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1、1995年 6月北京成人本科学位英语真题试卷及答案与解析 一、 Part I Reading Comprehension (30%) Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the c

2、orresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1 The market is a concept. If you are growing tomatoes in your backyard for sale you are producing for the market. You might sell some to your neighbor and some to the manager of the local supermarket. But in either case,

3、 you are producing for the market. Your efforts are being directed by the market. If people stop buying tomatoes, you will stop producing them. If you take care of a sick person to earn money, you are producing for the market. If your father is a steelworker or a truck driver or a doctor or a grocer

4、, he is producing goods or service for the market. When you spend your income, you are buying things from the market. You may spend money in stores, supermarkets, gas stations, and restaurants. Still you are buying from the market. When the local grocer hires you to drive the delivery truck, he is b

5、uying your labor in the labor market. The market may seem to be something abstract. But for each person or businessman who is making and selling something, its very real. If nobody buys your tomatoes, it wont be long before you get the message. The market is telling you something. Its telling you th

6、at you are using energies and resources in doing something the market doesnt want you to do. 1 Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? ( A) Selling and Buying. ( B) What is the Market? ( C) Everything You Do Is Producing for the Market. ( D) What Can the Market Do for You? 2

7、All of the following acts are producing for the market EXCEPT_. ( A) working in a bank ( B) printing a book ( C) attending a night school ( D) growing beans for sale 3 You are buying from the market when you_. ( A) borrow a book from the library ( B) look after your children ( C) drive to the seasid

8、e for a holiday ( D) dine at a restaurant 4 The word “real“ in the last paragraph may most probably mean_. ( A) serious ( B) important ( C) true ( D) concrete 5 In what way is the market very real for each person or businessman who is making and selling something? ( A) It tells you what to produce.

9、( B) It tells you how to grow tomatoes. ( C) It provides you with everything you need. ( D) It helps you save money. 6 England is not a big country: from north to south and from east to west it is only about three hundred miles across. But for a small country it has a surprising range of climate. Pe

10、ople who have never visited England, or who have visited only one part of it, often make the mistake of thinking that it is a cold and wet country. Except for the summer months of June to September, this is probably true of the north of England and the Midlands. In the south, however, the climate is

11、 much more pleasant. One result is that when people retire from a job in the north they often prefer to move down to the milder south. Perhaps the warmest part of the country is the southwest, which consists of the counties of Devon and Cornwall. The warm Gulf Stream flows across the North Atlantic

12、Ocean from the Gulf of Mexico and makes the coastal regions of the southwest quite warm. Palm trees, bamboo(竹 ) and many semi-tropical(亚热带的 ) plants grow well in the southwest of England. Flowers and vegetables ripen(成熟 ) as much as a month earlier than those elsewhere. Farmers in the area obtain a

13、higher price for their vegetables and flowers because they are ready earlier. In winter there may be several feet of snow in other parts of England but there will probably be no snow at all in the southwest. This may be one of the reasons why the southwest is one of Englands most popular holiday are

14、as. 6 The distance from the center of England to the south coast is about_. ( A) one hundred miles ( B) threes hundred miles ( C) one hundred and fifty miles ( D) six hundred miles 7 England is a country_. ( A) with a cold and wet climate ( B) with a surprising climate ( C) with a pleasant climate (

15、 D) with a variety of climates 8 According to the passage, _. ( A) flowers and vegetables from Devon are on the market one month earlier ( B) farmers in the southwest grow as many vegetables and flowers as farmers elsewhere ( C) people in the southwest have to pay a higher price for vegetables and f

16、lowers ( D) vegetables in Cornwall ripen as much as a month earlier than flowers 9 In the north of England and the Midlands, _. ( A) it is cold and wet all the year round ( B) the climate is pleasant as a whole ( C) it is warm most of the time in a year ( D) only the summer is not cold and wet 10 In

17、 winter, people in Devon and Cornwall_. ( A) seldom see snow ( B) never see any snow ( C) may have several feet of snow ( D) often see snow 11 Are you worried by the rising crime rate? If you are then you probably know that your house, possessions and person are increasingly in danger of suffering f

18、rom the tremendous rise in the cases of burglary(盗窃 ) and assault(袭击 ). Figures indicate an ever-increasing crime rate, but it is only too easy to imagine “It will never happen to me“. Unfortunately, statistics show that it really can happen to you and, if you live in a large city, you run twice the

