ARMY MIL-T-55652-1968 TRAILER COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT V-415( ) TRC-145(V)《V-415() TRC-145(V)型通信设备拖车》.pdf

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ARMY MIL-T-55652-1968 TRAILER COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT V-415( ) TRC-145(V)《V-415() TRC-145(V)型通信设备拖车》.pdf_第1页
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ARMY MIL-T-55652-1968 TRAILER COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT V-415( ) TRC-145(V)《V-415() TRC-145(V)型通信设备拖车》.pdf_第3页
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ARMY MIL-T-55652-1968 TRAILER COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT V-415( ) TRC-145(V)《V-415() TRC-145(V)型通信设备拖车》.pdf_第4页
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ARMY MIL-T-55652-1968 TRAILER COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT V-415( ) TRC-145(V)《V-415() TRC-145(V)型通信设备拖车》.pdf_第5页
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1、MIL-T-55652 58 W 7777706 0368537 T MILITARY SPECIFICATION I, SCOPE 2,1 Scope .- This specification covers the modification of -trailer chassis I , Has69 and the installation of the applicable equipment and anchllaxy items thereon Lo Fom the facility for radio terminal sets AH/“RC-l45(V)9 and AN/TRC-

2、lbS(V)13e See 6.1 and 6.5) 2, APELICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1, Docun?ents,- The following documents, of the issue b effect on date of inri-tation for bids or request for proposal, form a part of this specuication ta tha extent specified herein: SPECIFICATIONS MILITARY u-6858 PPP-P - 291 Preservation, Metho

3、ds of Gable Assemibliss r applied for not less than 5 seconds when tested in accordance with 34.3.3 Insulation resfstance,- The resistance between each of the follaring shdl not be less than 100 megohms when tested in accordance with a, Each wire conductor and all remaining wire Co

4、nitttctOrs, b. Each wire conductor and facjl!.ty grauid. 3,L.b Cable asaemb1ies.- CabLe assemblies, power and audio frequency,- AU pouer and audio frequency cable and cord assembli es shall be f abricated in accordance with the drawings and meet the requirements and tests of l4I-C-3885, 3.4.

5、4.2 Cable assaablies, radio frequency.- Radio frequencies cable assemblies reqeed foroperation of major items of equipment in 6.3 SU be fabricated in accordance with the drawings andmeet the requirements and tests as indicated in Drawing SC-Alng equipment and the heaters used in the facility shall m

6、eet the emanation linits of m-S-46l.; if other than those items specified on the drawings. eration.- With all operational equ-ents of the V-4/TRc-l.45 shall be established between telephones connected to binding posts of systems 1 and 2 and between headphones on each channel of the multiplexers TD-6

7、6O/G when tested in accordance with 4.7. 5 Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-l l MIL-T-55652 (EL) 3 06 Vehicular transportation.- The Trauer, Cormmuiication Equipmen

8、t V-us()/TRC-l.45(V) shall be capable of being driven over cross-countky terrain by- military vehicle without sustaining any permanent damage. V-bs()/TRC-l45(V) shall be capable of being loaded, blocked and braced on a flatcar for shipnent by rail. When so loaded, the trailer facility shall be subje

9、cted to and withstand the test of paragraph 4.9 without sustainhg any permanent damage. shall be capable of being picked up and transported by helicopter without sustaining any permanent damage (See 4,lO). (See 4.8) 3.7 Raiboad transportation,- The Trailer, Camrmrnication Equipment 3.8 AFr transport

10、ation.- The Wailer, Conmnuiication Equwent V-u()/TRC-llrs(V) 3.9 Watertightness.- The trajler facility shsu withstand the test of 4.U. After the test there shall be no evidence of water leakage hthe area araund the opertlng equipment racks and in the personnel area, 3.10 Li htti htness.- With the tr

11、ailer facility curtain assembly erected in the operhhe test of 4.12 shall be performed, No direct rays of light shall be evident. . 3.U Cleanin After fabrication, parts shnll be cleaned in accordance with good canmerc *- practice or as specified in the applicable portions of Specifications MIL-F-l.4

12、072. Cleaning processes shall have no deleterious effect, Corrosive material shall be removed caapletely before the parts are assembled. After assembly units shail be cleaned thoroughly and shall be free fran particles of solder, flux, scale, and any other foreign material. necessary such cleaning s

13、hall also be performed before and after assembly of the units 0 in addition, when 3,12 Finish,- The equipment shall be finished in accordance with Specification MIL-F-lk072 and the contract drawings. 3.13 mark in.- Marking shall conform to Specification MIL-M-13231 and the 3.13.1 Nameplate , - Each

14、Bailer, Camtunicat ion EWipent V-4l5 ( ) /TRC-e orme best worlauanlike xuanner by mechanics skilled Fn theb respective trades. if item of labor or material is not specifically described it is to be the best adaptable to the purpose for which it is to be used, 9 Copyright Communications - Electronics

