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ARMY MIL-S-11161-1951 SODIUM DICHROMATE REAGENT《重铬酸钠试剂》.pdf_第1页
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ARMY MIL-S-11161-1951 SODIUM DICHROMATE REAGENT《重铬酸钠试剂》.pdf_第2页
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ARMY MIL-S-11161-1951 SODIUM DICHROMATE REAGENT《重铬酸钠试剂》.pdf_第5页
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1、Licensed by Information Handling ServicesLIxbS-1116 l( CmlC) 100-2 - Standard Speoifioation for ?.larking Shipments by Coiitrciotorcl e IIfbvY DEPARThlE NT SPEC IF1 CATXQX Genoral Sgsoifcations for Inspotion of ,L:ni;erial, (fmiyp y-il Copi60 of spooificationc may bo obtninod from tho procuring agon

2、oy or a8 irootsd by .t;hn.t; agonoy, should bo stipub.tcd*vrhon requesting copies 1 obtainod upon appiioation to *ho Durirau of Supplioo m:l kcovunts, Navy Doparbmon-b Yhshnlg$on 26, D.C., uxoopt; thnt trctitri.kic+s of tho Arn;rtd Forcoc shoii2d rake appliontion to tho Commnnding fficcr, ikval Supp

3、ly Dapot, Suotia 2, X,Y, 2o%h tho titlo and idontifying nunibor or symbol should be ct;ipula.t;ad when roquoding aopioo,) I Both tho ti2;lu and identifying numbor or symbol COPIDG of Fedoral, lvliitwy, nnd lhvy Dopartmunt specifications Gy be (!,ir .Foroo,* Copios of Fedorcil, M.11itnry, cn ii,S, Ar

4、ny apocificationc may bo obtainod upon agplica-bion to the Ccmionciing Gunorn1, Air Devolopment Foroe, Wrigh ra.f;torson Air Foroo Bum, Day%ori, Ohio, Both the title and idonkifying numbor Or symbol ahould be stipulated when roquc sting oopio or ) dafie of invi-bation for bid, forma a pad of khi0 sp

5、ocifiQa%ion: 2,2 thor publicationsr- Tlia following publiontion, of-bho isue in effeot on BWJ OF summs AND AccoUNps HJELICATION Navy Shipmont; Etarking a8fiol Blank dotorminations shall be run in parallel wikh oaoh totiti, uning the fimo quantitiao of rongonts ucod in the test and oorreotions I ahal

6、l be appiod vdion oignificnnt, I I 4.4.2 ASEB;V ao iodiuni diohromkei (H4r$)eZH).- Kuigh, to khe neareat mg, approximwOei2 gm. OP tho cpoomn ahlyE h6-n rod at 1050 k SOC, tho vroghod portion in 200 mi, of froahlyebtilad and coolod ivater in a ghs topporod Fbok, Add 3 e;n. of potasrium iodide id 7 ml

7、, of hydro- -0h2orio aoid, allow %o Band for 10 ninu.i;os in the dark, Vngn titrate the librated iodine wi%h OclN p odium thiosulphate solu%ion, adding ataroh toward the end of t;itrat;ion to aharpon Cho end point;. in tho following rmanert Dissolve CaLculate the goroonbge of sodium dio

8、hromte AxB. -a Poroent sodium diohromte x 100 I- I whe ro t !- of 0.2. thioculphats solutionc B 0,004967 464.5 Chlorido.- Djoooltro 1.000 gm,. of the speoimen in 20 ml, of water and kdd 10 mlvporeontr nitria aod, of 2-poroent; aquaoua olution of silver nitrate and allow to stad for 10 minutesr IC an

9、y proolpitaks forms, the epeoma doo6 no% oonply wfkh 3,2* mlr cf 37porocne hydroohlorio aoid nnd fi ml, CL 12-peroent aquaoua solution of barlwn ohlorfdo, rpoha doe8 not; oomply with 3.24 BOQ to approximately SOOC, add 6 drops 4e44 - Sulfato,- Ilieoolvo 1.000 gm, of %he rspecfmn in 20 ml. of water,

10、add 6 Allow to obnd for TS minutqs, If any preoipi.t;a.t;e develops, the Licensed by Information Handling Services. MIL- Se1116 1 ( CmlC ) 4,4,6 Caloiuin,- Dissolve 2,000 gm. of tho speoimen in 30 ml, of water, add 6 mi, of 28-peroent armnonium hydroxide and 6 ml. of 4-peroonk aqueous soiutiotl Of a

