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ARMY MIL-T-45169 E-1992 TANK PRESSURE AIR PORTABLE《便携式气压罐》.pdf_第1页
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1、VIL-T-45LbSE 49 9999906 0502184 9 INCH-POUND MIL-T-45169EfALl 17 January 1992 SUPEBSEDING MIL-T-45169D(P;L) 19 February 1989 MILITARY SPECIFICATION =, -, AIR, - mis specification is approved for use within the S Axmy Department of Amy arad is available for use by all nts and Agencies of the Deparhri

2、ent of Defense A3nEmEn.t Research, DeveloFlEnt and Engineering center, 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. T1.lis specification covers a portable air pressure tank for the retention, conveyance, anci dispnsing of canpressed air. 2.1 spec ifications, standardc, and handbooks. Unless otherwise specified, the followin

3、g specifications, standards, and handbooks of the issue listed in that issue of the De-t of Defense Index of Specifications and specification to the extent specified herein. SPECIFICATIONS FEDERAL PPP-B- 6 O 1 PPP-B-621 PPP-B- 6 3 6 PPP-C-843 - cushioning Material, Cellulosic PPP-F-320 - Fiberlxard

4、: Corrugated and Soiid, Sheet Stock PPP-T-6 O - Boxes, wood, Cleat With Appropriate Ty OF MEXXANIcAL EWINEERS (ASME) MO-1 - Gauges - Pressure Indicating Dial Type - Elastic Elanent 2 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-T-45169E 49 9999906 0502386 2 MIL-T-45169E (Application for copies shoul

5、d bs addressed to the Merican Society of Mechanical Engineers, 29 West 39th Street, New York, New York 10018.) (Industry association specifications and standards are generally available for reference fm libraries. technical pups ami using Federal Agencies. ) this specification and the references cit

6、ed herein, the text of this specification shall take precedence. “hey are also distributed among 2.4 Oder of precedence. in the event of a conflict between the text of 3. REQuIREME?Trs 3.1 First article. 3.2 Desiqn. When specified in the contract or purchase order, a cample shall be subjected to fir

7、st article inspection (see 4.3 and 6.2.1). meting the perfomce -ts specified herein. steel fabricated, cylindrically sham, horizontal, portable, han-camied tank that retains carpressed air of a hown pressure. Facilities shall be pruvided to fill the tank by the injection of ccarpressed air fran an a

8、ir supply source and to dispense the air from the tank through an air hose and air chuck. All parts subject to wear, breakage, or distortion shall be accessible for adjustrrient, repair, or replacenient. shall be examined and inspected to confom with FED-STD-i328 and the applicable detailed standard

9、s referenced therein. me tank shall be of the nianufacturers latest design The tank shall be a 3.2.1 n-ireads. The design, mufacture and configuration of threads O No testing in FED-STD-H28 shall be required. 3.3 Material. Materials not specifically designateci herein or in the contract shall be of

10、a quality ccarniensurate with best ccamiercial practices, shall be suitable for the intexed purpose in the design and fabrication of the Portable Air Pressure Tank, anci shall mt all requirenients specified herein. performance, mintainabiliS, reliability, durability, or longevity of the individual c

11、cmpnents or the Portable Air Pressure Tank itself. dissimilar mtals are used in cantact with each other, suitable protection against galvanic corrosion shall be applied in accordance with MILsrP.889. Materials shall be free frcan defects which would affect the When 3.4 Construction. The portable air

12、 pressure tank shall be constcte of parts which are new, without defe and free of repairs, sharp edges and burrs. operation in its intended envmt, to the pressure tanks maximum rating and capaciw, without defoniiation or degradation. “he pressure tank shall withstand all forces enmtere during 3 Lice

13、nsed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-T-45Lb9E 49 m 99999Ob 0502387 4 m MIL-T-45169E 3.4.1 Weldinq, brazinq, and solderinq. Ali mlding, brazing and soldering shall be free of defects and of a quality which shall sustain all rqmimn applicable to the tank itself. shall be as specified (see 6.2.1 an

14、d 6.4). 3.4.4 Mercury restriction. ccsnpounds nor be exposed to free mrcury during mufacture. 3.4.5 Asbestos restriction. shall not be used on or in the tank. Exceptions and additional repinmats for safety and health aie tank shall not contain mrcury or rcmxury Asbestos and materials containing asbe

15、stos 3.5 Perfomce and product characteristics. 3.5.1 Functional ts. Tfie tank shall be a horizontal portable unit capable of being ccmveyd by one operator. campressed air at the working pressure specified in 3.5.2 and shall include standard mans for filling the tank anci for dispensing the canpri=ss