15、 Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-40 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Respmsibility for inspection,- Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible fo5 the perf

16、ormance of aJ inspeation requirements as specified herein, bept as otherwise specified the supplier may utilize his own facilities or any comercial laboratory acceptable to the Ctovernment. The Governunent reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth Jn the specification where such

17、 inspections are deemed necessary to assure that supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements, 4.2 Classification of inspection,- Inspection SU be classified as follows: a. fi rochwtion bpection (does not include preparation for bo Inspection covered by subsidlarg documents. (See 4.4) al

18、i-) (seeT.3) C. Quality conformance inspection. (i) mLity oonfomance inspection of equipment before preparation far cieiery. (see 4.5) (2) Quaity conformance inspection of preparation for deiverg, 4.3 Preprcduction Snspection.- This inspection will be performed by the It (see 4.16). contractor on th

19、e Fir st Article unless otherwise specified in the contract, SU consist of the preproduc%ion inspection specified in Table I, the inspection specified in the subsidiary doctupents omrlng the items listed in 4.4 and the inspection specified for Group A, Group B and Grcnrp C (see Tables 11,111 and V r

20、espectively) The preproduction inspection normally wiz1 be performed in this order: transportation, (e) Ra0 transportation, (f) Air transportation, Shulated, (g) Watertightness, (h) Light tightness, The last tests performed shall be a repeat of the Power WMng and the Signal Wir- Tests. The other pre

21、production tests shall be performed in any order satisfactory to the Qovernment, (a) Power wiring, (b) Signal Wiring, (c) Systems test, (d) Vehicular Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without li

22、cense from IHS-,-,-. MIL-T-55652 58 M 7777706 0368547 2 M I L. Table I - Preproduction inspection Inspection Req t (For additiona preproduction inspection see 4.3) Para asp . Para 4.7 3.5 System operation 3 *? 49 Raii transportation 4.4 Lnspectian coveredw SubSiCuarg doopmentS.- The follaring shall

23、be inspected under the applicable subsidiary documents as part of the inspection of equipen% before preparation for delivery: Item - Where Reqpbed 4s Qual ity conformance inspection of equip nt before preparation for The contractor shall perfarm the inspection specified in 4.4 and 4.5 -7y5.4. This d

24、oes not relieve the contractor of his responsibility for performing any addttiod inspection which is necessary to control the qualitg of the product and to assure carpiiance with all specification requirements. The Governiment WU review and evaluate the contractors inspectiom procewes and 8-e the co

25、ntractorts inspection reoords. In addition the Government- at its discretion- perform als. or any part of .Ehe specified Inspection, to verify the cwtractcxrs cairpliance with specified requirements. (See 606) Test equipment for overnment veriflication inspeotion ahail be made avaibble by the contra

26、ctor. 4JJ Group A inspeut1on.- conform to Table II and the hspeotion procechues of Standard Mp,-STD-lOs using the general inspection levels. Granp A Inspection shaU be performed in any order satisfactorg to the Ckmrnment. This inspection, includiag ssnzpling, shaU 11 Copyright Communications - Elect

27、ronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-55b52 58 W 7777706 OLb5V V W MIL-T-55652 (a) Table II - Group A Inspection Inspection Reqi t Para asp Para AQL Major Minor Visual and Mechanical 3.21 4.15 1.

28、5 hu* 6.5 WU Electrical 3.4 thru 3.40s 4.6 thru $ for entire group * + Defects per hundred units SH. All defects are major L.E;.S Group 3 Inspection,- This inspection, Inchding sampling, shay coflonn to Table Il1 and to the prwedmes for .smh-sanrple inspection of MIL-STD-105, ushg the specw

29、meation levels. Grairp B inspection normally shall be performed on inspection lots that have passed Group A inspection and on samples selected frau units tbt have been subjected to and met the Group A inspection. Grcrrrp B Sampling plans.= The Group B sanng plans for the Aals listed iti tabl

30、e III smb e as fodowst AQII .- 4 .o$ .4.% inspection level s-4 s-4 4.s.2.2 rer of inspection within Grmp B.- Grmp B iaspection shall be perfanned on the same equipment in the order Usted in Table III. Table III. Group B inspection Inspection Reqlt Para AQL (see 4.5.2 .l) -P Pas Wat ert ightne ss Lig

31、htt ightne s s Interchange ability 4.n 6 05% 4.12 4.5% 4.Q 4.0% _ 4.5.3 Group C inspection.- This inspection shall be as listed in Table IV, and normally shall. b e performed on sample units that have been subjected to and met Group A and Group B inspection. I2 Copyright Communications - Electronics

32、 Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I MIL-T-55652 58 W 7777906 0368549 b W Table v.- rmp C inspection Inspection Reqtt Para bSP Para 3 06 4 08 Vehicular transportation Solderla sa -terminal-lug connection

