ARMY MIL-S-46371-1963 SIGHT INFINITY 8635466《8635466无限瞄准器》.pdf

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1、MIL-S-46371 12 7774706 03311553 L n MIL-46371(MU) 12 APRIL 1963 MILITAHY SPECIFICATION SIGHT, WmY: 8635464 1. SCOPE 1.1 This specification covers. Sight, In- finity: 8635466, utilized to projecc a reticle and Tiibles for In- spection by ACtri- butes into-the field of a gunner# periscope and con- DRA

2、WINGS MUNITIONS COMMAND trol the light intensity of ihe projected reti- cle. Fi3635466 -Sight, Infinity: 863- - 64 General Specification Gov- erning the Manu- facture,. Assembly and Inspection of MILF-13926 -Fire Control Materiel: General Specificii- tion Governing the Manufacture and Jn- spection.

3、of MIGP-14232 -Parts, Equipment, and Tools for Ordiiance Materiel; Packaging of MILI46208 -Inspection. Require- ments, General Spe cification for MILI46607 -1rispection Equipment, Supply, rind Mainte- nance for Ordnance STANDARDS ity Assurance Pro- vision List foi. Sight, Iiilnity: 813- 354GG PACKAG

4、ING DATA simm MIL-P-14232/ -Prtckagiiig of Sight, lri- P8636466 fitiity: 8(3646U (Copies of Specifications, standards, drawing3 and publications required by suppliera in connection with specic proeuremcnt functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting offi

5、cer.) 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Initial production sample, Unless other- wise directed by the contrxtiiig olicer, :in initial production simple sli:illl be raluircd. The sample shall be n:tfiictred in the . same ni:tnner, using the s;me mntcriils, equipment, processes niid l)lCJCedllIcS :is vi11 be used i

6、n reguiar lirOdICtkJIL 3.2 Materinls, The muterials shall IH? III u- cordance with the drivitigs, miterhi spt-ci- fications, and gt?iieid spivi1ic;ttiuris fomiiiig a part of this specific, 61 t 1011. . MILITARY 3.3 Design rind coristruclion. Wie sight sh11 MILSTD-106 -Sampling Procedure be manuf:ict

7、ured in i;cczc;tricc with Ih*ahg I: Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-46371 12 7qUb 031LSSY 3 W fiflLS-!G3?1 (MU) F86354G6, “Sight, Infinity: 8685166” and drawinC;1 pcrt:tining thereto. The require- ment6 of this spcciflcation are

8、 detailed ony to the estent considered necessary to insure tlic iiilicrent qunli ty and the performance c:ipd?ilitit7.s of the product. 3.4 Gcnwal spccificntion. The sight shdl meet Iiic ollowinl: requirements of Specifica- tions BIIL-O-1.3830 nnd BIIL-F-13926: NILO-13830 (a) Cleanlinccs. (b) Fixed

9、eycpicce focus. (a) Order of precedence. (b) Dimensions and tolerances. c) Inorganic protective surface fin- (cl) Part id( ntification and marking. (e) Electrical niid elcctronic nsseinbies. (f ) Workmanship. 3.5 Aligiiment. With fhe sight positioned as slioisn on Dmwing F8G31iliGG in a vertical pla

10、nc and tlic locatiag key horizontal within plus or minus 1 minute, the line of sight from the ccnter of the reticle circle shall be I9 degrees bclow the plane of the ocating key ns adjusted by the boresight knobs. 3.S.t Knob travcl. With the line of sight positioned ns above, the boresight knobs sha

11、ll provido at least 10 mils movement in both directions in azimuth and elevation. 3.6.1 Slorngc tci.peratitre. The sight slid1 diow no evidciice of physical failure and shall rncet 811 performance reqiiiremcnts of this syiccificntion at a atnndard ambient tempera- ture of +ISo C (+SO” F,) to 32O C.

