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1、1 P-C-191 79 = 7777774 0018503 O /J P-C-1891 SUPERSEDING September 27L- 1976 - Fed. Spec. P-C-450a November 8, 1960 FEDERAL SPECIFICATION CLEANIEG COMPOUND, PORCELAIN AND CERAMIC TILE This specification was approved by the Commissioner, Federal Supply Service, General Services Administration, for th

2、e use of all Federal agencies. 1. SCOPE PND CLASSIFICATION 1.1 Scope. This specification covers three types of cleaning compounds for use 1.2 CJ-assificatiEx. The cleaning compounds shall be of the following types, as in cleaning porcelain, ceramic tile, and related surfaces. specified. Type I - Aer

3、osol foam cleaner. Type II -. Cream cleanser. Type III - Acid solution cleaner. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUIh*IENTS 2.1 The ollowing documents, of the issues in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Federal Specificati

4、-. PPP-I-636 - Boxes, Chipping, Fiberboard. PPP-C-96 - Cans, Metal, 28 Gage And Lighter. - Federal Standard: Ped. Std. No. 123 - !4arking for Shipment (Civil Ayencies). (Activities outside the Federal Government may obtain copies of Pederal Speci- fications, Standards, and Handbooks as outlined unde

5、r General Information in the Index of Federal Specifications and Standards and at the prices indicated in the Index. The Index, which includes cumulative inonthly supplements as issued, is for sale on a subscription basis by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Govern- ment Printing Office, Washing

6、ton, DC 20402. (Single copies of this specification and other beeral Specifications required Ly activities outside the Federal Government for bidding purposes are available without charge from Business Service Centers at the General Services Administra- tion Regional Offices in Boston, New York, Was

7、hington, DC, Atlanta, Chicago, Kansas City, WO, Fort iriorth, Denver, San Francisco, Los Anyeles, and Seattle, WA. (Federal Government activities may obtain copies of Federal Specifications, Stanards, and Handbooks and the Index of Federal Specifications and Standards from established distribution p

8、oints in their agencies.) FSC 7930 THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS )f PAGES. c Licensed by Information Handling ServicesP-C-1891 79 W 9999974 0018504 2 P-c-1891 Military Standards: MIL-STD.-105 -. Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes. MIL-STp129 - Marking for Shipment and Storage. (Cop

9、ies of Military Specifications and Standards required by suppliers in con- nection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer.) Laws and Regulations : 16 CFR 1500 - Hazardous Substances Administration REQUIREMENTS 3.1

10、Material. The type I cleaner shall be an aerosol delivery type product consisting 3*1*1 “ o a stable single phase liquid detergent solution or emulsion. 3.1.2 Type II. The type II cleaner shall be a free flowing liquid consisting of detergents, builders, and suspended abrasive particles. The abrasiv

11、e particles shall be of a hardness not greater than that of silica. The product shall be stable without separation, settling, or caking. The type III product shall be a liquid solution consisting wetting agents, and inhibitors. The product shall be clear and shall have no evidence of sediment. . The

12、 pH of types I and II shall be in the range 7.0 to 10.0. Testing accordance with 3.3 Cleaning efficiency. . When tested as specified in, the product shall demon- / 2 ssrate 3*301 a c w ean ng efficiency of 50 percent or greater. Licensed by Information Handling ServicesP-C-1871 77 7

13、777774 0018505 Li W P-c-18 9 1 When tested as specified in, the product shall demon- strate 3*3*2 a c ?=? ean ng efficiency of 75 percent or.greater. 3.4 Deleterious effects. 3.4.1 Steel. Type.1. When tested as specified in, the product shall not cause discoloration or etchin

14、g of stainless steel. - Type.11. When tested as specified in, the product shall not cause discoloration or etching of stainless steel. cause a weight decrease in the steel sample in excess of 0.15 percent, product shall show no evidence of having etched the porcelain enamel.

15、Type III. When tested as specified in, the product shall not 3.4.2 Porcelain enamel. When tested as specified in, the type II 3.5 Foam stability, type I. When tested as specified in, the foam height shall be 7 ml or greater, and shall decrease by 2 ml or less after 5 minutes.

