1、MIGS-49036 ( EL) 22 February 1974 MILITILSY SPECIFIC AT10 N SUPPRESSOR, ELE;CTHICAZ, TKANSIEIJT This specification is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 1. SCOPZ 1.1 This specification covers one type of a shunt transient suppressor assembly designated as
2、Suppressor, Electrical. Transient DMM-B-627930, (See 6,l) 2, APPLICmE DOCUMENTS 2,l The following documents, of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal, form a part of this specification to the e-dent specified herein. SPEC1FICATIL)NS NN-P-71 QQ-S-781 PPP-B-20 PPP-
3、EL PPP-E601 PPP-$421 PPP-IL436 PPP-F-3 20 PPP-P-291 PFT=P-45 PPP-T-76 PPP-T-97 Pallet, Materials=Handling, Wood, Strapping, Steel, Flat and Seale Bag, Cotton, Mailing Box, Wood, Wirebound Box, Wood, Cleated Plywood Box, Wood, Nailed an Lock Corner Elox, Fiberboard Fiberboard, Corrugated and SoUd, Sh
4、eet Stock Paperboard, Wrapping, Cusioning Tape, Gummed, Paper, Reinforced and Plaln, for Sealing and Securing Tape; Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Paper, Water Resiatant (For Carton Seaing) Tap e; Pre ssure=Sensitive Adhesive, Filament Reinforce (General Construction Requirements) (Container Grade) THI
5、S DOCUMENT CONTAINS 21.- PAGES Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. MIL-S-47036 57 9 7777706 0072337 3 MILITAY MIL-0-116 MIL-SI901 MILL8625 MIL-P-11268 MIUTARY MIL-ST
6、D-105 MIL-3TD-129 MIL-STD-l or exfoliation (see 6.8) of metal. Electrical operation is not required . 5 Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-3.5.9 Fun S. - After the fu
7、ngus test of 4.8.9, the suppressor shall be dsua -E y exandned using a 10-power magnifier. The sup- pressor shall show no more than six minute unrelated spots each no greater than 0,Olf; square inch in area, of sparse mlcmbial growth (6.8) as evidenced by growth colonization (6.8) (which includes br
8、anching (6.8) and sporulation (6.8) on or within each cubic foot or fraction thereof of equipment assembly volume. of partial tubnlar germination (608) shall not be included in this evaluation. Isolated instances 3.6 Nnish, protective. - Equipment, except the heat sink, shall be given protective fin
9、ish in accordance with Specification MIL=F-l+072. This includes finish of hardware, such as handles, hinges, screws, etc., and necessarg touch-up after mounting. The final paint film on Tgpe 1 surfaces shall be green color (ouve drab), semi-gloss enaniel, except the heat sink which shall be finished
10、 per MIL-A-8625, Type U., Class 2, olive drab. 3.6.1 Color. - The finaJ. paint film on Type I surfaces shall be smooth s-ss, green, color confodng to Nr. X2h087 of Federal Standard FED-STD-59S . (See 4.4) . 3.7 Marking. - Marking shall conform to SpecFfication MIL-M-13231. Panel marking shall be Gro
11、up I as described in that specification. (See 4.4). 3.7.1 Tiaibiiity. - :herever practicable, parts shall be so mounted that their identification markings will be readily visible With minimum disassembly of the equipment. (See 4.4). 3.7.2 Serial numbers. - Serial numbers are not required. 3.8 Interc
12、hangeability, - Like units, assemblies, sub- assemblies, and replaceable parts shall conform to requirement 7 of MIL-STD-4%. (See 4.9) 6 Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IH
13、S-,-,- - MIL-S-49036 59 9993906 0072322 5 W MIL-S-49036( EL) 3.9. Workmanship. - The equipment shall be manufactured and assembled in accorance with requirement 9 of MIL-STD-hsb an the appicable portions of the follotring paragraphs: (a) In Specification MIL-P-11268: (i) General requirements for pla
14、stic material and plastic parts. (2) Wiring and cabling, including: Slack, Protection, clearance, splicing, connections in general, grounding, shielding on wire and cable. (3) Flux an0 cleaning agents for solder. (h) Soldering. (5) Cleaning. (6) Riveting. (7) General requirements for securinr confor
15、mance inspectLon prouction lot. (See 4.5) The first two samples shall be 4.S.3r1.3 Groups IIIA and _u_- IIIH. - One sample shall be selected at random for each sub-group, from each 1000 equipments produced and subjected to the inspection specifiec, lected at the start of the contract from the first
16、quality conformance inspection production lot. (See 4.5) The first sample shall be se- - Group -.- IV. - The pulse circuit test shall be performed once for each 1000 equipments produced. Order of inspection within _I Group C. - Croup C inspection shall be performed in the order s
17、hown in each subgroup in Table IV. Group C failures, - Actions required relative to Group C failures shall- after application of load. For suppre8SiOn element temperatures of less than 75OF subtract 17,2 iPiUvolts/OF from the voltage as Beamed at 7S0F, and for suppression element temperature
