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1、2007年 9月上海市高级口译第二阶段口试真题试卷(精选)及答案与解析 Part A Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you have heard each paragraph, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal, and stop it at the signal.You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you w

2、ill hear the passages ONLY ONCE. Now let us begin Part A with the first passage. 1 Passage 1 2 Passage 2 Part B Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in Chinese. After you have heard each passage, interpret it into English. Start interpreting at the signal, and stop it at th

3、e signalyou may take notes while youre listening. Remember you will hear the passages ONLY ONCE.Now, let us begin Part B with the first passage. 3 Passage 1 4 Passage 2 2007年 9月上海市高级口译第二阶段口试真题试卷(精选)答案与解析 Part A Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you have

4、 heard each paragraph, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal, and stop it at the signal.You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. Now let us begin Part A with the first passage. 1 【听力原文】 I would like to extend a special welcome t

5、o those of you who have travelled great distances to get here from all around Australia and all around the world. The Australian Government recognises both the current value of wine tourism and its potential for growth, the sector has been identified as having considerable development potential in t

6、he Governments recent Tourism White Paper. It is no surprise, therefore, that the Government has funded the development and implementation of a National Wine Tourism Strategy. / This Strategy brings together two of our largest and most successful export earners in a recipe for success. Tourism which

7、 employs more than 550,000 Australians and generates some A $17 billion per year in exports; And the wine industry, which employs 30,000 Australians and has exports totalling A $ 2.4 billion. The Australian wine industry has done a tremendous job in promoting and marketing their product overseas. As

8、 a result exports have been booming. 1 【正确答案】 我要特别向那些不远万里从澳大利亚和世界各地来到这里的人表示热烈的欢迎。澳大利亚政府已认识到酒业旅游业的当前价值和发展潜力,这个产业在政府最新的旅游白皮书中被认定具有相当的发展潜力。因此,毫不奇怪政府已出资赞 助 “全国酒业旅游战略计划 ”的发展和实施。 / 这个战略计划将我国最大最成功的两大出口赢利方组合起来,争取成功。旅游业在澳大利亚拥有 55万从业人员,每年创出口值 170亿澳元。酒产业拥有从业人员3万,出口值总计 24亿澳元。澳大利亚的酒产业为向海外推销产品做了大量工作,当然,出口一直很兴旺。 2

9、 【听力原文】 The invention of modern steam engines in the 18th Century drove not only motors, pumps, wheels, machines, but also the Industrial Revolution in Europe. The spread of electrification from Europe to the other parts of the world since the early 1900s further accelerated the modernization and au

10、tomation of the world. Thanks to the innovation and creativity of these great inventors, with a simple press of button, we now can have light on at any time at any place. With a simple press of button, we can communicate with friends thousands of miles away. / However, it is also the invention of st

11、eam engines which has made the consumption of fossil fuel such as oil and coal take off. And greenhouse gases began to accumulate in the atmosphere. We of course cannot blame the great inventors for bringing us the climate change problem, which is now threatening the ecosystem of the planet. It is o

12、ur responsibility. It is not an easy job to protect the planet while we enjoy the convenience and benefits of inventions. It is not a job just for the government. We must all take part as an individual. 2 【正确答案】 18世纪现代蒸汽机 的发明不仅带来了马达、泵、车轮和机器,也带来了欧洲的工业革命。从 19世纪初开始,电从欧洲传到世界的其他角落,这进一步加速了世界的现代化和自动化进程。由于这

13、些伟大发明家的革新和创造,只要轻按按钮,我们现在随时随地都可以得到光明。只要轻按按钮,我们就可以和万里之外的朋友交流。 / 然而,也正因为蒸汽机的发明,诸如石油和煤等矿物燃料开始消耗。温室效应逐步在大气中累积。我们当然不能埋怨这些伟大的发明家,说是他们给我们带来气候变化的麻烦,威胁到地球的生态。这应该是我们的责任。一边享受发明的便利与好处,一边去保 护地球并非易事。这也不仅仅是政府的工作,我们每个人都应该参与。 Part B Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in Chinese. After you

14、have heard each passage, interpret it into English. Start interpreting at the signal, and stop it at the signalyou may tak e notes while youre listening. Remember you will hear the passages ONLY ONCE.Now, let us begin Part B with the first passage. 3 【听力原文】 各位代表,值此国际能源大会开幕之际,我谨代表中国政府和人民,向大会表示衷心的祝贺并向

15、大会组织者表示真诚的感谢 !加强全球合作,妥善应对能源和环境挑战,实现可持续发展,是世界各国的共同愿望,也是世界各国的共同责任。 / 随着世界经济的不断发展,能源和环境问题日益突出。这些问题如得不到有效解决,不仅人类社会可持续发展的目标难以实现,而且人类的生存环境和生活质量也会受到严重影响。希望本次大会在促进能源开发利用、扩大能源国际合作等方面发挥重要作用。 3 【正确答案】 Dear representatives: on this occasion of the opening of the International Energy Conference, on behalf of the

16、 government and the people of China, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations for the conference and my sincere gratitude for the organizers of this conference. It is a global wish and common responsibility to take right action to cope with challenges posed by environment and energy as we

17、ll as to achieve sustainable development through strengthening international co-operation. / Along with the global economic growth, energy shortage and environmental pollution have become increasingly big problems. If they are not solved in a good and efficient manner, not only will human society fa

18、il to achieve the goal of sustainable development, but it will also make a serious impact on the living environment and quality of human lives. I sincerely hope that the conference can play an important role in promoting the development and use of energy worldwide as well as strengthening internatio

19、nal co-operation in this field. 4 【听力原文】 欢迎您参观上海孙中山故居。您现在看到的这幢欧洲乡村式两层小洋房,是我国民主革命的先行者孙中山先生和夫人宋庆龄在上海的寓所, 1918年他们入住于此。之前孙中山长期没有固定居所,几位海外华侨 知道后就集资买下这幢住宅。在这里,他的革命思想发展到了最高峰。 / 1925年 3月 12日,孙中山在北京逝世,临终前留下遗嘱,将这幢房屋和书籍、家具都交付给夫人宋庆龄留作纪念。抗战胜利后,宋庆龄将寓所捐赠给国民政府,作为孙中山的永久纪念地。 1961年,上海孙中山故居被国务院列为首批全国重点文物保护单位。 4 【正确答案】

20、Welcome to the Former Residence of Sun Yat-sen. It was in this two-storey house in the style of European country, that Sun Yat-sen, a great forerunner of Chinas democratic revolution, and his wife Soong Ching Ling had lived since June 1918. Before that, Sun Yat-sen had no fixed place to live for qui

21、te a long time. Some overseas Chinese learned this and raised funds and bought the house for Sun Yat-sen. It was in this house that his revolutionary thinking reached its highest peak. / On March 12, 1925, Sun Yat-sen passed away in Beijing. He left, as was stated in his will, the residence, his boo

22、ks and the furniture to his wife Soong Ching Ling as mementoes. After the anti-Japanese war, Soong Ching Ling donated the house to the Kuomingtang Government then as a permanent memorial site of Sun Yat-sen. In 1961, the former residence was designated by the State Council as one of Chinas first major government- protected cultural sites.


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