MIL-T-b3bLD VALID NOTICE L Lb m SSSSOb OLiL10337 Li m Inch-Pound Notice 1 August 8, 1990 MIL-T- 6 3 6 1 D MILITARY SPECIFICATION TIEDOWN ASSEMBLY, CARGO, AIRDROP, TYPE A-1 MIL-T-636lD.dated 4 August 1970 has been reviewed and determined to be valid for use in acquisition. Custodians: Army - GL Navy - AS Air Force - 99 Review Activities: Army - AV Air Force - 11, 82 User Activities: Army - MT Navy - MC Preparing Activity: Army - GL AMSC N/A FSC 1670 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited Licensed by Information Handling Services