ARMY MIL-T-50782-1972 TELESCOPE PANORAMIC M117A2《M117A2型全景望远镜》.pdf

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ARMY MIL-T-50782-1972 TELESCOPE PANORAMIC M117A2《M117A2型全景望远镜》.pdf_第5页
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1、, MIL-T-5072 12 = 7977706 033087Y 1 MIL-T-50782 (MU) 25 August 1972 MILITARY SPECIFICATION TELESCOPE, PANORAMIC: M117A2 1. SCOPE 1.1 This specification covers the Panoramic Telescope, M117A2 which employs a counter mechanism. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 The following documents, of the issue in effec

2、t on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. SPECIFICATIONS Mi lit ary MIL-0-13830 Optical Components for Fire Control Ins t r Ume n t s ; Genera 1 S pe c i fica t i on Governing the Manufacture and Inspection of Fire Con

3、trol Materiel; General Specifi- cation Governing the Manufacture and Inspection of Parts, Equipment and Tools for Ordnance Materiel; Packaging of Maintenance of MIL-F - 13 9 26 MIL-P-14232 MIL-I -45607 Inspection Equipment, Supply and STANDARDS Mi lit ar y MIL-STD - 105 MIL-STD-109 MIL-STD-202 Sampl

4、ing Procedure and Tables for Quality Assurance Terms and Definitions Test Methods for Electronic and Electrical Inspect ion by Attributes Component Parts DRAWINGS U.S. Army, Frinkford Arsenal F11739510 Telescope, Panoramic: M117A2 PACKAGING DATA SHEET 11739510 Packaging of Telescope, Panoramic: M117

5、A2 h Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-T-50782 12 = 9777706 0330895 3 W MIL-T-5 07 8 2 (MU) (Copies of specifications, standards, drawings and packaging data sheets required by suppliers in connection with specific procurement func

6、tions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer,) 3. REQUIREMENTS i 3.1 Fabrication.- The telescope shall be manufactured in accordance with Drawing F11739510 and drawings pertaining thereto. 3.2 General specification.- The contractor shall be responsib

7、le for adherence to and compliance with the requirements of Specification MIL-F-13926 specified below. Should any conflict exist between the general specification and this specification, this specification shall take precedence. (a) Order of precedence. (b) Dimensions and tolerances. (c) Inorganic p

8、rotective surface finishes. . (d) Electrical and electronic assemblies. (e) Part identification and marking. ( f) Workmanship. 3.3 Environmental. 3.3.1 Storage temperature.- The telescope shall show no evidence of physical failure and shall meet all requirements of this sDecification at standard amb

9、ient temperature ( 73 degrees f 18 degrees )Fahren- heit) after having been exposed and thermally stabilized at ambient temperatures of plus 160 degrees and minus 80 degrees Fahrenheit. 3.3.2 Operating temperature.- The telescope shall meet the applicable requirements of to inclusive

10、 while exposed and thermally stabilized at ambient temperatures of plus 150 degrees and minus 40 degrees Fahrenhejt. temperature, the telescope shall meet the requirements of 3.3.3. Upon return to standard ambient 3.3.3 Vibration.- The telescope shall be vibrated in a vertical plane at a constant fr

11、equency of thirty cycles per second with an amplitude of 1/16 inch (1/8 inch total excursion) for a period of five minutes plus or minus fifteen seconds. Subsequent to vibration there shall be no evidence of physical failure and the telescope shall meet the requirements of 3.4 to 3.12 inclusive. (se

12、e -. 2 i Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. -. I_ - . . . . MIL-T-50782 12 7797706 0330876 5 MIL-T-50782 (MU) 3.4 Sealing. 3.4.1 Pressure (optical system),- The entire interior area of the optical assembly shall be capable of

13、withstanding an internal pressure of 5 f 0,i pounds per square inch (psi) for a period of 5 minutes with no evidence of leakage, 3.4.2 Pressure (counterbox area).- Apply an internal F =ssure of 2.0 + .25 pounds per square inch (psi) of dry nitrogen for a period of 3 minutes to each telescope. of lea

14、kage, There shall be no evidence 3.5 Cleanliness. 3.5.1 Dirt.- Inspection for dirt and foreign particles (classed as dirt) shall be made from the eye end only. The maximum size of any particle appearing on the reticle shall be a reticle line width. The maximum number of dirt particles appearing with

15、in a central field of view of 50 mils diameter shaI.1 be three (3). The maximum number of dirt particles appearing outside this field of view shall be three (3). 15 mils. Dirt particles smaller than 1/4 reticle line width shall be ignored regardless of distribution. The minimum angular separation be

