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1、2011年 9月上海市中级口译第一阶段笔试真题试卷及答案与解析 A: Spot Dictation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKL

2、ET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE. 0 In America there are no nobles or men of letters, and the common folk mistrust the wealthy. Consequently, 【 C1】 _form the highest political class, and the most cultivated circle of society. They have therefore 【 C2】 _by innovation, which adds a con

3、servative interest to their natural taste for【 C3】 _. If I were asked where I place the American aristocracy, I should reply【 C4】 _that it is not composed of the rich, who are united together by【 C5】 _, but that it occupies the judicial bench and the bar. When I started researching this topic, I fou

4、nd an interesting 【 C6】 _Legal Reform Now. As the name suggests, this web site is devoted to【 C7】 _, and it is definitely concerned about the dominance of lawyers in 【 C8】 _. There I read an article by a 【 C9】 _from the University of Wisconsin. One observation the UW article【 C10】 _is that the legal

5、 profession is the dominant profession of the people【 C11】 _to public office. For example, about half our representatives and【 C12】 _of our senators are lawyers. No other profession【 C13】 _ having the same number of people in political office. Effectively, lawyers form our nations【 C14】 _organized p

6、olitical constituency in America. Lawyers 【 C15】 _and lawyers interpret our laws. When judges are appointed, the American Bar Association is the only【 C16】 _that is consulted to rate the fitness of potential judicial appointees. Our nation has been in existence for 【 C17】 _and lawyers have been this

7、 nations aristocracy since its【 C18】 _. Our system works, but do we really want to have a single profession【 C19】 _our nation. Specifically, do we want to have the legal profession in charge?【 C20】 _, that is something to think about. 1 【 C1】 2 【 C2】 3 【 C3】 4 【 C4】 5 【 C5】 6 【 C6】 7 【 C7】 8 【 C8】 9

8、 【 C9】 10 【 C10】 11 【 C11】 12 【 C12】 13 【 C13】 14 【 C14】 15 【 C15】 16 【 C16】 17 【 C17】 18 【 C18】 19 【 C19】 20 【 C20】 Statements Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short statements. These statements will be spoken ONLY ONCE, and you will not find them written on the paper, so

9、 you must listen carefully. When you hear a statement, read the answer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. ( A) The chairman asked the board to prepa

10、re an outline for the development plan. ( B) The chairman agreed in general with the development plan proposed by the board. ( C) The chairman described what the company would do in the years to come. ( D) The chairman decided to contend against the companys development strategy. ( A) Someone from t

11、he maintenance office will fix the faucet. ( B) Tom will phone the maintenance office for you. ( C) I will get up early and have the faucet repaired for you. ( D) I will ask Tom to repair the faucet in the washroom ( A) The auditor doubted if the figures were accurate. ( B) The auditor asked the acc

12、ountant a couple of questions. ( C) The auditor promised to help the accountant with the figures. ( D) The auditor called the accountant about the accuracy of the figures. ( A) A careful check has revealed that your products are not of good qualities. ( B) More office workers are needed in reviewing

13、 the applicants qualifications. ( C) We regret to inform you that your job application has been turned down. ( D) We are sorry that we didnt check your qualifications while you were in the office. ( A) Experts in the medical field have doubled in the past five years. ( B) Both health food and medica

14、l authorities have recommended Vitamin E. ( C) The health food experts are not authorized to comment on Vitamin E. ( D) The selling of Vitamin E must be approved by the leading medical authorities. ( A) Now American men can live five years longer than expected. ( B) An ordinary American woman lives

15、a happier life. ( C) In America, there are more females than males. ( D) In America, women live longer than men. ( A) With the expansion of urbanization, many people now choose to live in the city. ( B) With private cars becoming increasingly popular, there is less green in cities. ( C) There is goo

16、d reason that a person in an urban area should not buy a car. ( D) There is the answer to the question of why it is worthwhile living in a large city. ( A) I dont think we should apply the basic principles of trade. ( B) There will be a turning point for our company if we observe the basic principle

