1、MIL-R-LLI588 66 W 9777706 0128883 5 W -_P F- I3 -6 7 MILITARY SPEXIFICATION all spot welding shall conform to Specification NIL-w-12332 3.2.3 Calibration curve .- Tho ccilibration curve shall be mnufacturod as spocifiod on figurc 1, using black, indeliblo ink for both tho printing and tho two portio
2、ns of tho curve. innor Eid Gf tho storage container (lhg, D124-10-Ihy listed on Dwg. 124-10-1), and coatod with clear lacquer, The curvc shall then bo socureiy nmntod on tho 3.2.3.a Accuracy of calibsaticn,- The strength and activity of the BOUTCQ on tho ?rfommcc tcsts. 4.4.1 Source (capsulated)*- T
3、he porfomcc chzmdxristics of the GOUTCC, and the accuracy of its calibration, shall bo testcd as follows (sec 6.2): the capsulatcd cobalt 60 (Draiving Cl2b-10-10 which is listed on Drai;ing CEb-10-1) by its chain in n clear arca. a full-scc?lo range of approximtcly 0.25 rocntpns in con junction Mith
4、 a quartz fiber electromcter, datorminc tho field strength at a point 1 mcter distance fror: the source and apprsxiinately in tho sane horizont31 plme. rcdiation ncxmring device shall be an instrmcnt approved by tho Cormanding Goncrzl, km- Chmica1 Conter, and Hcedquartcrs, Materiel Conyand, ATTN: Di
5、rector .ith 3.3.2 . ,- 9 L Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-5. PREPAiUTION FOR DELIVERY 5.1 Packaging, level A.- The two keys, fitting the padlock of the shield, shall be sealed in a manila envelope and placed inside ths wooden storage
6、 contain- er homing the source. 5.2 Packing, level A.- The shielded radipactive source shall be packed in the wooden storage case (Dpig , D124-10-14) Sn accordance with Drawing Dub-10-101 which is listed on Drawing D124-10-1, and indelibly, in black, with tha follovdng legendr addition to any specia
7、l marking required by thu contract or ordar, all shipping containers shall be marked in accordance with Standard MILSTD-129 and RegulatiOnF fhr lranspmtation of Ekplosives and Other Dangerous Articles. 5.3 Marking.- The envelope containing the keys shall be imprinted legibly Two keys for padlock of
8、Mi Cobalt 60 radioactivo source. CONTENTSI 3-1 6, NOTES 6.1 Ordering data.- Procurement documents should specify the title, number, and and the f7ct that thc Government my have formul?tod, furnished, or in any way supplied thc said drawings, specifications, or other data is not to be regarded by imp
9、lication or otherwise as in any manner liconsing tho holder or any other person or corporation, or conveying any rights or per- mission to manufacturo, use or soll aw patentcd invention that my in cny viay bo related thurcto. When Government drawings, specifications, or other data are usad far Custodians Propwing acti-rityt Other interest; Army - Chemical Corps Army - Ad, Sig. Arr - Chomica Corps Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-