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1、2011年 9月上海市高级口译第二阶段口试真题试卷(精选)及答案与解析 Part A Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you have heard each paragraph, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal, and stop it at the signal.You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you w

2、ill hear the passages ONLY ONCE. Now let us begin Part A with the first passage. 1 Passage 1 2 Passage 2 Part B Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in Chinese. After you have heard each passage, interpret it into English. Start interpreting at the signal, and stop it at th

3、e signalyou may take notes while youre listening. Remember you will hear the passages ONLY ONCE.Now, let us begin Part B with the first passage. 3 Passage 1 4 Passage 2 2011年 9月上海市高级口译第二阶段口试真题试卷(精选)答案与解析 Part A Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you have

4、 heard each paragraph, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal, and stop it at the signal.You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. Now let us begin Part A with the first passage. 1 【听力原文】 Many people who do yoga are looking not in

5、ward but outward for a good shape This provokesa cultural clash of the East and the West The Indian tradition develops ways of describing the body as it is experienced, from the inside out The Western tradition looks at the body from the outside in, and peels it back one layer at a time, and it beli

6、eves only what it can see The East treats the person; the West treats the disease Yoga relaxes you and, by relaxing, heals / When you do yoga-the deep breathing, the stretching, the movements that release muscle tension, and so onyou initiate a process that turns the fight system off and turns the r

7、elaxation response on, that has a dramatic effect on the body The heartbeat siows, respiration decreases, blood pressure decreases The body seizes this chance to turn on the healing mechanisms Yogaoffers modern men and women a moment of relaxation when noise and agitation are everywhere 1 【正确答案】 许多瑜

8、珈练习者并不在意瑜珈的内涵,而更注重它给自己身体带来的外在变化。这会导致东西方文化冲突。在印度,人们对身体的认知是由里及外的。而西方的传统是由外及里地逐层认识人的身体,西方人只相信他们能看到的东西。东方人讲究治人,而西方人关注治病。瑜珈使身体放松,通过放松达到治愈。 做瑜珈时,深呼吸和伸展运动使肌肉等得到放松, 瑜珈使人消除紧张,身体得到放松,它对人体的作用是很神奇的。在做瑜珈时,人的心跳开始放慢,呼吸平缓,血压下降。人体机体利用这个机会得到修复。瑜珈让现代人在嘈杂、喧闹的环境中得到片刻安宁。 2 【听力原文】 Asias success was the result of hard work

9、 and economic policies that encouraged business investment It tells that domestic economic policies must continue to be geared toward building resilient and competitive economies This requires, in particular, strengthening domestic sources of growth, including vigorously tackling incomplete reforms

10、in the financial and corporate sectors It also requires pursuing policies that make economies more flexible and capable of absorbing economic shocks more easily Next, regional cooperation must complement national policies Growing regional and global inter dependence requires that policy makers pay i

11、ncreasing attention to the international context of their decisions Asia is going in the right direction East Asian countries will surely play an increasingly important role in promoting regional integration A regional focus that remains open to the rest of the world holds the greatest promise for A

12、sias long-term growth 2 【正确答案】 亚洲的 成功是辛勤努力和奉行鼓励商业投资的经济政策的结果。亚洲的成功告诉我们,国内经济政策必须继续朝着有利于建立弹性的有竞争力的经济这一方向发展,尤其是要加强国内发展,包括大力完善金融和公司部门的改革,以及奉行更灵活更容易消融震荡的经济政策。 其次,亚洲地区间的合作必须配合国家政策。地区和全球之间相互依存度越来越高,这要求决策者必须更多地考虑决策的国际背景。亚洲正在朝着正确的方向发展,东亚各国必定会在促进地区间的合作方面发挥日益重要的作用,一个面向世界聚焦本地区的亚洲展示了其长期发展的美好前景。 Part B Directions:

13、 In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in Chinese. After you have heard each passage, interpret it into English. Start interpreting at the signal, and stop it at the signalyou may take notes while youre listening. Remem ber you will hear the passages ONLY ONCE.Now, let us begin Part B w

14、ith the first passage. 3 【听力原文】 这个月,中美两国的学生开展了为期半个月的 “美中城市学生看中国 ”的活动。两国学生在河北八卦岭走访农家,参加农村社区服务活动,互相教授英语和汉语;在北京参观长城、故宫等景点,并就校园生活、升学就业等主题进行交流。 活动中,两国学生克服语言和文化障碍,超越习俗和偏见,通过沟通和互动,结下了深厚的友谊 。依依惜别之时,两国学生彼此承诺:努力学习,健康成长,未来再相会。从两国学生的身上,我看到了中美人民之间的深厚友谊,看到了中美关系的光明前景。 3 【正确答案】 This month, American students joined

15、Chinese students in a 15-day program entitled“U S and Chinese City Students View China ”The youngsters visited farmers in Bagualing of Hebei, didvolunteer work in rural communities and taught each other English and Chinese They visited the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and other attractions, and co

16、nducted discussions on campus life going to college or getting a job During the program, the students overcame language and cultural barriers, rose above perhaps one-sided views, and forged deep friendship through communication and interaction When it came to the time of parting, the students promis

17、ed to each other that they would study hard, keep fit andmeet again in the future I see in these lovely students the profound friendship between the Chinese and U S peoples and the bright prospects of Sino-U S relations 4 【听力原文】 很高兴与各位共聚一堂,欣赏中国上海国际艺术节的闭幕音乐会。今晚的压轴表演为艺术节划上完美的句号。筹办这个为期四周的艺术文化盛宴,实在不是一件容

18、易 的事。我衷心感谢多年来一直大力支持艺术节的赞助机构和赞助人。 中国上海国际艺术节已连续举办了十一年,而且表演节目一年比一年精彩。在金融风暴肆虐下,艺术节带来欢乐,振奋人心,让我们深深感受到艺术之美,人生之美。另一方面,艺术节亦展现上海作为亚洲文化中心的魅力,以及所具有的软实力。 4 【正确答案】 It is a pleasure to join you for the finale concert of this years China Shanghai International Arts Festival The performance tonight concludes the Fe

19、stival with a high note Preparing programs for an arts festival that runs for four weeks is a daunting challenge I thank all the sponsors and patrons of the Festival for your generous support over the years China Shanghai International Arts Festival has risen to that challenge for 11 years in a row

20、Not only that, but the performances have become more engaging During the current economic turmoil, the Festival has certainly entertained US and lifted our spirits, reminding US of the beauty of art and the finesse of life Whats more, the Festival enhances Shanghais vibrancy and soft power as a cultural hub in Asia


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