ASD-STAN PREN 3659-1989 Titanium Columbium Solid Rivets Technical Specification《钛 钶制实心铆钉 技术规范》.pdf

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ASD-STAN PREN 3659-1989 Titanium Columbium Solid Rivets Technical Specification《钛 钶制实心铆钉 技术规范》.pdf_第1页
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ASD-STAN PREN 3659-1989 Titanium Columbium Solid Rivets Technical Specification《钛 钶制实心铆钉 技术规范》.pdf_第2页
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ASD-STAN PREN 3659-1989 Titanium Columbium Solid Rivets Technical Specification《钛 钶制实心铆钉 技术规范》.pdf_第3页
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ASD-STAN PREN 3659-1989 Titanium Columbium Solid Rivets Technical Specification《钛 钶制实心铆钉 技术规范》.pdf_第5页
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1、LUC : Key words : , prEN 3659: Ecjition 1 . .- ill supersede edition xx- 19xc , AECk!A/C 3 (Secr 469 4 no - i989 - Study : D 92-1 Supersebe5 c 3 - xxxx Aerospace series Titanium/Columbium solid rivets Technical speci fica tion I Srie a6rospatiale ci cs Test method 4.1 Material Shall ,conform with th

2、e tequire- ments of the material standard quoted in the document defini ng the rivet. See material specification. 4.2 Dimensions Shall conform with the require- ments of the document defining the r vet. Methods are at manufacturers option. In case of dispute the projection method wi 11 be used as th

3、e reference method, using x25 magnification for di ameters up to 6 mn and x10 for greater diameters. This inspection shall be car- ried out at 3 equidistant points around the rivet. .4.3 Shall, conform to-the condition of use defined in the material standard specification required by the product sta

4、ndard. Heat treatment need not be carried out if the rivet already sa- tisfies the properties required by thi s speci fi cati on. See clause 4.5. hHeat treatment Surface treatment Shall conform with the docu- ment defining the rivet. Methods are at manufacturer* opti on. 4.4 4.5 - 4.5.1 Mechanical p

5、roperties Shall be checked by a double shear test. Double shear Non-assembled rivets (i.e. rr thout post-formed head) shall meet the values specified in table 4. See IS0 9417. If rivets are not long enough for double shear test, testing shall be carried out 01) test ; Ni res .- . Table 3 c J . Surfa

6、ce .- condition Identification by marking * Rivets shall be free from seams, burrs, laps, crevices, incrustations, clefts, tool i ng narks, scores, cracks and other defects prejudicial to the use of the rivet. Each rivet shall be marked in conformity with the defining document, except for particulai

7、 requested by the user. No sharp edges or other defect detrimental to the correct setting of the rivet shall be present. C1 ause 4.5.2 .- 4.5.3 4.6. 4 .? . AECMA PREN3b59 49 m LOL23LZ 0006170 O m ?rEh 3659 Page 5 Table 1 - Technical requirements ond test rnkthods (continued) I Characteristics Upset

8、test fechni cal requirements After upset the head of the rivet shall be free from cracks or folds when viewed at magnification of x 10. Grain size After any thermal treatment thc longitudinal grain size shell be 4 or finer. Test method Rivets shall be placed in a test fixture substantial fy conformi

9、ng to figure 1 a. The free end of the rivet shall be upset using a flat too1 to obtain a head confor- ming to the requirements of figure 1 b. Micro examination of longitu- dinal section and comparison with ASTM-Ell2 (XI O0 magni fi - cati on). Rivets shall be examined visually with or without magnif

10、ication. Magnification is limited to x6. to x6. Vi sua1 examination. Sampl e size Table 3 his test to ,e performed only et the request of :he purchaser . Table 3 Table 2 AECMA PREN3659 89 LOL23LL 0006L71 2 prEN 3659 Page 6 C1 ause 4.8 - 4.9 Table 1 - Technical requirements and -test methods (continu

11、ed) :haracteristics Packing Labelling Technical requirements Rivets shall be delivered in strong and durable packages, capable of protecting them from physjcal and corrosi ve deterioration. Any particular or additional parcka- ging requi rements shall be specified in the order. If the rivets deliver

12、ed come from different lots, they shall bepacka- ged and identified separatefy. Unless particularly specified in the order, the number of rivets in the same pa- ckage is left to the manufacturers discretion. However, maximum mass is 25 kg. A copy of the manufacturers deli- very note relating to the

13、rivet lot shall be included in the package but may, on the other hand, be sent separately on request. Durable external labels on the package shall contain the following information - complete reference number of the standard rivet j - quantity (mass or number of rivets) j - manufacturers identity, n

14、ame and address j - number of manufacturing lot j - manufacturers inspection stamp. Labels attached to a secondary packzge shall include the following information as a minium : - complete referencenumber of the rivet ; - quantity i - lot number ; - inspecton stamp. - Test method Sarpl e sfie 027Mh01

15、89T4 89;78433= AECMA PREN3657 87 N 10123L1 000b172 4 N . Number of rivets in the lot 151 to 280 Number of rivets to be taken for tlie sampling lot 32 281 to 500 . 50 501 to : 200 80 1 201 to 3 200 125 3 201 to 10 O00 200 c 35 001 to 150 O00 500 Number of rivets to be taken for the sampling lot . 5.

16、5 5 8 8 8 13 Number of defective rivets which lead to . rejection of the lot (11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t. .? prES 3659 Fsbe 7 Tzble 2 - Sampling plan srd acceptaxe leves Mon dertrirctive tests Maximum number .of defective rivets in the sampling lot which permit acceptance of the lot (11 , 3 7 10 14 21 21 (1

17、) Defective rivets shall not be returned to the lot. Table 3 - Sampling plan and rejection levels Number of rivets in the lot * 151 to 280 281 to 500 501 to 1 200 I 1 201 to 3 200- 3 201 to 10 O00 10 O01 to 35 O00 35 001 to 150 O00 (il If the reason for rejection results from the method of operatiri

18、g the test apparatus or from faulty heat treatment which can be rectified in a satis- factory maiincr, the tests may be repeated after elimination of the rejection cause, A note to this effect shall be added to the corresponding insbection documents. Heit treatment nay only be repeated once. If the

19、mechartical prcperties are still unsatisfhctory, the lot shall be rejected. . r 8 9 / 784 3 7s 0278hlP1018ST4 AECMA PREN3b57 87 m 3032313 0006373 b m _- Table 4 - Shear sti-wsth b!ominal rivet , diameter (mm) - Minimum breaking loed ER XXXXR, - 345 MPa in doubie shear (NI 1 250 1 997 . 3 174 4 621 6

20、 265 8 222 12 985 18 835 33 570 52 800 I . ._ . _. -. a . Before upet ! 0278hilRO189T4 I b) After upset F-igre 1 - Upset test prEN 3659 FaSe 9 5 Storing of docurtents For each lot, the manufacturei- shalt keep dccumentahon stating 2s a minimum : * * 1 relationship between the rivet wire material lot

21、 and the rivet lot ; - a copy of documents concerning the rivet wire pnterial lot 2nd the test references ; - heat treatment documents for the rivet lot - documents concerning the rivet lot inspections and tests ; - the final inspection certificate. These documents ana all associated references shal

22、l be stored in an archive for at least three years, and zvailable for despatch to a client, Ut his reqest, 3hroughout this period. I 6 . Certificate of conformity The rivet manufacturer shall supply to the user, no Inter than the delivery of the product, a final inspection certificate to confirm that the product .conforms with all the requirements of this specification. -* ?here applicable, actual test results shall be quoted. .- ,

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