17、s. ( C) Many companies are hit by the economic crisis, and our company is no exception. ( D) Little do we realize that our company has been affected by the current economic crisis. ( A) She can save up to $600 a month for her studies. ( B) She spends approximately $800 each month. ( C) She is not co

18、ntent with her parents for the allowance. ( D) She can not make both ends meet while at college. ( A) The promotions and higher salaries bring increased responsibilities. ( B) There are more opportunities to be promoted in government agencies. ( C) Businesses and organizations are reluctant to promo

19、te their employees. ( D) Once a higher position becomes vacant, more responses from the public will be heard. Talks and Conversations Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations. After each of these, you will hear a few questions. Listen carefully becaus

20、e you will hear the talk or conversation and questions ONLY ONCE, when you hear a question, read the four answer choices and choose the best answer to that question. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. ( A) Because his car broke down

21、. ( B) Because his registration was overdue. ( C) Because he had a broken tooth. ( D) Because he could not find his history book. ( A) He is a company manager. ( B) He is a repairman. ( C) He is a taxi driver. ( D) He is a dentist. ( A) At 9 oclock. ( B) At 10 oclock. ( C) At 12 oclock. ( D) At two

22、in the afternoon. ( A) He had to call a taxi company. ( B) He had to eat and sleep in his office. ( C) He had to come some other time. ( D) He had to report the murder case. ( A) A tour whose price includes tickets, meals and accommodation. ( B) A travel arrangement that takes people to more than on

23、e place. ( C) A trip that covers a distance of more than 50 miles. ( D) A tourist group that consists of at least 80 people. ( A) An American. ( B) An Englishman. ( C) An Asian official. ( D) A travel agent in the Caribbean. ( A) It has a population of two million people. ( B) Its tourist industry a

24、ccounts for 8% of its GDP. ( C) Most of its residents are of British origin. ( D) Most of its income comes from tourism. ( A) Some US $50 million. ( B) About US $500 million. ( C) Some US $500 billion. ( D) About US $5000 billion. ( A) A novel. ( B) A movie commentary. ( C) A biography. ( D) A histo

25、ry book. ( A) She reads a lot. ( B) She is a student. ( C) She has to work this weekend. ( D) She does not like the man. ( A) Write about himself. ( B) Join a book club. ( C) Read books online. ( D) Register with the library. ( A) Return the book the next day. ( B) Read the catalogue every month. (

26、C) Purchase a few books each year. ( D) Help the woman join a book club. ( A) A woman is not as capable as a man. ( B) A woman is not as attentive as a man. ( C) A woman tends to take the initial step to talk with a man. ( D) A woman tends to improve the first impression she makes. ( A) Step to the

27、side to let other people pass. ( B) Try to walk in alone. ( C) Go into the room ahead of others. ( D) Hold her head high to show confidence. ( A) Give a smile to each man in the group. ( B) Approach the man in the middle and greet him. ( C) Stretch out to shake hands with them. ( D) Walk over to str

28、ike a conversation. ( A) Face to face. . ( B) Any of the fingertip stuff. ( C) Smiling. ( D) Saying something. ( A) Supervisor and student. ( B) Reporter and teacher. ( C) Colleagues in industry. ( D) University students. ( A) It has a tutorial supervision system. ( B) It has progressive ideas on ed

29、ucation. ( C) Its professors are more interested in research. ( D) Its staff maintain a good relation with the students. ( A) The course designer. ( B) The chemistry professor. ( C) The supervisor. ( D) The president. ( A) Their lecturer- student ratio is not reasonable. ( B) Their staff is not inte

30、rested in helping students. ( C) Their lecture halls are not well equipped. ( D) Their degrees are not accepted by employers. Sectence Translation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 sentences in English. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each sentence, tr

31、anslate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Passage Translation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. You will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and writ

32、e your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. You may take notes while you are listening. 一、 SECTION 2: STUDA SKILLS Directions: In this section, you will read several passages. Each passage is followed by several questions based on its content. You are to choose one best answer,

33、 (A), (B), (C) or (D), to each question. Answer all the questions following each passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage, and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. 57 I heard my train approaching. I ran up a two-st

