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1、MIGR-44398B 20 se- 1993 SUPERSEDING MIGR-44398A 10 LTulY 1990 MILITARY SPECIFICATION RATION SUPPlX”T, FLAMELESS HEATER, FOR MEAL, READY-TD-EAT This specification is approved for use by all Department and Agencies of the Depariment of Defesise. 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. This specification covers a water ac

2、tivated exothennic- chemical heater packaged in a plastic heating bag which functions as a container for heating the Meal, Ready-to-Eat (MRE). 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 Governt documents. 2.1.1 ifications, standardc, and handbooks. The follwing specifica- Unless otherwise specified, the issues of

3、these documents 0 tions, s distribution is unlimited. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-RIL-R-443988 999990b L9b9b02 430 MIGR-4 4398B SPECIFICATIONS FEDERAL PPP-B-26 - Bag, Plastic (General purPoce) PPP-B-6 3 6 - Boxes, Shipping, Fiberb

4、oar FEDERAL FED-sTD.313 - Material Safety Data Sheets Preparation and the Submission of sTD.595 - Colors used in Government Procurements MIL-STD-105 - Sampling procedurec and Tables for Inspection by KGSTD-129 - Marking for Shipment and Storage MTL-STD-147 - Palletization Requirements MIL-STD-731 -

5、qUality of Wood for Containers and Pallets Attributes (Unless otherwise indicated, copies of federal and military specifications, standards, and handbooks are available from the Standardization Documents Order Deck, Wiilding 4D, 700 Robbins Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094.) 2.1.2 Other Governmen

6、t documents, drawhws, and mblications. The folluwbg other Government documents, drawings, and publications form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues are those cited in the solicitation. U.S. ARMY NATICX RECEARCH, DEVEIDFNE“, AND ENGI“G CIXER

7、6-1-8920 - Bag, Ration Heater 13-1-0184 - Figure 1, llDo NOT FATI1 Pictograph (Copies of drawings are available frm the U.S. Army Natick ResearPIIINISTRATION (FDA) Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and Regulations Promulgated Thereunder (21 CFR Parts 170-189) 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo rep

8、roduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. eI MIL-R-44398B U.S. DJ3PAF3E“ OF TRANSPORTATION (DUT) Research and Special ProgranSS Administration (49 CFR Parts 171-180) (copies are available fram the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Govenmient Printing Office, Washington, DC 204

9、02-0001.) 2.2 Non-Gavernment mblications. nie follming documnts form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of the documente which are DoD adopted are those listed in the issue of the DODISS cited in the solicitation. the issues of documents no

10、t listed in the DODISS are the issues of the documents cited in the solicitation (see 6.2). Unless otherwise specified, AMERICAN SOC= FR TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASIM) ASIM D 775 ASIM D 999 ASIM D 4727 - Drop Test for mded Eioxes - Vibration a black figure on a white background with a red chle and bar

11、. 7/8 inch (2 1/8 inch). n-ie pictograph shall be printed on the exterior of one side of the pa- cover in an area that does not cover or contact TIY of the holes in the covers hole pattern. nie outside diameter of the pickcgraph circle shall be 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or netwo

12、rking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-L 3 MIL-R-44398B M 9999906 L9b9b05 L4T MIL-R-44398B 3.2.4 Plastic bag. nie plastic bag shall be a clear, natural, high dencity polyethylene bag that will function as protective packging for the heater and serve as a container to hold both the heater and t

13、he MRE entree pouch while the heating precess takes place. The bag shall conform to the requiremmts shown on Drawing 6-1-8920. 3.3 Decian of heater pad. The heater pad shall consist of a supemrrcdhq Mg-Fe alloy powder and an electrolyte together with flow and wetting agents disperse3 throughout a po

14、rous matrix formed frcan polymeric ers. nie magnesium and iron function as anode and cathode, respectively. initiates a rapid corrosion of the maciecium particles within the matrix. nie products of the chemical reaction are heat, magnesium hydroxide, and gaseous hydrogen. The electrolyte is activate

15、d by the addition of water which 3.4 Heater construction. 3.4.1 Heater pad. The supercorroding alloy powder shall be blended with the other components indicated in 3.2.2 immediately before forming into heater pads to ensure mixture uniformity. preblend the alloy mixture with other components, the ba

16、tch ingredients shall be tmhled irmnediately prior to the formation of heater pads. pack shall be fonne by sintering the blended Camponents. shall have approximate dimensions of 4-1/2 inches by 3-1/2 inches by 1/8 inch If a batch proess is used to The heater Each heater pad Each heater pd shall weig

