ARMY MIL-S-48603-1976 SIGHT BORE REFLECTING XM115E1《XM115E1型反射孔瞄准器》.pdf

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ARMY MIL-S-48603-1976 SIGHT BORE REFLECTING XM115E1《XM115E1型反射孔瞄准器》.pdf_第1页
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1、MIL-S-48603 (Em) 29 October 1976 MILITARY SPECIFICATION SIGHT, BORE, REFLECTING: XM115El This spec The Department of Defense. zation is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of 1. SCOPE 1.1 Bore, Reflecting: B4l15 used for boresighting the Lightweight Company Mortar, 6OFE,XN224. “Bore Sig

2、ht .“ This specification covers one type of instrument known as Sight, Throughout this specification this instrument is referenced as 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 The follawing documents, of the issue in effect on date of Invita- tion for bids or request for proposal, form a part of this specificatio

3、n to the extent specified herein. SPECIFICATIOl?S Milit ary MIL-0-13 S 3 O Optical Components for Fire Control Instruments: General Specification Governing the Nanufacture, Assembly and Inspection of Fire Control Ifateriel, General Specification Governing the Nanufacture and Inspection of Parts, Equ

4、ipment and Tools for Army Xateriel Packaging and Packing of and Disposition of MIL-F-13 9 2 6 NIL-P- 14 232 . IiIL-1-45607 Inspection Equipment, Qcquisition, Faintenance, STANDARDS EIL-STD-105 PIIL-STD-1 O 9 Quality Assurance Terms and Definitions . Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by A

5、ttributes Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any perti- nent data which may be of use in improving this docurcent should be addressed using the self-addressed Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (DD Forn 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by letter.

6、 Commander, Frankford Arsenal, ATTN: SARFA-HM, Phila., Pa. 19137, by FSC 1240 P Licensed by Information Handling ServicesLicensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-S -48603 (MU) 3.5.2 Cross level vials.- When the line of sight of each lens assem- bly is in each collimated position of 3.5.1 above,

7、each cross level bubble shall be centered within 1/2 space width between two graduation lines. 3.5.3 lens assembly, Position “A“ of Figure 1, is in the collimated position of 3.5.1 above, the elevation level bubble shall be centered within 112 space width between two graduation lines. Elevation leve

8、l vial.- ihen the line of sight of the adjacent 3.6 Temperature.- The boresight shall be capable of withstanding tem- perature stabilization at +160“F and -50F for a period of five hours at each extreme temperature. Subsequent to exposure to the temperatures spec- ified herein, the boresight shall s

9、how no evedence of damage and shall meet the requirements of 3.5. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Responsibility for inspection.- Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible for the performance of all inspection requirements as specified herein. spec

10、ified, the supplier may utilize his own facilities or any other facil- ities suitable for the performance of the inspection requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the Government. The Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the specification where su

11、ch inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services con- form to prescribed requirements. Except as otherwise 4.1.1 General provisions.- The component and subassemby inspection requirements of MIL-F-13926 form a part of the Quality Assurance Provisions of this specification. in MIL-S

12、TD-109. Definitions of inspection terms shall be as listed 4.2 Eirst article (initial production) approval,- Th requirement for first article approval and the responsibility (Government or contractor) for first article testing shall be as specified in the contract. for first article approval tests s

13、hall consist of three (3) boresights plus three (3) each of all items covered by SQAP. The three boresights shall be tested as specified herein for all the requirements of this specification. The items covered by SQAP shall be tested, as specified thereon, for all characteristics delineated on the S

14、QAP. The samples shall be manufactured in the same manner, using the same materials, equipment, processes, and procedures as used in regular production. All parts and materials, includ- ing packaging and packing, shall be obtained from the same source of supply as used in regular production. The sam

15、ple 4.2.1 Government testing.- When the Government is responsible for conducting first article approval tests, the contractor, prior to sub- mitting the sample to the Government, shall inspect the sample to insure that it conforms to all the requirements of the conixact and submit a re- cord of this

16、 inspection with the sample, including certificates of conform- ance for materials. 3 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-S -48 6 03 (MU) 4.2.2 v.- When the contractor is responsible for conducting first article approval tests, the sample shall be inspected by the contractor for all the req

17、uirements of the contract. and a record of this inspection, including certificates of conformance for materials, shall be submitted to the Government for approval. The Government reserves the right to witness the contractors inspection. The sample 4.3 Inspection provisions. 4.3.1 Submission of produ

