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1、I TT-N-35OB 68 m 3797374 0007743 7 m - * -?-o? TT -R-350B September 19, 1973 SUPERSEDING l“ -N-3 50A September 6, 1962 FEDERAL SPECIFICATION NITROCELULOSE, TECHNICAL (FOR USE IN ORGANIC CMTINGS) This specification was approved by the Commissioner Federal Supply Services, General Services Administrat

2、ion, for use of all Federal Agencies 1. SCOPE AND CLIISSIFICATION 1.1 Scope. This specification covers soluble nitrocellulose (see 6.3) for use in protective coatings. 1.2 Classification. Nitrocellulose shall be of the following types as specified (see 6.2): Type I - 1/4 sec. Type II - 1/2 sec. Type

3、 III - 5-6.5 sec. Type IV - 15-20 sec. Type V - 20-30 sec. Type Vi - 30-40 sec. 2. APPLIcABr.lEDo(xTMEMIs 2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein: Federal Specification

4、s O -E -760 - Ethyl Alcohol (Ethanol); Denatured Alcohol; and Proprietary Solvent. FSC 6810 THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS 9 PAGES. . - I o -.- - - Licensed by Information Handling Services.- i i e t I TT-N-35OB 68 m 7777774 0007750 5 m TT-B-846 TT-E-751 TT-1-735 TT-T-548 - Butyl Alcohol, Normal (Butanol) (

5、For Use in Organic Coatings). - Hhyl Acetate, Technical. - Isopropyl Alcohol. . - Toluene; Technical. Federal Standasds FED. .TEST MEITHOD STD. No. 141 - Paint, Varnish, Lacquer and Related Materials : Methods of Inspection, Sampling, and Testing. (Activities outside the Federal Government may obtai

6、n copies of Federal Specifications, Standards, and Handbooks as outlined under General Information in the Index of Federal Specifications and Standards and at the prices indi- cated in the Index. The Index, which includes cumulative monthly supplements as issued, is for sale on a subscription basis

7、by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. (Single copies of this specification and other Federal Specifications required by activities outside the Federal Government for bidding purposes are available without charge from Business Service Centers at t

8、he General Services Administration Regional Offices in Boston, New York, Washington, DC, Atlanta,*Chicago, Kansas City, MO, Fort Worth, Denver, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Seattle, WA. (Federal Government activities may obtain copies of Federal Specifications, Standards, and Handbooks and the In

9、dex of Federal Specifications and Standards from established distribution points in their agencies .) 2.2 Other publications. The following documents form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the issue iqeffect on date of invitation for bids or req

10、uest for proposal shall apply. AMEFCAN SOCIELCY FOR TESLTNG AND MATESALS ASJ!M D 301 ASPM D 1343 - Specification and Tests for Soluble Cellulose Nitrate. - Viscosity of Cellulose Deriva- tives by Ball-Drop Method. (Application for copies should be addressed to the American Society for Testing and Ma

11、terials, i916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103. ) I 2 .” 2. I . Licensed by Information Handling ServicesTT-N-350B 68 m 779777Ll 0007752 7 m DE3- OF TRANSPOTNJ!ION 49 CFR, substitute B, chapter 1, parts 172 and 173. - Hazardous Materials Regulations. (Application for copies should be addressed to

12、 the Secretary, Hazardous Materials Regulation Board, 400 Sixth Street SW, Washington, I)C 2059.) DEPATMENT OF TRANS?OKPATIOW 46 CFR, 146.01-1 - Navigation Regulations Relating to Shipping (chapter 1). (Application for copies should be addressed to the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printin

13、g Office, Washington, DC 20402.) 3. REQuI-s 3.1 Material. Nitrocellulose shall be of one grade (12 percent ni- trogen) and shall be the product of nitration from newly prepared prime quality cellulose. Ho reworked material from other processes shall be employed. 3.2 Alcohol content. The nitrocellulo

14、se shall be furnished wetted with 30 plus or minus L/2 percent (by weight) of alcohol or with water when specified (see 3.2.1) . following as specified (see 6.2): The type of alcohol shall be one of the Ethyl alcohol conforming to 0-E-760, grade III, denatured alcohol. Isopropyl alcohol conforming t

