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1、MIL-PRF-32023 m 9Ob 2065489 303 m i I I MIL-PRF-32023 - PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION ADAPTER KIT - GRAVITY FEED, FOR 5-GALLON MILITARY PLASTIC FUEL CAN 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. This document covers the performance and acceptance requirements for a Gravity Feed Adapter (GFA) which mates with the standard mil

2、itary 5- gallon plastic fuel can. The GFA and can assembly are inverted to provide a gravity fed fuel supply for military tent heaters (see 6.1). 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS Not applicable to this specification. 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 First articl e test. When specified, see 6.2, the GFA shall undergo a fi

3、rst article test in accordance with 4.1.1. 3.2 Conformance. Items furnished under this specification shall be subject to the conformance inspection in accordance with 4.1.2. 3.3 operat in? reauiremene. 3.3.1 Fuel flow rate. The GFA shall allow a minimum fuel flow rate from an inverted five gallon fu

4、el can of 200 cubic centimeters (cc)/minute of Jp8 fuel in all operating temperatures. No more than 325 ccs of fuel shall remain in the can after draining. 3.3.2 Sealing. There shall be no leakage of fuel from the GFA, when connected to a full five gallon ndhy plastic fuel can, upon inversion for op

5、eration, during operation, or if accidentally tipped over during transport. The maximum torque required for a positive seal shall not exceed 120 irlbs in al operating temperatures. Beneficial comments, recommendations, additions, deletions, and any pertinent data which may be used in improving this

6、document should be addressed to : U.S. Army Natick Research Development and Engineering Center, ATTN: SSCNC-WEC, Natick, MA 01760-5018 AMSC NIA FSC 7240 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-PRF-32023 999990b 2065490 025 MIL-PEW-32023 3

7、.3.3 Attachment. The GFA shall be quickly and easily attached and removed from the can by hand while wearing cold weather gloves. No tools shall be required for attachment or removal. The GFA shall mate with the male threads on the military five gallon plastic fuel can without damaging fuel can or G

8、FA threads. Attachment for operation shall require no more than the following three steps: 1. Attach adapter to fuel can, 2. Attach fuel line to adapter, 3. Invert fuel can on fuel can stand. 3.4 suport or ownershir, reauirements. 3.4.1 Storage. The GFA body size shall not exceed 5.5 inches in diame

9、ter and 3.0 inches in height for storage inside a space heater. 3.4.2 Marking. Lettering shall be permanent and shall not wear off due to contact with fuel or normal wear associated with use of the GFA. The information on the GFA shall contain the following at a minimum: a. Manufacturers name and ad

10、dress or cage code. b. Manufacturers part number or NSN. 3.5 Environmental requirements. 3.5.1 Water tightness. The GFA shall prevent water penetration into the fuel can during operation, transport, or storage under all environmental conditions. 3.5.2 Extreme temm - ratures. The GFA and materials sh

11、all remain operable in temperatures from 65“ F down to -60“ F. 3.5.3 Fuel compatibility. All GFA materials (body, hose, coupler, O-rings, gaskets, etc) shall be compatible with liquid fuels (JP8, Kerosene, Diesel). 3.5.4 Corrosion resistance. The GFA, fittings, and materials shall not rust. 3.6 Inte

12、rface and interomrab iiiy requirements. 3.6.1 Fuel supply hose and connector. The GFA shall be equipped with a 6-inch long, 318- inch inside diameter flexible hose with a automatic shut-off female coupler. The coupler shall mate with male fitting Parker Hannifin Corp. Part no. BH8CP or equivalent wh

13、ich shall be supplied with the adapter when specified (see 6.2). 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4. VERIFICATION MIL-PW-32023 4.1 Classificati on of inspxtions . The inspection requkments herein are classified as follows: a. First a

14、rticle inspection (see 4.1.1) b. Conformance inspection (see 4.1.2) 4.1.1 mt article insperition. When a first article inspection is required (see 3.1 and 6.2), the GFA shall undergo the tests and examinations outlined in Table I. Sampling for the first article inspection shall be as specified in th