34、ory escalator and hopped on my train. I was relieved to make it onto my train, but my relief was short-lived. While catching my breath, I heard the announcement that the train would be stopped because of an accident. This was the same announcement I had heard just a week before. The number of train

35、accidents is increasing in Japan, and it is thought that one-third of the accidents result from suicide attempts. Japans suicide rate is one of the highest in the world. More than 30,000 Japanese people take their lives every year, even though Japan is one of the richest and the most advanced countr

36、ies in the world today. Allow me to describe some factors of the sickly Japanese situation and to list some silver bullets which might cure the illness. To find the causes of todays Japanese social problems, I looked back at history and realized that the way Japan dealt with the aftermath of World W

37、ar II might have directly affected what Japanese society is today. No other country except Japan could become a world leader just 20 to 30 years after losing a major war and achieve one of the worlds highest GNPs. It would have been impossible without Japanese diligence. While I am amazed at Japans

38、development, I suspect that Japan also lost something important during the postwar boom era. Japan is the only country that has suffered from the damage inflicted by atomic bombs. However, the nuclear attack is just a half-century-old story for most people now. It seems that Japan moved too swiftly

39、to put this pain behind us in order to grab immediate profits in business. While Japanese society has prospered, it has focused only on short-term gain. Therefore, it has neglected the dignity of human life. Japanese seek material affluence and convenience, but in chasing these things, we have left

40、behind richness of the mind and the heart. As a result of this, people in Japan have no dreams and hope. Our society has become a cold and lonely place, which lacks life and spirit. How should Japanese society overcome its unhealthy situation? When one does not do what one should do, he or she canno

41、t come alive. It seems that Japan is in exactly the same situation. To make our society vigorous, Japan should carry out its duties and responsibilities. For example, it is the duty of Japan to proclaim the importance of world peace. It is the responsibility of Japan to share with the entire world t

42、he technology it has developed which might help prevent global warming. To have a true happy life, each of the people in Japan should rethink the value of life and the importance of caring for each other. These things have been neglected because Japanese have been overzealous in their quest for mone

43、y and material wealth. Only when Japanese people understand what true happiness is will Japanese society grasp the importance of human life. 58 What does the author want to express in the first paragraph? ( A) His relief at catching the train was short-lived. ( B) City people are in a mad rush to ca

44、tch their trains. ( C) Suicide attempts are partly responsible for train accidents. ( D) Train accidents are increasing because of mechanical failure. 59 “Silver bullets“(para. 3)could be best replaced by_. ( A) effective remedies ( B) powerful weapons ( C) preventive medicines ( D) severe punishmen

45、ts 60 The word “this“(para. 5, underlined)should refer to_. ( A) the postwar boom era ( B) the pursuit of material affluence ( C) the damage inflicted by atomic bombs ( D) the loss of richness of the mind and the heart 61 The author mentions all of the following that Japan should do to address the c

46、urrent social problems EXCEPT_. ( A) fulfilling its duty to proclaim the importance of world peace ( B) sharing its advanced technology with the whole world ( C) slowing down its rapid development and vigorous pursuit of material wealth ( D) rethinking the value of life and the importance of people

47、caring for one another 62 What can be concluded from the passage? ( A) Suicide is one of the top problems to be tackled in Japan. ( B) Economic development will give rise to social problems. ( C) The Japanese people cannot have their cake and eat it too. ( D) What the Japanese people are pursuing no

48、w is not true happiness. 62 Lighting up a cigarette at home could bring a visit from Honduran police if a family member or even a visitor complains about secondhand smoke. A new law that took effect on Monday banning smoking in most public and private spaces doesnt actually outlaw cigarettes inside

49、homes, but it does have a provision allowing people to file complaints about secondhand smoke in homes. Violations would bring a verbal warning on the first offense. After that could come arrest and a $311 finethe equivalent of the monthly minimum wage in this Central American country. Even some anti-smoking advocates suspect that part of the law may not work. “It seems its intention is to educate by way of complaints, a move that I do not find very feasible,“


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