1、MIL-S-q7Lbb/b 58 7797706 OLb0334 O enef icial coinmente (recommendations, additione, deletione) and any pertinent data which may be of use in improving thie document should be addreeeed to: Hq, USA Electronice Research and Development Conunand, ATTN: DRDEL-E, 2800 Powder Mill Road, Adelphi, MD 20783
2、, by ueing the eelf-addreseed Standerd- ization Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of thie document or by letter. - MIL-S-49166/6(EK) 18 October 1982 . I, MILITARY SPECIFICATION SHEET SCANNER, MECHANICAL MX-9872(V)6/UA This epecification oheet is approved for uee by US
3、AERADCOM, Department of the Army, and is available for uee by all Depertrnente and Agencie8 of the Department of Defenae. The complete requirement8 for procuring the MX-9872(V)6/UA Scanner ehall conaist of thie document and MIL-S-49166, 1. SCOPE 1.1 SCO R. This specification ehcet covere,the Mechani
4、cal Scanner., MX- 9872(V)6 1p UAeand augmente MIL-S-49166. The MX-9872(V)6/UA is ueed on the Bradley Fighting Vehicle, Integrated Sight Unit. 1.2 Purpose. ?he purpoee of this specification sheet ie to modify or 1 expand the contenta,of !.IL-C-49166 to deecribe the MX-9872(V)6/UA.Mechanical Scanner.
5、All the MIL-S-49166 contente apply except ae specifically modified herein. Paragraph numbere direc tly correlate between MIL-8-49166 and thie epecif ication ehebt. 2. APPLICABLE MCUMENTS . 2.1 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of 1 thia opecification aheet and the refe
6、rence8 cited herein, the text of thie epecification oheet ahall toke precedence. SPECIFICATIONS M IL ITARY MIL-S-49 166 Scanner , Mechan icnl , MX-9872 (V )/UA, Genera 1 Speci f ica t ion for DRAWINGS USA ELECTRONICS R*bt, 3.6.5 Scan efficiency. The MX-9872(V)6/UA acnn efficiency ahall be n minimum
7、of 75 percent. 3.6.6 Scan jitter in azimuth. Jitter time ehall be 62.0 microeocoada mnximum, I Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-LI7366/6 58 = 9777906 0360336
8、LI MXL-S-49 166/6(ER) 3.7 Environmental conditione, See MIL-S-49166 except as followe: 3.7.4 Shock. See MIL-S-49 166 and . Shock and ecan frequency. Scan frequency ( shall return to normal with?n 0.2 eecond after the MX-9872(V)6/UA Le aubjected to the operating shock environm
9、ent. 3.7.5 Vibration, The MX-9872(V)6/UA ehall not be d,amaged by vibration over a frequency spectrum at the specified g levele and amplitudes ehown in figure 2 for thc X axis and na ahown in figure 3 of MIL-S-49166 for the Y and 2 .axis. During apecified vibration, the average interlace waveform am
10、plitude shown in MIL-S-49166, figure 1 ehall not deviate from the amplitude without vibration by more than +SO percent. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.6 Teet methods. Teats shall be performed utilizing the DLSM-771731 Scnn-Interlace with the MX-9872(V)6/UA with a ocnn angle of 5.5, - +0.2 dcgreee
11、 and at the 30.0, +0.5 tlz scan rate. - 4.6.1 Scan frequency. Vttrinblc ecnn frequency, Not applicable. SpoCific scan frequency (30 Hz). The MX-9872(V)6/UA shall be conncctcd to thc Scon-Interlace, DLSM-771731, and mounted to a euitablc fixture. Power ohall bc applied and thc output
12、of the tachomcter (Scan- ntcrlnce DLSM-B-771731) shall be monitored with a calibrated frequency countor, Tha output of the Scan-Interlace (DLCM-B-771731) ohall be adjusted to obtain the specific 8can frequency, Failure to mcct the requircmentfl of shall conetitute failure of this teat. 4.6.1
13、.3 Synchronous acan frequency, Not applicablc, 4,61.4 Scan angle, r, 4,6.1.4,1 Tcat appnratus, Tho tcat appnrntuo shnll coneiat of a holding fixturc utilizing the mounting surfacc (Datum -A- in figura 4) required for accuring thc MX-9872(V)6/UA, a projection ayotcrn capable of projecting a spot or m
14、arker into the acnnner along the optical axis (figurc 4) and an appropriate ncnlc graduated in dogmes rneaaurcd about the acan mirror axis. The zero pooition of thie cale ohall bc tho poaition where the apot or marker ifl projocted onto the acnle when the mirror ia at a truc 45 dcgrece with renpact:
15、 to the mounting ourface (Datum -A- in figure 4) required for accuring the MX-9872(V)6/Uh. Teet conduction. The 8canner ehall be operated and thc angular excuraione of the projected spot in each direction ahall be recorded. Failure criteria. Failure to meet the requirement of 3.6.
