Amment Reaeuch and Development Command, Attn. DRDARQA, Dover, New Jenep 07803 by wing the rel-addrewd Strndardiuaon Document Improvement bH (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of thin document or by letter. P s Prov

6、ided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NIL-P-6331L 13 W 977770b 0397897 4 KIL-P-63311 (AR) STANDARDS !4 I L 1 TARY MIL-STD-286 - Propellants: Sampl ing, Inspection and Testing WIL-STO-1234 - Pyrotec+cics, Sampling, Inspec tion and Testing DRAWJN

7、GS II S AR t*iY ARMA4E NT RES E A9 C I i .4t:D DEVE LOP t.1 E l4T COMM AFID ( ARR ADCOM 1 8847475 - Prinier Electric, 33 (Sheet 2) Loading Asscrnbly 8847545 - Carton, Packing, Anitnunition, for Primer, Electric, M83 85475415 - Box, Packing, Ammunition, for Priiner, Electric, bl3 (Copies of specifica

8、tions, standards, drah in g s, and publications required by suppl iers in connection with specific procurement fiinctions should be obtained froin the procuring activity or as directed hy the contract ir,g off iccr!, 3. REQUIREHEFJTS 3.1 !kiterials.-#aterials shall be in accordance witti applicable

9、drawings and speci Fications. 3.1.1 Primers.-The loaded primers shall comply with all requirements specified on Drawing 8817475 (Sheet 2) and wit? all requirements specified in appl icab7e specifications. 3.2 Parts.-The parts shall cornply wi til al 1 requirements specifiedarawings listed in paragra

10、ph 2.1 and associated drawings and with all requirements specified in appl icable specifications and standards. 3.3 Moisture content 3.3.1 I nition element charge cornposition.-The moisture content of the ignit?%ent charge coinposition atthe loading station at the time of loading th2 ignition elemen

11、t shall not exceed 0.10 percent. 2 I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-b . tlIL-P-63311 (AR) 3.3.2 Black owder.-The moisture content of the black powder at 3.3,3 Benite.-T!# moisture content of the benite et the loading the time of + oa

12、ding the closing plug shall not exceed 0.50 percent. station at the time of loading shall not exceed 1.00 percent 3.4 Electrical resistance test,-Thc head loading assmihly aric! the loaded mimers shall hava an electrical resistance of not less than 0.80 ohms nor more than 1.80 oFms. 3.5 Functianing/

13、non-functionins test (Heit4 loa:!ina assenhly) ?.5.1 Functinnin .-The head ?loadiny assemhl! shall fiinction when a current _1Q of .25 amperes, maximum, is applied. 3.5.2 Mon-functianing.-Thc head loadino assembly shsll not 3.6 Lacquer in flash holes.-The lacauer in prfmer fl?sfi hales function when

14、 a current of l?O to ?O0 milliamperes is applied. shall comply with illustration 1, 2 or 3 or Figure 1. e. 3.7 Provine round.-The primer shall camply with the following - d requirements _Qf_ when ired ballistically: a. The pr?mer shall not fail tn fim. b. The primei- body shall not rupture or become

15、 detached. c. There chal1 he no audih7e hangfire(s) (see C.6.a). d. The primer shall not squib (see 6.G.b). 3.8 Torque requirenients 3.8.1 AsseinIr1 tor ue.-Threaded joints siali withstand subsequent + reapp ication of the minimuni assembly torque specified on the applicable drawing, without moving,

16、 vhile thread sealing compounds ( if required) ax wt. 3.8.2 Disassembly torque.-Threaded joints shall withstand applicationsasscmhly torqrie specified on the applicable druing, without moving, after thread sea1 ing compound has cured. 3.9 First article inspection.-This specification contains technic

17、al pravisions for first article inspection, Requirements for the submission of first article samples by the contractor shall be as specified in the contract. 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-P-63311 13 m 797770b 0347897 = MIL-P-

18、53311 (AR) 3.10 Workmansliip.41 1 parts and assemhl i2s slial 1 be fabricate6 and loaded in accordance to the appl icabte spccif ications and drawings. They shall be clean and free of burrs, sharp edges, unblcnded radii, surface defects, c!iips, dirt, grease sild oil (except where specifically requi

