1、8.1 Tihe followlq pa6lfaon, it.ndRrdr, dlrrvngi and other publ- $mtionr, of lrew In etfirat oa th. Qtci of invitation tor bids,;fornr a part /W thir rpeaifiaatlon. 8PECIFIWIOKs PEDERAL T-T-871 mine, aotton, wrapping UU-T-111 LLL-F-291 PPP-T-60 QQ-8-781 Strapplag, ftatj rkel Tage, pope* ved, (oeslleg
2、 and mowing) Fiberboard, cmhb, eing1e-gaoe (i lexible) c PPP-B-I E)Oxm, wood, nailed and look-aorner _ Tape) preosure-iediribive, adherive, wrkrgroof far paokqhg rnd rerling ccc -sing parngrnphs: Teclinicnl manual,- Each technical manutil shall bo packqgod l-lothod IC-3, as follows: Typo I,
3、Class b, conformiw to Specification fId-B-117b closure, Inclose ench tochnical manual within a close-fitting, bag, Heat sen1 to effect .- CpEire tubes shall bo packaged individually in provisions of Specification INIL-P-. Lams and fuoes(spare).- Spare lamps and fuses shall be pcknged ibthod
4、III, as follows: number shall be plnced together within a wrap of flexible, siwle-face, corrugated fiberboarrl, Type I, conforming to Specification LLL-F-291r Secure the wrap with gummed paper tape, Class I, conforming to Specification OU-T-U. Method III, as follows: dimensions and tie in three plac
5、es with cotLm twine, Type I, 6 ply, confoming Items of like description and bearing tho Rome stock 3.3.l.b Corde and cables,- Each cord and cable shall be packaged individualQ hhd each cord or cable into a coil of proportionate to SpeCdfiCatiOn T-T=8*T!., ?.3.l.s Snare parta and accemorios.- Spare p
6、arts and accessories shdU be packaged Method III, a8 follows: flexiblo, oingle-face, corrtdstod fiberbawd, Secure the cushioning with gummed paper tape, 3,3.1,6 Stowwo vthilm trpnait casa,- Stow and secura the items paGynged as specified in through, tJithin the appropriate oornpartme
7、nts or etorngo space provided in the assigned transit oam. Cushion each item individually by wrapping in Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- Madom, telephon?.-
8、 Each telephone modom shall be packaged Nethod IC-5, a8 folowsr the screw and lock in position, Close ewe cover and secure sil fasteners. Cushion each case with contents on all surfaces with cella or pads or both fabricnte of double-faced, corrugatod fiberboard, having a minimum dry bwsting atrongth
9、 of 275 pounds, dosigned to absorb the shock of impact encountered in handling Nib tranait. hoard box, Wsc, conforming to Specification JAN-P-100, Closure shall be in accordance Hith the appendix of the box opocificstion. In addition, seal all aunme nnd joints with waterproof, preesure-sensitive tap
10、e, Type III, Clase I, conforminlj to Specification PPP-T-6. frequancy supply shall be packaged Mothod IC-5, follotJing the procedures specified in 3.3.7. Powor aunnl .- Ench power oupply shall be packaged Method 3,3.1*10 /0 and JB-310,- Each junction box shall be Plnce ench telophone modem W
11、ithin the transit 080. Secure Place the cushioned case within a close-fitting, fiber- 3.3.l.(i Telophono carrier frequency swp1y.- Each telephone owier IC-5, following -+i the proco WCS apecified In 3.3.1,7. olowing the v proc wes specified in 3A1.7. followinl: the proceduroa specified in 3*3,1,7. X
12、ethd IC-5, fohairing tho procedures specified in packaged Elethod IC-5, following the proaedures apeoi#ed In 3e3,1.7a pacltngad hd1vidualI.y Method III, following the proceduros specified in 36 3.L 5, Clam TH-106,- Each clamp shall be packaged Method III, foliowing the procedures _
13、ffr_r npec iod n 3,3.1.5; J Cord CD-711,- Emh cord ehall be packeged Method 111, follawlng the pmmciuras specified f n 3.3.Lh 4 Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IH
14、S-,-,-Spec. io. 31r-14476( SigC) Shei.l.l Boxes containing conponents of Terminal., Telephone AII/TCC Serios 5 Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Sheet No. 6 Tominal,
