1、MIL-V-3083D NOTICE L 999990b 20b135b 317 NOTICE OF INACTIVATION 1 FOR NEW DESIGN This notice shod IINC“D1 MIL-V-3083D NOTICE 1 9 March 1998 MILITARY SPECIFICATION VIBRATOR, CONCRETE: PNEUMATIC be filed in fiont of MIL-V-3083D, dated 17 JLL 989. MLV-3083D is inactive for new design and is no longer u
2、sed, except for replacement purposes. custodians: Army - AT Navy - ID1 Air Force - 99 Review Activities: Navy - MC Au. Force - 84 DLA - CC Preparing Activity: Army - AT (Project 3895-0074) AMSC NIA FSC 3895 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Licensed by Information Handling Services