18、s of mere than 75 F add 17.2 miUvolts/F to the voltage as measured at 75*. 4.7.2 Pulsing, - The suppressor shall be pulsed 5 wccessive Umes at 10 aecond intervals with a 100 +O, -5 Volt, 50 millisecond pdse (as measured without the suppressor connected) from a power supply having a 0.50 +O, -0.05 oh
19、m total source resistance and capable of supplying 200 amperes for 50 milliseconds, Storage batteriea, with series reslst- ance as required ta obtain the total source resistance of 0.50 i), -0.05 ohm, without the suppressor connected, can be used. suppressor terminals during each pulse shall be meas
20、ured from 1m.lU- second, +1 percent, after the start of the pulse to the end of the pilise an3 shall be in accordance With the requirements of 3,4,2. The current droop during the pulse shall meet the requhments of 3,4,2, The suppressor shall meet the requirements of 3.4.1 following the test. The vol
21、tage at the 4,7,2.1 Pulse circuit, - The pulse circuit shU be teeted to - assure confomance to the requirements of 3.4.2,l. and external resistance of the voltage source and pitleer ahall be determined aa follows: The total internal 1. With the mppressor removed from the pdse test circuit, the power
22、 mpp3y shall be adjusted to obtain a resistance load current of approximately 120 amperes (50 millisecond paise). 2, The load voltage and current shall be meamed. 3. With the resistance load removed, and the power supply setting undisturbed, measure the open drcuit voltage at the load termias. 4. De
23、termine the difference in load voltage messareaienta made in (2) and (3) and ditrlde the difference by the measured load current to obtain the total source resistance. Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking pe
24、rmitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-4903b 59 9 9999906 0072130 4 M mLS-49036( EL) 4.7.3 Battle override. - The battle override lridicator laanp shall be removed from the suppressor for this test. test instruments, a voltage of not less than to the lamp for not less than 1 second. an output cu
25、rrent rating of at least 0.75 amperes dc, The requirements of 3.4.3 shall be met. Using standard laboratory volta dc shall be appUed The power supply used shall have 4.7.4 Power dissiA.on teat. - Using standard laboratory test instruaient, 70 atts cc shamssipated continuouslu for a total test period
26、 of not less than 45 minutes. with the suppressor Installed In the MT-l898/VRC mounting in room ambient of 75 259. - Using standard laboratory test instru- ments, reverse pola tS voltage of 50 +5 volts shall be appied to the etppressor and leakage current measurex. The teat shall be performed in rom
27、 ambient of 75+59. - 4.8 Service conditions. - The suppressor shall be tested In ac- cordance mtwollodng service conditions: The test shaii be performed The requirements of 3.4.4 shall be met following the test, Y- 4.7.5 Blockl The reqdrements of 3.4.5 ahall be met. 4.8.1 Tempraturn - . High
28、 Temperature. - The equpnent shall be subjected to Test Hethod 581, Procedure I, of MIL-STD-810, shall be +160 F for 48 hours and the operating temperature shall be +s*. The unit shall meet the requirements of The storage temperature LOW temp erature. - The equipment shall be subjec
29、ted to Test Method 502, Procedure I, of MIL-STD-810. shall be -65OF for 48 hours and the operaking temperature shall be -40F. The unit shall meet the requirements of specified in Method 507, Procedure III, of MILSTD-810 and shall meet the requirements of 3.5.2. during step 11 of Procedure I
30、II. The storage temperature 4.8.2 Humidity. - The equipnent shall be subjected to the test Electrical measurements shall be aiade only 4.8.3 Altitude. - The equipment shall be tested in accordance with Method 3mcedure I, of MIL-STD-810 and shall meet the require- menta of 3.5.3. I I Copyright Commun
31、ications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-49036 59 9739706 0072333 b 4.8.4 Vibration. Mounta. - The suppressor shall be installed In the - - MT-l029/VRC mourrtcing. Equivalent
32、 radio mass shall be secured to the MT-l029/VRC mounting prior to the test. The equivalent radio nass shall have a total weight of 54 pounds and a center of gravity located 6 Inches from the front of the mounting, 7 Inches from the left side and 3 inches above the top plate of the mounting. During o
33、ibration, a zener carrent of 10 milliamperes (xuaxlmun) shall be maintained. In Part 1, the isola- tion mounts shall be in place. In Part 2, the isolation mounts shall be blocked. Precautions shall be taken in the establishment of mechard- cal interfaces to miidmirie the introduction of undesirable