15、e contract or purchase order. 4.1.2 Conformance inspection. Conformance inspections shall include tests 4.3.3,4.4.2, 4.5.2,4.5.3, and 4.6.1. Sampling for conformance inspections shall be as specified in the contract or purchase order. 4.2 Verification. Verification methods can include visual examina

16、tion, measurement, testing, simulation, modeling, engineering evaluation, component properties analysis, certification and similarity to previously approved or previously qualified designs. 4.2.1 Verification alternatives. The contractor may propose alternative test methods, techniques, or equipment

17、, including the application of statistical process control, tool control, or cost effective sampling procedures to verify performance (see 6.4). 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-PRF-32023 4.3 Operating requirements. ! Fuel I GFA

18、Attatchmcnt i C*rn.3 4- scale Figure 1. Flow test set up 4.3.1 Flow rate test. Cold soak a GFA and full five gallon can (NSN 7240-01-337-5269) with JP-8 fuel (NSN 9130-01-031-5816) in an ambient temperature of -40F (+/- 2F) for a period no less than 4 hours. While maintaining a temperature of -40F (

19、+/- 2“F), put the GFA on the can and invert on a stand. Connect a 3/8 inch LD. fuel line to the GFA which shall empty into a collection bin. The outlet of the fuel line and height of the can shall be as shown in figure 1. The collection bin shall be placed on a digital scale (minimm resolution 0.05

20、kg) which shall be kept in surrounding temperatures within manufacturers recommendation for scale operation. Record the increase in the collection bin weight every 2 minutes until flow has stopped and record final weight of the fuel can. Compare the final weight of can to the weight of an empty can

21、and verify no more than 325 cc of fuel remain in the can. Verify the average flow rate from the can does not drop below 200 cc/min. 4.3.2 Sealing inspection. During test of 4.3.1, measure the torque required to provide a positive seal between the fuel can and GFA. At the end of the test measure the

22、torque required to remove the GFA. Torque shall be measured from the center of the GFA using an appropriate fixture and a calibrated torque wrench which measures in inch pounds. The torque wrench shall be kept at room temperature until immediately before measurements are taken. At no time shall the

23、torque exceed 120 in-lbs. Observe GFNcan assembly during flow test of 4.3.1. At no time shall there be any fuel leaks from the GFNfuel can assembly. With a GFA attached to a full 5- gallon fuel can, tip assembly on its side and verify there is no fuel leakage. t 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo rep

24、roduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-PRF-32023 W 9999706 2065493 834 MIL-PRF-32023 4.3.3 Attachnt inspecti on. Verify that the GFA mates with the external threads on the 5 galion fuel can (NSN 7240-01-337-5269). While wearing cold weather gloves, verify the GFA can be

25、easily attached to, and removed from the can without the use of tools. Verify the GFA is fully sealed by inverting a full fuel can after attachment and observing for leaks. Attach and remove the GFA a minimum of ten times. There shall be no cross threading encountered or difficulties attaching the G

26、FA. There shall be no thread wear or deformation on either the fuel can or the GFA threads. Verify the GFA can be attached and removed in 10 seconds or less and that there are no more than 3 steps required for GFA attachment and setup in operating position. 4.4 Support or ownership requirements. 4.4

27、.1 Storage inspecti on. Verify through measurement that the GFA body dimensions are less than 5.5 inches diameter and less than 3 inches in height. on. Verify the adapter has the minimum information required in 3.4.2. 4.4.2&arkng insDec - 4.5 Environmental requirements. 4.5.1 Water timess tes? . Wei

28、gh an empty can with the GFA attached and record (minimum scale resolution shall be .O1 kg). Subject one can assembly in the upright position and one in an inverted position to 4 in/hr of rain directed at a 45 degree angle for 32 minutes (8 minutes per each side or the can). Re-weigh the GFNcan asse

29、mbly and verify there was no water penetration. 4.5.2 Extreme temperature tes t. During test of 4.3.1, manually bend the GFA fuel supply hose in a 90 degree angle, then back 180 degrees in the opposite direction, then straight in less than 15 seconds. Repeat this test 5 times. There shall be no dama

30、ge to the hose. Verify that the fuel line fitting, Parker P/N BH8CP, is easily attachable to the female coupler on the GFA. If the GFA requires disassembly for storage, ven disassembly and assembly can be accomplished under the extreme temperatures without tools while wearing cold weather gloves. 4.