12、(+goo F.) after having hccn exposed and thermally stnliilizcd at ambient temperatures of +71.1 C. ( +lGOo F.) and -62.2O C. (-80 F.). MZGF-l3S26 islicc. . 8.6.2 Vbmtion. Tila sight shall be vibrated at n constant frcquency of 89 cyclce per FOC- ond wilh an amplittide of !/io inch (% inch mnximum exc

13、ursion) for R period of 6 min- utes plus or minus 16 Reconds. Subaequent to vibration, there siiali be no evidence of loose or damaged parts. jected to the requirements of 3.6.1 aiid 3.6.2 the line of sight shdl not have chnnged morc than 0.6 mil from the setting establisiied in 3.5 and the sight sh

14、all meet the requirements of 3.6.3 to 3.7.5 inclusive. 3.6.3 pcnting tsntpcrczGio.cs, Subsequent to being subjcctcd to tetnlicrntures of S65.6” C. (t-150 F.) and - E C ,?” F.) i;iitil tliermnl equilibriurii - wchtd th. Bight shall meet the rcquiremea . of 3.7.4. . 3.6.4 Sealing. The sight sliall sho

15、w no cvi- dence of lerrlragc wlian suhjccted to an exter- nal pressure of 6 psi (gage pressure) for a period of five minutes. 3.7 Performance. 3.7.1 Ill?cnti?uttion. Utilizing a 24 volt source to iliuarinnte the reticle, the reticle pat-. tern shall appear uniformly illuminated and free of ragged ed

16、ges or breaks throughout its entire circumicrence, 3.7.2 Focus. The reticle shall be in focus between zero and minus lh diopters. 3.7.3 Rcticlc. Thc inner diameter of the reticle circle shall subtend ali angle of 21 mils . plus or minu$ 8 mils. 3.7.4 Torqice. Borcsiyht Icmbs. The maximum tor

17、que required to rotate tlie azimu!i aiid elevation boresight knobs shall not excecd 5 pound-iiiclies at standard ambient tetniwix- ture and 10 pound-inches at the extreine trm- peratires specified in 3.6.3. Rheostat. With tlie sight at the operating temperatures at 3.63, tlic torque required

18、 to rotate the rheostat knob slid1 not exceed 4 pounds. 3.7.5 Ebctdcul. The continuity of the wir- ing shall be in confoimance vith the appli- cable wiring and continuity drawing require- ments. 4, QUALITY ASSURANCE PI“rB)t”S33KS 4.1 Beaponsibity fm inapeetbn. Unless - otherwise specified in the con

19、txrxt o gur- chase order, tpe supplier is responsible for Retick re.tentiott. After being aub- 2 ,+- Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- r- I MIL-S-46371 12 9999906 0311555 5 m . 4 the performa we of rill inspection require- ment

20、s as specified herein. Except as other- wise specified, the supplier may utilize his own facilities or my cornmercini labortty acccpt:dde to tho Covoiwmnt, Tho Govern- miit reserves the rigii to gedorm any of the iiispectioiis set forth in tlie pecificatioji wierc such inspections are deeined nmessa

21、y to ;issure supplies niid services conform to prescribed requircnicnts. 1.2 General requirements, Except where otherwise specified liei*cin, tlie contractors inspection system slinll be iii accordance with Specification RfIGI-45208. 4.3 Znt ut prolitction sample. Th con- tractor sliall submit the i

22、citial yroductiun simple in accordiilice with 3.1 or iiislicction by the (.ontractor under the surveilancs of the Goveriinient, This inspection sliall be con- ducted at the contractors fiicility, or Govern- ment ;ipprvod Inborntory, using test cquip- nieiit authorized for use on the contract. Tile s

23、ample slinll be inspected for till requirs ments of this specification by utilizing esnini- nntioii and testing methods prescribed herein aiid in conformance with the contractors ail- proved inspection system. 1.3.1 Initid production smnpit! failwe. Should the production snmple fail to pass tho pres

24、cribed tests, the contrfictor shall niale necessary corrections. Wlien corrections in the process liave been iiide, a new produe- tion sample shnli be examined and tested by the coricractor under the survveillrince of the Government. Acceptance of productiorr I and the production sample, as a result

