ASD-STAN PREN 3044-1990 Aerospace Series Installation of Self-Locking Thread Inserts Design Dimensions (Issue P 1)《航空航天系列 自锁螺纹嵌件的安装 设计尺寸 第P1版》.pdf

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ASD-STAN PREN 3044-1990 Aerospace Series Installation of Self-Locking Thread Inserts Design Dimensions (Issue P 1)《航空航天系列 自锁螺纹嵌件的安装 设计尺寸 第P1版》.pdf_第1页
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ASD-STAN PREN 3044-1990 Aerospace Series Installation of Self-Locking Thread Inserts Design Dimensions (Issue P 1)《航空航天系列 自锁螺纹嵌件的安装 设计尺寸 第P1版》.pdf_第2页
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ASD-STAN PREN 3044-1990 Aerospace Series Installation of Self-Locking Thread Inserts Design Dimensions (Issue P 1)《航空航天系列 自锁螺纹嵌件的安装 设计尺寸 第P1版》.pdf_第3页
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ASD-STAN PREN 3044-1990 Aerospace Series Installation of Self-Locking Thread Inserts Design Dimensions (Issue P 1)《航空航天系列 自锁螺纹嵌件的安装 设计尺寸 第P1版》.pdf_第4页
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ASD-STAN PREN 3044-1990 Aerospace Series Installation of Self-Locking Thread Inserts Design Dimensions (Issue P 1)《航空航天系列 自锁螺纹嵌件的安装 设计尺寸 第P1版》.pdf_第5页
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1、A. E .C. M .A. STAN DAR D NORME A.E.C.M.A. A.E.C.M.A. NORM 1990-1 0-31 prEN 3044 Issue P 1 October 1990 A.E.C.M.A. Mr. WILLtAMS 88, Bd. Malesherbes 75008 PARIS - FRANCE DIT PAR LASSOCIATtON EUROPENNE DES CONSTRUCTEURS DE MATRIEL AROSPATIAL 88, boulevard Malesherbes, 75008 PARIS -TL. 45-63-82-85 UDC

2、: Key words : ENGLISH VERSION Aerospace series installation of self-locking thread inserts Design dimensions Srie arospatiale Irnplanfation des filets rapports freinage interne Dimensions de conception Luft- und Raumfahrt Einbau von selbstsichernden Draht- Gewindeeinctzen Konstruktionsabmessungen Th

3、is .Aerospace Series. pre-standard has been drawn up under the responsibility of AECMA (Association Europenne des Constructeurs de Matriel Arospatial). It is published on green paper for the needs of AECMA-Members. lt has been technically approved b y the experts of the concerned Commission followin

4、g comment by the Member countries. Subsequent to the publication of this pre-standard, the technical content shall not be changed to an extent that interchangeability is affected, physically or functionally, without re-identification of the standard. After examination and signature of the AECMA Stan

5、dard Checking Centre (NPS) and formal agreement of the Official Services of the Member countries it will be submitted as a draft European Standard to CEN (European ommittee for Standardization) for final vofe. O c 1 Nota - Extra copies can be supplied by B.N.A.E. - 8, rue Moreau-Vauthier - 92100 BOU

6、LOGNE-BILLANCOURT C8 Chairman I Comments should be sent within six months after the dafe of publication decision I Edition appraved for publication 0 aecma 1990 I . CEN PRENm30LlLl 90 W 3qOi1589 0007737 7 prEN 3044 Page 2 . Blank page O O CEN PREN*3099 90 W 3904589 00077LB 9 - prEN 3044 Page 3 1 Sco

7、pe and field of application This standard specifies the dimensional characteristics of the holes in which self-locking thread inserts are fitted, in aeronautical equipment. All self-locking thread inserts defined by standards EN 2942, EN 2944 and EN 3542. 2 References IS0 5855-1, Aerospace - MJ Thre

8、ads - Part 1 : General requirements IS0 5855-2, Aerospace - MJ Threads - Part 2 : Limit dimensions for bolts and nuts, EN 2942, Aerospace series - Insert, screw thread, helical coil, self- locking, in heat resisting alloy, nickel base alloy (INCO X750- EN 3018), silver plated 1) EN 2944, Aerospace s