18、ct.- Unless otherwise specified by the Contracting Officer, inspection lot size, lot formation and presentation of lots shall be in accordance with “Submission of Product“ provisions of MIL-STD-105. 4.3.2 Examination and tests. Components and subassemblies.- All components and subassem- blie

19、s shall be inspected in accordance with the inspection provisions con- tained in Supplementary Quality Assurance Provisions (SQAP) listed in the technical data package (TDP), In the absence of SQAPs, the applicable Quality Assurance Provisions of MIL-F-13926 shall apply, Boresight.- Examinat

20、ion and tests related to Section 3 herein shall be performed on a class basis in accordance with MIL-STD-105 and the sampling plans specified in Tables i, II, and III herein, Ex- amination and tests for packaging, packing, and marking shall be in accord- ance with MIL-P-14232 and Section 5 herein. T

21、he tabulated classification of defects in Tables I, II, and III shall constitute the minimum inspection to be performed by the supplier after first article approval and prior Co Government acceptance or rejection by item or lot. TABLE I - CLASSIFICATION OF DEFECTS CRITICAL : NONE MAJOR : AOL 1.0% De

22、fective REQUIREMENT TEST PROCEDURE 101. Collimation accuracy 3.5.1 4.6.2 102. Cross level vial accuracy 3.5.2 4.6.3 103. ElevaCion level vial accuracy 3.5.3 4.6.4 MINOR: NONE - NOTE: The tests in Table I shall be conducted at a temperature between 60“ and 90F.- 4.3.3 Acceptance and rejection,- Rejec

23、ted lots shall be screened for all defective characteristics. Removal or correction of defective units 4 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-S-q603 12 9999906 0322307 O 9 MIL-S -48603(MLT) and resubmittance of rejected lots shall be in accordance with “Acceptance and Rejection“ as specified

24、 in MIL-STD-105. 4.4 Special sampling. 4.4.1 General.- One boresight shall be selected at random as a special sample from each 100 produced or from each months production, whichever occurs first. The sample shall meet the requirements and tests in Table II. TABLE II - CLASSIFICATION OF DEFECTS E. CH

25、ARACTERISTIC REQUIREMENT TEST PROCEDURE 301. Fabrication 3.1 Applicable drawing visual 302. General specification 3.2 MIL -F -1 3 9 2 6 visual NOTE: The tests in Table II shall be conducted at a temperature between +60“ and +90F. 4.4.2 Environmental.- Five boresights shall be selected at random as s

26、amples from each 50 produced, or from each months production, whichever occurs first. Each sample shall meet the requirements and tests in Table III, and shall then meet the requirements and tests in Table I. TABLE III - CLASSIFICATION OF DEFECTS - NO. CHARACTERISTIC 303. Physical failure , post tem

27、perature cycle REOUIREMENT TEST PROCEDURE 3.6 4.6.5 304. Collimation, post 3.6,3.5.1 4,6.5,4.6.2 305. Cross level vial accuracy, 3.6,3.5.2 4.6.5,4.6.3 306. Elevation level vial accuracy, 3.6,3.5.3 4.6.5,4.6.4 NOTE: The test for Characteristics 303 through 306 inclusive shall be temperature cycle pos

28、t temperature cycle post temperature cycle conducted at a temperature between +60F and f90“F. 4.4.3 Failure of sample.- Should any one item of a special sampling fail to meet the specified test requirements, acceptance of the represented inspection lot will be suspended by the Government until neces

29、sary correc- tions have been made by the contractor and resubmitted items have been approved. (see 4.3 o 3). 5 CY Licensed by Information Handling Services._ - I in accordance with the applicable requirements of MIL-45607. _ - of test equipment shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements

30、 I specified in MIL-1-45607. shall be supplied by the contractor in accordance with technical data included in the technical data package list. I Contractor design.- In the absence of Government inspection equipment design the contractor shall design and supply inspection equip- ment compati

31、ble with the “Test Methods and Procedures“ specified in 4.6 of this specification and with the component inspection procedures spec- . ified in “Examination“ and “Test Facilities“ requirements of MIL-F-13926. Since tolerance of test equipment is normally considered to be within 10% of the product to