16、tween dirt particles shall be 3.5.2 Other defects.- There shall be no evidence of moisture, grease, fingerprints, condensates, fractures, and adhesive separations when viewing through the objective and eye end of the instrument. 3.6 Orientation.- The requirements of 3.7 to inclusive shall

17、be met with the telescope oriented in the following position: (a) The main telescope tube vertical as determined by the keys on each side. (b) The reset and 6400 mil counters indicating 3200 mils. (c) The gunners aid counters set at zero. (d) The line of sight horizontal. (e) The elboy assembly cent

18、ered between the swing stops within 2. (f) Knob 8587442 indicating INDIRECT (out of detent). 3.7 Accuracy. 3.7.1 Collimation. Pre-vibration.- Prior to meeting the requirements of 3.3.3, the line-of sight shall be perpendicular to the locating key- ways within 5.0 mils. Post-vibration

19、.- Subsequent to meeting the requirements of 3.3.3, the iine of sight shall remain within 0.25 mil of the azimuth position established in 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-50782 (MU) MIL-T-50782 12 9797906 0330897 7 W 3

20、.7.2 Image tilt.- When checked at 1600 mil increments in azimuth through two full revolutions in each direction, the image of a vertical target line shall be vertical within two degrees of arc. This require- ment shall also be met with the elbow assembly positioned against each of the swing stops. 3

21、.7.3 Parallelism of reticle and image.- The vertical reticle line shall be parallel to the image of a vertical target line within 30 minutes of arc at the position established in paragraph 3.6. 3.7.4 Eyepiece focus.- The eyepiece focus of the reticle image shall be fixed between the limits of -0.50

22、and -1.0 diopter. 3.7.5 Parallax.- Parallax in the center of the field shall not exceed 0.1 mil when viewing a target at 80 meters f 1.0 meter, 3.7.6 Resolution.- Resolution on the optical axis shall be 10.0 seconds of arc or less when using an auxiliary telescope of at least 3 power having an entra

23、nce pupil of at least 0.4 inch. shall consist of detectable line structure and proper line count in all four meridians. shall not exceed 0.25 diopters as measured at the telescope eyepiece. Resolution Total spread in focus shift between meridians . 3.7.7 Reticle accuracy.- The angular separation bet

24、ween the two 40 mil graduations on the horizontal axis shall be 80 mils plus or minus 015 mil. 3.7.8 Image wander.- The wander of the reticle image measured at the eyepiece shall not exceed two degrees in diameter for two (2) complete revolutions of the head assembly. In addition, all reticle gradua

25、tions shall be visible throughout the revolutions of the head. This requirement shall also be met with the elbow assembly positioned against each of the swing stops. 3.8 Per formance. 3.8.1 Elevation mechanism. Excursion range.- Rotation of the elevation knob shall cause the line of sight to

26、 elevate and depress a minimum of 300 mils from the position specified in 3.6(d). Plumb travel.- Starting with the line of sight in coincidence with a vertical target line at zero elevation, the line of sight shall not deviate by more than 0.5 mil mil ) under the following conditions: (total

27、 spread 1.0 (a) When the line of sight is elevated 300 mils from zero * elevation. (b) When the line of sight is depressed 300 mils from zero elevation. 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-50782 12 W 7977906 0330878 7 W - - MIL-T-

28、50782 (MU) Side play.- Reversing movement of the elevation knob at zero elevation shall not cause the line of sight to shift more than 0.2 mil in azimuth. 3.8.2 Azimuth mechanism. Azimuth error.- Error at azimuth readings, taktn in 800 mil increments through two full revolutions shal

29、l no2 exceeL 1.0 mil excluding backlash. Deflection error.- Rotating the gunners aid knob to indicate 15 mils followed by rotation of the azimuth knob in the opposite direction (with backlash removed) to deflect the line of sight 15 mils shall cause the reset counter to return to within 0.3

30、mil of the original setting, This requirement shall be met with the 15 mil value set into each scale and the azimuth counter indicating 3200, 4800, zero, and 1600 mils at the start of each reading . Backlash.- Backlash in the azimuth mechanism shall not exceed 1.0 mil when read on the azimut

31、h counter; 1.5 mils when read on the reset counter. Level travel.- Starting with the line of sight in coin- cidence with a horizontal target, the line of sight shall track the target within 6.0 mils (total excursion) when rotated through two full revolutions. Lift.- Vertical displace

32、ment of the line of sight due to reversing rotation by means of the azimuth knob shall not exceed 2 mils. Five mil click lead mechanism.- Positioning Knob 8587442 to indicate DIRECT shall cause a detent action to be felt when intro- ducing 5.0 shall be in horizontal alignment within one-sixt

