ARMY MIL-R-49024-1974 RADIO SET AN GRC-103(V)2《AN GRC-103(V)2型收音机》.pdf

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ARMY MIL-R-49024-1974 RADIO SET AN GRC-103(V)2《AN GRC-103(V)2型收音机》.pdf_第5页
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1、1. sc MI L-R-49024 (EL) 21 January 1974 MI LITARY SPEC I FI CATI ON ;,/? RAD i O SET AN/GRC- 1 03 (V) 2 ,.I? This specification is approved for and Agencies of the Department of / E i 1.1 This specification covers the following units of a rsdio relay equipment for use in the frequency range of 395 t

2、o 705 MHz and designated Radio Set AN/GRC-l03(V)2. Receiver, Radio R-1329( ) (P)/GRC-l03(V) Amp1 if er-Converter AM-4317( )/GRC-103 (V) Transmitter, Radio T-983( ) (P)/GRC-l03(V) Amplifier-Frequency Multiplier AM-4321 ( )/GRC-l03(V) Receiver-Transmitter, Order Wire RT-773( )/GRC-lOj(V) Antenna AS- 1

3、853 ( ) /GRC- 1 O3 (V) Mast AB-952( )/GRC-l03(V) Cable Assembly, RF CG-3444( )/U (1 ft 6 in) Cable Assembly, RF CG-3444( )/U (3 ft 6 in) Cable Assembly, RF CG-3443( )/U (80 ft) Adaptor, Connector UG-1375( )/U Cable Assembly, Special Purpose, Electrical, Branched CX-10763( )/ GRC-l03(V) (3 ft 6 in) F

4、SC 5820 Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Mi L-R-49024 (EL) The radio set uses the following special accessories for extension of eapabi 1 ities, Extens i Ki t , Hs

5、t HK- 1 O09 ( ) /GRC- 1 O3 (V) Converter, Frequency, Electronic CV-2500( )/GRC Cable Assembly, Special Purpose, Electrical CX-10879( )/GRC-l03(V) Diimniy Load, Electrical DA-437( )/GRC-l03(V) Cable Assembly, Special Purpose, Electrical cx-i0762( )/U (5 ft) 2, APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 The following d

6、ocuinents of the issue in effect on date of invitation Por bids or request for proposal fsrni a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. 1.1 I L I TARY t4l L-P- 1 16 t.1 I L- a-90 1 MI L-P- 11 268 MI L-M-1323 1 Hl L-F-14072 MI L-E- 15oao MI L-R-rt5232 STAN DAR0 FED ERAL one at each

7、 end of the line-of-sight path. The radio set may be used with 6/12 or 24 channel pulse code modulation (PCM) equipment or with 4 channel frequency division mdulation (FDM) when associated with appropriate inter- face equipment. The system shall provide channel assignments on each half and full mega

8、cycle points (1/2 MHz spacing). 3.4.1 Transmi tter Sect i on 3.41. 1 Output Power - The normal transmitter RF output power, without the RF duplexer, shall be not less than 25 watts at any frequency in the range of 395 to 705 MHz. i Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under

9、 license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- bow Power Alarni A visual and audible alarm is provided in the transmitter. The visual alarm shall indicate any change in RF output power that is greater than 8 dB J. 2 dB below the nominal p

10、ower ocitput rating of the transmitter. The switch associated with the audible alarin is included such that: In one switch position the alarm shall sound when the visual alariiis are lighted as in the case sf a failure; in the second switch position, the alarm sounds when the 1 i gtit i a not 1 ight

11、ed. The audible alariti thus in- dicates a change in state of the visual signal. OuGputTube Dissipation The transinitter output power chal 1 not decrease below specification 1 imits after : a, Running the transmitter for I5 niinutes with itscutpiit terminals short-c i rcu i ted. b. Running t

12、he transmitter for 1.5 rriiriutes with its output tet-ininals open-c i rcii i ted, C. Running the transmitter for 30 minutes without drive. 3.4 1.4 Frequency setab i 1 i ty It shall be possible to set the tr-ariciiiitter to any desired ftequency at 0.5 MHz intervals in the frequency range of 395 to

13、705 MHz, with an accuracy of better than 0.002% corresponding to 20 Hz per MHz. 3.4,1.5 Traricmi tter Frequency Response The overal 1 frequency response of the transmitter when a modulation signa te produce 100 i CY-4638/GRC-l03 (V) AM-k317( / GRC-103 (V 1 Duplexer (33AlA1) Converter, Frequency, Ele

14、ctronic (33A2) Amplifier, Radio Frequency (33A7) Control-Indicatgr (33A4) Control-Monitor, Signal Level (33A5) Transmitter. Radio (5TR1) T-983 (PI ( I/ GRC-l03(V) Synthesizer (5TRlA2) Panel, Monitor ( 5TRlAl) Power Supply ( 5TRlPS1) Control, Alarm ( 5TRlA3 ) Amplif ier-Frequency Multi lier ( 5TRlAk

15、1 Case, Transmitter ( 5A2 Distribution Box (5A2Al) Amplif ier-Monitor (5TRlA5 P CY-4637( )/GRC-103 (V) Amplifier-Freauencv Multiplier (37) AM-k321( )/GRC-l03(VL Amplifier, Radio Frequency (37ARl): Frequency Multiplier Assy (37A1) Control-Indicator (37A2) hSP Para k. 20 4.20 4.20 Minor 4% 4% 4% 4% 4%