16、e air fm the tank. aie tank shall retain 3.5.2 Pressure. 3.5.3 Safety factor requiremen t. The tank shall operate at a working pressm of 125 pound force per square inch gage (pig). aie portable air pressure tank with filler vave and safety valve holes plugged, shallbe able to withstand a proof press

17、ure of 375 psig for a period of not less than one (1) minute without danage such as chuck or cuupling sepration, leakage, splitting, busting, deformation, or degradation. 3.5.4 Capacity. The tank shall have a volunietric capacity of not less than 8.5 gallons. 4 Licensed by Information Handling Servi

18、ces MIL-T-45Lb9E 49 999990b 0502L b MIL-T-45169E 3.5.5 Diamter, lenqth and wsiqht. The tank itself shall have an outside diamter (OD) of not mre than twelve ( 2) inches axid a length of not mre than 35 inches. fittings, chucks, and handle(s) shall not exceed 42 pounds. The weight of the tank assably

19、 caplete with hose, gauges, 3.6 Details of campo nents . 3.6.1 Air tank. The air tank shall be cylindrical in shape, and fabricated fm steel not less than Manufacturers Standard Gage Mrmber 14. The cylindrical axis of the tank shall remain in a stable, horizontal position when placed on a level surf

20、ace, and shall have a carrying handle(s) pruviding a full handgrip for lifting and ming the ccarq?lete air tank assmbly. permit injection of ccarrpressed air into the tank froan the air source. valve shall pennit filling the tank utilizing an air chuck of the size specified in 3.6.4. chuck to permit

21、 free passage of air inta the tank. the valve shall autamtically close. a pressure of 140 pig. MO-1, indicating the air pressure within the tank, and positiuned so the pressure can be observed during filling, shall be pmvided un the tank. gage shall be a bourdon tube dial type, grade B, not less tha

22、n 2 inches in diamter, and a pressure range O - 200 psi. not mre than 5 PSI, with numerical -kings not exmg 25 PSI intervals, extending over an arc of not less than 270 degrees. and indications shall be in contrasting colors. either glass or clear plastic with a minimm thickness of one-sixteenth (1/

23、16) inch. 3.6.2 Filler valve. The tank shall be fitted with a filler valve to %e The valve shall be depressed when subjected to the air pn remnml of the chuck, aie valve shall withstand, at a minimum, 3.6.3 Air pressure qaqe. The air pressure gage, doming to ASME aie Dial scale incxemnts shall be Th

24、e gage dial backgraund aie gage crystal shall be 3.6.4 Air hose and air chuck. aie tank shall include an air hose not less than 4 feet in length with 1/4 inch minimum and 3/8 inch maximum inside diamter and shall be oil and grease resistant. ITy ASSURANCE PROVISIW 4.1 Responsibility for ins on. Unle

25、ss otherwise specified in the contract, the supplier is respo%ie -for the prfomce of ail inspection requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified in the contract, the supplier may use his uwn or any other facilities suitable for the Perfome of the inspction reqUirenients specified

26、herein, unless disappmvd by the wt. any of the inspections set forth in the specifications where su inability of the aperator to read the pressure gage while inflating the tire; or failure of the chuck vaive to ccsrq?letely stop the flow of air when the chuck is rem3ved fm the tire, shall be cause f

27、or rejection (3.5.1 through 3.6.4). instability of the tank while on a level surface; 0 4.7 Packaqing inspecti on. The itas shall be impeckd befom and after packaging to determine ccmrpliance with the preservation, packaging, packing, and niarking requirenients specified in Section 5. 5.1 Preservati

28、on. Preservation shall be Lievel A or and marking as required (see 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3 respctively). 6.2.2 Contract data Teqllvgy3n ts. Requiredtechnicaldatasuchas operators mus, parts lists, and other instructiuns for operatiuns and niaintenanCe, as identified on a nilmbered DD Form 1664, should be s

29、pecified on a DD Fom 1423 corporatd in the contract. 6.3 Subject tenn (keymr) listinq. AMSC number Design First article First article Materials perf033tHllC33 ordering data -ve finish 6.4 Safety and health deteminaticm. scope in orer that equiprrrit integrateci into the users operational envirormien

30、t will canply with OSHA limitation and control of noise levels, radiation eleztcamgnetic anissim, noxious vapors, heat, etc., as applicable, specific requirements Cancerning guarding the point (s ) of operation, and other safety and health requirenents should be specified by the usedrequisitioner (s

31、ee 6.2.1). to identify changes with respect to the previous issue due to the extensiveness of changes. 6.5 Changes fm previous issue. Asterisks are not used in this revision custodian: -AL Review activity: A.rmy-= preparing activity: Project No. 49404628 -AL User activiw: -ME .i- ll Licensed by Information Handling Services


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