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1、INCH - POUNDDISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.MIL-PRF-51191G(EA)14 February 2011SUPERSEDINGMIL-PRF-51191F(EA)w/AMENDMENT 123 August 2010PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONHEATER,AIR,ELECTRICAL,FILTERUNIT,M3Reactivated for new design after 12 June 1997This specifi

2、cation is approved for use by the U.S. Army EdgewoodChemical Biological Center, Department of the Army, and is availablefor useby all Departments andAgencies of theDepartment ofDefense.1. SCOPE1.1 Scope. This specification covers electric air heaters that provide for heating air sup-pliedfromGas-Par

3、ticulate Filter Units(GPFUs) tomilitary personnel who wearNuclear-Biological-Chemical (NBC) protective masks during cold weather operations.Comments, suggestions, or questions on this document should be addressed to: U.S. Army EdgewoodChemicalBiologicalCenter, ATTN: RDCB-DEA-S, 5183BlackhawkRoad,Abe

4、rdeenProvingGround,MD Since contact informationcanchange, youmay want toverify the currency of thisaddressinformationusingthe ASSIST Online databaseat https:/ N/A FSC 4240Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or ne

5、tworking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-PRF-51191G(EA)22. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS2.1 General. The documents listed in this section are specified in sections 3 and 4 of thisspecification.Thissectiondoesnotincludedocumentscitedinothersectionsofthisspecifica-tionor recommendedfor additional in

6、formationor as examples. While every effort has beenmade to insure the completeness of this list, document users are cautioned that they mustmeet all specified requirements documents cited in sections 3 and 4 of this specification,whetherornottheyarelisted.2.2 Government documents.2.2.1 Specificatio

7、ns, standards, and handbooks. The following Government documentsform a part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, theissues are those cited in the solicitation or contract.DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE STANDARDSMS27142 - Connector, Plug, Electric- Pin Contact,No. 12, 1

8、4, 16 AWG, WaterproofMS27144 - Connector, Plug, Electrical- Socket Contact,No. 14 and 16 AWG, WaterproofMIL - STD - 461 - Requirements for the Control of ElectromagneticInterference Characteristics of Subsystems and EquipmentMIL - STD - 810 - Environmental Engineering Considerations and LaboratoryTe

9、stsMIL-STD-1168 - Ammunition Lot Numbering and Ammunition Data Card(Copies of these documents are available online at https:/ orfromtheStandardizationDocumentOrderDesk,700RobbinsAvenue,Building4D,Philadel-phia, PA 19111-5094.)2.2.2 Other Government documents, drawings,

10、 and publications. The following otherGovernment documents, drawings, and publications form a part of this document to the ex-tent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues are those citedin thesolicitationor contract.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitte

11、d without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-PRF-51191G(EA)3DRAWINGSU.S. ARMY EDGEWOOD CHEMICAL BIOLOGICAL CENTER5-19-1782 - Heater, Air, Electric, Filter Unit, M3(Copies are available from U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center, ATTN:RDCB-DEA-D, 5183 Blackhawk Road, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010-5

12、424.)U.S.ARMYARMAMENT,RESEARCH,DEVELOPMENTANDENGINEERINGCENTER12910415 - Guard Assembly(Copies of thisdrawing maybe requestedonline from U.S. Army Armament, Research, Development and Engineering Center, ATTN:RDAR-EIS-PE, Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000.)2.3 No

13、n-Government publications. The following documents form a part of this docu-ment to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these docu-ments are those cited in the solicitation or contract.AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS (ASME)ASME B1.1 - Unified Inch Screw Th

14、readsASME B1.2 - Gages and Gaging for Unified Inch Screw ThreadsASME B1.3 - ScrewThreadGagingSystemsforAcceptability: InchandMetricScrewThreads(Copies are available online at http:/ or ASME, P.O. Box2300, Fairfield, NJ 07007-2300.)2.4 Order of precedence. Unless otherwise n

15、oted hereinor inthe contract, inthe eventofa conflict between the text of this document and the references cited herein, the text of thisProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-PRF-51191G(EA)4document takes precedence. Nothing in this spe

16、cification, however, supersedes applicablelaws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.3. REQUIREMENTS3.1 First article. When specified (see 6.2), a sample shall be subjected to first article in-spection in accordance with Interface requirements.3.2.1Maximumcriticaldime

17、nsions. Thesizeof theair heatershall notexceed thefollow-ing critical dimensions: The maximum length (distance between furthest inlet port locationandfurthestoutletportlocation)shall be nogreaterthan7.32inches. The distancebetweenthebottomofthemountingbracket(baseplate) andthe highestpoint onthe con