19、red), corrosion products 2nd other foreign matter. The cleaning inethoil used shall not be injurious to any part or assembly nor shall they be contaminated by the cleaning agent. Exterior surface coatings shall he continuous except for a f2 light scratches not exposino Inse material. A11 required ma

20、rcings shall he neat and sharply defined. Required packing shall be dry. 4. QUl4LITY ASSURANCE PROVISJOMS - - 11.1 Responsibility for inspection and standard quality assurance provisions.-Unless otfierwise specified herein or in the ccntract, the provisions of RIL-A-48073 shall app7y and are hereby

21、madc a part of this detail specification. - 4.2 Classification of inspections.-The following types of inspection shall benaucted on this-item. - 4 a. First Article Inspection b. Qual i ty Confomance Inspection 4.3 First article inspection 4.3.1 Suhniissioii.-The contractor shall submit a .f irst art

22、icle - sample as d-iy the Contracting Officer for evaluation in accordance with provisions of 4.3.2. The first article sample shall consist of the followiiig items in samp?e quantities as indicated in Table 1, Part/Assembly Rescription Eleiiien t , Ign i ti on y Electr icy LrJad i ng Plug. Closin9 L

23、oading Assembly Head Loading Assembly Primer E?ectric, M83 Loading Assembly Ass em!, 1 y Carton, Packing, Animunition for BOX, Packing, Aminunition for Primer, Primer, Electric, 1.183 Electric, i483 4 Drawings 8833505 932734 9327345 3847476 (Sheet 2) 884 7 54 5 8847545 I Quantity 10 10 4oc 100 5 5 I

24、 -I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-P-63311 13 M 9999906 0347700 O I M I L- P - 6 3 3 1 1 ( AR ) 4.3.2 Irispections to be performed.-See - MIL-A-48078 and Table I specified herein. 4.3.3 Rejection. -See MIL-A-48078. 5 Provided by

25、 IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- - -_._._ -_I-_l_l_-. - MIL-P-63311 13 H 7977706 0347701 2 W (a $- i u) 2 9 E 4 k L s s N U a ? Y 4 . ru tr * * c c c- * occ cc -rum lnm C O rl rl Ln v1 8 Cu ! 6 . o w k U o QI rl Q, L 1 w k ci k O YI 0“ 4 U .rl c

26、 Q B . I= E rl Y o le : u QI . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-t? c 4 Pl m o) v) O ci k C 4 k P. . 8 e ci k ba PI m ci ci X al tr cal .A .c u ci in *rl o E C 5 13 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted wi

27、thout license from IHS-,-,-NIL-P-63311 13 m 7779706 0347707 7 m c e c c c (i (r U d t f it 0) rl cc al m b oc 8 U k al als u o, rc o, C rl cr d al E . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-b3311 13 7777706 03LI7710 3 c C c c r c c U I

28、 ? : r 2 c E Y Y Y n c :* u- - *. 4 CC C el c, O b o, G L? rc o, c *( iu QI c QI c B Li C. 8 b O dl 1s Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-63311 13 H 7777906 0347711 5 .I rl b d ti a O U (r k 4 4 (d k Iti I 16 Provided by IHSNot for

29、 ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-E Y Y m P i E 2 I rl 8 Pl B a w -al rl a o) ta 9* COC i II Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-b3311 13 M 997770b 03L17713 i MIL-P-C3313 (AR) 4.4.3 Testing

30、 Head loading assemblx 4.4 . 3.1.1 Functioning Beginning with tlie first lot produced and continuing until three consecutive lots have compiiec! k;ith tlie requirements specified, five hundred (500) samples shall Ce selected from each lot for test as specified in 4.5,4. If four ri

31、) or more failures occur, the lot shall be rejected. The equipment used shall be in accordance with 4.4.4. (Destructive test) After three consecutive lots have complied :.Jith the criteria of, a double sampling plan in accordatce with Code Letter L and an AQL of 0.25 percent

32、shall be used for each lot. The test shall be performed as specified in 4.54 using equipment specified in 4.4.4. (Destructive test) Fion- f un c t i on i ng Beginning krith the first lot produced and - continuing until three consecutive lots have complier! with the specified re

33、quirement, two hundred (ZOO) samples shall be selected from each lot and tested in accoi-dance with 4.5.5 using equipment specified in 4.4.4. rejected. Asseniblies subjected to this test shall not be returned to the lot, (Destructive test) If any assembly functions, the lot shall he Afte