11、mmonium OXB!.-E Alllow to Rtand for 5 minutorri Xf any turbidity devalopilp th speoimn does not oomply with 3,2, 4.5 3eJeotion.- If any speoimen seleoted as speoified in 4.2 fails to QOnfOnn to this specification, the lot shall be reJeated, 5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY 501 Faokaging,- One pound of so

12、dium diohromte shall be puoknged in a sor6vr- oapped botle, ing plastic film or oonformable phski0 tape, acoeptable to the proouring agenoy (see 6,6), either vermioulite or shredded aobestos not lesa %han 3/4 inch thiok, shall be phoed in a telesooping type of water-resistant fibra OM* shall be seal

13、ed with preasure-sensitivo tape aonforming to grade BO. type II of Speoification JAN-P-127, The botkle shall be sealed with a ssoonary aosure of salLn-shridc The top, bottom, and sides of eaoh bott;Xe ohall be oushioned with The bottle The fibre OM 5,2 Pnokingo- (See 6.1.) 5.2.1 For domestio shipmen

14、t,- A uniform number of identioal unit paokagea, paokaged as specified in 5,1, shall bo poked. in. strapped, nailed, wood box oonform. ing. to Speoif ioation JAN-P-106, packed in double tiers in eaoh boxr The gross might of the box and oontenb shl: not exoeed 70 pounds, Interlocking partitions of do

15、uble-faoed, oorrugated, fiber- board oonforming to Spaoification 19-10 shall be used to separata eaoh unit paokagf Double-faoed, corrugated pads conforming to Sgeoifioatkon 19-10 shall be pimed betweon tho contents ana the waterproof iner on all interior SWOE of the boxa Eaoh box shall be lined with

16、 waterprooft,g material oonfodng to Speolfioatiop UIL-L-10643 and seasd in aooo.rdnnoe witinsrsr- In addition to any special marking required by tho oontraot -?3 or or or, shipping-oontaiaors for the Army ohall bo m.rkad in riccordance with Speoifiaation 100-21 for tho Air Fbrco in nooorllnnce vrith

17、 Spocificntion . 04406461 and for tho Navy in nocordancc xith tho Navy Shipr,ont Illlarking ilandbook 6. NOTES 60 1 Ordoring datar- Proourernent doouimnts should spocify tho follovringe a, bo Tho title, numbor, and dato of thie specification, Ytother ths mnt;crial is to be packed for domootio or ove

18、rcicas shipment e 612 Caution,- This mtterial cthould bo storod in a dry place, nnd conhinore kpt tigh-ly 01060d. 6.3 fnBpeotion,* I will not nsooacarily iaoludo al1 npooifioation roquirornonta; hotimvw, Lho omission of inspection dooe not oon6 tituto a riaivor of tho 80 roquir omnia e 6.4 Samp3“rig

19、 and tastitigr- If tho oontraotor oonsistontly producos high qualty nnterinl and oporrttos undor a syetom of quality control. aoceptable to tho Govornimnnt;, tho Govornmarit, at its discrotion, wiy modify, in wholo or in part, tha efimpling and testing prooodures spooifiod horein, IIov,vvor, tho Gov

20、urnmont rosorvoo tho right to roturn at any time, without proviouB notico to the con%raotor, to t.3 sampling and tosting procoduro e spocif iod in %hie Epocification 646 Unit containor,- A unit contxiin3r is dofincd ag the first; tio, wrap, or containor npplicd to a single itom which provides a comp

21、lotu nnd properly idontifi ttblO p%OkteQ GIG Secondary olosuzo ,- Comimioroir.1 produces simil.r to Dupont “Col-O-SoaZ“ bwdu find 1:inxie ,ita L?,“,ining and lhnufcoturing Cumpany Tzpc Mo, 471 hava beon found to Lo nccvpixblo for tha oocondnrjr closure spucificd in 5,14 Licensed by Information Handl

22、ing ServicesMIL-S-LLLbL bB m 9999906 0335779 O m / I$Q proouromont operation, the United States Government thereby incurs no rusponsibility nor any obligation wha3somerj and the faot that the Govermont may haoo formubitod, furni ed, or in any way supplied said drawings, speoirication, or othor data,

23、 is not to be regarded by implicatd.on or othorwiso as in any mmer lioensing tihe holdor or a? other parson or oorporation,. or oonveying any righbs or perdosion to tmnufaatum, uso, or sell any pakontod invention that; may in any way be robtod thoreto, Custodian, Ar$ - Chemical Corps Other intore st . . 7 . Licensed by Information Handling Services


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