16、 3.6 Particle size, type II. When tested as specified in, a minimum of 0.5 grams shall be retained on a No. 325 sieve and a maximum of 0.25 grams shall be retained on a No. 80 sieve out of a 10 gramsample of cleaner. 3.7 Rinsability, type II. When.tested as specified in, the produc

17、t shall be completely removed from the flask and there shall be no evidence of a film deposit- after- drying. 3.8 Viscosity, type II. When tested as specified in, the viscosity of the product shall be a minhum of 2500 centipoises and a maximum of 4500 centipoises. 3.9 Non-volatile matter co

18、ntent, type II. The non-volatile matter content of the product shall be not less than 36 percent when tested as specified in 3.10 Hydrogen chloride content, type III. The hydrogen chloride content of the product shall be not less #an 5 percent and not more than 10 percent when determined a

19、s specified in 3.11 Registration. If the product label states that the product has antimicro- bial ingredients or effect, the product shall be registered with the Environmental Protection Agency in accordance with 40 CFR 162, Regulations for the Enforcement Of the Federal Insecticide, Fung

20、icide, and Rodenticide Act. When required, (see 6.2) the product shall be registered with the Environmental Protection Agency as a sanitizer or disinfectant, as applicable (see 6.2). Environmental Protection Agency (see 3.11), the labeling shall be in accordance with the applicable subparagraph belo

21、w and with 16 CFR 1500, Hazardous Substances and Articles; Administration and Enforcement Regulations. 3.12 Labelins. When the product is not required to be registered with the 3.12.1 Typ e I label. The type I product label shall include adequate instruc- tions for use, state the types of surfaces o

22、n which the product is intended to be used, and include the appropriate antidote procedures and caution statements. directions or use, explaining the application, scrubbing and removal procedures, and adequate caution statements. use and state the types of surfaces and materials which would be damag

23、ed by the product. The label shall also include adequate caution statements and antidote procedures. 3.12.2 fpe II label. The type II product label shall include adequate 3.12.3 Type III label. The type III product label shall include directions for 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Responsibility

24、 for inspection. Unless or purchase order, #e supplier is responsible tion requirements as specified herein. Except otherwise specified in the contract for the performance of all inspec- as otherwise specified in the 3 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesP-C-1891 77 = 999797q 0018506 b W P-c-18

25、91 contract or order, the supplier may use his own or any other facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the Government. The Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the specification where such

26、 inspections are deemed necessary to assure that supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements. this specification chal= performed in accordance with MIL-STD-105. to be inspected shall consist of no more than one classification (see 1.2) and one package size (see 5.1). 4.2 Inspection samp

27、lina. Sampling for the inspection procedures set forth in The lots 4.3 Examination. 4.3.1 Epnination of pxpaF3-t-koK-for delivery. Sampling progekKge. The sample unit shall be defined as one shipping container fully marked and prepared for delivery. The samples shall be selected in accordanc

28、e with inspection level S-2 and the AQL shall be 4.0 percent defec- tive. Examination procedure-. An examination shall be made to determine the compliance with the packing and marking requirements of section 5. shall be examined for the defects described below and scored accordingly. The sam

29、ple units - -_I- - Examination _I- of pre2aration for delivery - - ExaE!i.!?e- - _I_ . - .-_ _.- Defects -.- Packing Ma ter i a 1 s Workmanship Mark i ng Not as specified; odd size or shape Component missing or damaged. Bulging or distortion of packing containers, or of component materials. Omitted;

30、 incorrect; illegible; improper size, location, sequence, or method of application. of container. 4.3.2 S-Spling procedure. Examination-,-of the filled unit cont.CiFxg-hL. Weigh filled container to the nearest gram. Shake the container with a wrist twisting motion for 15 seconds at the appro

31、ximate rate of one complete cycle per second. Holding the container in the position reconmended on the product label, exhaust the container by holding the valve wide open. Rinse the exterior of the container and dry, using a towel and compressed air for drying inaccessible areas including the interi

32、or of the actuator. container to the nearest gram. The measured net weight in ounces shall be calcul- ated using the following formula: Weigh the exhausted N.W. (G E - 10)/(28.375) where. G = gross weight of filled container (grams). E = weight of exhausted container (grams). S&csy-gattern.