34、r three consecutive lots have complied with the If any assembly functions the criteria of eighty head loading assemblies shall be selected from each lot for this test. lot shall be rejected. Assemblies subjected to this test shall not be returned to the lot. (Destructive test) -L

35、 Pv*ovinq ground - (See 3.7).-Tlie primer shall be observed for evidence of the following defects: TAELE II Defects Classificotion - Body ruptures or becomes detached Cri t icz 1 Failure to fire Ra j or Assembly hangfi res ftajor Assembly squi hs I 18 Ma j or Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduc

36、tion or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-P-63331 13 U 7777906 0347734 O MIL-P-63311 (Ad) Beginning with the first lot produced and continuiiig until three (3) consecutive lots have complied with the acceptance criteria specified, thirty-f ive (35) primers shall random

37、ly selected froni each lot for this test, If a critical defect occurs or one (1) or more major defects occur, *the lot shall be rejected. criteria specified in, ten (10) primers shall be randonily selected from each lot for test. If one (i) critical defect occurs or if one (1) or more majo

38、r defect occur, the lot shall be rejected. to perform the examinations and tests prescribed herein is described in the Paragraph Reference/Inspection Yethod column in the tables starting with paragraph The contractor shall submit for approval inspection equipment designs in accordance with

39、the terms of the contract. See Section 6 of MIL-A-48078 and G.3 herein. After three (3) consecutive lots have met the 4.4.4 Inspection equipment. -The inspection equipment required 4.5 Plettiods of inspection PRECAUTION - This specification covers sampling and testing of hazardous to perso

40、nnel, Accordingly, it is emphasized that all applicable safety rules, regulations and procedures must be followed in handling and processing these materials. * I chemical, toxic or explosive materials which are potentially 4.5.1 Materials, components and processes.-Compliance with all requirements o

41、f Section 3 of this specification shall be ascertained by surrent ancl continuing examination of inspection ancl test data to determine that all components (parts, subassemblies, and materials) have been inspected and tested and found to comply with their respective drawing and specification require

42、ments, and that all specified manufacturing processes have been followed. Visual and mechanical inspections.-The visual, manual and mechanical inspections and tests shall verify compliance with the requirements of Sections 3 and 5 of this specification in accordance with 4.4.2 herein and Tab

43、le I. 4.5.2 Moisture content Igniter charge composition,-The moisture content of the iqniter charqe composition shall be determined as specified in Method 101.5-of MIL-STD-1234 except that a five (5) gram sample shall be used. 19 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking per

44、mitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-b33LL 13 77777Ob 03Ll7735 2 MIL-P-6331 I (AR) 4.5.2 . 1.1 Al ternate method. -The charge composi t i on may be determined electro?.vtic hydrometer described in using a sample size not greater than 70 degrees Centigrade. moisture content of the igniter in acc

45、ordance .ith the Pethod 101 . of MIL-STO-286 0.3 grams and a temperature of Black powder,-The moisture content of the black powder shall he cietermined in accordance with tt-e procedure specified in M IL - P- 2 2 3. 8enite.-The moisture content of the henite shall be 4.5.3 Electrical

46、 resistance.-The head loadinq assembly (dwq. -93273fi5) and the primer assembly (di.!q* 8947475 - Sheet ?), s5all he tested foi- electrical resistance by applyinq an electrical current of twenty (20) mi?liamperes, maximum, using the electrode as one contact point and the head as the other. The equip

47、ment sqall be in accordance with 4.4.4. tested in accordance with Method 1.03.1. of Standard !4IL-STD-285. 4.5.4 Functionina.-The head loadinq assembly shall he tested for electrical functioning by applvinq an electrical current of 1.25 amperes, maximum, using the electrode for one contact mint and

48、the head for the other. The equipment shall be in accorhance with 4.4.a. 4 4.5.5 Non-functioning.-The head loaing assemlily stiall be tested for non-functioninq hy applyinq an electrica.1 current of one . hundred and ninety (.?O) to two hundred (201) milliamperes for one second, minrnum, using the electrode as one contact point and the head as the other. The equipment sbll be in accordance with 4.4.4. 4.5.6 Determination of ignition charge cornnosition.-The chemical composition of the ignition charqe shallhensidered satisfactory if it is i


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