18、trollerhous-ing (excluding the control knob) shall be no greater than 5.95 inches when the center axis ofthe controller is oriented perpendicular to the mounting bracket. The controller shall not ex-ceed a “footprint” of 2.78 x 3.70 inches,whereby the2.78 inchesis parallelto thelongitudinalaxis of t

19、he heater to allow necessary clearance for hose connections. A“footprint” is definedas the maximum length and width of the controller in any plane parallel to the heater basewhen the controller is upright relative to the base plate.3.2.2 Compatibility with interfacing parts. In addition to the requi

20、rements in 3.2.1, thefollowing requirements shall be met to insure compatibility of the air heater with the vehicleand its Gas Particulate Filter Unit (GPFU) system. The degree of movement, orientationand number of the air inlet and outlet ports shall be equivalent to those on Drawing5-19-1782 in fo

21、rm, fit and function. Two threaded plugs, which are form, fit, and functionequivalent to those on Drawing 5-19-1782, shall be installed in the side inlet and outletports. Material selection of the plugs and heaters housing shall prevent galvanic corrosionbetween the plugs and the housing. (Additiona

22、l plugs may be required by solicitation or spe-cial packaging instruction.) Female screw threads in the inlet and outlet ports of the heaterand those in the heater for the attachment of the controller to the heater shall conform toASME B1.1 and be compatible in form, fit, and function to threads def

23、ined for the inlet andoutlet ports and inDetail B ofDrawing 5-19-1782, respectively. The cable connectors onthe air heater shall be interoperable and interchangable with those shown on Drawing5-19-1782 and in MS27142 and MS27144. The female and male connectors shall remainfirmly attached except when

24、 normal hand force is used to separate them. The hole size andpattern in the mounting bracket of the heater shall conform to Detail C of Drawing5-19-1782. The heater withcontroller shall have the capabilitytobe mountedin the guardassembly (part no. 12910415) without interference.3.2.3 Controllerfeat

25、ures. Thecontrollershallbecapableofbeingremovedfromtheheat-er and remotely mounted inside the vehicle on a mounting that has the same threaded holepattern as is described by Detail B of Drawing 5-19-1782. The controller shall enable theoperator to change the air stream temperature over a continuous

26、range via a temperatureProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-PRF-51191G(EA)5control knob. When the control knob is turned fully counterclockwise, no heatshall be sup-pliedto the air stream. The controller assemblyshall be totally enclos

27、edand watertightwithallelectricalcontrolcircuitry(relays,switches,solidstateelectronics,etc.)sealedinside. Thecenter line of the controller shall be capable of being moved at least 45 degrees in eitherdirection (clockwise or counter-clockwise) to the vertical plane which runs through the lon-gitudin

28、al axis and is perpendicular to the mounting bracket.3.3 Operating requirements.3.3.1 Compatibility with vehicle electrical system. The heater shall be capable of with-standing normal vehicular voltage surges and spikes such as the following. The heater withcontroller shall be capable of withstandin

29、g a surge voltage of 39 volts for 10 seconds and re-cover within 0.015second. The heaterwith controllershall meetall requirementsin 3.3afterwithstanding a spike voltage of 250 volts for 0.015 milliseconds.3.3.2 Operability during movement. The heater shall meet all operating requirements in3.3whenth

30、eairinletandoutletportsarerotated180degreestoeachsideoftheverticalposi-tion. The heater shall not malfunction due to opening or shorting of internal wiring.3.3.3 Heatingcapabilityandpowerconsumption. Theheatershallbecapableofreceiving4.5 cubic feet per minute (cfm) of air, minimum, (when corrected t

31、o standard conditions of70_F and 1 atm) at its inlet at a temperature of 0 4_F and discharging this air at its outletat a minimum temperature of 120_F within 15 minutes after starting heater set to its maxi-mum output level. Heater shall not consume more than 250 watts of power.3.3.4 Resistance to a

32、irflow. With the heater at ambient room temperature, the resistanceto airflow shall not exceed a differential pressure of 0.10 inches of water.3.3.5 Operabilitywiththermostaticcontrol. Theheatershalloperateinaroomtempera-ture environment of 70_F and be capable of producing a regulated outlet air tem

33、perature of1204_F for input voltage of 24 to 30 Volts direct current (Vdc) and 115.58.5_Fforinputvoltage of 18 Vdc within 10 minutes of operation when the inlet air flow rate is 4.5 cfm. Theheater shall maintain those outlet air temperatures for a period of not less than 5 minuteswithoutadjustmentof