19、 risk of being a victim. Fortunately, there is something definite which you can do. Protect Alarms can help to protect your house with a burglar alarm system which is effective, simple to operate and easily affordable. You must remember that possessing a burglar alarm is no indication that your hous

20、e is packed with valuable possessions. It quite simple indicates to unwelcome visitors that yours is one house they will not break into easily, so they carry on to an unprotected house where their job is made a lot easier. Send now for our free leaflet(小册子 ) telling you how we can Protect Alarm your

21、 house quickly, easily and cheaply. Complete and tear off the slip below and post it to us. Postage is free. Alternatively, telephone us at 3276721 where we have around-the-clock answering service. It costs nothing to find out about Protect Alarms. 11 Anyone who takes an interest in the crime rate w

22、ill, according to the text, be aware that_. ( A) more burglars are being caught than ever before ( B) people have more possessions to worry about nowadays ( C) burglars are more at risk than they used to be ( D) homes are more likely to be broken into than before 12 It seems that people who live in

23、cities are_. ( A) more likely to fall victim to burglary than those living in the country ( B) of the opinion that statistics on robbery is wrong ( C) twice as well-off as people living in the country ( D) convinced that burglars only rob unprotected houses 13 The writer of this text wants to give t

24、he impression that the Protect Alarms system is_. ( A) elementary ( B) everlasting ( C) experimental ( D) economical 14 The article claims that possessing an alarm system will ( A) show burglars that you have nothing worth stealing ( B) warn burglars not to break into your house ( C) make the burgla

25、rs undertaking more complicated ( D) persuade burglars to try coming another time 15 The purpose of the article is_. ( A) to warn people against the danger of the rising crime rate ( B) to help people to protect their houses ( C) to persuade people to buy something ( D) to discourage the burglars 16

26、 In what now seems like the prehistoric times of computer history, the early post-war era(战后时期 ), there was a quite widespread concern that computers would take over the world from man one day. Already today, less than forty years later, as computers are relieving us of more and more of the routine

27、tasks in business and in our personal lives, we are faced with a less dramatic but also less foreseen problem People tend to be over-trusting(过分信任 ) of computers and are reluctant to challenge their authority. Indeed, they behave as if they were hardly aware that wrong buttons may be pushed, or that

28、 a computer may simply malfunction(失灵 ). Obviously, there would be no point in investing(投入 ) in a computer if you had to check all its answers, but people should also rely on their own internal computers and check the machine when they have the feeling that something has gone wrong. Questioning and

29、 routine double checks must continue to be as much a part of good business as they were in pre-computer days. Maybe each computer should come with the following warning: for all the help this computer may provide, it should not be seen as a substitute for fundamental thinking and reasoning skills. 1

30、6 What is the main purpose of this passage? ( A) To look back to the early days of computers. ( B) To explain what technical problems may occur with computers. ( C) To discourage unnecessary investment in computers. ( D) To warn against the blindness to the probable shortcomings of computers. 17 The

31、 passage recommends those dealing with computers to_. ( A) be reasonably doubtful about them ( B) check all their answers ( C) substitute them for basic thinking ( D) use them for business purpose only 18 An “internal computer“(Para. 2) is_. ( A) a computer used exclusively by one company for its ow

32、n problems ( B) a persons store of knowledge and the ability to process it ( C) the most up-to-date in-home computer a company can buy ( D) a computer from the post-war era which is very reliable 19 The passage suggests that the present-day problem with regard to computers is ( A) challenging. ( B)

33、psychological ( C) dramatic ( D) over-trusting 20 It can be inferred from the passage that the author would disapprove of_. ( A) computer-science courses in high schools ( B) businessmen and women who use pocket calculators ( C) maintenance(维护,保养 ) checks on computers ( D) companies which depend ent

34、irely on computers for decision-making 二、 Part II Vocabulary and Structure (30%) Directions: In this part, there are 30 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on t

35、he Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 21 Lets go to the cinema tonight. I _ for you at the gate. ( A) wait ( B) shall wait ( C) am waiting ( D) shall have waited 22 Mr. and Mrs. Smith didnt expect the house _ so well. ( A) to be decorated ( B) to decorate ( C) be decorated ( D) deco

