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1、2013年在职攻硕英语联考真题试卷及答案与解析 Section A Dialogue Completion Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the answer that best suits the situation to complete the dialogue. Mark your answer on the A

2、NSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 1 Speaker A: You think Sara can tell me where I can go for some shoe shopping? Speaker B: _She has all the info for shopping. ( A) You bet. ( B) Try yourself. ( C) Why not? ( D) I doubt. 2 Speaker A: Do you mind waiting, while I grab my wallet? Spea

3、ker B: _Weve still got time. ( A) Take it easy. ( B) Yes, please. ( C) I sure do. ( D) No hurry. 3 Speaker A: Chinese or Italian, what would you prefer for dinner? Speaker B: _, as far as I dont have to cook. ( A) That sounds good ( B) You said it ( C) Either one ( D) I like the former 4 Speaker A:

4、Well, you can see dolphins ahead of you if we dont run out of fuel. Speaker B: Is that right?_Speaker A: Maybe about another two and a half hours. ( A) I couldnt wait to see them. ( B) When would it be? ( C) How long will it take? ( D) How fast should we go? 5 Speaker A: Do you have the notes from l

5、ast weeks class? I was sick last time. Speaker B: _. Here you go. ( A) Oh, yes. ( B) Why not? ( C) Whats wrong with you? ( D) I didnt know. Section B Dialogue Comprehension Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short conversations between a man and a woman. At the end of each conversation the

6、re is a question followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer to the question from the four choices given and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 6 Bob: She is a great teacher! John: You can say that again! Question: What does John mea

7、n? ( A) He doubts what Bob says. ( B) He entirely agrees with Bob. ( C) He totally disagrees with Bob. ( D) He fails to understand Bob. 7 Rita: Susan, you could become a model. Susan: Dont make me laugh! Question: What does Susan mean? ( A) She is amused by Rita. ( B) She is interested in Ritas sugg

8、estion. ( C) She is confused by Ritas words. ( D) She is unlikely to become a model. 8 Woman: Have you got your TV set fixed? Man: I havent missed it enough yet. Question: What does the man mean? ( A) He hasnt learned how to fix the TV. ( B) He doesnt like watching TV. ( C) He hasnt finished fixing

9、his TV. ( D) He hasnt found his TV yet. 9 Woman: What do you think of the new novel by William Golding? Man: Well, that one takes a really close reading.Question: What does the man mean? ( A) He doesnt like reading the book. ( B) Hed love to have time to read it. ( C) The novel is difficult to under

10、stand. ( D) The novel is well worth reading. 10 Woman: I dont think its a good idea to discuss our problem with your sister. Man: I feel its done me good to get it off my chest.Question: What does the man mean? ( A) He welcomes the challenge posed by the problem. ( B) He felt much better after talki

11、ng to his sister. ( C) His sister helped him solve the problem. ( D) His sister managed to ease his burden. 一、 Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes, 10 points) Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B. C and D. Choose th

12、e one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 11 Smith has repaired the roof to_the house is wind-resistant. ( A) improve ( B) prove ( C) insure ( D) ensure 12 He was influenced by a biology teacher to_the study of medicine. ( A)

13、make up ( B) take up ( C) hold up ( D) pull up 13 Because his movements were so_I was hardly aware he was moving at all. ( A) swift ( B) obvious ( C) graceful ( D) slight 14 Student journalists are taught how to be_when writing in a limited space. ( A) concise ( B) proper ( C) complex ( D) perfect 1

14、5 She had no appetite, and_toyed with the bread and cheese. ( A) specially ( B) rarely ( C) randomly ( D) merely 16 For their own safety, household pets should be_to their own yard. ( A) confined ( B) reduced ( C) exposed ( D) led 17 Im keeping my_open; I have not made a decision on this matter. ( A

15、) questions ( B) options ( C) schedules ( D) chances 18 Its what he did_what he said that impressed all at the meeting. ( A) except ( B) but also ( C) instead ( D) rather than 19 _a few years ago, the existence of sexual harassment in many businesses was scarcely acknowledged. ( A) Before ( B) Since

16、 ( C) Until ( D) Up to 20 Jim was_asking his mother to buy him a new bike, so she finally gave in. ( A) hesitant about ( B) concerned with ( C) eager for ( D) persistent in 21 The whole village_by a sudden flood, they had to stay in tents. ( A) having been destroyed ( B) has been destroyed ( C) was