15、o TT-1-735. (a) (b (cl Noraal butyl alcohol conforming to 0446. 3a2*1 Wetted nitrocellulose. When specified (see 6.2), the nitro- cellulose may be furnifhed wetted with water not less than 20 percent nor more than 30 percent based upon net weight. 3.3 Nitrogen content. The nitrogen content of the ni

16、trocellulose based upon ry weight shall be between ii.8 and 12.2 percent (see 4.4.5) 3.4 Acidity. When tested as specified in 4.4.6, the mineral acid content shdl not exceed 0.2 percent expressed 88 H4 based on dry weight. .- 3 PROBLEM HARD COPY - Licensed by Information Handling ServicesTp-N-35OB 3

17、.5 Ethyl acetate solubility. Insolube matter snall not exceed 0.2 percent based on dry weight (see 4.4.2). 3.6 Appearance. The appearance of the nitrocellulose when dissolved as specified in table I shall be clear and free from abnormal amunts of insoluble matter and shall have no more than slight g

18、ranularity when dis- solved as specified in table I. No haze shall be permitted (see 4.4.1). 3.7 Viscosity. The viscosity of the nitrocellulose solutions based upon standard formulas shown in table I when determined as specified in 4.4.1 shall be as specified in table I. 3.8 Ashcontent. The ash cont

19、ent when determined as specified in 4.4.1 shall not exceed 0.1 percent based on dry weight. 3 . 9 Film properties . The nitrocellulose solution prep adequate for the viscosity types covered in 1.2. Transfer to a 25Oplus or minus 1 C.bath for a minimum of 1. hour. initial solvent blend addition. Nitr

20、ocellulose solutions drop slightly in viscosity after mixing and standing, A time interval of 8 hours after addition of solvents before determining viscosity, has been established for obtaining reproducible results. 4. Q?JALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise

21、 specified in the Determine viscosity 8 hours after contract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible for the perfor- mance of all inspection requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified in the contract or order, the supplier may use his 5 Licensed by Information Handling Se

22、rvicesTT-N-350B 68 7777774 0007754 2 .I TT -N - 350B -own or any other facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the Government. The Wvernment reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth In the specification wher

23、e such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements. 4.2 Classification of inspection. Inspection shall be classified as follows: a (a) Quality conformance inspection (see 4.3) 4.3 Quality conformance inspection. 4.3.1 Sampling;. Sampling for te

24、sting shall be in accordance with -L .FED. TEST MILTHOD STD. No, 141, methods 1011 and 1021. 4.3.2 - Lot. A lot shall consist of 500 pounds of nitrocellulose or fraction thereof, made from one production run. 4.3.3 Tests. - Samples selected in accordance with 4.3.1 shall be tested as specified in 4.

25、4.1 through 4.4.7 inclusive. test shall be cause for rejection of the lot from which the sample was taken . Failure of any I I 4.4 Teet procedures. 4.4.1 B.ualitative. The following tests shall be conducted in accordance with FED. TEST METHOD STD. No. 141, methods as specified in table II. of any te

26、st result to fall within the ranges specified in the applicable requirement paragraph specified in table II shall constitute failure of the applicable test. Failure TABLE II. Tests and methods . Tests Method No. Requirement Para . Appearance 4261 3.6 viscosity 4272 l* 3.7 fish 5264 3 .8 *Alternate e

27、quivalent method ASI!M D i343 may be used. 6 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesTT -N -3 50B . 4.4.2 Ethyl acetate solubility. One gram of the wet sample shall be digested in sufficient ethyl acetate to filter the solution. Filter, using a Gooch crucible having a mat consisting of a thin layer

28、 of asbes- tos fiber. Dry the residue to constant weight in an oven at 100 C. (212 F.), weigh and report as .percent insoluble matter based on dry weight of sample. Nonconformance to 3.5 shall constitute failure of this test. 4.4.3 Stability. ,Test for stability in accordance with ASPM Method D 301.

