1、ElILXTARY sPDcIpIcmIon T-Y6U 4 Si$) 2 Agrll i9 Superreding U. 8. .tmy Specification 14 AprU lgke lo. 74-ll5 XIL-P-Ub Jiu-P-U7 Bcarorj fiberboard, Wood-Cleated (?or Domestic Shlpcnt) (For Domestic Shipment) (For Domertic Bhipmsnt) BOXOS j Wood-Cle8td-Pl;ywood BOXerj Woods klhd Md bCkCOrnW Boxer; ribe
2、r, Corrugated Sheet 1 of 8 ahcats 64671; THIS DOC - B PAGES. - Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ph.odolite mt ) u. 8. ARNY 19-10 Copyright Communications - Electron
3、ics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-12612 bb 7779706 0128367 2 G Spec. Ho. HIL-T-13612(81) Th.obolite Mount ? other pre- production inrion my precee, follow, or be interspersed be .wen the fore- g
4、oing. Table 1 - Preproduction lnapection The test dab shll comprlre an 3.1.4 Seferonce itsndards.- Aitsr preproduction ramplea have bem apped 3.1.5 Preprouctlon 1napectlon.- Preproduction sainples may bs rubmitted by nieted nondesbructira inspection on r Teet Requirement s mph Iqpcct ion Paragraph B
5、ounce te&; light eqaipmant 3.6 4.4 Chock: t coi3ditloar: exponira tor 24 hours at +160V., ut 25 ar detem$ecificil lu 4.1.1 (sec 6.3.1.) 4.1.1 Oroup A inapxtlon Oroup A IneLecton eu be ln accordance with tab16 If irnd Wudard )Iu-!3Tl1-105. der which, i8 Mtisfactory to tbo Uoverwcnt inepector, except
6、that th oparrtloaal exmnation (me 4.3) OW e b6t. Group A lnapection ebaU be pertonned in any or- lbble II - Goverrment group A inspection poqulrerornt , T8st IAeWCtiOn Paragraph Parsgraph 4.2 1 4.2 45 3 *9 4.3 15 Vlrual rnl nrechanicnl, mJor . Vlrual and mechanical, minor Oycmtioml ?W!Ex Prior to ac
7、ceptance inspection, the epulpent rhaU met th tcpuiraentr of 3.8. 4.1.2 Dlsyosltion of aonconformiq product Wbcn defective sample units or xu- jected lot8 are rcculimitt ed for acceptance, such Item sW be euitably twed or fQcntifle by equivalent MME to indicate the cause of failure and means employe
8、d to correct the fault. itens are remitmitttd aad shall becane the property of the Qovernnent Ths record shall be preeented to the Wermnt vhen tbe 4.2 Yiutd and mCChadcal inopectioh Fart6 tLd eQUiPmeAt ba iASpecbd or vorknnnehp, macbanical fit , looee nuts ond screw, and miscelncwe defecte. Controls
9、 and fastening drvicer rW be inqwted for mechanical operation. ooldersd connections, ground conwctiorm, welds, finiohor, etc. shaU be inepected for worhnshp. laklr and uarldwa 8hq be inrpecte for corifonrance with approved facrimiles, whn Xacrhler am ruquimi, triuimton aiao my e made for other visua
10、l or mechanical defects, rular to thore described above, that an contrsry to specified requireamntr mnat ao maJor or minor ln .ccoidaDce vith the defiaitionr of standara XIL-STD-105. Wiring, Clcmrsnces, dimsnsions, rrd mechanical adjustments Sk be DE88uredo Por thip qUimnt. Vi88l sod BOCbaaiCdL d8fO
11、Cts br CIASSifiSd by the Govern- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !. . . . . _.I . . . . . . -. . . . * . I : :ll:.r.:l:r.: . . - C: ). . . . - . . :;“:.:“ . . . . . . I I c. t ,:. . . I . . -.-_ . “ . . .-. . )- . :;:;: , . . . . . , C. . I. . L . . . .- I _ . ._ . .- _.- - L _- pr ard current productio
12、n ir io ctrlct cw-0 vith epecified requirements for tho mv equip6nt, or descrlbi ary deriatioar autbortud on the current orer. waiver of praproduction uaiphr my be contlwnt an trwgotia- tlon o? tbs contract to reflect the mving in cost to the contfac.*.or. Any request for wdez shauld laclude a stats
13、rt. nt kdicat- that tb rpcffSd 6.4 Nomenclatuc The prenthesen in the namcnchture will be dele- or m- placd by a letter identifying th particulsr deslgn, for eXaaiIle, XL-180-U. Ao mon a8 possible aiter the award of the coutract, the contractor rbould apply to tbr coa- tracting officer for such infom
14、ation. (See 1.1.) ._ . t.fl:I:I:;, p;:;:;.;-;: . . ,.- y . 1 . I - . - , . “ . .- . . . . . t: . L , . 6 . . r;.:I:.: t: . . r: .: . _. 1 . i 1 “ .,i . Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-