25、 thereof, has been approved. 4.4 Lot formation. When inspection 10% sizes and lot formation fiTe apphble, they shall be in accordance with Starirlml MIL- STD-105 and slid1 also be defined in the contr:icfol“s inspection system. 4.4.1 units ad lots. Dsfectiue units niid lots shd bo procezd

26、d as sphciiied in Stm?wd MIL-STJD-IO5 And sh:ill not be incuecill h subjected to the rcmnining tests in this spccficntioii, 4.7.2 Ilhtrititittto1. Energize the reticle laiap witti tlic voltage specificd in 3.7.1. The reticle slinll be visunliy obseiwd aiici appear clearly cfiiictl. Rotation of the r

27、heostat kiiob shnll cause the illuniiiiation of the reticle to increase. 4.7.3 Rrlclc. With the sight positioned as specified in 4.7.1 (i.e. with horizontal and vcrticul target lines in coiiicidcnce with tlie horizontal tim wticnl dinmetcr of the reticle circle) observe the angular displacement with

28、in this hier diameter of the light source reticle at tlic above mentioned diameters. This angultrr displaccmoit mist conform to tlic rcyitirenient specified iii 3.7.3. 4.7.4 Focus. This test will be performed using a cnlibrate dioptometer cniibratec atid adjusted as outlined h:.low. Foocirsh

29、i) the eyepitxe, I;ocus the dioptometer to abfain tlie slinrpest intnge of its reticle. Target. Direet ;the dioptometer liiio of sight toward any target positioned at 6 or beyond the parallax distance, and select u well defined point on the target. 4,7.4.1,2 Pcrs.ctlltx. Adjust the dioptom

30、- eters objective lens until ali parnlinr lins Leen rc-inovecl. Parallax vil! bs ;cmod w!ien tnrget point: wid n cowzsporii-ling paint 0:) the dioptometer r.ctide. Wie15 pmi%cc iss been iwnoved sat the diopta= scale to zero. 4,7.4,3 Perfoming tire test, With the reticle iti the sig,.lit iliuriiii!ut

31、c!d coincide the ioptoiiieter lita of sight to that of the sight. Adj -1 8s projectcd into the gunners periscope on an RIGO Trink. 6.2 Ordering dah. Procurement documents should specify the following: (a) Title, number, and date o this specification. (b) Selection of applicable levels of preservatio

32、n, packaging, and packing. (c) Appiicrrble stock number, (d) Provisions for initial production Custadisn: Army-MU sample, incliiciing date of delivery (see 3.1). (3 Brfinilioncl. 6.3.1 Sprcinl tcst cqici!wccttt. (STE). Spe- cial teciiiig equipment is dafiiicd ns special inspection fisttires, itistri

33、inciits, and nioilified staiida rtl measur i iic; eqii i piiien t. 6.3.2 Stamla rd oncn s tiring cq it ipm cwt (SME). Standard mcnsuriiig cquipnieiit is defined as the common hand type measuring deviccs which arc usually stocked by com- mercial supply Iiouscs for ready siigply (sliclf items), and wh

34、ich are normally irscd by nn inspector to perform diincnsional inspcction of items under prociircnicnt. This category also includes commercial testing equipmcnt such as meters, optical comparators, niid RO forth. Notice. Whw Govemmcnt drawings, tqiecications, or otlicr data are used for nay purpose

35、other thnn in conncctim with n definitely rclnted Government pro- curement opcrntion, the United States Governmcnt thereby incurs no responsibility nor any obligation whatsocvcr; and the fact that tho Government mny have iormulotcd, furnishcd, or in any way supplini the said drawings, specificcltion

36、a, cr othcr data ia not to be rcgardcd by implicntion OP otherwise as in any mnnncr licensing the holder or any other person or corporation, or conveying any rights br pcrmiesion to mmuacturc, use, or ECU any invcntion that mny in any way be related thereto. Preparing activity: Army-MU Projrct No. 124GA350Y Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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