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ARMY MIL-R-46450-1960 RELAY M4 LOADING ASSEMBLING AND PACKING《M4继电器装载 组装及包装》.pdf_第1页
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ARMY MIL-R-46450-1960 RELAY M4 LOADING ASSEMBLING AND PACKING《M4继电器装载 组装及包装》.pdf_第2页
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ARMY MIL-R-46450-1960 RELAY M4 LOADING ASSEMBLING AND PACKING《M4继电器装载 组装及包装》.pdf_第3页
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ARMY MIL-R-46450-1960 RELAY M4 LOADING ASSEMBLING AND PACKING《M4继电器装载 组装及包装》.pdf_第4页
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ARMY MIL-R-46450-1960 RELAY M4 LOADING ASSEMBLING AND PACKING《M4继电器装载 组装及包装》.pdf_第5页
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1、Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4.1 General quality assuPanqe,provlsions.-The supplfer i6 rerrponsible for the performance of all fnisps

2、ction requirements speeffid herefno Except as otherwise qeciffed, the supplier BBY utiliae his own or any other inspection facilities and iilesvices weeptable to the G0wrnmn.t;. inspect103 meorda of the exmaxinations MB tests rlull be kept complete MB arailabSe to the Govemnt as specified 3x1 the co

3、ntract or order, set forth In the specifieaticm whembuch inspections are bseaisd necesssry to arsure that eiupplier ubd remlcea conform to preircrfbed paqplrements. Reference ahall be nude to Strndud )aaosliD-l n opber to befine the temu usad herein. Inspection 6Wlbe perfonmd in secoranc?e with this

4、 specificaticon and other specifications Peference in any of %he cantzvt;ion revision. Draxfng, specification, and process chsnges not affecting safety, performuice, or fit, as Lot fomation.-A lot shall consist of rews produced by one 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking perm

5、itted without license from IHS-,-,-dcrterinfned by tk Goverment, shall not necessitate canglng the lot number. Each lot shall contains-. ao bo b.p.2 gxarpfnrtfon.- Sanapling pluu aiad procedapes far the following chsifi- pa4 Categories Defect0 rnth3aof inrrps In* of JRaB azie sbll be rejected until

6、proper corrective action hu been rcconiplislocd w verified by repeating the noistiire content teInopecd &e measurements of the re&Ped accuracy. weetion equipmnt. Biaht&ned by the confiractor and rnade avsfhble for review by the Govemmnt. sl%bl.atPon of wes, ea-, ond hatmts WfU be perfod2caUy checked

7、 by autlzoaofze Government persomel, The cnTxac.ti0 will have avdhble a eet of mastep gegss, S-, Md 8ppPopPfa%e %m3tpuments for pe&d.8Pw Sehedul& calfbPation Of hi8 ReaoPas of such regularly scheduled calibration will be Tha 7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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