17、destroyed ( D) had been destroyed 22 Good morning, class. _of you wants to do the presentation first? ( A) Which ( B) Whom ( C) What ( D) Who 23 Ive no idea when shell be back. _you wait or come back later is up to you. ( A) When ( B) If ( C) Whether ( D) That 24 We tend to think the men we like are

18、 good for everything, and_we dont, good for nothing. ( A) ones ( B) those ( C) the one ( D) that 25 It is widely accepted now that having more children_a lower standard of living. ( A) imply ( B) implies ( C) has implied ( D) implied 26 When my computer suddenly broke down, I noticed that I_to save

19、the document. ( A) would forget ( B) have forgotten ( C) was forgetting ( D) had forgotten 27 This is_the advertising for these products wants to make us think. ( A) why ( B) that ( C) how ( D) what 28 He_the exam, but he failed for his carelessness. ( A) hadnt passed ( B) could pass ( C) could have

20、 passed ( D) had passed 29 The tanker broke in the middle, _out a great amount of oil into the sea. ( A) poured ( B) pouring ( C) to pour ( D) having poured 30 We used to work in the same office and we_have coffee together. ( A) would ( B) should ( C) could ( D) might 二、 Part III Reading Comprehensi

21、on (40 minutes, 40 points) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the c

22、enter. 30 “The moose(驼鹿 )is odd and awkward to look at. Why should it stand so high at the shoulders? Why have so long a head?“ The 19th-century writer of those words, Henry David Thoreau, was hardly alone in his comment of the moose. Mooses funny appearance makes us think that it is clumsy and slow

23、-witted. Is that true? Researchers in North America have uncovered many facts about this unusual animal. No one denies that the moose is a giant. Adult moose can grow as high as 1. 5 to 2 meters, and weigh as much as 816 kg. Although it has long legs that make it seem foolish, it can run up to 55 km

24、 per hour, and those legs can kick off an entire pack of wolves. Moose is vegetarian. It feeds on woody plants, leaves and water plants. It learns to swim within days of birth, and they have been observed swimming for miles and diving to a depth of nearly 6 meters to feed on water plants! A moose ca

25、n move its eyes and detect motion almost directly behind it without turning its head. Its nose is also an effective tool. Researchers suggest that because the mooses nostrils(鼻孔 )are far apart, they may give it the unusual ability to locate the objects on a 3D scale. The mooses hearing adds another

26、merit to its sensory package. Its ears can turn to all directions, and they can pick up sounds from other moose as far as 3 km away! Baby moose tend to be curious and carefree. Their mothers protect them by providing tender and loyal care. They will attack any who are too close to their young, inclu

27、ding wolves, bears, and even humans. Finally, when the young is about a year old and its mother is newly pregnant, the mother aggressively drives it away so that it can begin caring for itself. 31 The moose looks odd and awkward, so_. ( A) many people make fun of it ( B) many people consider it fool

28、ish ( C) many researchers study it ( D) many people are afraid of it 32 The word “vegetarian“(Para. 2)probably means_. ( A) lovely ( B) kind-hearted ( C) huge ( D) plant-eating 33 We can learn from Paragraph 3 that the moose_. ( A) is a gentle animal ( B) is an aggressive animal ( C) has very sharp

29、senses ( D) lives far apart from one another 34 We can conclude from the last paragraph that mother moose_. ( A) take good care of their kids only for a short time ( B) take those approaching their young as a threat ( C) give birth to only one baby once in a year ( D) prefer younger babies to older

30、ones 35 This passage is intended to tell us that_. ( A) the moose is really a giant and quiet animal ( B) we should protect the environment for the moose ( C) the moose is not clumsy and foolish at all ( D) people should not disturb the mooses life 35 I have a vegetable garden and every summer I enj

31、oy eating my own vegetables. One day last summer 1 picked a dozen carrots. Usually, as soon as I have picked the carrots, I clean the dirt off them by washing them in a bucket of water. But this day, as I was getting up from the ground with my twelve carrots, I tripped(绊 )and fell over the bucket. T

32、he water spilled out of the bucket, so I decided to wash the carrots quickly in the kitchen sink. I put the carrots in the sink, washed them with water, and watched all the dirt washed away down the drain. The next day, when I was washing dishes, I noticed that the water drained out of the sink much

33、 more slowly than usual. It drained so slowly that I called a plumber(水管工 )to come and fix my drain. The plumber tried a lot of different cleaners and equipment, but nothing worked. He had to cut a hole in the floor where the drain pipe was in order to try to find the problem. While he was cutting t

