2、ed.:-.,Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-KtL-sTD-1907mRmm.D1. Tnis Milirary S.wrought prcdticts,areas ckerthan Weldnents - 9allrwable discontinuity sizes (in incke )and distribution; castings - 10USXim.m allrmble discontinuity sizes (in
3、 inches)and distribution; wsldmnts 11. .,.:. ivProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-STD-19071. SX)PE1.1 . This stardarddescribes the discqkinuity limits allc+edunder four quality level classifications for penetrant inspectionend threeq
4、uality level classifitions for mgnetic particle insp6ztion. The mterialsmy be forgings, castings, tubes, sheets, bars, etc. Fabrication stages my bemachined, umechined, welded, or unkelded parts/mterials.1.2 mplicetion guidance. This stax%.rd providee inspection criteria fordetermining mnfornwms to
5、soundness requirements for mterials, par- andW21dmnts . For Puqmses of this standzwd, the term WeMnsnt refers todemsitcxl filler rraterieland one-helf inch of base mtal adiacent to the toeof-the weld.I ems idered asIRx liquid pmetrant inspection,brazd joints-my also beweldmn”ts under this stamiard.1
6、Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-SIW19J7I2. APPLICABLE m2.1 Governmnt dcmnnsnts.2.1.1 Stmdards. The fol.kming stadards foniia part of this dcmmnt tothe extent sp2cifiad herein. Unless otherwise sp=cifiai, the issuesof thesedocumn=
7、are those listed in the issue of t-heKqartmmt of Defense IrKIe%ofSpxificationa and Standards (COOISS)and supplm=nt thereto, cited in thesolicitation(see 6.2).srANoAiu6MIL-SIW109 ity Aesurance Term and Efinitionsm.I.-5?rc-l949 Inspection,t4agneticParticleMIL-STB6866 Inspxtion, Liquid PenetrantUnlesso
8、therwise indicated,copies of fderal and military.spe+iicatio, SdS, and hardbcoka are available fran the NavalPublicationsard Forms CDm”b=, (ATIN: tWX6 ), 5801 *r Aveme,Philadelphia,PA 19i211-5099.)*2.2 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text oftnisdocent and +? reerencescite
9、d herein, the text ofprecedence. Nathing in this dcmxmnt, hoevec, supersedesrSWlaziOnS u!kss a +scif ic eenption has but, in ameinstzuxes,acmsl se-scions my mar. If present, laminations would beindicatedon the short transverse section of a unit. Short, intermittentlam-inationsmay not be objectiomble
10、 if the unit is ndt subjectsd to high bend-ing sresses. The c.xurrence of laminations usmlly can castings.PypeDiscmtinuityWunetallicincluaion, rounded:SurfaceSUbsurfam a71 *Sss hole.proaity/dcreteShrinkagecavitiesSurfam ,Subwrf ace a71*a71Crac&, hot tears,or cold rimtsShrinkage spmqe areas(ray inclc
11、desmllcavities, CavlCy stringersMicros.hrinkage (micrc-prosity)ktaxti cluster di-tezAlloy or mstallicphase segregationSurf aceSubSurf acea71 Distri&mion aesignatGrade A0.031 diaD-3*0.047 diaD-3*0.031 di.a*D-3*0.047 c3ia*D-3*o0.2500.063D_3*0.1250.25cms signifyGrade B0.047 dieD_3*0.063 diaD_3*0.047 di
12、a*D-3*0.063 dia*&3*o0.3750.183,p3*0.3750.5le following:D-2 Discontinuities no C1OSSC to each othermaxi.mm sizeGrade C0.063 diaD-3*0.094 dieD-3*0.063 dia”D-3*0.094 dia”D-3o0.6230.3133*1.51.5a71*4Grade D0.125 diaz.t4/A0.125*,*D_2*N/A0.25 long*-,1.25 dia*0.375D-3*1.51.5Ian two tin-estheD-3 Discontinuit
13、ies no closer to each other than three tti themaximum sizea71* Ths lM & for g= le ri ty for the individualgradersdo nOt Zqy if tkvoida are leas than one half the mxi.nwm sizes specifid ard are well dispersed.a71 * Shri&ge discontinuitiesme not alk$,+edif within 0.5 inch of an OUter edgeof a casting
14、seccion. * gnetic rticle inspection OiilY.a71* pmeran ins.=ction Only.10:Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-SIW1907TABLE III. &i.num allowibledismntinuicy sizes (in inches) ad distributionweld.mnts.Type DiswntinuityCraclcs, *id, or b
15、ase mtal(longi cudina.1, transverse,scar or crater, underWd,underside,em. )Wdd underctiteingor lack obead-edge fusion:Ease mstal less tn0.183 inch thickBase md O.ldd inchchicx and overWeld mwal voicb orinclusions, roanded:SsSe metal less than0.i&3 inch thickSase metal 0.198 ncnthick and overWald mta
16、i voids orinclusions,eiongatd:Base mtal less thanO.1J8 inch thickBase mtal O.l&l inchthick ard overDistribuiond.ssignacionss.D-5Grade Ao0.016 deep0.125 longD_*0.J31 deep0.125 longlF5*0.016 diaD+0.031 didD-5*0.063 longD-5*0.125 long&5*y the followGrade Bo0.016 deep0.250 longD_5*0.031 deep0.250 long&*