34、responses in the test setup. Whenever possible the test load shall be distributed unlforaly to the vibrator exciter table in order to reduce to the smallest amount, effects of unbalanced loads. and frequencies shall be measured by techniques that wlll not sigdfi- can* affect test item input control
35、or response, The input control sensing devlce(8) shall be rigidly attached to the vibration table or the immediate structure, 1ti.f used“, at or near aa posaible to the attachment point(s) of the test item. The test item shall be vibrated along each of ita three 4*8*4*2 (3) mtu 3 perpendicular axis
36、In accordance dth the Test Levels, Frequency Range, and Time Schedules outlined below. frequency of the applled vibration shall be swept logarithmically over the specified frequency range. The test shall be comprised of two (2) parts . Vibration amplltwes The L. Part i. (isolators in place) T
37、est Level Vibration Frequency of 5.5 He to 30 Ha, at an acceleration level of 1.5 Gs, 30 He to 49 Hz at a double amplitude of .033,1nches, 48 He to 500 Hz, at an acceleration level of h.0 GIs. Frequency Range Time schedule: 3 Hours Per Axis. - Sweep rate: t the conclusion of the above test, vlsually
38、 inspect the test item for aqV evidence of mechadcal damage. Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- flIL-S-LI7036 57 = 7997906 0072332 MILS-49036 (E one each at 1, 3, an
39、d 5 feet hammer drops on the back, side, and top of the test plate, As an alternative to reorienting the test piate for the side blows, equivalent rotation of the eqrdpment under test i8 permiesible. The suppressor shall meet the requirements of The test shall consist of a total of 3.505. 4.8.6 Sand
40、 and dost, - The equipment ahall be subjected to the test of Method 510 , Procedure I of MIL-STD-810. meet the requirements of 3.5.6 following the test, The equipment shall 4.8.7 Imnersion. - The equipment shall be subjected to the test The equipment shall meet of Method 5l2, Procediire I, of bItL-s
41、TD-810. the requisennents of 3.5.7 following the test. 4.8.8 Salt fo . - The equipment ahaU be subjected to the salt fog test spec d fied n Method 509, Procedure I, of MIL-STD-810. No corrosion products shall be deposited on the test Item by the teat facility, ing the test. The equipment shall meet
42、the requirements of 3.5.8 follow- 17 Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-47036 59 M 7377706 0072333 T = -s-49036( EL) 4.8.9 Fungus. - The suppressor shall be sub
43、jected to the fungus test specified in Method 508, Procedrue I, of MIL-STD-810. shall be abundant growth colonization (6.8) on 50 percent or more of the area of the control item after U and 28 days. suppressor is permitted for 72 hours prior to the fungus test. before, during, and after the test pro
44、cedure shall be accomplished without contamination of equipment. meet the requirements of 3.5.9 shall constitute failure of this test. There No cleaning of the Handling Inability of the suppressor to 4.9 Interchangeability. - The dimensions listed below shall be measnmd to determine conformance to t
45、he physical interchangeability requrements of 3.8. When listed dimension is not within specified or design Ilraits, it shall be considered a major defect. a. External and internal dimensions of caaes, covers ard insertable assenbues, when such dimensions affect mating of parts. be Dimensions of cavi
46、ties, when such dimensions affect insertion of items, C. Zncation of hinges and fasteners on separable parte or assembies which must mate, such as case8, covers and mountings. d. Location of connectors, locklng pins, fasteners, sudes, and mountings which receive mating parts of plug-in assemblies an
47、d major units, and location of the mating parts on the plug=in assembly or major unit. e. Size and form of special threads. 4.O Visual and mechanical inspection. - Equipment shall be examined for the defects Usted in MIL-STD-252. 4.11 Rough handling test (preparation for deUvery). = When the rough h
48、andling test in accordance with MIL-P-116 is required by contract (see 6.2 c) the unit shall be subjected to the tests of 4.7.1 thru 4.7.5 to determine freedom from malfunction caused by the rough handung. 4.12 QuUty conformance inspection of preparation for delivery. - P-U6 Preparation for delivery
49、 shall be i nspected in accordance with MIL- to determine conformance to the requirements of section 5. 18 Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- 6 MIL-S-49036 59 7997906 0072334 L m-s-L9036( EL) 5.1 Preservatdon and packagin . - Preservation a