34、he small hole, he accidentally cut the hot-water pipe. Hot water sprayed over the plumber, onto the floor, under the refrigerator; water went everywhere. My refrigerator stopped working because the water had affected the electrical wires. I called an electrician to come and fix the refrigerator. The

35、 electrician had to move the refrigerator to work on the wires. As she was balancing it, she tripped over the plumbers tools. She fell down and the refrigerator tipped over. It crashed into the wall, resulting in a huge hole in the wall. I called a carpenter to come and fix the wall. In order to rep

36、air the hole in the wall, the carpenter had to tear down half of the entire wall. Meanwhile, the plumber was still looking for the source of the drain problem. Since the kitchen was in a terrible mess anyway, the plumber decided to remove part of the floor to look at the pipe there. In the middle of

37、 the floor, he found the problem: the dirt from the carrots was stuck in the pipe and nothing could go through. Now I had a sink that did not drain, a refrigerator that did not work, a wall that was half gone, and part of a floor that was missing. I looked at this disaster and decided that what I re

38、ally needed was a new kitchen. Finally, I called a house builder to come and fix my kitchen. Three weeks later I had a new sink, a new refrigerator, new cupboards on a new wall, new tiles on a new floor, and $ 10,000 less in my bank. 36 The carrots were washed in the sink instead of the bucket becau

39、se_. ( A) the water bucket fell over ( B) dinner needed to be made soon ( C) carrots were always washed in it ( D) they could be washed more cleanly 37 The plumber did all the following EXCEPT_. ( A) cut a hole in the floor ( B) cut the hot-water pipe ( C) try different cleaners ( D) tear down part

40、of the wall 38 Which of the following caused the hole in the wall? ( A) Water that sprayed on it. ( B) The electrician who worked on the wires. ( C) The refrigerator that crashed into it. ( D) The plumber who used a wrong tool. 39 Which of the following items was NOT damaged? ( A) The wall. ( B) The

41、 ceiling. ( C) The hot water pipe. ( D) The floor. 40 The best title of the passage would be “_“. ( A) How a dozen carrots cost $ 10,000 ( B) What the dirt from carrots could do ( C) Carrots can be very expensive ( D) A careless homeowner 40 More boys than girls are born all over the world, but a ne

42、w study has found that the closer people live to the equator(赤道 ), the smaller the difference becomes. No one knows why. The imbalanced sex ratio at birth has been known for more than a hundred years, and researchers have found a large variety of social, economic and biological factors that relate t

43、o the sex ratio at birthwar, economic stress, age, diet, selective abortion and more. But latitude(纬度 )is a natural phenomenon, unaffected by cultural or economic factors. To look at the effect of latitude, Kristen J. Navara of the University of Georgia used the latitude of the capital city in 202 c

44、ountries, as well as 10 years of data on sex ratio at birth and annual variations in day length and temperature. Dr. Navara performed a statistical analysis which showed that there was a significant relation between sex ratios in favor of boys and latitude. African countries produced the lowest sex

45、ratios50. 7 percent boysand European and Asian countries had the highest with 51. 4 percent. There are some possible explanations, but none entirely satisfactory. It could be that there is some survival value in producing more girls in warmer regions, but it is unclear what this might be. There may

46、be genetic or racial differences that could explain it, but the connection persists over so many varied populations that this seems unlikely. Mice also produce more male offspring during shorter days or colder weather, but the reasons in these animals are just as mysterious as they are in humans. “T

47、heres a possibility that humans might be responding to factors they were programmed to respond to a long time agonot cultural or socioeconomic, but climate and things like latitude,“ Dr. Navara said. “Whats interesting is that we may be seeing something that connects us with our animal ancestry. “ 4

48、1 What can be learned from the first paragraph? ( A) The closer to the equator, the more boys are born. ( B) Boys are more used to colder places. ( C) Girls have a higher birth rate than boys near the equator. ( D) In warmer places the birth ratio between boys and girls is lower. 42 Out of all the i

49、nfluencing factors of birth ratio, Dr. Navara focuses on_. ( A) culture ( B) economy ( C) latitude ( D) stress 43 Dr. Navara reached her conclusion through_. ( A) comparing data ( B) field study ( C) conducting a survey ( D) map reading 44 According to Navara, which of the following probably explains the imbalanced sex ratio? ( A) There is cultural preference for boys. ( B) Human


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