15、 Telephone Packnghg of (Components of AN/TCC Series) Box 1/2 Box 212 Telophono Ropeatm AN/TCC-S( ) Box r/l , AYfiCC-7( ) Telophone Modem TA-219h Box VP Telciphone Modem TA-2194 Dox 2/9 Telephone Modem TA1219/U 130% 319 Tolephone Modem TA-2274 Box h/9 AmpUriar-Pilot Regulator AM-?Ol( )fiCC*7 * Box 51
16、9 Test St Orw * oA-443/Tcc-7 Box 619 Tglonhone Camor Frequenoy Supply TA-220( )/”CC-I Box 719 Box 019 Box 919 Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Y- MIL-T-L4Ll7b 58 -
17、793970b 0350394 4 - Sheet No. 7 Terminal, Telephone Pecknging gf (Components of AM/TCC Serie$) .1 Amplifier-Pilot Regulator AM-7OO/ICC-B , Box /5 - .- TelThone Repeator ANflCC-ll( ) Box vi AN/TCC-21( ) Ampli fier-Pilat Regulator AM-70 S/I!CC- Box 117 Teet Set roup Powor Supply *e . . . , .- . - .- I
18、Ii =, . -. Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-femlnril, Telenhone Pacimcinc: of (Cornnononta of AiJ/TCC Serias) ftN/TCC-22( ) Comolideteci Pnoknge Box 213 Ground Rod
19、, U448/ Bundle 3/3 I AJflCC-23( ) Telephone Modem TA-219/U Box l/b Amplifier-Power Supply AI-l1682( )TCC=3 . Box 214 ConaoUcletod Pncksge Box 3/b Oroimd Rod MX-48/0 Bundle b/4 3r4t1,2 Y t 1 atrn nin Shippa oontainers shall be strapped in con- fornmce with the -*- requ reaonts of tho oppendix of the
20、container cqecification, only for diroct chipmant to ports, 3t1i,2 Love1 R.- The Components of Terminal, Telephone Af/TCC Serie6 ehall hr: packed waed in 3.4.1, excoat that the Style 4, nailed wood boxes shell he Clnris I, conformtng to the reqiiiremente of Specifioation PPP-B-621e be packod foment
21、in (L manner conforaninp: to the requlrenonta of Uniform Preighl; Clasaificetdon for rail shipment, National Motor Freight Classifiaation for truak shipment, Parae1 Post Regulations, and the regulations of other carriers ud applioablo to the mode of transportation employed, at the loueet transportat
22、ion rate, 3.4.3 Levol C,; The Components of Tarminal, Telephone ANDCC Serles shall a , 7 1 I Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Copyright Communications - Electronics
23、 Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Specr !fib Sbt NOUN MIL+- -4L( SigC) Terninal, Telephone, Packaging of (nonts of AN/Tcc Serieu) 4, QUIIY ASSUIUNCE PKOVISIONS 4.1 Inmecti.on, generalea 4A2 Cla8sificatio
24、n of inspection.- Xnrrpeotion shp11 be olrssifiod a6 fob lowat (a) Prenroduction lneoection of preperation for -SWlr Inspeotion Level i,-8 ah& be used for noI1ILoL hoection and L-6 for. reduced inspection. Unlesa otherwise specified herein, nomalinapection 6he.i be wed at tha atart of the contracrt.
25、 The reduced k-iapeoton procedure shallbe lU. 4r3rLILl- In ection lot.- A lot for inspooton of packaging shpU be .U tnit paougoe of a nart 7F-T cuiar me od or siroilar combination of methoda, submitted at one th. A lot for Uisual inspection of the pack shou be aL1 completed paoia which we 1dentica.J
26、. and are submitted for inspeotdon at one tuoe. 4,3A1,2 Procedure in case of fe1w-e.- 1f.m inspeotion lot ia redeottid the oontraotor shall immodi amy inveotigate the oame of failure and shou. repart to the ouernment inspeotor the results thereof and detoils of the aomeative aotioir taen. If tho oon
27、tractor and ovement inepsator opainot apee on the effgctive- nods of the correotive ration, the natter eholl be referred to the htraatlng Officer tor resolution. - - . 1 lo - - - - - , i Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproducti
28、on or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-T&lo If.- Packam testa IC13 10.5 III (Note A Watarpmhrssi Water spray. (Nok
29、 C) None. Heat Note Br The water mray teat may be used in lieu of this test when sire, weight, oc other chiraoterigtio of the package praoluder the um of the watarprooihesa t$st, Nota Ot Theue paokagea need net be subjsoted to the water spray test whe it win be performod part of the rough handling t
30、est of the QaOk. Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-