17、h 21 granis examined as specified in 4.4.3. e - when + 3 grams when examined as specified in 3.4.2 Heater md cover-. The formed pad shall be inserted in the folded Staples paperboad mer specified in 3.2.3. on its three open sides so as to contain and protect the heater pad. shall not be use

18、d to seal any sides of the cover. is uced to seal the sides of the cover, it shall be allawed to cool and dry mnpletely prior to 3.4.3. The folded mer shall then be sealed If hot-melt glue adhesive 3.4.3 Insertion in baq. The heater pad with protective paperbard cover shall be sealed within the plas

19、tic bag specified in 3.2.4. finished bag shall be of adequate strength and integrity to withstand the leakage test specified in 4.4.4 without leaking. the finished bag is to be different from that shown on Drawing 6-1-8920 the method shall be such that the bag can be easily tom open across the width

20、 of the bag perpendicular to the side weld of the bag when tested as specified in 4.5.5. The seals of the if the method of opening 3.5 Ferforrrrance reauirements. 3.5.1 Heatinq pe rfomce. The heater shall be capable of providing a 100% minimum temperature rise in water filled MFE pouch in 12 minutes

21、 or less when tested as specified in 4.4.4. 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-4q398B m 99999Ob 3969bOb O8b P . MIGR-44398B 3.5.2 -ter by-products. The finished heater shall operate without enision of any unusual objectionable od

22、ors such as burning plastic/metal or sulfurcxlc odors, as specified in After the MRE pouch is removed, but still wet, there shall be no evidence of the white granular magnesium hydroxide precipitate, except at the location of the holes in the cover. anmunt of residual water shal be not grea

23、ter than 10 milliliters. The 3.6 Label. One side of the plastic heating bag shall be legibly printed us- a flexographic printing process (or equal) with black characters on a light green or tan backgrcrund. The light green backpmund shall appmximate alor Ti111153er 34583 of F“XW595. The tan backgrou

24、nd shall be in the range of 30209 through 30450 of FEi“P595. Dmwhg 6-1-8920. specified in 4.4.4. nie label shall be as shm on The label shall be clearly legible after testing as 3.7 Material certification. nie material used in the heater and in the heater bag itself shall be safe in the event of inc

25、idental contact with the food be- heated. safe in or on food by reference to, and in accoraanCe with 21 CFR, parte 170-189, applicable material safety data sheets, or other recognized health standarac and regulations. The contractor shall certify that the materials use are 3.8 Material safety data s

26、heets. A material safety data sheet (MSE5) shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of FED-S“P313 (see 6.5). leuel B and C packhg as specified in 5.3. The MSlE shall be securely attached to the palletized unit loads of 3.9 Health hazard assessment. If requested, the contractor shall fur

27、nish the fomarlation of the heater to the U.S. Anny ironm mental =iene Agency, ATIN: “EHD, Aberdeen m-aVing Ground, MD 21010-5422. The formulation shall detail the exact percentages of the chdcals an canppunds use in the heater, as well as the chemical ccimposition of trade name ingredients. 3.10 Wo

28、rkmanship. The end item shall confonn to the quality of product established by this docxmierrt and the ocameme of defects shall not exceed the applicable acceptable quality levels. 4. QuALztY ASSURANCE ms10Ns 4.1 Contractors es13o risibility. Inspection an acceptance by the Defense contract Manageme

29、nt ccanniand (DCvC) shall not relieve the contractor of the obligation and responsibility to deliver a product amplying with all requirements of this specification. nie contractor shall ensure prcduct compliance prior to suiranitting the prouct to the DcMC for any inspection. 4.1.1 Recis0 nsibility

30、for comi3 liance. All itens shall meet all requrrements of sections 3 and 5. specification shall becme a part of the contractors overall inspection The inspection set forth in this 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. Y MIGR-44398B sys

31、tem or quality program. specification shall not relieve the contractor of the responsibility of ensuring that ail products or supplies submitted to the Govenunent for acceptance camply with all requirementc of the contract. inspection, as part of manufacturing operations, is an acceptable practice t

32、o ascertain conformance to requirements, however, this does not authorize submission of known defective material, either indicated or actual, nor does it conmit the Gavemment to accept defective material. The absence of any inspection requirements in the Sampling 4.1.2 Resmnsibilitv for dimensional

33、reauirements. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the contractor is responsible for ensur- that all specified dimensions have been mt. When dinienciors cannot be exalnmd on the end item, inspection shall be made at any point, or at all points in the manufacturing procecc ne