33、3 .19 .b 4.13 Air transportation, simulted 3.8 4.m Sampling for inspection of vehicular transportation and air transportability,- Che staple sbalf be selected at randau from the first 50 units or fraction thereL of transfer box to the brass h. Place branch breakers CBl,CB2, and CB3 ia FF pos

34、ition, Main contact of the blower side of the 53 receptacls. circuit breaker CB 4 remains on. i, Measure aont each time placing to CABLE position the channel switch correlating with the circuit being tested and replacing to BINDING POST position foilawing test. a. Place all CABU3/BINDING POST channe

35、l switches of system 1 Connect tester between terminal A of audio connector P1, system 1, C. Place channel switch S1 of system 1 to CABIIE position. b, No circuit continuity shaU exist. d. Repeat procedures and c for each of the remaining terminals e. Repeat procedures thru d for e

36、ach teminal at audio connectors P2 and P3 Of System 1. f. Repeat procedures 4.6.3*1b thru e for system 2. go Place all CABIJ3/BINDING POST channel switches of systems 1 and 2 in the CABLE position. h, Connect tester between terminal A connector P1, system 1, and Binding Post 2B of system 1.

37、 No circuit continuity SU exist, Place channe1,mitch S1 Or system 1 to BNDING POST position. Circuit continuity sblll exist and meet the requirements of, Replace channel switch S1 to CABLE position, of audio connector P1 corresponding to its associated BINTIING POST of system 1; each time pl

38、acing to BINDING POST position the channel switch correlating with the cjrcuik being tested and replachg to CABLE position followhg test, i. j. Repeat procednres 4.6.3.lh and i for each af the remaining terminals 19 . Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with

39、CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-k, Repeat procednres 4.6,3.lh and j for each terminal at audio connectors P2and P3 of system 1, 1. Repeat procedures 4,6.3,lh thm k for sgstem 2. m. Circuit continuity that meet3 the.requirements of SU exi

40、st between the following points, (1) Frau contacts 25A of audio connectars J1 and J2 to Phone A blnding posts at sigaal entrance boxes, sys 1, and sys 2, respectively. (2) (3) (1) Fra contacts 25B of audio connectars J1, and 52 to Phone B From contacts 26A at audio connectors J1 and J2 to Intercom f

41、iam contacts 26B of audio connectars J1 and 52 to Intercom BINDING POST at signal entrance boxes, sys 1, and sys 2, respectively, A BINDING POSTS at signal entrance boxes, sys 1, and sys 2, respectively. B BINDING POCTS at signal. entrance boxes, sys 1, and sys 2 respectively, 4,6,3,2 Dielectric str

42、ength of insulation,- Dielectric strength of insulation tests which meets the requirements af shall be performed on each audio-line aircuit as Indicated by the following paragraphs. A non- destructive dielectric test instrument and suitable test jigs shall be employed h performing the test (

43、an antmatic tester may be used, subject to government q?proVal.). (See Dwg. SC-D-633!%5) to ground terminal: - a, Using appropriate %est jigs or test fhtures, connect the follmbg (1) AU. contacts, IA thru 2hB, ofaudio connectors Ji and 52. (2) AU BIM)ING POSTS, IA thnr 2hB of systems 1 and 2. (3) (4

44、) All phone and intercom BINDING POSTS at signal entrance boxes. Shields of all audio connectors, P1 thru P3, of systems 1 and 2, b. Place all CABTJE/BXNDING POST channel switches of systems 1 and 2 in the CABLE position. . I C. connector Pl, system 1, Remove ground connection fiau contact 2B of aud

45、io Connect tester between grauid terniinal and terminal A of audio - connector J1, 20 Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-55652 58 7777706 0368557 5 7 d. Adjust

46、tester to 600 volts DC mt-put and maintaln this potential for a continuous period of not less than 5 seconds. The requirements of 3,hJ.Z shall be met. Re-establish ground connection(s) to the contact(s) of BINDING POST(s) under test, e, Repeat procedures and d for each of the remaining termi

47、nals of audio connector p1; each time ungraunding the contact of audio connector J1 correlating with the cfrcuit being tested and reconnecting to ground terminal following conqiletion of test. f. Repeat procedures b.6.3.2 thru e for each terminal at audio connectors P2 and P3 of system 1. g, Repeat

48、procedures 4.6J.2 thru f for system 2, I h. Place all CAE BNDIUC) POSTS 25A of systems 1 and 23 and phone A BIM)ING POST at pmr entrance box, WST 25A of sys. 1. Connect tester between facility ground terminal and BNDiNG k. Repeat proceure 4,6.3.2de 1, Repeat proceclures 4,6,3,2j and k for BIM)ING PO

49、STS 25B,26A and 26B, each tirne ungrcrttnding all contacts and BINDIXG POSTS correlating with the circuit being tested and reconnecting to facility ground terminal following caupletion of %est. NOTE: To elhdinate dang er of shock.- Dischsrge circuit conductors following each tescl by connecting a 500 ohin wirewound resistor or equivalent test laup between the clrcuit conarictor tester and gr


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