1、MIL-R-45804D -1 24 Februarv 1993 Iliis -t fanris a part of MIL-R-45804D, dated 9 Septmbr 1975, and is appraved for use by all wts and Agencies of the Department of Defense. PAcx 2 2.1, urder “SPM=IFICATIW, MZLITARY“ : Delete “MIL-R-2583“ and title. 2.2, lines 5 to 15: Delete and subetitute: “AMERICA
2、N s0CIE;Ty Fu3 TESTnG AM) rm-mums (ASIM) D 3951 - standard Practice for Cammrcial Packaging (&plication for qies shuuld be addressed to the purrerican Society far Testing ard Materials, 1916 Raoe Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103-1187.) (Non-coVenment stardards and other publicatiaris are normally avai
3、lable fmm the organizations that prepre or distriCute the docinients. These dammnts my be available in or thrgh libraries or other infonnationa services.) .I PAB3 12 5.2.3: Delete itllc1 substitute: “5.2.3 ml C. Rolls, packaged as specified in 5.1, shall be packed in accodmce with ASIM D 3951.“ 1 of
4、 2 FSC 5140 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-45804D -1 6.5: Delete and subtitute: “6.5 SDeC ification sheet data. Specification sheets MIL-R-45804/1 thni MIL-R-45804/13 coer si- 1, 6, 9 and 11 thni 20 BS specified in Supp1-t-1 of MIL-R-45804.“ custodians: Army-= ALr Fo- - 99 Reviai activities: IJser activities: Civil agency coordinating activity: Preparing activity: Army-= Project 5140-0109 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-