16、1.4 ehall constitute failure of this test. Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-73bb/b 58 m 7777706 0360337 b MIL-S-49 166/6(EK) 4.6.2 Interlace. See MIL-S-49166.
17、 4.6.3 Scan direction With the MX-9872(V)6/UA operating in either the 2:l side or the 2:l rear interlace mode, the outpute of the interlace traneducer and the ecan tachometer (Scan-Interlace DLSM-B-771731) are obeerved with an oecilloecope. The output waveforme ehall show the applicable ahape and ph
18、aae relationehipa shown in figure 1, Failure to meet the requirmente of 3.6.3 ehall constitute failure of thio teat. 4.6.4 Power coneumption. See MIL-S-49166, 4.6.5 Scan efficienc , The MX-9872(V)6/UA ehall be operated with the Scan- Interlace + DLSM-B-7,71731) and meaeuremente tnken ae followe: the
19、 ecan tachometer ia meneured by an oecilloecope. The active time between two coneecutivc ecane ehall be determined by meaeuring the time between the 10 percent and the 90 percent pointe of the ecan tachometer waveform. efficiency iihnll be calculated by dividing the eum of the two coneecutive acme b
20、y the ecan tachometer period and multiplying by 100 percent. to meet the requirements of 3,6,5 ehall conetitute failure of thie teat, The period of Scan Failure 46.6 Scan jitter in azimuth, The MX-9872(V)6/UA khall be teeted ne epccified in MIL-S-49166 with additional circuitry ueed a8 ehown in figu
21、re 3 to teat the apparatue. Failure to meet the requirements of 3.6.6 ahall constitute failure of this teet, 4.7 Environmental teete. e 4.7.4 Shock. See and MIL-S-49166. Shock nnd ecan frcquancy. Failure to maet the requirarncnte of dur3ng the operating teat ehall conetitute
22、failure of thie teat. 4.7.5 Vibration. See figure 2 and MIL-3-49166. 6, NOTES 6.1 Intcndcd uec. The MX-9872(V)6/UA ia intended for uoe with tho Bradloy Fighting Vehicle, Integrated Sight Unit, CUSTODIAN Army - ER PREPARING ACTIVITY Army - ER Project 5855 - A251 Copyright Communications - Electronics
23、 Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-LISLbb/b 58 M 7799706 OLb033 M 11,- 8-4 9 16 6 / 6 (ICR) INTERLACE AT J3 A REAR 2: F?OSITION PL- 1403/UA P2: CONNECT PIN IO TO 213 PIN 8 TO 18 Pif4 17 TO 7 (See No
25、H INPUT TO J3 (OR 31-11 AND LOW SCOPE TO GND, LOW SCOPE TO GNO, FIGURE I. SHAPE AND PHASE RELATIONSHIP OF INTERLACE TRANSDUCER AND SCAN TACHOMETER, Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without lice
26、nse from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-491bb/b 58 W 9999906 OLb0339 T W HIL-C-4 9166/6 (ER) 1.0 - 3.6 xl0-2 2.5 - 1.0 .I xi 0-3 xi 0-3 1.6 - xi 0-4 4 i.- i : - ACCELERATION LEVEL: -g( PEAK) /4g FIGURE 2. Vl8RATTON TEST PROFILE (X AXIS). h Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license
27、with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-w Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-q7Lbb/b 58 7777706 OLb3ql 8 II
28、II SCANNER SHOWN IN PHANTOM FOR CLARITY THE OPTICAL AXIS IS DEFINED TO BE ORTHOGONAL TO THE MOUNTING SURFACE, DATUM -A-. Figure 4. SCAN ANGLE. Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-