34、thecontroller. Duringtheseconditions,thecasetemperatureshallnotexceed 126_F.3.3.6 Leakage resistance. Airleakage shallbe notgreaterthan1.00cubicinch(16.4cubiccentimeters) per minute when the filter is internally pressurized to at least 12 inches (30.5centimeters) of water. Teflont or polytetrafluoro

35、ethylene tape shall be applied to thethreadsoftheplugsifthispreventsstickingorleakagearoundplugs.3.3.7 Electromagneticemissions. Theheatershallnotproduceelectromagneticemissionsof such magnitude that mission essential communications equipment and electronic systemsare adverselyeffected. Measuredelec

36、tromagneticemission levelsshall be within the limitsProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-PRF-51191G(EA)6specifed in MIL-STD-461 for conducted emissions from power leads and radiatedelectricfield emissions.3.4 Environmental requirements

37、.3.4.1 Hot/cold temperature and plug duty cycles. Hot temperature survivability. Theheatershallsurvivehottemperaturestoragetemperatures. Cold temperaturesurvivability. The heatershall survivecoldtemperaturestoragetemperatures. Leakage resistance after plug duty cycles. After the

38、 plugs are installed and re-moved 50 times in a cold environment and 50 times in a hot environment, the plugs shall notexhibit damage and the heater shall meet operability with thermostatic control (3.3.5) andleakage resistance (3.3.6) requirements. Cold temperature operation. Whenthe heater

39、is operating ina temperature envi-ronment of - 45_F, it shall be capable of producing a regulated outlet air temperature of704_F within 15 minutes of operation and shall maintain this temperature for a period ofnot less than 5 minutes without adjustment of the controller.3.4.2 Highhumidity. Theheate

40、rshallsurvivehothumid storagetemperatures. Followinghumidity exposure, the heater shall meet operability with thermostatic control (3.3.5) andleakage resistance (3.3.6) requirements.3.4.3 Saltfog. Aftertheheatersinletandoutletportplugsareexposedtosaltfogenviron-ment for 96 hours and when the plugs a

41、re installed on the inlet and outlet ports, the heatershall meet operability with thermostatic control (3.3.5) and leakage resistance (3.3.6) re-quirements.3.4.4 Mechanical shock. The heater shall survive shock levels expected during field use.Followingshockwaves,theheatershallmeetoperabilitywiththe

42、rmostaticcontrol(3.3.5)andleakage resistance (3.3.6) requirements.3.4.5 Vibration. The heater shall survive vibration levels expected during field use. Fol-lowing vibration, the heater shall meet operability withthermostatic control(3.3.5) andleak-age resistance (3.3.6) requirements.3.5 Support and

43、ownership requirements.3.5.1 Minimumoperatinglife. The heatershall maintainthe outlettemperature of1204_F for a continuous period of at least 250 hours.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-PRF-51191G(EA)73.5.2 Identificationandmarkings

44、. Eachheatershallcontainthefollowingindentificationinformation, clearly and legibly marked: “Heater, air, electric, filter unit, M3”; 27.5 Vdc rat-ing,nominal maximumpowerratinginwattsatthespecified27.5Vdcinputvoltage; lotnum-ber, model and/or serial number, and contract number. Electrical leads bet

45、ween thecontrollerandheatershallbemarkedwithpermanentmarkingsonbothsidesoftheelectricalconnectors to ensure that leads are identifiablefor correctreconnection. Theinlet andoutletairflow ports shall be clearly and legibly marked. When the heater is not energized, the con-trolknobshallclearlyindicate“

46、off.” Thedirectionofturnforwarmerairshallbemarkedonthe controller. Clarity of the identification information and markings shall not be degradedby temperature and humidity stress.3.5.3 Workmanship. Theheatershallbefreefrommissingorlooseparts;dented,cracked,or chipped surfaces; oil or foreign matter a

47、dhering to outside surface; and foreign matterblocking the air ports.3.5.4 Colorand finish. The color ofthe exterior ofthe heater shall be white or off-whitewith gloss finish except for threads, controller knob, electrical connectors and plated parts,and any other area designated on Drawing 5-19-178

48、2. All external metallic surfaces orcoatings applied to such surfaces shall resist corrosion and heat stress.4. VERIFICATION4.1 Classification of inspections. The inspection requirements specified herein are classi-fied as follows:(a) First article inspection (see 4.2)(b) Conformance inspection (see 4.3)4.2 First article inspection4.2.1 Sample. The first article sample shall consist of 20 heaters manufactured using thesamemethods,materials,equipment,andprocessesaswillbeusedduringregularproduction(see 6.2). Five heaters are allocated to each of the four sample gro


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