9、eries - Insert, screw thread, helical coil, self- locking, in corrosion resisting alloy (ZlOCN18-09-EN 2947), unplated 1) Aerospace series - Assembly with self-locking thread inserts 2) locking, in heat resisting alloy, nickel based alloy (INCO X750- EN 3018), unplated 1). EN 2945, EN 3542, Aerospac

10、e series - Insert, screw thread, helical coil, self- 3 Design characteristics 3.1 Tapping of insert holes Table 1 Dimensions in millimetres Diameter Thread Dimensions of tapped hole (Associated bolt) min. t- code Dia. x pitch (1) 040C1 lor 040C2 I MJ4x07 I 4,455 MJ5xO ,8 5,52 050C1 or 050C2 MJ6xl 06

11、0C or 060C2 070C1 or 070C2 MJ7xl 080C1 or 080C2 IOOC1 or 100C2 MJ8xl MJ1 0x1 , 25 10,812 I I Major Pitch 0 mai. :i 1 min. I max. Ij min. 1 max. class 4H class 5H 4,509 4,53 4,152 4,292 4,91 5,065 5,577 5,6 5,174 5,334 6,04 6,212 6,719 6,742 6,217 6,407 7,3 7,513 7,719 7,742 7,217 7,407 8,3 8,513 8,7

12、19 8,742 8,217 8,407 9,3 9,513 10,886 . 10,91 10,271 10,483 11,624 11,878 (1) in accordance with IS0 5855-1 and 5855-2. 2) Class 4H : installation in steels and titanium alloys j Class 5H : installation in light alloys. 1) Published as AECMA pre-standard at the date of publication of the present sta

13、ndard. CEN PRENm3044 90 3404587 0007717 O W I prEN 3044 Page 4 3.2 Definition of holes for inserts Figure 1 Table 2 Diameter 1 Thread I Lengths Dia x pitch(2) 1 (Associated bolt), Code 1,250 1,50 20 5 040C1 6 or 040C2 MJ4xO,7 8 6,3 050C1 795 or 050C2 W5x.0,8 10 070C1 080C1 12,5 - 1ooc1 15 ir 100C2 M

14、I 10X1,25 20 10 - 20 - Length P 3) Code Dinensions en mill inetres 11.25 18.75 12,50 16 25 14,25 8.5 21.25 13.75 Izki55l 21 75 19 75 9*5 3,5 - 315 - 4 9 - Il 13 - 15 17 17 - 20 22 C P max. length of fitted insert + max. insertion depth of thread insert. 1) Avoid the use of these values, which do not

15、 allow repair and may cause parts to be rejected in the event of machining error or damage to the thread. 2) Recommended valuesl to be defined for each application by the user. 3) In accordance with IS0 5855-1 and 5855-2. 4) S “machine tap“ = P + 5 turns (the minimum for machine tapping). 5) S “mach

16、ine tap“ = P + 3 turns (manual tapping required), max. major diameter of thread rounded up to nearest l/lOth. prEN 3044 Page 5 3.3 Surface roughness The surface condition is that obtained by the manufacturing methods generally used. 4 4.1 Drawing of Ehe part in which the insert: is to be fitted Exam

17、ples : Information to be marked on drawings I Examples : ( Thread insert EH2942-080120. )i 1 .hssembiY EN 2945 Thread insert EN2942-080120 Assembly EN 2945 CEN PRENm3044 70 3404587 0007723 7 prEN 3044 Page 6 5 Designation Example : Description block Identity block INSTALLATION EK3044-080120C Number

18、of EN standard Nominal. diameter D code (see table 1) Base length code (see table 2) Tolerance class, pitch diameter (see table 1) Identity block or, alternatively : Description block INSTALLATION - r; Number of EN standard Abbreviation for “Hole Thread“ Nominal diameter of thread insert Tolerance class, pitch diameter (see table 1)


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