31、5.3 Fuel cornpatability inspx on. Inspect material certification of GFA, hose, gaskets, and fittings for cornpatability with diekl and JP-8 fuels. 4.5.4 Corrosio n resistance inspecti on. Inspect material certification of GFA, hose, and fittings for non-rusting properties. 4.6 Interface and interope

32、rabiity requirements. 4.6.1 Fuel suudv hose and connector insmction. Verify presence of a 6-inch by 3/8-inch inside diameter fuel supply hose with a female automatic shut off coupler. Veri the mating fitting, Parker PN BH8CP, or equivalent, mates with the GFA and is included when specified (see 5 .

33、Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-PRF-32023 m 0b 2065474 770 MIL-PRF-32023 6.2). 5. PACKAGING 5.1 Packaging. For acquisition purposes, the packaging requirements shall be as specified in the contract or purchase order (see 6.2). Wh

34、en actual packaging of materiel is to be performed by DOD personnel, these personnel need to contact the responsible packaging activity to ascertain requisite packaging requirements. Packaging requirements are maintained by the Inventory Control Points packaging activity within the Military Departme

35、nt or Defense Agency, or within the Military Departments System Command. Packaging data retrieval is available from the managing Military Departments or Defense Agencys automated packaging files, CD-ROM products, or by contacting the responsible packaging activity. 6. NOTES (This section contains in

36、formation of a general or explanatory nature that may be helpful, but is not mandatory) 6.1 Intended use. The GFA is intended for use with the 5 gallon plastic fuel can NSN 7240- 01-337-5269 to provide a gravity feed fuel supply capability in temperatures ranging from 65“ F down to -60“ F. When atta

37、ched to the can, the can and GFA assembly are inverted and placed on the fuel can stand (NSN 7240-01-318-5222). The GFA is intended for use with the following heaters: Heater, Space, Radiant Type, Portable, 45,000 Btuh, (H45) - NSN 4520-0 1-329-345 1 Heater, Space, Radiant, Type II, Liquid Fuel (M41

38、) - NSN 4520-00-927-4214 Heater, Space, M1950 (Yukon) - NSN 4520-00-287-3353 Heater, Space, Radiant, Liquid and Solid Fuel, Type I, SHA - NSN 4520-01-444-2364 Heater, Space, Radiant, Liquid and Solid Fuel, Type II, SHS - NSN 4520-01-444-2375 Heater, Space, Convective - NSN 4520-01-43 1-8927 6.2 Acqu

39、isition rea -uirements. Acquisition documents should spec the following: a. Title, number and date of this specification. b. When a first article is required (see 3.1) c. Sampling plan, lot size and sample size (see 4.1.1 and 4.1.2) d. Packaging requirements (see 5. i) e. When a male fitting is supp

40、lied with the adapter (see 3.6.1 and 4.6. i) 6.3 First article. When requiring a first article inspection, contracting documents should provide specific guidance to offerors. This guidance should cover whether the first article is a first article sample, a first production item, or the number of tes

41、t items. The documents should 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-PRF-32023 99999Ob 20b5495 b07 MIL-PRF-32023 also include specific instructions regarding arrangements for examinations, approval of first article test results, and d

42、isposition of first articles. Pre-solicitation documents should provide government waiver rights for samples for first article inspection to bidders offering a previously acquired or tested product. Bidders offering such products who wish to rely on such production testing must furnish evidence with

43、 the bid that prior Government approval is appropriate for the pending contract. 6.4 Verification alternatives. Contracting documents should provide guidance to offerors regarding the submission of alternatives to specified verification methock (See 4.2.1) 6.5 Recycled. reco vered. o r envi ronmenta

44、lly meferabl e materials. Recycled, recovered, or environmentally preferable materials should be used to the maximum extent possible, provided that the materials meet or exceed the operational and maintenance requirements and promote economically advantageous life cycle costs. 6.6 Subject term (key

45、word) listing. Tent Heating Diesel Supply Line custodians: Army - GL Navy - YDl Air Force - 99 Review activities: Preparing activity: Army - GL Project No: 7240-0275 Army - MD1 Navy - MC Air Force - 84 GSA - FSS 7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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