29、 Nonconformance to 3.10 shall constitute failure of this test. 4.4.4 Alcohol or water content. The nitrocellulose shall be dried at a temperature of 60“ to 65 C. (100 to 140 F.) and an air pressure of 35 to 40 psi for about 30 to 40 minutes (about 40 minutes are nec- essary to dry 40 to 50 grams of

30、wet nitrocellulose (see 6.4). Calculate the percentage loss in weight and report as alcohol content. the dry nitrocellulose for the nitrogen content, ash content, stability and viscosity. sample of material used for alcohol content. shall constitute failure of this test. Preserve The acidity (see 4.

31、4.6) shall be run on a duplicate Nonconformance to 3.2 4.4.5 Nitrogen content. Test for nitrogen content in accordance with ASTM Method D 301. test. Nonconformance to 3.3 shall constitute failure of this 4.4.6 Acidity. Thoroughly wash a 250-ml Erlenmeyer flask or other suitable container with distil

32、led water. of the wet nitrocellulose (see 4.4.4). distilled water. shake until the nitrocellulose is completely dissolved. Add 3 drops of 0.1 methyl red indicator solution and 25 ml of distilled water slowly with vigorous swirling. Make a blank titration on a mixture of 35 ml of distilled water and

33、100 ml of acetone. Weigh 1.5 plus or minus 0.1 g Add 10 ml of recently boiled Stopper and Shake well and add 100 ml .of acetone. Titrate immediately with 0.01 N standard NaOH. (S - B) N.(O.&g) 100 Weight of sample on dry basis Percent acidity as H2S04 Where : S = ml NaOH titre for sample. B = rnl Na

34、OH titre for blank. N = normality of NaOH titrant. Nonconformance to 3.4 shall constitute failure of this test. Licensed by Information Handling Services_II_- - I_-_l_LI - . - - TT-N-350B b 9999974 0009756 b 4.4.7 Film properties. Dilute a portion of solution prepared in accordasce with table I with

35、 an equal volume of normal butyl acetate. Pour the solution onto a clean glass panel. Allow to dry in a nearly vertical position in a dust-free atmosphere vernight. shall be maintained at a temperature of 23.9“ plus or minus 1.1 C. (75“ plus or minus 2 F.) and a relative humidity of 55 plus or minus

36、 5 percent. The atmosphere Nonconformance to 3.9 shall constitute failure of this test. 5. PHEPRATION FOR DELIVERY 5.1 Packaging, packing, and marking. Packaging, packing, and marking of nitrocellulose shall be in accordance with Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, substitute B, chapter 1, parts

37、172 and 173. When nitrocellulose is to be shipped by water 46 CFR 146.01-1 shall also apply. 60 NOTES 6.1 Intended use. Nitrocellulose covered by this specification is intended for use in the manufacture of organic protecbive coatings. 6.2 Ordering data. Purchasers should exercise any desired option

38、s offered herein and procurement docwnts should specify the following: Title, number, and date of this specification. When nitrocellulose may be wetted with water (see 3.2.1) (b “I Type of alcohol required (see 3.2). (c) 6.3 Soluble nitrocellulose is clearly differentiated from guncotton or smokeles

39、s nitrocellulose. Guncotton, according to the Federal Explo- sives Act (see revised form issued 6-22-42, pages 1 and 2), is nitro- cellulose having a nitrogen content greater than 12.2 percent. In prac- tice, guncotton usually contains 13.15 percent or more nitrogen, and is an entirely different com

40、mdity from soluble nitrocellulose with nitrogen content between 10.7 and 12.2 percent, depending upon the type. 6.4 Apparatus for drying nitrocellulose. Drying of nitrocellulose may be accomplished by use of hot-air blowers. equipment and procedures may be obtained from companies such as Hercules In

41、c., Wilmington, DE 19899. Detailed description of drying Licensed by Information Handling ServicesTT-N-350B MILITARY INTEREST Custodians: Army - ME Navy - YD . - Air For.ce - 68 User activities: Navy - AS, SH Preparing activity: CIVIL AGENCY COORDINATING ACTIVITY: GSA-FSS Project No. 6810-0917 U. S.

42、 GOVERMIENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1973 O - 544-603/1335 , Orders for this publication are to be placed with General Services Administra- tion acting as an agent for the Superintendent of Documents. this specification to obtain extra copies and other documents referenced herein. Price 15 cents each. See section 2 of r 9 Licensed by Information Handling Services


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