34、cessary to ensure compliance with all dimensional requirements. 4.2 Classification of inspections. The inspection requirements specified herein are classified as follows: a. b. First article inspection (see 4.3 and 4.3.1). Quality conformance inspection (see 4.4). 4.3 First article insmion. When a f

35、irst article is required (see 3.1 and 6.2), one fully packed case of end itms (level B or C as specified in the contract) shall be tested for rough handling in accorance with 4.3.1, and the first article shall be examined for the defects specified in 4.4.2 and 4.4.3 and tested for the characteristic

36、s specified in 4.4.4. 4.3.1 Rouqh handlinq. Individual shipping containers shall be vibrated in accordance with ASP4 D 999, methd A. Sqle containers shall be vibrated for one hour at 268 cycles per minute. Subsequent to vibration testing, containers shall be dropped in accordance with Aslm D 775, Ob

37、jective B and Annexes. for a cycle of ten drops shall be followed. inches. Constant height drop procedure and drop sequence described in A1.3 The drop height shall be 21 4.4 wlitv conformance inspection. Unless otherwise specified, campiing for inspection shall be performed in accordance with MILrSl

38、E105. 4.4.1 Component and material inspection. In accordance with 4.1, ccanponents and materials shall be inspected in accordance with all the requirements of reference documente unless otherwise excluded, amended, modified, or qualified in this specification or applicable purchase document.

39、 Material certification. A certificate of Compliance may be acceptable as evidence that the heater and bag materials conform to the requirements specified in 3.7. as evidence that the fiberboard shipping containers conform to the fire A certificate of compliance my be accepted 7 Provided by IHSNot f

40、or ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIGR-44398B retardant requirements specified in As?M D 4727, sections 7.7.1 and 7.7.2, and are nontoxic and recyclable. Heater md weiqht examhation. Heater pads, prior to insertion in Ihe lot size shall Each heater

41、 pad shall be weighed to the pa- covers and plastic bags, shall be weighed. be expresse in units of heater pads. pad. the nearest 1 gram. specified in 3.4.1 shall be cause for rejection of the lot. ?lie sample unit shall be one heater nie inspection level shall be S-2. Any sample unit fail- to meet

42、the weight requirement 4.4.2 Heater examination. nie heaters (heater pad sealed in heater bag) shall be examined for the defects listed in table I. The lot size shall be expressed in heaters. nie inspection level shall be I and the acceptable quality level (AQL), expressed in temrS of defects per hu

43、ndre units, shall be 1.5. nie sample unit shall be one heater. TME I. Heater visual defects category Defect Maior 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 Heater pad not formed as specified Heater bag not formed as specified Tear, hole, or open seal (visible channels) Required marking missing, in

44、correct, or illegible Not material specified Not clean Tear notch (or tear method) missing Tear notch not located as specified Cnmbled, crushed or broken heater pad J Paperkoazd cover not securely sealed or not sealed properly Pam cover holes not as specified 8 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reprod

45、uction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-c 4 MIL-R-443988 999990b L9b9b09 895 MIGR-44398B Tm I. Heater visual defects (mntd) category Defect O Maior 112 Color of heater pad cover not as specified 113 Color of heater pad label not as specified 114 Required pictograph dssing, hcorre

46、ct, or illegible 1/ A crumbled, crushed or broken heater pad is one in which the pa- cover is broken open and is spilling its contents or the pa- cover is misshapen as a result of having beem crushei, bent, or otherwise mishandled. are randon-y distributed throughout the interior of the heater bag a

47、s the apparent result of static electric forces shall not be considered evidence of crumbled, crushed or broken heaters. The presence of loose metal fragments and/or pmers that 4.4.3 Heater dimensional examination. The heaters shall be examined for Any The cample unit shall The inspection level shal

48、l be S-3 and the AQL, expressed in conformance to the dhmsions specified on Drawing 6-1-8920 and 3.4.1. dimension not within the specified talerance shall be classified as a defect. be one heater. terms of defects per hundred units, shall be 4. O. 4.4.4 Heater testinq. listed in table II. unit shall

49、 be one heater. tem of defects per hundred units, shall be as specified in table II. The lot size shall be expressed in heaters. The heaters shall be tested for the characteristics The lot size shall be expressed in heaters. me cample The inspection level and the AQL, expressed in TABLE II. Heater tests Requirement Test Incpecrtion Acceptable characteristic paramm paragraph level quality level -ge 3.4.3 4.5.2 s-2


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