16、 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% (Contd Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS und

17、er license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MI L-R-49024 (EL) TABLE VI 1 I - GROUP A INSPECTION - (Contdl I nspect i on (b) Electrical (Subassernbl iec) Receiver, Radio R-1329( ) (P)/GRC-l03(V) Dimmer Switch Ji deband No i se Frequency Devia

18、tion FDM Output PCM Regmeration PCM Squelch PCM Mute Receiver Squelch Receiver Signal Monitor FDM Return Loss Video Return Loss Frequency Generation Power Output Video Frequency Response ow output Imp1 if ier-Converter AM-4317/GRC 103 (V) AG C Noise Figure I nput VSWR rransrnitter, Radio T-983( )(P)

19、/GRC-l03(V) Vol tage Stabi 1 i ty Video Input and Deviation Metering Power Output Overheat Al arm bow Power Out put Frequency Arnplitude-Frequency Response Video Input Match 4rnplifier Frequency Multiplier 4M-4321/GRC-I03(V) Initial Power Output Vol tage Check Power Output and Tracking Req Para 3.9

20、3.9 3.9 3.9 I nsp Para 4.19. 4.19.: 4.19.: 4.19.L AQL Maior Minor 1% FOR TH E GROUP 1% FOR THE GROUP 1% FOR. TH E GROUP 1% FOR THE GROUP Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IH

21、S-,-,-Hl L-R-4gQ24 (EL) TABLE VI I I - GROUP A INSPECTION - (Contd) _c_I_ I .nspect i on (b) Electrical Subasseriibl iec ,Receiyc?r, RaUEl) (Contd) Synthes i Zer (1 RE 1 A2) Frequency Chec I Synch. Alarm Devi at i on Pow6 r Qu t put Panel, t4onitor (IREIAI) Csnt i nu i ty c t1eck Power Supp 1 y Init

22、ial Cal Heter Check Regu 1 at i on Load & Rep Unregulated R i pp 1 e Meas (1 REI PSI ) brat i on at i on S“PP 1 Y remerit (unreg.) Ripple Measurement (Reg. ) High Frq. Instability Restorer, Pulse Fsrin Timing Pulse PCM Regene rato te OU NO SC Test: QW Distortion Limi ter-i scr imi na Deniod, L i nea

23、r i ty or (lREiA4) Deviati on Sens i i vi ty F r eq lien6 y Wes po ti a e Anip - 1- i f i e r-nc y Hu 1 t i p 1 i er ( 1 RE 1 A5 Harmon i c Leve 1 28 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.3 3 09 3.9 I ncp Para 4.19.5 4,19.8 4.19.9 4.196 1 I I 1 Lc.19.7 I j 1 4.1g.lC i i AQL Ma j or 1% FOR TH E GROUP 1% 1% FOR TH E GROUP 1

24、X FOR THE GROUP 1X FOF TH E GROUP I i ! 4inor Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-q702q 58 M 7977906 OL5782L1 2 MI L-R-49024 (EL) TABLE VI I I - GROUP A INSPECTI

25、ON (Contd) Inspection - (b) Electrical (Subascembl es) Receiver Radis (IREI) (Contd) Amp1 if er, Video (1RElARl) Gain Low Signal Alarm . Frequency Reponse Distort ion Continuity Check 24 PeH Amplifier, Intermediate Frequency (lRElAR2) Gain (without AGC) Frequency Response AGC Limited Output Level Co

26、ntinuity Check Amp1 if ier-Converter (33) AM-43 17 ( )/GRC- 1 O3 (V) Tuner, Rad io Frequency (33Al) Duplexer (33AlA1) Adjustments of Lead Lengths Receiver Channel Calibration Transmitter Channel Calibration VSWR Bandw i d t h Receiver Path I nsert ion Loss Receiver Path Ripple Transmitter Path Inser

27、tion Loss Transmitter Path Ripple Local Osci 1 lator Signal Tracking Converter, Frequency Electronic (33A2) Frequency Trac ki ng VSWR output Power Req Para 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3 -9 3.9 I nsp Para 4.19.11 4.19.1: 4.19.t3 4.19.14 4.19.15 AQL Maior 1% FOR THE G ROUP 1% FOR THI GROUP 1% 1% FOR THE

28、GROUP 1% FOR THE GROUP 1% FOR THE GROUP Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-Lt9024 58 m 9999906 0157825 4 M MI L-R-49024 (EL) TABLE VI11 - GROUP A INSPECTION - (

29、Contd) Inarmtion l.Iixer, S tam, Freauenc y ( 33 A71 Gab and Randwidth VEMI Noise Figure Coding Check Control-hdicator (33Ad Control Monitor. Siana Level (3365 1 VSWR Insertion Loss Isolation Heasurement -r. Radio (5!C,), Pael, Honitor (5TRIAl) Continuity Check S-mthosizer ( 51-RlAa Frequency Check

30、Deviation- Power Output mh. Alam Control. Alam ( 5TRU3 ), hw Power Alam and Backlash Adjustment hriLWi&reauency I-itiDiier ( 534 1 Frequency Response Chitput kvel Power utput (with ALC) Harmonic Suppression Input VSWR Req Para 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 hSP Para 4.19 17 4.19.18 4. 19 19 4. 19.20 4*19*5 4.19 21 4. 19 22 Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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