33、eenth inch. 3.10 Illumination. 3.10.1 Counters.- With the lamp energized, the numerals and mark- ings of each counter shall be clearly distinguishable when observed in a darkened area. 3.10.2 Reticle.- With the reticle lamp energized, the reticle mark- ings shall be vis i b le This requirement shall

34、 be met through one full revolution of the head in azimuth. sity of illumination. when observed in a darkened area. Rotation of the reticle rheostat knob shall vary the inten- 3.11 insulation resistance.- Insulation resistance shall not be less than 10 megohns when a potential of 100 vdc is applied.

35、 3.12 Continuity.- The continuity of the wiring shall be checked * for conformance with applicable wiring and continuity drawing require- ments. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Responsibility for inspection.- Unless otherwise specified in Except The Government the contract or purchase order, the

36、 supplier is responsible for the performance of all inspection requirements as specified herein. as otherwise specified, the supplier may utilize his own facilities or any commercial laboratory acceptable to the Government. reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the specif

37、ication where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements. 4,l.l General provisions.- The component and subassembly inspection requirements of MIL-F-13926 form a part of the Quality Assurance Provisions of this specification. in MIL-STD-10

38、9. Definitions of inspection terms shall be as listed 4.2 First article (initial production) approval.- The requirement for first article approval and the responsibility (Government or con- tractor) for firs-t article testing shall be as Specified in the contract. Ths sample for first article approv

39、al tests shall consist of three (3) telescopes plus three (3) each of all items covered by SQAP. The sample shall be manufactured in the same manner, using the same materials, equipment, processes, and procedures as used in regular production. All parts and materials, including packaging and packing

40、, shall be obtained from the same source of supply as used in regular production. r:. . r. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-50782 (MU) 4.2.1 Government testing.- When the Government is responsible for conducting first article app

41、roval tests, the contractor, prior to sub- mitting the sample to the Government, shall inspect the sample to insure that it conforms to all the requirements of the contract and submit a record of this inspection with the sample, including certificates of conformance for materials. 4.2.2 Contractor t

42、esting.- When the contractor is responsible for The sample conducting first article approval tests, the sample shall be inspected by the contractor for all the requirements of the contract. and a record of this inspection, including certificates of conformance for materials, shall be submitted to th

43、e Government for approval. The Government reserves the right to witness the contractors inspection. 4.3 Inspection provisions. 4.3.1 Submission of product.- Unless otherwise specified by the contracting officer, inspection lot size, lot formation and presenta- tion of lots shall be in accordance wit

44、h “Submission of Product“ provisions of MIL-STD-105. 4.3.2 Examination and tests. Components and subassemblies.- All components and sub- assemblies shall be inspected in accordance with the inspection pro- visions contained in Supplementary Quality Assurance Provisions (SQAP) listed in the t

45、echnical data package (TDP). the applicable Quality Assurance Provisions of MIL-F-13926 shall apply. Final acceptance inspeczion.- Subsequent to first article In the absence of SQAPs, approval, examination and tests related to Section 3 herein shall be perforned on a single defect (individua

46、l characterFstic) basis in accord- ance with MIL-STD-105 and the sampllng ?ans specified in Table I herein. Examination and tests for Packaging, Packing and Marking shall be in accordance with $EL-P-14232 and Section 5 herein. The tabulated class- ification of defects in Table I shall constctute the

47、 minimum inspection to be performed by the supplier after first article approval and prior to Government acceptance or rejection by icem or lot. .- TABLE I - CLASSIFICATIOZi CIE DEFECTS CLASS CHARACTERISTIC REQUIPSNE NT TE ST PROCEDURE CRITICAL: 10077 Inspection 1. Pressure (optical assembly) 2. Pre

48、ssure (counter assembly) MAJOR: AQL 1.0 Defective 101. Pre-vibration collimation 103. Post vibration collimation 104. Cleanliness 105. Image tilt -. I 102. Vibration 8 - 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.3.3 3.5 3.7.2,4 Provided by IHSNot f

49、or ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I REQUfREMENT TEST PROCEDURE CHARACIIERISTIC . I I I. .- v r . ! 106. Parallism of image and reticle 3.7.3 107. Eyepiece focus 3.7,4 - 109. Reticle accuracy 3.7.7 4.7+ 2.1.8 110. Image wander 3.7.8 1 4.7,2.4 111. Settings counter gunners aid 4. 2-2.1 112. Counter excursion range 113, -Azimuth error (800 mils) 3


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