33、Activate the valve of a container for a few seconcis to stabilize the elivFff the product. 6 inches distant. Examine the distribution of product on the surface and examine the actuator for evidence of excessive deposition or leakage of product. Spray for 1 or .2 seconds at a surface 5. PREPARATION F

34、OR DELIVERY 5.1 PackayhJ Packaging shall be level A, E or C, as specified (see 6.2). 5.1.1 Levels A ar . Type I. Seventeen ounces of cleaner and propellant shall be packaged in a pressuriredcan conforming to PPP-C-96. type IX, class 2. The valve stem shall be fitted with a side discharge pla

35、stic actuator shaped and marked to indicate the iirection of discharge. when tested as specified in, the measured net weight to the nearest ounce shall be no less than 17 ounces. Hhen tested as specified in, the spray pattern shall be an evenly distributed isc shape 4 to 8 inches in

36、diameter, and there shall not be evidence of excessive leakage around the actuator. be packaged in -l-qxt-Flstic bottle commonly used for the item. shall be closed to prevent leakage. The closure shall have a recloseable feature, such as a folding nozzle or a screw cap closure. 5.1.2 Level C. Cleani

37、ng compounds of types I, II, or III shall be packaged to afford adequate protection against physical damage or deterioration during shipment from the supply source to the first receiving agency. The package and quantity per package shall be the same as that normally used by the supplier for

38、Tzes II and III. One (i) quart of type II or type III product shall The bottle retail distribution. A 7 / Licensed by Information Handling ServicesP-C-1871 77 M 7777774 0018510 B li P-C-1891 5.2 Packinp. 5.2.1 Level A. Twelve (12) cans of type I product shall be packed in a box conforming to

39、 PPP-B-636, class weather resistant. The box shall be closed, waterproofed, and banded in accordance with the appendix to the box specification. T pes II and III. Twelve (12) bottles of type II or type III product shall be pack:d in a box conforming to PPP-B-636, class weather resistant. sha

40、ll be provide with dividers, partitions, or separators which are the full height of the interior of the box. The box shall be 3/8 x 1/4 -O inch higher than the bottles. The box shall be closed, waterproofed, and banded in accordance with the appendix to the hox specification. except that the box sha

41、ll be class 8omestic and does not require waterproofing or banding. 5.2.3 Level C. Cleaning compound of one description and quantity only, as specified (see 6.2) shall be packed in a container complying with the Uniform Freight or National Piotor Freight Classification, as applicable. shall be yacke

42、d to assure carrier acceptance and safe arrival at destination. (boxes) shall be marked in accordance with Fed. Std. I?o. 123 or iIL-STD-129, as applicable, an with 3.11. Packing shall be level A, E, or C, as specified (see 6.2). The box 5.2.2 Level E. The cleaning compound shall te packed as specif

43、ied in 5.2.1 The containers 5.3 Xarkinij. The unit containers (cans and bottles) and shipping containers 6. NOTES 6.1 Intended use. 6.1.1 Type I. The type I product is intenaed for cleaning crganic soils rrcrii porcelain and ceramic tile surfaces. steel, chrome plated brass and other metals. inorgan

44、ic soils from porcelain and cerar,iic tile surfaces. use on stainless steel, chrome plated brass and other metals. The product is safe to use on stainless 6.1.2 Type II. The type II ixoduct is intende8 for cleaning organic and The product is safe to 6.1.3 Type III. The type III product is intended f

45、or removing difficult organic and inorganic soils from porcelain surfaces. for use on porcelain enamel fixtures and must not be allowed to come into contact with metal because of its corrosive nature. This product is not intended 6.2 Ordering data. Purchasers should select the referred options permi

46、ttea herein, and include the following information in procurement documents. (a) Title, number, and date of this specification. (b) Type required. (c) Level of packing and packaging required (see 5.1 and 5.2). (d) Applicable marking document (see 5.3). (e) Whether the product is required to be a san

47、itizer or isinfectant 6.3 Supersession. Type III cleaner described in this specification supersedes (see 3.10). the product described in Federal Sgecification P-C-450B. MilitaryCVtodian : CIVIL AGENCY COORDINATING ACTIVITIES : P.rmy - GL PREPARING ACTIVITY: GSA - FSS GSA - FSS VA .- DMS IiEi4 - XIH

48、GSA - PBO XPA u. 8. 00- mtaTIHG OFPIcE_-977 - 241-233/lll7 Orders for this publication are to be placed with General Services Administra- tion, acting as an agent for the Superintendent of Documents. this sp7cification to obtain extra copies and other documents referenced herein. Price 30 each. 8 See Section 2 Of 90 L Licensed by Information Handling Services


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