32、lerance for which it is intended, this inherent error in the test equipment design must be considered as part of the prescribed product: tolerance limit, Thus, concept, construction, materials, dimen- sions and tolerances used in design of test equipment shall be so selected and controlled as to ins

33、ure that the test equipment will reliably indicate acceptability of a product which does not exceed 90% of the prescribed tol- erance limit, and permit positive rejection when non-conforming, Construc- tion shall be such as to facilitate routine calibration of test equipment, Inspection equi

34、pment design requirements. position the boresight for test shall consist of a simulated mortar tube, finishes of the test fixture shall be as depicted in Figure 2, . with base, as shown in Figure 2. The principle dimensions and surface shall be positioned in front of the simulated mortar tube so tha

35、t its optical-mechanical axis is aligned to the approximate center of the lens assembly of the boresight under test. The optical-mechanical axis of the collimator shall be horizontal within 20 seconds, and lay in the vertical plane that contains the center line of the simulated mortar within 0,125 i

36、nch, The vertical reticle line of the collimator shall be plumb and its conform to the test facilities requirements of MIL-F-13926. The ature at the control sensor shall be in accordance with the specified require- I I ments within plus or minus 2.5F. The temperature gradient across the cross- Licen

37、sed by Information Handling Servicessectional area occupied by the test item shall not exceed 0.5“F per foot in any direction. The heat source of the test chamber shall be so Locat- ed that radient heat, hf used, will not fall directly on the test item. Thermocouples or equivalent temperature sensor

38、s utilized to determine or control the specified chamber temperature shall be centrally located with- in the test chamber in the supply airstream, or in the return airstream, whichever provides the specified test condition at the item under test and shall be baffled or otherwise protected against ra

39、diation effects, 4.6 Test methods and procedures. 4,6,1 Orientation,- The accuracy tests of 4,6,2 through 4.6.4 inclu- A target collimator conforming sive shall be performed with the boresight positioned on the special test- ing equipment that conforms to to shall be utilized wi

40、th the simulated mortar. 4.6.2 Collimation accuracy. - Rotate the boresight to Position “A“. Sight through the lens assembly and by minor rotational adjustments to the boresight plumb the reticle, as determined by Che unaided eye, When the boresight is in this established Position “A“ its line of si

41、ght shall meet the requirements of 3.5.1, as measured on the reticle of the target collimator. Rotate the boresight to Position “Bir and again plumb the lens assembly reticle using the foregoing procedure. the established Position ILB“ its line of sight shall meet the requirements of 3.5.1, as measu

42、red on the reticle of the target collimator. When the boresight is in 4.6.3 Cross level vials accuracy.- Perform this test concurrenk with the tests in 4.6,2. “B“, applicable cross level vial for each position shall meet the requirements of 3.5,2. When the boresight is rotated to Positions “A“ and a

43、rid the appropriate lens assembly meets the requirement of 3.5.1, the 4.6.4 Elevation level vial accuracy.- Perform this test concurrent - with the test or Position IAA“ in 4.6.2. IJhen the borsight is rotated to Position “A“, and its lens assembly meets the requirement of 3.5.1, the bubble in the e

44、levation level vial shall meet the requirements of 3.5.3. 4.6.5 Temperature.- Testing equipment utilized in this test shall conform to the requirements of in the test chamber and the temperature of the chamber reduced, over a period of 4 hours plus or minus 15 minutes, from room ambient t

45、emperature to -5OF. for a minimum of5 hours. temperature of the chamber shall be raised, over a period of 8 hours plus or minus 15 minutes, to +160F. The boresight shall remain at this temp- erature for a minimum of $ hours, Upon completion o the 5 hour exposure the temperature of the chamber shall

46、be reduced, over a period of 4 hours plus or minus 15 minutes, to room ambient temperature. The boresight shall then be removed from the test chamber and subjected to a visual, tactile, and audible, examination, The boresight shall. then be subjected to the tests in 4.6.2,4.6.3, and 4.6.4 to determi

47、ne overall conformance to 3.6. The boresight shall be placed The boresight shall be maintained at this extreme temperature Upon completion of the 5 hour exposure the The boresight shall show no evidence of damage. 7 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesLicensed by Information Handling Services_ MIL-S -48603 (MU) . . FIGURE 1 9 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-S-48603 (MU) FIGURE 2 * U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1977-703-020/1370 10 Licensed by Information Handling Services


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