1、SYMPOSIUM PAPERS Presented at the ASHRAE ANNUAL MEETING JUNE 28JULY 2,2003 Kansas City, Missouri ASHRAE Transactions: Symposia is ASHRAES permanent record of symposium papers presented at the Winter and Annual meetings of the Society. A symposium chair, appointed by the sponsoring ASHRAE technical c
2、ommittee or other group, is responsible for the organization, technical content, and all other details of a symposium. A member of the ASHRAE Program Committee acts as liaison to the sympo- sium chair and provides guidance regarding policies of the committee and the Society. The procedure for review
3、 of symposium papers is as follows: 1. The Symposium Chair solicits three to five papers from authors. Authors submit an electronic version of their manuscript through ASHRAE Online using ASHRAE Manuscript Central at www.ashrae.org. 2. Three qualified peer reviewers review the manuscript, deciding o
4、n acceptance, minor changes, mandatory changes, or rejection. 3. Unless a manuscript is immediately accepted or rejected, the author responds to reviewers comments and submits a revised manuscript. 4. The review process will continue a second and sometimes a third time. The goal is to have all three
5、 reviewers accept the paper for publication. The ASHRAE Program Committee will make final decisions on acceptance or rejection of manuscripts for publication. 5. When at least three papers are approved, the Symposium Chair submits a proposed symposium to the Meeting Program Administrator of ASHRAE following instructions on www.ashrae.org. 6. Authors whose papers are approved are invited to present their papers at an ASHRAE annual meeting, and papers are published in the Transactions of that meeting.