36、rating 23 The United States is composed of fifty states, two of _ are separated from the others by land or water. ( A) them ( B) that ( C) which ( D) those 24 The chemistry class _ for five minutes when we hurried there. ( A) had been on ( B) was on ( C) has been on ( D) would be on 25 By the time J

37、uan gets home, his aunt _. ( A) will leave ( B) leaves ( C) will have left ( D) is leaving 26 The disease _ his mind so that he lost his memory. ( A) effected ( B) impressed ( C) affected ( D) hurt 27 The new English dictionary I bought yesterday _ me almost twenty yuan. ( A) spent ( B) paid ( C) co

38、st ( D) took 28 In fact he had done _ he could to help the poor. ( A) what ( B) which ( C) as ( D) all which 29 They discussed the problem three or four times, but could come to no ( A) end ( B) conclusion ( C) result ( D) judgment 30 She is very careful. She _ very few mistakes in her work. ( A) do

39、es ( B) rakes ( C) makes ( D) gets 31 When he was set free after twenty years in prison he was amazed _ the changes he found. ( A) at ( B) in ( C) on ( D) to 32 At the beginning of this term, our history professor _ a list of books for us to read. ( A) passed on ( B) fished out ( C) handed in ( D) m

40、ade out 33 Dont _ the camera _ unless you are sure you can put it together. ( A) take.off ( B) work.out ( C) set.off ( D) take.apart 34 At first I thought that math problem would be rather difficult, but it _ to be fairly easy. ( A) turned out ( B) turned up ( C) turned on ( D) turned over 35 _ make

41、s men different from the other animals is that they can think and speak. ( A) That ( B) The thing ( C) All ( D) What 36 Weve tested three hundred types of boots, _ is completely waterproof. ( A) no of which ( B) none of which ( C) some of that ( D) neither of which 37 She was sitting in an armchair

42、_ a book. ( A) reading ( B) to read ( C) to be reading ( D) to have read 38 I would ask George to lend us the money if I _ him. ( A) had known ( B) have known ( C) knew ( D) know 39 Im feeling sick. I _ so much chocolate. ( A) neednt have eaten ( B) couldnt have. eaten ( C) mustnt have eaten ( D) sh

43、ouldnt have eaten 40 While he was climbing the high mountain, he had his leg _. ( A) broke ( B) break ( C) broken ( D) breaking 41 He was last seen in public on the _ of his daughters wedding. ( A) chance ( B) occasion ( C) event ( D) affair 42 Please keep an eye on my luggage, and Ill be back _. (

44、A) in time ( B) in no time ( C) at one time ( D) at a time 43 Such a skilled tennis player knows how to take _ of his opponents (对手 ) chief weakness. ( A) use ( B) advantage ( C) utility ( D) chance 44 It is impossible to live in society and be independent _ society. ( A) on ( B) from ( C) in ( D) o

45、f 45 She scarcely cares for anything, _? ( A) doesnt she ( B) does she ( C) is she ( D) isnt she 46 There is an old saying which goes, “Never _ until tomorrow what you can do today.“ ( A) put aside ( B) put up ( C) put off ( D) put away 47 His car broke down when he was only _ home. ( A) a half way

46、( B) half way ( C) half a way ( D) half way to 48 The patients progress was very encouraging as he could _ get out of bed without help. ( A) nearly ( B) only ( C) merely ( D) barely 49 He has _ the army for ten years and is now an officer. ( A) gone into ( B) joined in ( C) been in ( D) come into 50

47、 He has made another wonderful discovery, _ of great importance to science. ( A) which I think it is ( B) of which I think it is ( C) I think which is ( D) which I think is 51 That field _ a good crop of potatoes last year. ( A) planted ( B) grew ( C) raised ( D) yielded 52 I am _ of the same old br

48、eakfast every morning. ( A) worn out ( B) tired ( C) ill ( D) exhausted 53 John suggested _ anything about it until they found out more facts. ( A) not to say ( B) saying not ( C) to say not ( D) not saying 54 Youve already missed too many classes this term. You _ two classes just last week. ( A) mi

49、ssed ( B) would miss ( C) had missed ( D) have missed 55 Mr. Smith promised me a good position and _. ( A) to pay me a fair salary ( B) a fair salary ( C) paying me a fair salary ( D) pay me a fair salary 56 How far was he _ for what had happened? ( A) reliable ( B) respective ( C) responsible ( D) provided 57


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