17、0.063 diap5*0.125 longc-5*o.2XJ longD_=j*1:Grade C00.031 Ceep0.250 longD-5*1.047 deep0.375 longp5*:0.063 dia&5*O.I.2.5dia&5*0.183 1OI)$D_5*0.375 10WD-S*DismntinuiCies no closer to e+ch other than five timS m dim.nsim.11 “:.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without
18、license from IHS-,-,-UIIAID-19076. (Thiss=tion contains informationof .sgeneral or &xanatory nature thatmy be helpful,but is not mandatory.16.1 Intendai use. Ihissd is inteded to provide requir-ts forthe accbpmce of units that are insted by either the mgnetic particleinstion mthcd in amcm%nce with M
19、IIcSlW1949 or the liquid petrantinspectionmthcd in accord- with MIL+ID-6866.6.2 Issue of LX)DIS.S. When this standard is usd in acquisition, theapplicable issue of the tx2tH.SSmust k cited in the solicitation (see 2.1.1).6.3 oats requir-=. This paragraph is not applicable to thisstandard.6.4 Critica
20、l area.i. In term of quality level classificationsshown insection 4, design engineers should indicateon drawings the nure critical andthe less critical areas of units with rsgard to sxeas concentrationandmzhanical f-cures.6.5 Fabrication stage. Under oniinam cixums-ces, it is reasomblefor the design
21、er oi a finished unit to expe_ that the quality levels selectdwill k -“orcd as a part of the final inspection procedures an3 to specif%that the reqirern?ntsare applicable aicer machining,welding, blast cleam g,erc. It -S not necessarily follow, howsver, that the quality levels speci- .fied for the f
22、inished unit should be inclti5 as part of the p,urchas.ers+iremnts for bars, plates, unmchined castings, “unmchined forgings,orother form s,xh as partially mchind icam where the indicationwill beremovedby final mchi.ning o.=raciow. In siiying raw stock for unitasubject to sev=e iinal impec tion reqi
23、rerrents,due considerateion should begiven such factors in relation to the pxsible cost of rejectionof finiskdparts mde of mterials of regular quality.6.66.7subject term (key .+crd) Iisti.nq.Jmalysis, chemicalCast ingCiassificatiOnfikaminations140n-dastrurxive testingPenetrating fluidsTestingP&lding
24、Superseasion data. 1imsstirdard combines the requirenkmtsoff.lIL-P-47158(MI)datd 7 June 1974 ard MIL+4723L)(MI)dated 26 July 1974 ardSWSKS*eS bath docmenti. 12 .:.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-6.tl t4r-ri-dcion. Whereverdceuimnt, .n
25、ecricequivalents inacceptile.MIL-STD-1907,inch/und d- -ions are used in thisaccordance with _s1D-376 shall be6.9 Chanqes frrxnprevious issue. This paragraph is not applicable tothis stixi.Cusbxiians:w-Navy-As Air EOrce - 2JReview activities:Amy - AR, m, MENavy -Air Force - 24, 70, ao, a2, d4, 99User
26、 accivicies: - AT, AL, ME, lE,AVNavy - 0SAir FtKce - 71, doDL4 -I ,13I :,PrepsringActivity:Amy-MIProject m. NDTI-0114Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-(Fold akln# *b Uw)-DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY11111 FIUNITED fTATEsOFFICIAL c4uMNEG BUSINE
27、:MSNRPLY MAIL “?EMALTY FOR a71 RIVATE USE .FtllST CL*SS WAStll NGTOW 0. C.POSTAGE WILL BE PA1O BY THE DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY.=CommanderUS Army Missile Command ,h I i iw: AMSMI-RD-SE-TD.ST.,tiedstone Arsenal, AL 35890-5270 , . . . . . -NIX%: llikform msvnotbe wed ta rmuti comesof documcoh.nortomual n
28、inn, titian,ordutkdionOfSpmdtidiatlIequirautlb 00 currentmntnctm thmnrmu subrdttd on tbb formdo mot.wmttom .3 imptymlhoriniion,. to wah any portionof lb. refaremeadkcunmtfa)ork-ad con&utudmquimumnh.I ,.:.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-
29、,-IIIIIIIII.11IIIIIIIIISTANDARDl_TIW DOCUME IWROVEMEW pRL(SCCIIUtrUCffLNO- ROVX .WC)CUMENT HuMQE R z OOCUMENT TITLEInspection, Liquid Penetrant and Magnetic Partlc.5 TD-1907 soundness Requirements for Materials, parts and Heldments,AME OF .“.w,l_llNG OnaANIUTIOUa71 . TYPE OF O?IOANIUTIOM (+ -Ja75VE”
30、oonnomm W-din:+-IEUARKSINAME OF suOUITTEm &u t. Fb. t, Ml) - 00tk-db. WORK TELEPMONE NUDA13ER 11- AmC*, - OpStolulMA, I., MG ADDRESS sin-c Ctti. O-c 21? C+) - 00*(a, OATE OF SU8M!SS1ON (Y,YMHDDJI.“ I 00:“!%1426 a71REVIOUS EOIT.ION Is c.s SOLETE.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-